[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Revy and Zandelia set out upon their adventures together

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on December 8th, 2011, 2:24 am


Zandelia watched Revy Hiroe set about the task she had been given with workman-like aplomb, direct and to the point with her activities and simple yet eternally elegant. Zandelia suspected that the woman did not really consider her own actions overly much, or at least in terms of thinking much further ahead of the present. The warrior woman seemed to be happy enough to leave such considerations to her employer, the burden of planning lumped solely upon Zandelia’s own mind. She did not begrudge that task, in fact she relished it all too frequently. She had learnt that one only improved their skills in the arts of intelligence gathering if one put them into constant practise. Such was the way of her personal advancement, plotting and scheming her way towards more information than she hoped her competitors had in the greedy clutches. It took no small amount of planning to succeed at what she intended to this day. It had taken weeks, in point of fact.

Bribes, intimidations, tailings and rumours. Those are the building blocks of my trade, and it took all of them for this. Taverns were frequented all too often and slavers followed far too closely for my liking. All for this day she thought to herself as her found her eyes beginning to admire the woman before her even further.

In some ways Revy Hiroe was the lucky one, in others she was cursed in comparison with Zandelia. She lived in the present and thus had few cares outside her personal remit. However she also had few plans and as such had no direction in which to focus her indomitable willpower. If they could but combine their bodies and minds into one entity they very well might have been unstoppable on a very basic level indeed. Still, two people they were and Zandelia could not help but appreciate that fact. The way the woman’s lithe body moved, pressure to a point and purpose. Her muscles rippled and her intense gaze was became filled with irritability and rage. Zandelia hoped she could help the woman temper that portion of her personality, otherwise it might very well be the death of the warrior – and there was no point to her dying when she could warm the bed sheets all too well.

“Oh, I would like to have some fun with the man my dear, some fun indeed,” she smiled, placing her hand upon the woman’s forearm gently, “watch and see what happens to those who live for nothing but spreading misery” she growled as she approached the man upon the floor, a gruesomely wolfish smile upon her lips.

She pulled her dagger from its boot sheath as she crouched down to put herself on an eye level wit the slaver scum, his eyes darting this way and that as realisation that he would die this day began to set in, delicious fear shining from his turgid orbs. She would gain more information than he had given, much more indeed – her plans hinged upon that fact. She needed to know the number of guards, their names and faces down to their eye colours. She wished to know their habits, their vices and their weaknesses. If any were wounded she would learn of it, if any would sleep with the dead themselves she would ferret such information out. Only then would he die, after slow torture indeed.

“Now tell me, what I want to know” she smiled at him as she saw a tear finally trickle out of the corner of his left eye.

Thus began a half-bell of terrible inflicted injury, specifically surgical in causing the most pain for the least threat to life. She dragged her dagger across his skin, catching it upon the flesh further each time as she gouged slashes into him that grew deeper and deeper until they began to meet bone in some places. His screams were muffled by the fact that his throat became to raw to do so after a little while. An ear had been sliced off to tease out names and faces. An eye had been put out for even more information, the shock causing him to pass out before a knife in the thigh had awoken him. When she was done with her interrogation she knew all that she needed to and more, his usefulness gone and thus his throat opened to the dirt. She wiped her hands upon his clothing and sighed to herself as she awaited the inevitable judgement from her mercenary.

“I suppose you think me terrible now, well that I can deal with if it means we survive this day. The good news is we no longer need his uniform as it would be useless to us at any rate,” she spoke out without turning her back, not able to meet her gaze for the disgust there, “the bad news is that I may very well have to improvise a little more than I like. Still, we will see what can be done” she finished as she stood up after re-sheathing her weapon in its respective boot. Only then did she turn.

“Know this, before I am judged. His kind have done more to me than most could live through and he deserved every bloody second. If you don’t like my methods then be quiet about it. I don’t need another person telling me how awful I am. They made me who I am, and I use that as a weapon against them” she spoke out, only meeting the beautiful warrior’s gaze once throughout, and fleetingly at that.

“Now, what we need is a nice drink I think. Let us pay this hiding place a visit and see what we can dig up for our little intrusion. We will not be engaging them for now, not until we have researched the odds against us. However, you do get a drink or two out of me and my charming company, so I suppose it’s not too bad” she smiled, this one a genuine one for Revy Hiroe.

It was with that she began to lead them towards The Pig’s Foot Tavern. It was in silence she led their duo, not able to bring conversation to the forefront of her mind and suspecting that the other woman would wish to think about things more than talk for now. Perhaps after and ale or two words would come, but for now their eyes were open in their search for advantage.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on December 12th, 2011, 7:28 am

The mercenary was looking at her contractor with cold, but not judging eyes as she was torturing the man in front of them. She didn't care much for what happened to the guy, but it was still a little shocking how sadistic Zandelia could be. "Better not think to much of it. Will probably see more. Not that I care much about it, but it's a bit of a surprise."

"Don't worry about it. Don't give a damn about it, as long as you don't want to try that stuff out on me.", she replied to what Zan had said about herself. In one way, she could imagine being like that herself as well. After all, she almost did the same to the murderer of her family. All she left was a mangled, beat up piece of bloody meat, not recognizable as a human in any way anymore.

A drink sounded like a good plan in Revy's ears. Well.... it was almost always a good idea in her ears anyway, but that was just a small detail. "Sure, searching like that makes one thirsty." She hadn't missed the genuine smile from the scarface woman and gained a slight blush on her face for only a second, before she cleared her throat. "Well.... charming you are. And I'll say this only once..... I won't mind more contracts in the future with you.", she said.

The road back to the pigs tavern was done in complete silence. Revy herself didn't know at all what to say without retaining her face and on top of that she was starting to feel more at ease around Zandelia. It was slightly freaking her out, but she tried to keep at least her cold pokerface for as long as possible. The alcohol should clear up her mind a little, if not make her possibly regret a few actions she might take afterwards.
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 3rd, 2012, 4:00 pm


“Oh Revy my dear, there will be many contracts in the future, you can be certain of that indeed,” Zandelia returned after a few moments of walking back out into the grubby world of Sunberth, alleyways and corpse left behind without ceremony, “and perhaps…if you were so inclined…a few ties spent together without necessary violence” she tilted her head to the side to look the warrior upwards before ending with an eye-to-eye gaze.

As the slow meandering wander took them through the streets Zandelia could feel her mood lifting ever so slightly, the realities of her darker natures ebbing away as the experience of being surrounded by others with similar views upon survival seemed to give off a cathartic glow that sank into her skin. Revy was a pleasant companion in more ways than the physicality of her presence, she was also relatively reserved – a trait she had not expected in one whom she had first met before a bar brawl. Still, her quiet silence gave Zandelia opportunity to reflect upon her own inner turmoil, the mercenary a solid rock of stoicism to which she could cling, an island of respite after a fashion, allowing a breathing space within which to center herself once more. It took a number of minutes but her old mood began to fill her once more, coming back with a vengeance.

As she passed by a number of stalls a smile came to her lips as she turned to face the mercenary, fingers upon her chin – her look that of a prospector trying to find gold underneath grime.

An opportunity indeed for something of multiple benefits, not to mention a unique occurrence to be pounced upon she thought to herself as she looked Revy in the eye and pursed her full lips.

“Just before we go into the Pig’s Foot Revy, I think that we need to get a hold of something…..just for you,” she softly grabbed the woman’s hand and held it very firmly as she began to pull her towards a nearby tailor’s, “but don’t worry…at least I will love it” she giggled as they entered the doorway and the threshold closed behind them.

Inside it was dark and dingy but Zandelia already had a plan or two in mind for them to waltz into the fortress of their target without incident, unless an incident in Sunberth now included wolf-whistles, groping and casual offers for sexual exploitation. She suspected, however, that Sunberth would never become as clean as that, and, if anything, the two of them would cause such a sensation as to be more in danger of a pimp trying to employ them than anything else. She searched through the fabrics and piles of clothing, her single green eye seeking very specific items as the warrior woman seemed to be filled with bemusement as to what was about to happen, perhaps even some trepidation. As she found her targets she chuckled and pulled them both out from a pile of rags, two gems indeed. Whirling around she threw one of the garments, dresses of a revealing nature, to the warrior – the larger on of course.

“This is what we need my dear, our disguise to make us wolves in sheep’s clothing,” she all but whispered as she put her own dress to her body to see how it would fit, smoothing the fabric across her body and finding herself accepting, if not in awe.

“You certainly have the legs for it, and it will serve us well to not be seen clad in a veritable arsenal before we want them to see us. So, new clothes it is. Besides, I like the idea of seeing a little…more…or you” she grinned as she awaited what she thought would be a veritable hellfire of a reaction.

But I am the employer, and what I say goes. I hold all the cards, and wouldn’t mind holding a few more this day either. Whatever tips the hand in my favor she thought t herself as she internally steeled herself for an onslaught.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 3rd, 2012, 5:13 pm

The mercenary looked at her contractor, her eyes locked onto those green eyes. Her confusion with the woman before her grew slightly larger as she heard what Zandelia said. She couldn't think what she meant with it and just got pulled along right after. "What the hell is she thinking of now? I can't figure her out at all.", she thought by herself.

Revy just stood behind Zandelia as she was apparently looking for something specific. "Clothes? Why is she looking for clothes? I don't need anything, this armor is more then enough for me.", she thought and just as Zandelia started pulling something out of the pile, a feeling of entrapment came over the ironclad woman. This wasn't going to be funny, not in the least for her and as if to confirm those feelings, she just had to be shown the clothing.

The gaze of the mercenary went up to her contractor, filled in confusion. "Eh?... Wha... what... what the hell? Th.. There's no way I'm going to put this on. I'm no darn woman that you can manipulate like that!", she blurted out, "Besides, what's wrong with being clad in armor?"

Her face had gone bright red as she threw the dress back at Zandelia. Her thoughts were one big mess at the few words her boss had spoken. "Seeing more of me? What the hell does she think I am? A slave?", she thought, but at the same time somewhere deep in her mind a small voice did tell her to at least try it on. There was no harm in putting it on right? That small voice was her weaker self, the one she had long locked away by taking on her cold outer appearance. It was the self she had forgotten over the years.
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 3rd, 2012, 6:13 pm


Zandelia’s smile slipped slightly at the other woman’s reaction, the dress swiftly covering Zandelia’s head after its roughly thrown trajectory across the shop floor. She pulled it off of her head after a few moments spent in silence, her dark scowl hidden by the cloth be3coming a more neutral visage. She gripped both dr3ess3es, placed her fists upon her hips and leant them to the side slightly in irritation, her gaze climbing skywards as she snorted through her nose, lips tightly pressed together. The scene became frozen in the manner for a number of minutes, the shopkeeper’s gaze clearly flitting from one to the other in a desperate bid for a potentially violent confrontation to be diffused, and quickly at that. Zandelia merely took a deep breath then and let it out slowly, almost theatrically.

No, I may not be able to manipulate you like one of my little bed strumpets, but I can damn well convince you to get into a bloody nice dress with a figure like yours or my tongue is not worth its praportedly adept skill she thought to herself as her mind raced looking for anything she could use to convince the woman. After all the progress she had made with her hir3ed sword she would have hated to have to ruin it with an unwanted, yet curt, order.

“Revy, I would like to think you see me in a better light than the common harlot by now, not to mention knowing that I would not force you to do anything against your will – anything,” she put emphasis upon the word just in case the woman did not fully comprehend such niceties extended to physical contact also, “however, there is more to why I want you to wear it than perhaps you might think” she continued, stepping closer to the other woman pace by pace, until she was directly in front of her and looking upwards into her face.

“Firstly, I would rather walk into the place with eyes on us in a lecherous way than walk in and be seen as an obvious threat to be eliminated. We may be able to fight, you most certainly can indeed, but I do not want to get you killed over something as trivial as dress preference,” she dropped her tone to a hissed whisper, steel in her voice along with caring that was not fully feigned, “especially when it will allow us to bloody waltz into the place, put our real gear in a room and surprise them when they are drunk and more vulnerable to our assault – should it come to that” she continued in measured but firm tones, her eye locking with the other woman’s and refusing to budge.

“Secondly, it means that those drunken idiots may give away more to us than they normally might in order to try and impress the women with large busts and perfect bloody rumps. Information is power in my world and I will be powerful. You want future contracts then I need more information. The more I learn the more we get paid, the happier we are” she stated simply, her left hand now holding both dresses as her right sought to hold the other’s forearm gently, bringing her hand upwards between them.

“Thirdly, and most importantly, every woman should own a damned dress. So be happy that I’m paying for one whether you keep it or not. I shall not force you, that’s not my way. You want to wear armor all day then go ahead, but don’t expect to face anything but half-drawn swords from the slaver scum we contend with. But, I would very much love it if you would do this…for me” she finished placing Revy’s dress in her hand once more and stepping back.

“Now, I am going to get changed, you can make your own decision on it” she stated with a smile for the mercenary, turning on her heel and whisking away to the back room the shopkeeper pointed to.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 3rd, 2012, 7:23 pm

The mercenary looked back with angered eyes at first, trying to make herself look angry, but the more Zandelia talked to her and explained what she'd want and what she would do, that look changed to one of confusion. Her mouth went open and shut merely seconds later as she couldn't find anything to say against what her contractor had said. "Why she... I.. Argh, I don't know what to do now.", she thought to herself utterly confused.

After being handed the dress and seeing the other woman walk off, Revy herself still stood there frozen. Her thoughts were racing, but one slowly won of the others and that was that she would at least try to wear it. If she then still didn't like it, she'd simply change back. Nothing much to it, right? Well, that was the general gist of her thoughts. She didn't realize what kind of consequences that decision would have for her.

The ironclad woman was about to walk to the back of the shop as well as she realized that she didn't know how to put something like this on. With a crooked smile she then started to look at the dress in her hands. "Right.... how the hell would I put on something like this actually? Never wore something like this in my entire life.", she thought to herself a little defeated.
When Zandelia would return, she'd see that Revy was staring at the dress, not really with disgust, but more with a look of confusion.
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 3rd, 2012, 9:04 pm


It was a simple matter for Zandelia to pull off her clothing, the only real effort required being to pull free the strings of her corset, each garment being pulled off casually and thrown into a small heap in the corner of the small space she now occupied. There was no mirror and so Zandelia had to rely upon her own sense of sight and touch in order to redress herself in a satisfactory manner. The dress itself was a simple affair, not quite tailored but tight enough in all the right places to be able to be useful in drawing out any and all required information from drunken slaver’s mouth’s – they were little better than rutting dogs after all, at the best of times. So it was that she pulled the dress over her head and began to pull the strings together upon the back, leaving the top most ones in a loose knot that would stop it falling down. She knew she would have to get her hired blade to finish the job in order for it to remain stable for any true length of time. It was a dark green, complimentary to her single eye, and covered her arms and legs fully, the hem close to brushing the floor. It would not be her legs others would be looking at in any rate.

And yet it feels right to dress in such a way every so often, made all the more better by the fact that temptation is just as deadly a weapon as a knife at times. I wonder what Revy Hiroe will look like? she mused to herself as she gathered up her pile of discarded clothing and walked back into the shop proper.

It was there that she took in Revy Hiroe, dress in hand and with a bemused look upon her face. The warrior quite clearly seemed as if she wanted to put the dress on in exchange for her armor, but it had never occurred to Zandelia that she would not know how to go about doing it. It became clear to her then just how singly tough a life she must have had. Every woman she knew had owned such a garment at one point, had worn it with pride, however Revy had not it seemed. She merely smiled, shook her head a little and walked up to the other woman to take the dress from her hands once again.

“What do you think? Quite nice isn’t it? A bit tight around the hips for my tastes, but the neckline reveals more than enough to get their tongues wagging hmm?” she said jovially, looking the warrior up and down, “come, let’s get you into one and see how you like it” she stated before dragging Revy in to get changed as well.

Zandelia could not deny that it was with some delightful relish that she set about helping the other woman out f her armor, her fingers all but fumbling with anticipation at the buckles and leather, her grip as she pulled the metal from her body a tad unsteady. However, with the gauntlets removed, the greaves fallen to the floor and the breastplate taken off it was then that she noticed the mercenary held a most beautiful secret. Zandelia had assumed that the warrior woman was mostly muscle and that any curves to speak of had been sacrificed for her trade, something that did not impact upon the other woman’s natural – if rough – beauty. It was the tight straps that held in place her bust that surprised her most, and not just the fact that they existed but for the discomfort it must cause the woman n a daily basis. She pursed her lips and made a sucking sound as she took it all in, her hands resting gently upon the warrior’s back temporarily.

“Oh, now that won’t do at all. How can we let them admire us to the pint of foolishness without giving them something to look at?” she asked out loud, her voice filled with more than a little rich humor. She heard Revy give an inaudible grunt but ignored it as she set about helping the woman unwrap the fabric, revealing at the ending a bust most woman would have been proud of and which Zandelia could not help but admire briefly from her position in front of her. She did not even look to see if Revy were scowling as she smiled and took the full woman in, nodding with approval. She even went so far as to dare her anger by meeting her gaze and raising an eyebrow, but all anger would b3 subsided as she threw the dress over Revy’s head and began to pull it down, helping the woman find the sleeves and tug the garment into place. The last piece was to pull the strings tight, tying them in a knot even the most cunning of rogues would never manage to undo.

“There, much better indeed. Why I do not know why you don’t dress this way more often dear. It offers less protection but is so much more pleasing to the eye than cold metal. If I’d known you had this figure I’d have done it sooner. Still, I need you to finish tying mine up please. Then we’ll put on the show@ she finished, turning around and closing her eyes as she mentally imprinted the memory of the other woman’s body into her brain.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 3rd, 2012, 10:02 pm

The mercenary looked up as she heard Zandelia talk to her. Her breath stopped for a small moment as she saw the beauty of her contractor walking around in that dress. She nodded a little stupidly as she couldn't tear her eyes away from that beautiful sight. She couldn't really believe that someone could just come across that differently by dressing different.

Revy was dragged to the dressing room quite easily. Her confusion and surprise at Zandelia's look were the cause of this. She kept glancing over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of the other woman the whole time. She was captivated completely, even though her thoughts did say it was wrong to be infatuated with another woman. But as the chestpiece came off and Zandelia moved in front of her to unwrap the bindings, Revy let out grunt. Her face went red and she looked away as she still tried to keep up the facade of being strong enough to brush something like this off.

As the scarred woman gazed up straight at Revy's eyes, her blush became even deeper. She hated having such a large chest. Up until now it had always caused her trouble, this was the reason why she started to bind them off. It was mostly to avoid the lecherous looks of men and prevent them from getting ideas. "Maybe... Maybe I can show her... more of myself....... Aaaaaaah, what am I thinking? Why can't I just keep the mask on like usual? Why is it so darn confusing around her?", she thought utterly confused to herself.

Because Revy had been so lost in thought, she hadn't noticed one bit that Zandelia had finished putting the dress on and she also missed the remark that would cause her to strike out at anyone who'd have made that. The only part she got was the question of having Revy tie the knot for Zandelia. This was answered with a small nod and Revy moved, or well she tried to move behind the other woman, but the dress, which was about as long as the other one, got caught beneath her foot and caused her to hit the ground rather hard. It was clumsiness at it's best and it was probably quite amusing to see a woman hit the ground as hard as Revy did by just trying to walk in a dress. "Petching dress, it's too long!", she cursed as she slowly sat on her knees.
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 4th, 2012, 12:34 am


oocSorry it's not very good. All you need to do is get them to the tavern and get them the room where they store belongings. Feel free to build the tension towards the point where the 'something drastic' happens. I'll take care of the rest in my next post and set the scene for the end games

Zandelia chuckled a little at Revy’s blunder, remembering as she did so how it had been for herself all those years ago. It was a difficult art to master at times when one was young. Revy Hiroe was a grown woman and used to marching along in deep strides, not the small and elegant steps she would have to use to walk in her new attire. Still, her amusement was good natured and she hoped the other woman would realize that. She had noticed her blush and knew the mercenary was perhaps a little embarrassed at her current situation. Zandelia extended her hand so that the warrior could lever herself upwards, an act which merely led to almost tripping once mor3e and falling forwards into Zandelia’s arms. She was heavy but Zandelia managed to push her back upwards into a steady stance, motioning for her not to move for a few seconds, a smile upon her face as a blush of her own suffused her cheeks for what she had just felt of the other woman in their entanglement – a rarity to be sure.

“Oh now this just won’t do will it? We can’t have you falling over now otherwise we won’t make the impression we want to will we?” she spoke gently, soothingly, “try not to march like you normally do Revy. Try to walk more like me. Small steps, light and casual, rolling the hips to bring the leg around in a half circle, placing the foot carefully. Believe me, with your assets it should be easy to enthrall” she spoke, demonstrating as she did so.

She stepped around the room, all too aware that the other woman’s eye were upon her and trying not to become self-conscious. She swept across the floor smoothly, almost rhythmically, as she let her hips to the moving for a change, falling naturally into the movements she used to seduce others when she so chose to. She ended back in front of Revy and looked up at her before gesturing for her to try walking again, getting the woman to gather the dress in her hand to one side first so as to create less distraction. She took Revy’s other hand in her own and walked slowly, but steadily, along with the woman until she let it go and watched her tentatively strike out on her own. She clapped a few times and then grinned broadly.

“Keep practicing, I need to get us some other things. Shoes namely, and some packs to hide our other garments an effect within” she told the warrior as she went away t barter with the shop mistress. It was difficult as she was a wily trader, however she walked away with two dresses, two pairs of shoes and three large packs without leaving behind altogether too much coinage. As Revy kept practicing she packed away their effects and pulled the flaps closed upon the packs to fully conceal them all. She had weaved her Shadowsilk Robes around the metal armor in order to muffle any metallic ringing. That done she slipped on her new shoes and gave the other pair to Revy before placing their boots away nice and neatly as the last packed items.

Revy sure does have one beautiful body, all smooth skin, muscle ad curves. I wonder if I could get her drunk enough… the thought tailed off before it got started, her conscience intervening for the first time in a long while. She would not be able to bring herself to take advantage of the woman she realized, an all too frightening indicator of the growing bond she felt for her hired mercenary. It had certainly not been her intent, but it would be hard to change now. She merely sighed and shook her head.

“Come on the Revy, let us be off to the tavern. We have some guest t meet and greet. We’ll get ourselves a room for our belongings and then see what we can glean from the patrons. Now, I don’t expect you to seduce anyone – though you well could – but I expect you to play nice. If you start throwing punches, or I think you will, I might have to do something drastic. So just bear in mind the fact we are to appear like two unthreatening women so we have a good cover within this den of vipers,” she told the woman as they made their way out of the door and back into the streets.

“Don’t worry darling sword, I will be the only one degrading myself today I think” she all but whispered with no small amount of regret.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 4th, 2012, 11:54 am

The mercenary took the hand of the other woman and helped herself up, only to stumble into her right after. Her face went even redder from that as she felt that it was way to close. She couldn't understand why she felt that way, nor did she realise that she was getting a bond with Zandelia. Her own confusion also caused her to not notice the blush that had formed on the other's face.

As the scarred woman showed her how to walk properly in a dress, Revy couldn't help but stare at the mere sight of the other. It was as if she was in trance. After that, she took Zan's hand and gathered her dress in the other as she then tried to walk normally. At first it went bad and she almost tripped several times, but then as her guide said she had something to do, Revy started to practice hard on her own. It wasn't until the other woman came back that she finally started to walk more natural. It still lacked a little allure, but nonetheless was that she could at least walk in it.

The shoes Zandelia gave the hired sword were quite uncomfortable, but that was natural with any new pair of shoes or boots. The sight right after of seeing Zandelia shake her head and sigh confused Revy a little, but she didn't pay attention to it anymore after the other showed that it was time to go to the Pig's Foot Tavern. "I'm not going to promise not to punch as I know I'd probably easily break such a promise. But I'll tell you this up front, if they try anything funny with me or you, I'll rebuild their faces." , she told the half-blind woman next to her after they left the shop. She hadn't picked up the whisper that the other had spoken out, or she would probably have become a little more protective.

Out on the street they drew quite a number of eyes to them, most filled with lust and a few with jealousy. All those looks were quite pressing on the mercenary, who wasn't used to them at all. Heck, she wasn't used to wearing woman's clothes in general and felt extremely exposed and as they approached the tavern, her fuse had grown short enough to give any random guy a punch to the face if he'd talk to them. But luckily for her and Zandelia, was that Revy was able to hold herself back.

The contractor made sure she got a room for two persons where they could store their equipment until they needed it, or in case Revy would pass out from drinking too much. That way she would be able to keep an eye out for her as well. So after dumping their stuff in that particular room, the two woman took place in the tavern. Immediately after having taken place, two men walked over and the larger one, standing at about 6 foot 5, asked: "Ey pretty girls, wanna hang out with me and my brother? We'll take really... good care of you.
The mercenary's annoyance had reached it's boiling point and she slowly stood up and turned to the man ready to floor him with a right hook.
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Revy Hiroe
Emotional rollercoaster
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