by Chamaeleon on March 12th, 2012, 1:34 am
Chamaeleon found herself smiling at the man who decided to comfort her pony, the only one who seemed to actually be human in this dark time. The only one who truly acted human.
She nodded to him and they followed the newcomer, leading the uncomfortable beast patiently, until they came upon a building. Chamaeleon had never been to a bar before in her life, or what memories she had of living before. The sounds overwhelmed her, as did the scents, and the flavour caused her fangs to react uncomfortably. She felt hungry, and yet she wasn't hungry at the same time. She didn't comment upon it as she sland those who accompanied her sat, taking the seat next to the new gentleman.
A long, ebony eyebrow lifted at his queries. Her mouth curved in a smile, responding to his surprisingly civilised tone. She could be much, much more cheery when she was in the company of polite people.
" Do you not have a name, or a story?" She asked him. "My own is Chamaeleon, with no last name, and my story has yet to properly begin, so to speak." She would have blatantly decieved him, and the others, with tales of the life she lived before she took to Syna and her realm, but it was a past she didn't fully know, and she didn't have it in her to truly lie. The fancy was a passing one, useless currently. "I am from Syliras... I can bandage wounds."
Her eyes looked upon the others, wondering what they would add, how they would respond. Her smile didn't die.