[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Revy and Zandelia set out upon their adventures together

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 7th, 2012, 10:23 pm


Zandelia held in her breath as Revy set about placing her sword next to the door and positioned herself, ready to knock the door open and begin the last phase of their assault. It was a raucous yell, or series of them, that allowed her boot to impact upon the door without much notice. However, and to Zandelia’s absolute horror, the door was not made of as stern a material as she had hoped, the hinges giving way more than the latch. She watched with trepidation, and a good measure of shock, as the door fell inward and clattered to the ground – the noise sure to cause those downstairs to intervene in the plan. There was a brief silence as the tableaux froze, with Revy stepping forwards into the room, the door hitting the ground and the leader naked and with a cutlass in his hands. Zandelia could have wept.

That’s it, we’re finished. Akajia preserve me I’ve killed us both! was all she could think as she watched both the corridor and the spar within the room simultaneously, flicking her head this way and that.

She saw no one coming up the stairs after a few moments and breathed a sigh of relief as she padded into the room and flung their packs upon the soft mattress, cushioning any sound. As Revy finished off the nude defendant Zandelia was already pulling the bodies in the hallway into the room and laying them just inside the door, the better to block the path of any attackers should they finally be roused. It was only then that she turned around and took in the view of the warrior maiden in full, sweat staining her brow and the smile of battle still upon her face. It was radiant in its own way, attractive and got her blood racing. She shook it off, however, forcing her mind to the tasks at hand. She smiled and picked up the cutlass, jamming it into its sheath and looping it around her torso as a memento worth selling.

“Rather dashing yes?” she grinned, “well, please go and watch the door Revy. I’ll search the place and you yell if there’s anyone coming. If there is, I spy a window we could use to our advantage” she chimed in as she paced over and flung it open, noting how they were not far off of the ground and that how it would actually be easier to take to the rooftop first, then to the ground.

There to fade into the darkness of the alleyways and never be seen again she thought as she turned and took in the room, her eye sweeping across the furniture and seeing it to be sparse indeed. Only a desk stood out as a place to find anything, to hide anything. T was that obvious thought that caused her to tumble away the pillows on the side of the bed not rumpled by the leader’s body to find several sheaves of papers and a couple of rolled up scrolls.

“Excellent, and now where would a lying bastard hide his money? Close by too hmm?” she asked herself as she stuffed her first find into the packs and knew they were then safe.

She walked around, searching the desk briefly and finding a journal but nothing more, still she took it in case it held anything beyond insane senses of grandeur and in the pack it went. It was as she hit the floorboards, finally finding a few small bags of what looked suspiciously like silvers and gold that the feet stomping up the stairs and the shouting finally began.

“Oh, you bitch Akajia, you absolute-“ she sighed as she pulled the bags out and looked to Revy for confirmation of the assault. The woman nodded once and that was that.

“Just…keep them busy!” Zandelia told her as the bags followed the papers and journal into the packs and she gave up her search.

It was time to leave.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 8th, 2012, 6:46 pm

Revy made her way back to the door after she used the cloth, which was supposed to go for pants of the guy, to wipe off the blood of her weapon. She kept her shield at her arm just in case. "Take what you need, I'll make sure that even if we are discovered, they won't get into this room easy. My shield will form a second door.", she replied as she gave Zan a wide grin.

After noticing that someone or multiple persons were coming up the stairs, the mercenary heard her partner in crime curse. "Akajia? Who the petch is that?", she asked Zan curtly after receiving her order. "Gather up what you need and give me a shout when we're ready to leave.", she followed her earlier question up.

The human then prostrated herself in the doorway, her shield held defensively in front of her as she peeked around the corners or the door post. She had to back up rather quickly right after as she saw one of them throw a knife, which lodged itself into the wood just next to her. "Ey you petching morons. Wanna take me on? Them come at me, shykeheads.", she taunted them, knowing that anyone would get reckless like that.

And of course, one of them wormed his way out of the group and rushed straight at her. Revy took a step back so that the guy would lose quite a bit of speed as he would have to make a turn into the door and on top of that was that it would make him lose his sight on her. "Come and run yourself dead on my shield, idiots.", she thought a little evil.

The moment the enraged guy rushed around the corner, all he could utter was a short yelp before Revy decapitated him and stepped out of the way of his falling corpse. Her eyes had turned a little lifeless, as if death itself had nested in her. "Time to start.", was what she said as she then stepped out of the room, facing the group of five.

The small hallway was a perfect situation for Revy. The enemies couldn't make use of their numbers and they didn't have a single opportunity to surround her. She was slowly advancing on the group who did have it's doubts after seeing Revy like that. "You guys wanna fight? You'd better run now if you wanna live., she tried to intimidate them.

Only a single one, the one in the far back quickly made his way down the stairs. Not because he was afraid, but to gather some reinforcements. The mercenary didn't know this, so she quickly stepped up to the remaining three, which now had drawn their weapons of choice. One of them had a small onehanded mace and a dagger, while the others drew just knives.

"Knives versus me? I hope you guys have said your....... prayers.", she said as she then swung out with her shield, opening up her defence. The largest of them wanted to take that opportunity to strike out, only to have his right hand cut off by Revy's sword right after. In his hastiness he forgot that the woman didn't only wield that large shield, but also a sword. That mistake had cost him his hand now and the ability to fight her on even terms. Trying to finish it off, Revy then struck out, but the maimed guy had already retreated back, being replaced by the one with the mace.
That one saw the tip of Revy's weapon coming straight at his stomach. Unfortunately the other's blocked his choice to dodge backwards, he was forced to make a sidestep and thus still got hit by the human woman.

The wound was still quite a deep cut, laying the bone in view. "Guys, back up. We can't get her like this.", he said as he tried to back up. "We won't be able to get around that shield of hers."
The three of them pulled back down the stairs, informing the others that were coming up. The guy that had taken the blow, was brought down and treated there.

Revy moved back into the room quickly and looked at Zandelia. "Ready? If they come again, and they will soon, I won't be able to stop them this easily. Now they know what they're dealing with.", she informed the other, hoping that she'd be ready by now.
s sword right after. In his hastiness he forgot that the woman didn
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 10th, 2012, 4:18 pm


oocRight, well basically feel free to write Revy's descent, her horror at seeing Zand fall and then her getting her to her feet - all that jazz. Then feel free to carry her, move her or whatever so that they are down in the streets and beginning the getaway into the darkness. Come up with whatever you want :) Oh, and don;t forget the bags :P

Zandelia’s mind raced, trying to block out the dark and panicky thoughts that threatened to swap her rationale and reason, as she set about logically planning an escape route. The window was the only way out of the room, that she already knew, however even the lower roof below the rudimentary opening was not something she was willing to merely jump onto if she could avoid the pair of them doing so. She ran to the window once more, leaning out into the dank and gauging just exactly how far down it was going to be for them to scale. At that moment she wished that she had had the foresight to carry along some rope, just for such an eventuality. She made a mental note as she turned, surveying the room for anything of use.

The chair is a useful distractive projectile, but we need rope first – or something that acts like rope at least she mused, all too aware of the grunts, screams and clashes of metal from barely feet away.

It was then that her gaze took in the bedding and the kindling of a plot leapt into flame within her skull. She grabbed at it, scrunching it up and tugging as hard as she could. She was give, she found, but how much and whether it would tear all too quickly was something they both did not have the time to find out. It would have to do, she decided, as she crumpled one of the ends into a thin form and tied it around one of the post tends of the bed, now vacant and seemingly forlorn. The other end she threw out of the window nearby, its twisted form taking on a semblance of a rope-like shape as it shifted in the night air. She grabbed the bags as she heard Revy’s grunted words, powerful and filled with a deathly certainty that momentarily stopped Zandelia’s heart – the idea that Revy might die more appalling to her than if her own life were o be snuffed out, a strange consideration for another time.

“Bugger the bags, they can drop and survive however they like,” she whispered as she dropped them out of the window and heard the thumping clatter as leather filled sacks met with the stone and wood below. The noise gave her pause to shudder slightly as she turned to Revy and spoke firmly.

“You first warrior, it’ll take you longer to get out the damned thing! They’ll be held up long enough by me” she growled as she grappled with the chair next to the desk and snatched it into the air.

She did not wait for Revy to get into action by her own accord but paced forwards and pulled the warrior’s arm until she was behind her now, making her way towards the window with a look of disgruntlement upon her countenance, Zandelia thought. She placed herself a few feet from the threshold the slavers were soon to pour into, though she suspected caution would give them a slowness she could use against them. Life was not risked needlessly by the cowardly after all. She waited for their footsteps to approach, ears straining against the blood rushing trough them and the adrenaline dampening their abilities. It was just as Revy called back to her, telling her she was through the window now and about to get down the taut bedding that the thunderous steps approached.

“Alright, just go!” Zandelia shouted as she pulled the chair above her head, a little unsteadily she knew, and then heaved it forwards with all her might – flinging it with hopefully well timed precision.

It was with a smile of satisfaction that she heard splintering and cursing as she twisted her body and ran for the window. She did not even stop to try and clamber through, merely grabbed onto the sheets and jumped through, trusting to fate it would work. It was then that Zandelia found fate to be a fickle master, the bedding tearing slightly as it took her weight. Slamming her into the side of the building it caused her to lose her grip and fall, flailing out for new purchase and only finding it slightly before she hit the roof – the impact cushioned but still painful. She was on her back now and saw Revy’s face swim into focus above her as slights exploded within her skull.

Gods I’m never doing that again was all she could think as she felt Revy pulling her to her feet slowly, but surely.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on March 13th, 2012, 8:05 pm

The mercenary didn't like being ordered like that, as it meant she was getting protected. But what she hated even more was the yell she got as she notified Zandelia that she managed to get out of the window. Grunting she made her way down the the rooftop, followed up by her checking of the edge to see if their bags weren't too badly damaged. However, a tearing sound reached her ears just as she wanted to look.

Looking up, she saw what happened to the other woman and her heart made a small leap from fear, causing Revy to pause her breathing for a little. She didn't expect that to happen and couldn't even react for now as the fear immobilized her. She wasn't used to dealing with fear, as she never had to deal with it before. This resulted in her being more susceptible to it when she did feel it.

Bending over Zandelia after her crash, Revy looked at her a bit worried. Though when the other started to open her eyes, she quickly took on her steel face again. It was still something she didn't like to show others too much, not even her contractor. After having helped the other up, Revy then gave her a firm slap across the face as she said: "Don't you petching scare me like that again!"
Then realizing how much emotion she showed, Revy added: "If you die, who'd pay me then?" But it was quite obvious what she really felt.

Trying to hide her embarrassment, the mercenary quickly climbed off the rooftop and picked up the bags as she shouted: "Let's move before they get over here. Don't want to get caught up another fight again right now."
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on March 13th, 2012, 10:34 pm


Zandelia could have hoped for any number of things from her hired sword, the beautiful Revy Hiroe whom had filled her with passion for a few very brief moments. When she hit the roof it was a not altogether massive impact, nowhere near enough to break bones and splinter them into miniscule shards. However, it was more than enough to cause both pain and aching to explode across her flesh with enough force to disable her for a little while. She rolled around slightly, trying to push herself upwards but not managing to do so. She had little acknowledgement of how long this continued for but was willing to bet it was not too long, though it felt like an eternity. It was then that Revy’s face rippled into view above her, concern within her eyes, coupled with panic and fear, Zandelia thought.

Ah yes, the knight saves the damsel in distress and then we can all live happily ever after, just like in the stories she thought to herself as a faint smile crossed her face, her lip searing as it split slightly in what felt like two places.

She was nowhere near prepared for the slap that brought further webs of pain and yet another whiteness to her vision that she actually got – not like the old stories of adventure at all. Her head snapped sideways and the impact forced her to roll onto her front with the momentum of it, sparing her neck from further injuries. She groaned loudly, swearing to spank the woman silly if she ever got the chance to do so – and she would if she had her damned way about things. Still, she had to shake the world back into focus as Revy’s words hammered down into her already pained skull. It was touching to know that the other woman cared enough to feel anger at Zandelia’s risky exit from the window, however she found herself fervently wishing that she would not slap her for such a stunt again – she was a risk taker after all and did not think her body would withstand all those knocks.

“How nice a greeting you give me my dear, for letting you go first. Petch that bloody hurts!” she grumbled as she set about rolling herself to the edge of the roof, slowly and gently so as to stop experiencing a great many number of recurrent pains.

It was no simple task to lever herself over the edge, dropping gently but still all but collapsing at the impact, her legs half-crumpling before falling backwards into the mercenaries supportive arms. There was no time to enjoy the closeness at all, their escape into the darkened alleyways of Sunberth the top priority. So it was with as much haste as she could muster that she followed Revy into the night, the warrens swallowing their tracks and blanketing them from the ensuing chase. The slavers were close at first, their feet splattering the mud, but after enough twists, turns and distance they faded into silence. Still the duo did not stop their race, continuing for quite some time before finding somewhere dark, dingy and secluded to sit and rest – Zandelia’s head upon the other woman’s shoulder for the support.

They were quite safe, the whole of Sunberth fitted that same description and the slavers would have to be lucky indeed to locate them for retribution.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Archelon on March 24th, 2012, 6:28 pm

Thread Award



And the Results!!!!:

Revy :
SkillName 1-5 How/why?
Longsword 2
Shield 3
Intimidation 2
Interrogation 3
Acting 2
Seduction 2

Zandelia the seductress(basic),
Woes of wearing a Dress
Anger control issues
Kiss of a Seductive mistress
Afraid of the feelings within

Zandelia :
SkillName 1-5 How/why?
Acting 2
Seduction 3 Oh the horrors >.< The horrors!
Negotiation 1
Intelligence4*see note
Climbing 1
Unarmed 1
Leadership 2

Bar Maids Beware!
Hired help lore,
Revy Hiroe, an actual love interest?(partial)
Revy looks smashing in a dress
Kissing a woman, and actually meaning it?
The foolishness of self defenestration

Note: Forgoing the investigation and interrogation and observation and lumping them into the calculation for this... since well- it's the hardest to gain to competent. you don't mind. . That wasn't a question . You really *don't* mind at all . :) Start doing some bookwork/ training somehow for more gains of this at the library... just don't steal any books this time! >.<.

Would you like some extra turtle sauce ? :
Interesting thread :).
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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