The moment Aluria's gaze fell upon a Chained One, her whole body was suddenly paralysed, frozen from shock. She hadn't expected anything to happen so early on their 'trip', but the captain had said that they would most likely die. This was probably what he had meant. With the complex clash of emotions that battled inside her, she didn't know what she could do. Hide? Run away, then hide? Help somebody out? But how? She had no combat experience whatsoever, so she knew she was going to be of no assistance in the field. Being caught up in the moment like any girl would, she had forgotten to check on Sib. Not that she could any more. The only thing she could do now was try to help somebody or hide and save herself. Banging her fist against the wooden wall that she had been leaning so desperately on, she slid to the floor in a moment of despair. Her eyes seemed to glaze over as she helplessly watched her friends defending their selves, being useful to the whole crew. Except for her. What could she have done, anyway? She was a 13 year old, for crying out loud. She wanted to help. She wanted to fight. Slowly getting up, she spotted a Chained One that was near the railings, only a few steps in front of her. She couldn't waste any time, or else her plan might not have worked. Quickly gathering up all of her courage, she took a deep breath, and then while yelling, she sprinted towards the grey figure, knocking it over the rails.
"Yes!" Aluria quietly muttered to herself, before retreating back a few steps. To her surprise, she bumped into another cold being. It grabbed her shoulder with its cold, slippery fingers. Not being able to do anything this time, she screamed again, this time running away from the monster. One was all she could handle, so she quickly dashed back into the cabin, and tripped beside the table, causing the wooden floor to creak. Backing herself into a corner, she covered her mouth with her own hand, and tucked her knees to her chin, not wanting to go back outside. The feeling of sending a monster over the rails was so much more different from being grabbed from behind. But she had heard Liandra, and the feeling of abandoning her friends stabbed her in the stomach a few times. Deciding whether she should go or not, she was sent across the room by a large wave that had rocked the ship violently. Now near the door, she wasted no time in getting up and limping outside. Spotting a long, sturdy rope nearby, she awkwardly tied it to the steel rails and then launched it towards Liandra, as best that she could.
"Yes!" Aluria quietly muttered to herself, before retreating back a few steps. To her surprise, she bumped into another cold being. It grabbed her shoulder with its cold, slippery fingers. Not being able to do anything this time, she screamed again, this time running away from the monster. One was all she could handle, so she quickly dashed back into the cabin, and tripped beside the table, causing the wooden floor to creak. Backing herself into a corner, she covered her mouth with her own hand, and tucked her knees to her chin, not wanting to go back outside. The feeling of sending a monster over the rails was so much more different from being grabbed from behind. But she had heard Liandra, and the feeling of abandoning her friends stabbed her in the stomach a few times. Deciding whether she should go or not, she was sent across the room by a large wave that had rocked the ship violently. Now near the door, she wasted no time in getting up and limping outside. Spotting a long, sturdy rope nearby, she awkwardly tied it to the steel rails and then launched it towards Liandra, as best that she could.