[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Revy and Zandelia set out upon their adventures together

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 4th, 2012, 3:49 pm


It was a pleasant enough affair, the walk to the Pig’s Foot, with their entrance and passing by causing the particularly stirring reaction she had hoped for. Zandelia knew that she could turn heads if it was required, but the power that two suitably dressed and proportioned women had increased their chances exponentially. And what a show they caused too, dress hems swaying slightly in the breeze and necklines all but low enough to be absolutely pointless when pulled down, just a little. With Revy in tow and silent as the grave it was not too difficult to feel just how much the warrior woman was seething on the inside. Still, whenever Zandelia glanced over at the other woman she could see a small flicker of enjoyment in her eyes, or enthrallment at the very least.

She might even find she comes to like doing this every so often. Powerful feeling indeed, when you can turn a man around your fingers over and over again just by looking they way you do she thought to herself as they entered the tavern to a breathy silence littered with hissed words and furtive glances. It was perfect, all too perfect.

“Just the one room please, we like to be together in the dark, but don’t tell anyone else that” she all but whispered to the man behind the bar, watching with satisfaction as his look glazed slightly and yet more conversations nearby changed their topics.

It was a simple enough matter to sashay up the stairs and secret their possessions within the room, under the single bed, and behind the scant amount of furniture. It was not particularly required to hide it all away but it made her feel a little better, perhaps a tab more controlled and prepared. It paid to think ahead before your enemy had an idea. If they searched their room for some reason they would be hard pressed to easily find their weapons and armor with a brief scanning look. No, they would have to search and that would take time they could use if it came to it. Zandelia also took a few moments to arrange her hair into a slightly more tousled and messed affair, arranging the cut of the dr3ess to show off as much as possible whilst still leaving the barest minimum of support and modesty. She merely looked at Revy, not expecting her to do the same Her very ample presence was enough to compliment Zandelia’s abilities for their task ahead. And so it was with a soft, sultry pout and some over-acted sensuality that she entered the common room once more. She took care to brush gently past the slaver occupants, dirtying her soul as she did so bit by tiny bit. As she had her bottom pinched she merely gave an affectionate giggle and wave of her finger instead of the punch she wished to dole out, and so on t went as they ordered a drink at the bar and took seats towards the middle of the room.

All the better to hear what they are saying, to gain their attention, to pry information from their lips with encouraged bravado. Slavers, less than dogs and dangerous as vipers. They’ll take us if they can but won’t 3even consider it if they think they will get what they want without a fight. Cowards by nature bt well placed for information. Necessary bastards indeed she thought to herself as she sipped her wine and felt a body sit down next to her.

“Here lady, I reckon me and you could have a good time. Whaddya say?” came the all too familiar drunken slurring. She merely smiled back and tilted her head to play with her hair, exposing the smooth skin of her neck.

“Oh, I don’t know. I think I’d have too much energy for you my dear, only the strongest have the most stamina for a night with me. Why, there was this guard once..” she started, attempting to lead the conversation.

“Guard! Pfah! Guards are grunts, spineless arses! Now me, I’m more than a guard, much more! I’ve personally taken care of 50 m3en, at once” the bravado kicked in, his silver tongue far from silver.

“Ooooh! Fifty! How did you do that? Why? You must be a dangerous man to know,” she spoke, her hands now around his shoulders and stroking through his hair, “I find dangerous men to be most…exciting” she breathed into his ear. “Prey, tell me your name mighty man” she asked him as she tried to k3eep her revulsion in check as she saw out of the corner of her eye Revy standing up and turning around to face another. A trickle of trepidation set in as the man spoke his name to be Regoran – a name she had garnered from the torture to be one of the chief bodyguards of their target.

There could have been more she teased from his lips if Revy were not about to incite a brawl by facing off against two of the other slavers, hard men indeed they looked to be. She pushed hey way off of Regoran, firmly but politely with a promise to return as she all but latched herself onto Revy’s right side before she could throw the beginnings of a punch. She let her left arms lay across the woman’s back and her right to trace across her stomach a little as she looked at the man in front of them and gave a shake f the head.

“You’re up the wrong skirt fellows, as beautiful as she is and as…wonderful…as you seem, she only uncrosses her legs for me,” she told them, drastic times calling for drastic measures, and before Revy could so much as protest she found Zandelia’s lips locked to her own, a last silent plea to the warrior to stop fighting and be calm – altogether blowing the idea of confrontation out of the mind with a surprise she would never feasibly forget.

“Please, play nice or you’ll get me killed as well as yourself” she whispered into her woman’s ear as the men around them cheered, the tension dispersed rapidly enough to prevent any fracas.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 4th, 2012, 4:16 pm

Zandelia latching onto Revy's right side prevented her from throwing her punch and her then wrapping her arm around her hip and using her right hand to trace along her stomach sent a strange feeling throughout it. It felt all warm and fuzzy all of a sudden. It wasn't a bad feeling, she admitted that, but not knowing why she got it or what it was made her want to get rid of it.

The next moment she heard the comment about uncrossing her legs and just as she was about to protest, she felt something soft and warm locking onto her lips. At first she slowly closed her eyes, but then realized what happened and they flew wide open again. All of the sounds from the bar seemed to disappear and all that she now noticed was her contractor's lips locked onto hers. Her thoughts were just one big mess, unable to cope with the situation and the kiss itself seemed as it lasted for ages.

When Zandelia released and pleaded in a whisper, all Revy did was nod. She then fell back into the chair, staring ahead of her a with a glassy look as she softly touched her lips with her right hand. "What'd just happened? Why'd..... she do that and why... why do I want her to do it again?", she thought to herself, "What the hell is happening to me? What are these strange feelings?"
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 4th, 2012, 7:39 pm


Zandelia was well aware that her skin had been suffused with a crimson it had not seen in years now, the kiss she had given Revy filled with more than just desperation and love of breathing privileges. It had also somehow felt much more than the sodden and sordid lip-locking she usually undertook with barmaids and other ladies of negotiable affection. She had been gentler, more of a brush than an invasion of space, and Revy’s reaction was something to have beheld indeed. She had gone rigid, limp and then rigid again – shock coursing through her Zandelia imagined as she breathlessly smiled to the group around the duo to keep up the pretence, perching herself back upon her bench, beside the scum of a bodyguard she wished to interrogate for further information. She only wished the kiss has lasted longer, suspecting a form of backlash incarnate when they were both alone in their room and the warrior woman had recovered from her ‘ordeal’.

At the very least she seem sedate now, more concentrated upon what has happened than what she can make happen. That’s a positive, even if I don’t get to touch those hips of her again she thought to herself as she engaged in the art form of teased out tidbits with her grizzled companion.

It was not too difficult to get much out of the man, sipping her single glass of red wine to give the appearance of drinking along with him whilst distracting him enough to keep his mouth moving onto one subject after the other. All his vocal cords needed were a delicate touch of direction to nudge them towards her desires. When he ranted about poor hirelings it took a mere lean forwards to give him a good view of cleavage and a question about what made them poor compared to himself – they seemed all strong, hearty warriors after all – to get him going over their poor combat experience and general lack of discipline or ability to follow orders. She was pleased to hear such words as she filed them away and used the man’s gestures to discern a few who were currently in the room he labelled in such a manner. She was also quite happy to hear of a fracas that corroborated her torture victim’s tale of wounded men – a weakness she was sure to she could exploit to her advantage but found no need to when told they were very much recuperating elsewhere and not liable to be in any state to intervene upon her plans.

She was, however, less happy to learn that there were always two guards upon the door of their leader, an obstacle to be overcome indeed, but also happy to hear that the man who’s lap she was now sitting upon with an air of glee and a little wiggling of hips did a lot of the guarding – a weak spot to be exploited. Al in all she learned what she had suspected since the guard kidnap in the morning – an internal and clandestine approach was best – with as little fighting as possible until they had to escape. Escaping and fighting was fine so long as they were smart, she knew the streets well. However it became clear that finesse would be needed for their altercations within the Pig’s Foot Tavern. It was then that she stood up and pulled Revy up with her, looking very much more recovered now. Groans filled the room at the sight.

“Oh don’t you worry boys, I’m just going upstairs to get warmed up. I’ve more than enough time this night for a few more romps. Just you all decide who ge3ts to o it and those who win get anything they want” she finished as she all but dragged Revy away before her nausea turned into full blown vomiting.

Once in the room she closed the door, bolted in and rapped her forehead into it for good measure, leaving it pressed there for a few moments with eyes closed and thoughts swimming in her mind. She knew there would be one, singular conversation upon the agenda at hand to begin with – and it was not one she would relish having, she knew.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 4th, 2012, 8:09 pm

Revy hadn't reacted at all during the time that they were still in the public part of the tavern. Only after Zandelia stated that the both of them would retire for now, that she started to look clear again. It had taken her quite a bit of time to get her thoughts sorted out. She would have a good talk with that woman before she'd do anything else.

"Zan, I don't mind you stating that certain woman only uncross their legs for you, but I am NOT one of them. I still decide who I do this for.", the mercenary started with an angered voice. "And who gave you permission to just go and kiss me full on the lips?", she then followed up as she walked over to the other woman. She there grabbed the other by the shoulder and turned her around.

"And this is payback for what you did in public.", the angry woman then said as she lay her right hand in the neck of the scarred woman, pulling her closer quickly and then locking her lips to the other one. The kiss was long, inexperienced, but the passion was easily noticable from it.
Only after she released, Revy started to breath again. "Darn you woman, I can't think straight at all anymore thanks to you. Almost everything you do causes me to lose my footing, my carefully built masks and... argh, nevermind"
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 4th, 2012, 9:13 pm


The last few moments had passed in a dreamy blur for Zandelia, with a little of the nightmarish thrown in for a touch of true fear she had not experi3enced in quite some time. If she had been able to think as straight as she normally could she may have taken long consideration of the fact that one woman, obstensively a prickly and angry woman at that, could inspire emotions within her she had not felt stirring for an age – not since before she had been orphaned at the very least. With every step closer she could feel upon the wooden floorboards, every word rising higher in barely restrained anger, she could feel control of the situation slipping away, which was to her a terrifying prospect. She had always strove to be calm, collected and vaguely manipulative. However the large woman she had just pushed, too far now it seemed, would easily break her in two if she wished to. So it was with a mad, fearful glint to her single green eye that she was propelled around and her neck seized by the mercenary. She licked her lips self-consciously as a form of neurotic peace came over her, acceptance of death.

Well, it’s been a brutal and bloody life. Seems fitting that I die violently. And all I can care about is that she will think less of me. Stupid really, all stupid was all she could think as her eyes closed once more and resolve leaked from her second by slow second.

It was with extreme shock then that her eyes flew open to find Revy Hiroe’s lips to her own once more, this time in a kiss of passionate expression. The force behind it more than made up for any inexperience as lips locked and tongues danced together for a brief, inexplicably magical moment. Force was the correct term too, the woman’s strength all but crushing Zandelia to her chest and forcing the air from her lungs so completely that it was only through the warrior woman’s support that Zandelia eve remained standing, panting visibly as she fought for breath to flow back into her chest. Her mouth was open, her mind obliterated by the surprise turn of event and it was through a fog of pleasure that she heard Revy’s own spoken words – terse and between breaths. She had hoped to break through the warrior’s walls but would never have thought she would have succeeded so completely. It was touching in its simplicity – the admittance of the effect Zandelia had on her, something which was little seen in a city of grime and dirt.

“I have…that effect…sometimes” was all she could respond with as she let her forehead rest upon the woman’s shoulder, relief coursing through her and filling her with the feeling of immortality. She took the opportunity to enjoy being close to Revy, to take in the scent and let her hands trail down from her shoulders to her hips, resting there gently.

It’s been some time since something like this happened indeed Zandelia, may you be cursed if it goes wrong she told herself.

“I truly did not want to push you so far Revy, but I would rather have looked a whore to those downstairs than see you hacked to pieces before my eyes. You…matter…to me, more than a hired hand” her usually silver tongue felt lamed in her mouth as she spoke the words, berating herself for the fool as the echoed between the pair of them, “and no, I…respect…you too much to face anything upon you again. I just…didn’t know what else to do” she stopped short of revealing that she had never really recovered from being a sex slave in the past. There was no need to burden the woman with such knowledge at that moment.

“But, about these walls you speak of, I must say I am very much glad I broke them down, and that mine seem to have melted too. So…we have time…before our mission begins again. What say we use it?” she asked his time, giving Revy a choice as she pushed up onto her toes to enjoy another kiss or two before their private time ran out altogether.

T was with gentler nudges that they pushed each other to the bed with, not to explore more than each other’s lips and the sense of touch, but so they would not have to stand over the coming few Bells.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 4th, 2012, 10:18 pm

Revy's heart leaped almost out of her chest as she heard Zan's words. She didn't understand why she got so happy, but she did start to hug the other gently. "Just promise me not to do stuff like this in public, okay? I'd feel..... to embarrassed.", she said shyly, "And... ehm, no ehm sexual stuff ok? I just want to stay close to you for a bit." After that she locked her lips with Zandelia's again, but much gentler then the first one she made. She let herself be led to the bed, but reminded her partner not to do any sexual stuff again.

"I don't know what this feeling is what I have, but I just want to stay close to you. Now I hate the job I took on a while ago. I have to leaven around the 23rd day of summer or so. I'm not sure how long I'll be away, but I was also planning to pay the myrians a visit. You know their goddess, Myri? I'd love to meet her.", she said a little saddened by the foresight. "I promise I'll return, perhaps then... we could do a little more. But for now let's rest a little ok?"

A few bells later, at the moment that they were almost supposed to continue, the mercenary got out of bed and luckily for the help of Zan, got out of the dress not too much later. Putting on her regular clothing, together with the straps to tie off her chest, was a cinch. After all, she had been doing it for years now. "Well, time for business again right? I'll go like this, makes it a bit easier to surprise and kill them I think.", she said as she showed her clothing to Zandelia.
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 4th, 2012, 11:06 pm


Zandelia did not altogether care that Revy did not want to take anything further than a little kiss and caress, it was the companionship that mattered the most after all and it was exceedingly enjoyable that she could merely relax for once, with less of a mental fortress about herself than usual. Even with the barmaids and the whores her time was a rough and mechanical affair, enjoyable after a fashion to be sure, but not in the same way she was experiencing with Revy as they lay upon the bed tangled in each other’s embrace. It was a feeling removed from her life experience and, if she was truly honest with herself, she thought it best that it went no further than th3e boundaries the other woman imposed. She liked to have sure footing, to have plan and preparations. The new shift in their bond unsettled her however, unbalanced her in ways she did not know were possible. So it was with some sense of loss that she was told of Revy’s mission and going away, leading to getting on with the business at hand – but tempered by the fact that it was most probably for the best, at least for now.

I am a realist after all, and things seem so surreal now that we could both use some time to gather thoughts and make decisions she thought to herself, still unable to explain why the thought of the warrior leaving Sunberth filled her with more than a little trepidation.

“It’s okay Revy, I’m sure you have your reasons and that a big, strong woman like you will be just fine. I have heard of Myri, just be careful around her is all I ask. I hear she can be….tempestuous,” she stated simply, hiding her disappointment behind a smile, “but yes, the business at hand. And you’re well dressed for it indeed, not to mention putting on a good show as you change” she finished, a sense of her humor coming back to her after the temporary reprieve.

She set about getting herself dressed then, uncaring of stripping down to her bare skin to pay Revy back in kind for what she had shown her this day. It was a simple matter to pull on leggings, shirt and corset with boots slipping on neatly. Knifes slipped into boots and tonfa put I place she was ready in but a few minutes as darkness leaked in through the window. They had been spending time together longer than she had realized it seemed. Still, it was for the best really as Zandelia began to lay out the facts for the other woman as she tried not to imagine what she would look like without her leather clothing on.

“Right, well we have two guards outside the leader’s door but only the leader within. They change shifts every Bell and the last Bell went not long ago, which gives us more than enough time to work with, “she began as she tugged all of her garments into place, “which means if we can take out the guards quietly and the leader similarly so we can have all three bodies in the room and loot it in a few minutes. If all goes according to plan we then get out of here….fast. I don’t want to use the main entrance if we don’t have to but if it comes to it we can run through and be away into the night” she finished, touching the woman’s face and letting her single eye quite clearly tell her not to play the ‘hero’.

It was with that they both slunk into the corridor, keeping to the shadowed walls as they went, right up until they reached the corner. They had discussed already how to removed any guards and so words were not needed and a nod sufficed. Zandelia sidled out into the open, her corset pulled down and a broad smile upon her face. It was clear the men were interested in her, but she merely walked up to them in a slow, semi-theatrical way. In front of them now she leaned close towards them.

“It’s okay boys, I’ve been told that if I want to ingratiate myself with the rank and file then I have to service the main man first…and service I will. What do you think? Pleasing enough for him? Or would you like a sample first?” she breathed at them, stepping to the side and giving a twirl in front of one of the torches, drawing their gaze from the direction Revy would come from. When the warrior struck her target Zandelia would be close enough to suppress the other swiftly, surprise being their main ally this day.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 5th, 2012, 9:40 am

Revy's face caught fire after hearing the words of Zandelia. She didn't put on a show, right? All she did was put back on her own clothing. Her face went even redder only a little later as she saw the other one's body without the cover of clothing. She couldn't help but stare straight at that beautiful body. But that didn't last long as clothing soon replaced the view of naked flesh. It was a slight dissapointment and it only briefly flashed over her face.

The mercenary listened to ther contractor's explanation of the situation, not really paying attention to what she was doing. Revy was running some simulations in her head as to what could go wrong and how they could react to it, but what Zan did as she finished, blew all of those plans right out of her head. Her face went even redder then before, but she didn't look away. Instead she said: "I'll make sure we both can get away. I won't sacrifice myself just to get you out ok?"

Revy looked at how the other woman went about her business distracting the men and felt a slight tinge of annoyance. She kept that feeling suppressed for now as work was always more important then feelings. The moment the guards didn't look in her direction anymore, she sprung into action, softly walking over the the closest one with her longsword in her right hand. Her shield was still securely strapped to her back, just in case she needed it later.

Having crept up on one of them, she then thrusted her weapon through the back of the throat of the guard, effectively silencing him and saw how Zandelia took care of the other guard. So far it went well, but now came the harder part of taking care of the boss. That also had to happen silently as to not draw any unnecessary attention.
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 6th, 2012, 5:27 pm


It was with an affable smile and a glint in her single green eye that Zandelia walked towards the second man, the one she saw Revy was not stealthily approaching from behind, her head tilted and hands flowing down her body as she plucked the strings of his ardor expertly. He did not suspect that, as her hands took his face, that there was anything afoot other than a swift rutting against the wall – a perk of the job he must have mused. His eyes closed with expectation as she pulled his head down, towards her, never to open again, in this lifetime. As Revy’s sword penetrated the other her arms flowed, her grip sure and firm upon the guard’s jaw, and twisted in a violently precise killing blow. Neck broken now he feel forwards, his life force snuffed out in an instant, the crack not altogether loud, as Zandelia cushioned his fall and eased him to the ground. She looked at Revy and nodd3ed her appreciation for the other woman’s strike – clean and silent.

So far, so good. Guards taken care of and liable not to be seen for the next few moments at least. Now for the hard part she thought to herself as she put her ear to the door in an attempt to see if anything moved within. She could hear nothing as she searched the pockets of the two deceased slavers and pulled out a key triumphantly. The leader obviously did not expect any attack, or else was foolish. Zandelia would have locked the door from the inside just to be on the safe side.

“Stand guard my dear, I think it best we carry our gear in with us afterwards and we want it close in case we need to make an escape” she whispered to Revy as she padded down the short corridor and into their rented room. She took a moment to peer around the corner of the stair only to be greeted with unsuspecting debauched roaring and heckling, an intense wall of sound that signaled none were any the wiser of the duo’s proclivities.

It took but a few moments to drag the two packs from their position upon the single bed, the dresses and shoes bought that day already secreted within. They were heavy, but not overly so as she slung them over her shoulder and paced back towards Revy’s location as quickly as she dared. It was gently that she placed them up against the wall next to the door and pulled the key into position in the lock. She paused then, listening intently through the debacle below them echoing down the corridor, discerning if any reaction had occurred within. It was swiftly she turned the key, a single resonating click rather than a much more noticeable grating sound of gently eased cogs. Satisfied after another pause she peered up at the beautiful warrior and gave a relieved sigh. It was a simple matter to turn the handle and push, gently, only to encounter resistance. She tried again and could go no further.

“Now I know why the key was here,” she told Revy, “bastard’s bolted from the inside. Looks like you’ll have to force it – as quietly as possible. Time it with a roar form downstairs and then rush in and gut the petching fool. I’ll pull our gear in with us and we will hope we are not noticed. You can leave now if you want and we can let it go. I would not want to get you killed so soon after…” her voice trailed off, knowing the answer that would be given already.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 7th, 2012, 6:06 pm

The mercenary listened to the other's words. Forcing the door wouldn't be much of a problem, but it would get nasty. All she was hoping for now was an easy opponent, unlike usual where she'd want one with about the same or even more skill then herself to have a blast fighting the guy. "My contract isn't finished just yet, Zan. Don't even think about trying to get rid of me just because of safety. I've been in worse situations then this. Just keep watch at the edge and make sure that if we are heard, we can get out before they'd see us.", she whispered back.

Revy then readied herself, her foot raised up and her leg in a hook form as she stood with her side to the door. Suddenly a large burst of noise came from downstairs. Apparently someone wanted to make some quick friends and had ordered a round of ale for everyone. That was the moment Revy had waited for and quickly leveled her body as she stretched her leg, giving the door a firm and hard kick. Even though the lock was well looked after, the hinges were not and thus they broke off from the force of the kick. It hit the ground with a loud thud and from Revy didn't waste a moment as she dropped her shield from her back, slipped her arm through the armrests and picked up her longsword from besides the door as she readied herself for a fight.

Her opponent was a man standing to the side of the room, halfnaked as he apparently just got out of bed, holding nothing more then a cutlass. The look in his eyes was fierce, but from the way he stood and how he held the weapon, the woman in black leather noticed that he couldn't be too skilled. His defense had many gaps and his stance had no balance or whatsoever. "Man, you're dead meat.", was all Revy said as she held her shield in front of her as she walked in.

The man, that was soon to be supposed to lie dead on the floor, immediately set in a reckless assault, swinging his cutlass down from above as he aimed for the head of the mercenary, which in turn reacted by raising her shield. The weapon slammed into the iron rim with a sharp clang and as Revy then moved her shield out of the way for an attack of her own, it almost got ripped from the slaver's hands.

"Idiot, never recklessly attack someone with a shield like that.", was what Revy thought as her longsword connected with the man's hips. But it didn't go in as deep as planned and only acted to make him grimace. The wound was, if treated, not a fatal one, but would serve to slow him down. In fact, it worked well enough for her to easily avoid another swing the man made, this one aimed at her sword arm.

"Annoying bastard, just die now.", she said as she then lunged at him, impaling him on her sword as he couldn't avoid the attack because of his injury. The sword had embedded itself just below his sternum, angled upwards through his right lung. His last act to defend himself was to try and take of Revy's head, but because she wasn't wearing her armorsuit, which she usually did, she was much faster. In fact, she was fast enough that the man's arm clashed into her shoulder, without much effect.
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Revy Hiroe
Emotional rollercoaster
Posts: 691
Words: 394139
Joined roleplay: August 18th, 2011, 7:13 pm
Location: Syliras
Race: Human
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Medals: 1
Overlored (1)


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