Season of Spring, Day 1, 512AV Time: Early morning Curiosity is what had her peeking out of her house, would anyone dare leave today? Yesterday there had much last minute scurrying but today it was empty. No one left there house, no doubt fearful of when the storm would hit. She craved to go and ask what they felt so that she may store away the information. But now was not the time, instinctively she could feel it, the subtle shifting in the air, everything! Every plant, every blade of grass even the wind seemed to pause, frozen in time, holding its breath. Waiting for that one moment when everything would collectively collapse in one fell swoop. But it wasn’t so much as the calamity itself that intrigued her as it was the aftermath, she was have tempted to go to the docks and see things that would rise in the sky…swimming was not her forte though. It would not end well. Perhaps it was her sense of self-preservation that overrode her curiosity, a rare thing indeed, all the same it was the only reason she was indoors, shoving her small belongings under the bed and hoping her house would be relative coverage. She longed to change though, she simply flutter away from it all, some part of her knew this would end badly, all the same her curiosity overrode her base instincts, forcing her to stay. “Need food…most likely, emergencies need food…” her list was being noted mostly by memory and it was something to keep out the jitters. Truth be told she could not fly far enough away and leaving had been pretty much denied. They—she knew what was coming, the Konti woman had warned them, still many had stayed, some had fled…she had no ties to the city and curiosity was not her only reason for staying. No, she could feel it…the chaos would be everywhere, there was no escaping, she would be safe nowhere. And if she thought hard enough she knew what it was…it was fear. Unwavering and all consuming, the fear people could never properly describe to her, it both excited her and well, scared her. Her mixture of looking at everything objectively skewed by the actually feeling. She loved and hated it. She wanted to study it, see how to stop it, the different types—but there was no more time for the collective silence, that one breath, it was all being released. Her initial plan was gone when the shouts started, no longer was Zeltiva filled with silence. Her body seemed driven by something she couldn’t quiet control and perhaps that is what prompted her idiotic decision to run from her house. Her heart thudding, her ears ringing and yet, it was not fear that propelled her. She had never really run on her human legs before and Mizahar seemed to be breaking from the inside out, she stumbled many times and the city that always seemed to be slightly wet was soaked. Her lungs burned and it was only then that she realized what it was. The ground seemed to surge up to meet her and once she was one the ground she did not get up again. All around her was utter chaos. Everything. Everything was breaking, everything shook and screamed just as Mizahar itself seemed to be screaming. But it wasn’t Mizahar that was screaming, it was her. |