Eridanus Basic Information Race: Ethaefal, Son of Leth Mortal Form: Vantha Day of Mortality: 77th Day, Winter of 300 AV Age: 212 Gender: M Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (possibly beginning to lean towards Neutral Good) Languages Common: Fluent Vani: Basic Nader-Canoch: Poor Description Eridanus stands at 6'1", packing a lithe frame but a sturdy and well defined form. In his mortal form, he sports a messy and wind-swept hairstyle that projects a devil-may-care aura of recklessness and nonchalance. Like all Vantha, his hair has streaks of blue-green arranged in the same visual flair as the Morwen's Lights, which makes it all the more interesting to point out that it is this optical effect that occurs when Eridanus moves quickly. He possesses hypnotic eyes that often changes colors for no reason, for even though he generally keeps his feelings in check, his emotions often shifts like the wind. Thus it would be easy to tell when his feelings changes due to the change in color of his eyes. However, it must be noted that human emotions can be wide-ranging like a spectrum of brilliant colors, but also complex enough to exist as multiple shades of the same color. Thus, a tiny and subtle shift in emotions can cause a change in color, thus it is impossible to read his feelings based on this knowledge alone. When Leth dominates, Eridanus morphs accordingly, and sprouts white hair and black horns. The entire 'feeling' of his being is changed and in this form he seems to feature a constant expression of sombre introspection. His skin tone remains pale, but where his Vantha skin has at least a tinge of pink that signifies health and blood circulation, his Ethaefal complexion replaces that with smooth, unblemished perfection that is chilling in its surrealistic beauty. His movements and unconscious behavior are more elegant and speak of centuries of refinement in vast contrast to the rugged and youthful playfulness of his mortal self. His also tend to be spoken in a slower and measured pace. This contrast between the two may seem extreme, but it is still possible to link the two personalities as certain behavioral quirks remain the same, and as the years passed Eridanus grows more comfortable with both forms and traits from both personalities were leaked into each other. The distinction is made above to clarify which ones are more pronounced at what time. Character Concept There are two words that can sum up the motivations behind this immortal being: "Selective Perfectionism". Eridanus is normally a carefree person, not bothering to care about details or whatnot. He is curious, as trait he couldn't help adopting due to Diren's influence, but he generally does not bother to investigate anything he deems 'unimportant', which is a fairly common tag he associates to almost everything. However, whenever the immortal's passion is fired up about anything, he develops an unwavering determination to follow through whatever decision he made. Interestingly, this passion or decision is made usually when he is in his celestial form, and the feelings left-over from that night tend to carry forward to his Vantha self. As a practitioner of multiple forms of magic, it is inevitable that he will fall victim to various psychopathies brought from the chaos of djed disharmony within his body despite his careful tendencies. As he masters each form of magic, a different psychopathic tendency would become more pronounced. Shielding: Eri will develop an "god complex". This is more macro than micro. Due to his intense passion and dedication for combat and its arts, he will not apply this to practical issues like combat as he will tend to fight as if he has no shield in order to honor Myri. However, this complex becomes more evident in a macro scale, where his thought processes and views become that of a person who believes himself detached from the world of normal mortals. This is a combination of him being an immortal ethaefal who is already partly so, and of the powerful shielding around him that made him more or less invulnerable. On the bright side this tends to make him more objective and rationale in his decisions, but on the flip side he tends to be less empathetic and harder to emotionally connect to the other "mere mortals". Other Magics: To be written as he further masters each branch. Auristics Damage- Eye Damage- Anything over 20 feet away from the Ethaefal will become blurry, and hard to focus on. The farther away the object the more blurry and unfocused the object, whatever it is, will come out. Soul Damage- Whenever Eridanus uses Auristics from this point on, his mind will briefly come back and ‘sense’ the aura of “Ron”, and smell sweets and brownies. Eri can work past this, but it will take a bit more concentration and focus to move past the ‘trauma’ of seeing such a powerful aura. Drysalla Bite- The wounds sustained from Drysalla will heal finely, but the monster left something inside Eridanus preventing him from regaining mobility in the right side of his body. This creature is much like the one present in Miro and prevents the Ethaefal from moving his right arm above his chest. Raising the arm anymore will result in scrutinizing pain. His right leg also feels heavier, and he will walk with a limp. Character History Eridanus' first contact with matter in the world of Mizahar upon being torn away from his divine patron was with water. Lots of it. And his subsequent first emotion was that of drowning. Followed by fear. It wasn't a positive start in this world, and adding that to his unstable emotional frame, marked the start of a dark career ahead. He was found thrashing in the waters not far from Sahova in the dead of night by a Nuit wizard testing his hypothesis whether the intensity of moonlight is a factor in the effectiveness of water-based alchemy. In order to be accurate, it must be clarified that the undead alchemist had been in the midst of his experiment when he was warned by an approaching light in the sky, then a loud splash followed by a minor tide that rocked his boat. He was a curious being, as all magic practitioners are, but old Diren had a reputation for being insanely focused when he was in the midst of his experiments, sometimes not saying a word or taking any breaks until he was satisfied with the results. Thus, he valiantly attempted to continue his observations, all the while trying to maintain his balance as the waves generated from the impact unbalanced his glorified raft. However, he could see the flailing from the corner of his eyes, and combined with the constant sounds of arms thrashing the water, Diren made a mistake (to Eridanus' fortune though) of taking a quick peek to fulfil his curiosity. When he saw an Ethaefal on the verge of drowning, the first thought that crossed his undead mind was to save the once divine being, not because of charity or what little vestiges of humanity he clung on to, but to further satisfy his curiosity on these beings, as not much were known about them since the splitting of the world. The Nuit went ahead and procured the struggling soul, and named him after Eridanus, a constellation that the wizard was heavily involved in due to his in-depth research on the astrological impact of star movements. These are the only memories that he had of his past that he does not consciously reject. The past two centuries were a blur to him, somehow, although a small part of mind told him that he did not want to find out what happened. OOC: Basically he only clearly remembers what happened 20 years prior to character creation day (ie today). I intend to RP the rest of his history as he regains his memories. Warning: This entire bit is highly out-dated, will update CS sometime in Summer. |
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Note to self :
Unarmed combat style: Tommy Carruthers