Location Zurex Ruins

What lost knowledge lies within these mysterious ruins?

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An inland sea created by Ivak's cataclismic fury during the Valterrian, the Suvan Sea is a major trade route and the foremost hub for piracy in Mizahar. [lore]

Zurex Ruins

Postby Trident on February 28th, 2012, 1:18 am



At first glance, one might miss the Zurex Ruins. This collection of small buildings blends with the forest around it, having almost been assimilated by a large tree of almost Talderan standards, the roots of which have grown over the buildings themselves. Underneath the moss several small rooms linger around a debris littered courtyard. Most of them are now destroyed, and most of the room's furnishings have long since been destroyed by rubble and recent human activity. Underneath all of this, however, there still exists a strong thrum of magical activity.

A lot of the information behind what the Zurex Ruins once was is still unknown. It was discovered several years ago by a group of pirates, who for a time used it as a cache for their filched loot. They were eventually tracked down by a group of angry Svefra, who stormed the place in the night. It wasn't until they had trashed the place that they realized it was much older than it seemed.

From then onwards, the Zurex Ruins have become an intense source of fascination for archaeologists and archaeowizards. The architecture of the buildings are distinctly pre-Valterrian, but no records can be found about the buildings the Zurex Ruins once were, which would have rested right on the line between Suvan and Alahea before the Valterrian. It seems to have been abandoned before the cataclysm, but for what reason and why no one is quite sure. Auristics users have detected long since faded magic in the collapsed walls, but what discipline was used nobody knows. As far as can be told, it was a mixture; remains of summoning circles and alchemical substances have also been found, as well as other unknown enchanted residue. Beyond that though...nothing. For years, the Zurex Ruins have baffled everyone as to what actually happened there.

A relatively recent discovery is that of a locked door located in the basement in one of the buildings. A large, stone door, it was sealed by both physical and magical means, and any attempts to open it have been met so far with no success. However, the explorers have been hoping that the secret behind the Zurex Ruins was behind that door - and so continue in trying to find a way to open it.

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