[The Enclave] It's for the Best [Aidara]

Enric and Loralynn take the day off from labor to break a mental sweat, yet, familiar faces are never easy to ignore.

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[The Enclave] It's for the Best [Aidara]

Postby Enric on February 21st, 2012, 12:35 am

Day 3 of Winter, AV 511
The Enclave

It was hard for Enric to stop working, making money, earning food, and make a living just so he could take that spare time, and donate it to something that felt so foreign, so unnatural, so beyond his grasp that it was little more than a dreamlike outcome for him. Yet, the outcome wasn't even for him, and that's why he was able to do this at all. It was for Loralynn, his daughter. Well, sort of his daughter. Actually, she wasn't immediate family of him, nor extended. Sure, somewhere along they line they were distant distant cousins, but her parents are unknown to her, and Enric had no children. It was a strange bonding, yet she latched to him for comfort, protection, and survival, and he to her because she reminded him so much of who he was when he was her age.

And that's why they were here now, at the Enclave. Because he knew how he turned out from his neglected knowledge at such a young age, he turned out low class, a tanner, foul job. He wanted to rescue Loralynn from what he was forced into, and where he now remained. "Se-seme-lie? Sesemelie... Sesemelie." Loralynn stuttered as she struggled to form words from the book, the Library's book. The cute freckle-infested girl sitting in the wooden chair, her legs swinging back and forth only an inch from the floor. Enric stood abover her, hunched over with his finger pressed violently into the pages. He was never taught to read as a child, not well at least. The most of what he knew, he learned himself (poetry as a passion and hobby had some advantages).

"It says, Semele. Sem-el-ee."

Loralynn stared at the word for a minute or two, her lower lip was sucked in over her teeth, a clear sign she was either concentrating intently, or she bloodied her lip and was desperately licking it clean. "Sm... Smiley. What's a smiley Enric?" Enric's teeth instinctively clenched behind his closed lips as he smiled. He knew it wasn't Loralynn's fault for not pronouncing it correctly, but it was so frustrating for him to teach whenever he knew absolutely nothing about teaching at all, and he was attempting to teach something he himself was less that exceptional with.

"A smiley? That's how you get when you get tickled. You smile a lot, you get smiley." Enric demonstrated by prodding the little girl in the side, which provoked a series of giggles and squirms. "But, Semele is a goddess that we trust to keep us safe. That's why we do many things in her name, so she is happy with us. I've heard that she is so beautiful and actually shines when you see her." Enric chuckled lightly as he once again pointed to the word on the page, Semele, the name of the goddess of the earth and stones. "Let's try it again, in little parts. Say it like I do. Se. Mel. Ee. Semele."

This little struggle would go on for a long time, several seasons to be exact, and today was just one of many little grains of sand that would eventually, hopefully, form some sturdy structure.

Yet, today would be one of the lesser productive days. Enric lifted his gaze from the pages as his attention was provoked (either by voice or uncanny intuition) and fell on someone he knew. At one point, they were close, dear friends, and happened to be separated at some point within their formal education. That's when Enric was given to the apprenticeship of tanners and leatherworkers, and only the gods knew where she went. In Semele's name... I know you." Enric whispered to himself as he stared for a long moment, Loralynn shifted gazes between the two faces, though she obviously had no recollection of the woman.
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[The Enclave] It's for the Best [Aidara]

Postby Aidara on February 23rd, 2012, 2:42 am

Tucked in a corner, surrounded by books, Addy sat huddled in her chair. With the birth of her child looming closer, the woman had begun to fray around the edges.

Winter was a busy time for the Infirmary, a slow time for the Endal. Each new day saw more and more malnutrition, starving Inartans stumbling through the doorway and into Addy and her staffs nurturing care. There wasn't much they could do for the poor souls in way of food, but they did what they could. A fair Though usually avoiding the place, Dek ventured into the Infirmary as well. Luckily for them, Addy was more accepting than her ginger peers, taking the Dek in with the same care she did everyone else. Most just wanted reprieve from the cold, while others actually suffered from frostbite or hypothermia. It was going to be a bad year, but luckily they hadn't lost anyone.... yet. Winter had only just started.

On the Endal side of their duties, Addy and Sira could to little to help the city. Grounded because of the late stage of her pregnancy, Sira couldn't fly them out to the hunting grounds or even off the mountain to the forest below. It rankled, being trapped and unable to bring food back for their people, but Addy knew it was for the best. With Addy unwilling to kill unless it was quick, the amount of meat that the pair brought back was minuscule in comparison to the other Endal pairs, anyway.

While she worked hard all day, Addy's nights were left wide open. Sira was ornery and preferred to be left alone when awake and left alone when asleep. As a result, Addy found it easier to simply leave the Aerie during these times and occupy herself elsewhere. And so, she rediscovered the Enclave.

Until now, the little healer refused to admit how much the idea of delivering her own child bothered her, but neither would she let anyone else do it. Caught between a rock and a hard place, Addy decided it best that she learn everything she could prior to the birth, to be ready for any situation. She'd always been studious, frequenting the Enclave prior to her takeover of the Infirmary for books on medicine, herbs, or anything that struck her fancy.

Slipping back in amongst the tomes like slipping on a comfortable pair of pants, Addy got to work. Hours upon hours were spent among the tomes stacked higher than her head, ink staining her fingers as dust settled in a fine white power on her hair, aging her at least twenty years.

On this particular day, Addy had left the Infirmary early in order to slip into her research sooner. Having the same table in the corner to herself, the little woman simply left the books where she needed them and the librarians knew not to put them away.

It was a compilation of widely used herbs that hid her nose today. In search of every possible plant used to dull the pain of childbirth, Addy was appalled at how badly stocked her Infirmary was; Ninety percent of the plants listed she had never even heard of, let alone laid her hands on. A sour mood had quickly settled over the woman, worsening with each flip of the page.

"Se-seme-lie? Sesemelie...Seemelie." The piping voice of a little girl shattered Addy's concentration, a look burning of irritation shot sideways through the shelves of books that separated her from the offender. A man responded to the little voice in a hushed tone. Though Addy couldn't make out what it was he said, she assumed that he was quieting the child. Contented with this, Addy went back to her reading.

"What's a smiley, Enric?" Teeth ground, eyes sliding closed as the loudly posed questions ripped her from her world of "Herbs used for Stimulation". Again, a hushed response. Shaking her head, Addy returned to her text once more.

The final straw was when the little child began to chant the syllables of the Goddess's name, practicing the cadence and getting it wrong each time. Before she knew what she was doing, the herb book was slammed closed and dropped roughly on the table. Tired, anxious and feeling as if she was carrying a mountain's worth of responsibility on her shoulders, Addy stalked around the shelf separating she and the man with his child, five feet of pure annoyance.

"Could you please keep it down?"
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[The Enclave] It's for the Best [Aidara]

Postby Enric on February 26th, 2012, 3:39 pm

Enric's face was nearly about to break into a grin, a realization of one of his few early childhood friends meeting up with him after over ten years, but the way she stood there, upset, cold towards little Loralynn and himself, it told him she wasn't who she once was. Enric nodded slowly and sucked in his lower lip, gnawing on it gently before leaning over to Loralynn and whispering in her ear. "We need to keep our voices down." Enric wanted to mention that Avora and Endals tended to be rude to Dek and Chiet regardless of the situation or whether it was called for, but he still wasn't ready to accept that Aidara was one. It wasn't that he wished difficulty upon her, additional hardship of the lower castes. It was just, back in the day they were so close, best of friends separated by the city's mandatory education and separation of skills, and he had grown to hate Avora and Endals. It would crush him to find out she had become one.

Enric just stood there for a long moment, watching Aidara as she moved, or stood there, or glared at him, or vanished behind the bookcases, or screamed at him, or whatever she would do. He wanted to remind her of who he was, who they used to be. But, it felt inappropriate now. He dropped his gaze to the little girl sitting at the table next to him. He hadn't thought about it until now, but Enric took her in for more reasons than him wanting to protect and help her, but she reminded him of his old best friend he had lost so long ago. They were about Loralynn's age back then. "Come on, let's go look for another book. We can sit at the other end of the Enclave."

Lorelynn nodded and grabbed Enric's hand. He packed up the book, and they moved to return it and hunt down something easier to read.
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[The Enclave] It's for the Best [Aidara]

Postby Aidara on February 29th, 2012, 6:17 am

Even though the little girl had clearly chimed his name, Addy was taken aback when she finally turned her gaze from child to man. Pausing with her mouth open, the little woman lifted a hand to cover her lips as she sought to find the right words.

"Enric!" With her voice raising a few octaves in surprise, a nearby librarian scuttled over to shush her.

"Ma'am, please try to keep your voice down." The patronizing tone was coupled with a rather submissive bow; Addy wasn't unknown, and the woman clearly knew that she had been scolding an Endal. Not one for being overly rude, Addy offered an apologetic smile and mimed zippering her lips together.

Watching until the older woman disappeared back around the corner of a distant bookshelf, the little healer reluctantly turned back to Enric and the little girl. Though she managed to keep her composure, the rosy hints of a blush peeked from the neck of her shirt.

"Enric, I had no idea it was you!" A raspy whisper, Addy slidled closer to the pair, as they had risen from their seats to leave during the woman's moment of shocked silence when she discovered it was Enric she scolded. Addy had never adopted the Endal "holier than thou" persona, and being unkind to those undeserving still made her concious twinge. Yes, the healer could now easily order anyone to do anything she wanted, and while she took advantage of that ot be sure, she was far from heartless.

"I'm sorry! That was very rude of me..." Still rather embarassed and at a loss for words, Addy turned a warm smile on the warm girl clutching Enric's hand. "And who is this pretty little girl?"
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[The Enclave] It's for the Best [Aidara]

Postby Sphinx on October 1st, 2012, 6:11 pm



Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Teaching 2 XP • Religion: Semele [Poor]
Reading 1 XP • Recognising an Old Friend


Skill XP Earned Lore Earned
Reading 2 XP • Medicine: Herbs Useful in Childbirth
Medicine 1 XP • Recognising an Old Friend

The Sphinx's Riddle
Another short thread. I really liked where it was going! :)

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your grade, please send me a PM and we can figure it out. :)

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