![]() ![]() Located along the eastern curve of the Merchants Ring is a relatively large stone building with a couple very large chimneys reaching up from the roof. Plumes of dark smoke belch from the gaping mouths of the chimneys and the sounds of hammering can be heard at almost all times of the day and into the night. Known as "The Defiled Blade" this is the largest forge in Ravok and while privately owned, is commissioned to do all of the work for the city guard as well as the general soldiers of the Ebonstryfe. Some even say full officers and Paladins in the Ebonstryfe have their equipment made here. While initially one may wonder why private citizens would be able to own and operate such an important facility, as soon as they enter the facility and meet the owners, all questions are answered. Inside, the building is filled with workbenches manned by a almost a dozen smiths and their apprentices. Racks of weapons and armor are stacked everywhere as are piles of various types of mundane metal tools and other implements. The owners of the forge are two brothers by the name of Alleck and Ares, two half-human, half-isur men of challenged height but powerful build. They both have reddish tinted arms and slight hints of silver veins on their flesh; a strong hint at their Isurian heritage. These two master-smiths, along with the rest of the smiths and apprentices in the forge, work night and day supplying all of their customers as well as a good portion of the city itself, with all the metal goods they may ever need. Would-be customers entering the forge will most surely be attended to by an apprentice tasked to handle such things. A young boy in his teens, the apprentice is more than capable of assisting. Goods for Sale Due to the sheer size and capacity of the forge, one may find almost any common weapon or armor item for the prices comparable to those listed on the Price List. More exotic and rare weapons and armor items may be available but such requests will have to be discussed with one of the smiths or one of the owners. The same thing is true for tools and other metal objects. The more common ones will be priced comparable to the Price List while rarer ones will need to be inquired upon. If the forge does not have a requested item already crafted, they can forge-to-order although the price will have be negotiated with one of the owners. |