Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

Postby Hatot on April 13th, 2010, 4:51 am

Hatot listened to her words carefully as she began to check over her wound, his gaze peering over his shoulder as he watched her work. “Thank you for your words.” Hatot simply said as she explained why she gave friendship to Hatot and Radris. “Though I will never think pride is wasted on you.”

He then gave a nod as she explained what happened to his wound, tilting his head slightly. “Well, as pleasurable as it may be to allow Radris to take the full blame, I fear I did not help matters any either.” Hatot replied, a odd feeling coming over him when he realized that he had just defended Hatot.

Hatot waited silently when Kavala went stepping through the door once again. Taking a lean along the nearby table, he still clung to the blanket that covered him as he looked down to the floor idly. “What are you doing, trying to make yourself seem more noble?” Radris’ voice suddenly said, echoing in Hatot’s mind. “I don’t need you to defend me, weakling.”

“You’re welcome Radris.” Hatot simply replied, a slight smirk crossing his features.

“Ah, go mount a bull.” Radris snapped back.

Hatot straitened himself again as Kavala came back outside with a jar. Listening carefully, he examined the contents of the jar, his eyes narrowing as he tried to bring it into focus. Suddenly, he found himself looking past the jar, casually glancing over the curves of Kavala’s breasts. “Oh ho, and what’s this? Finally focusing on something that actually interests me.” Radris’ voice echoed.

Hatot’s gaze suddenly shot upwards to meet Kavala’s own, masking embarrassment as much as he could. He had no real reply for Radris that would make any difference, and he knew that trying to defend himself over the act would only further egg Radris on to poke at the matter. Before he could say anything to Kavala, she was already applying the ointment to his leg, as the dull pain slowly began to fade. She soon finished up her work, setting the jar along the table next to Hatot before going over towards the prep table for dinner. Hatot truly wondered if she had noticed that he had leered, even if it was for a moment. She hadn’t said anything about it which would normally indicate he was not caught, but on the other hand, he suspected Kavala wouldn’t say anything about it initially.

His gaze then caught her motioning towards the knife and cutting board, as she began to work on dicing her own fruits and vegetables. He took a half step, but paused when he realized he was still wrapped in the blanket. A casually as he could, he reached down, grasping his pants. Turning away from Kavala, he then laid the blanket out over the table. Exposed once again, he slipped into the pants as quickly, though as quietly so as not to distract Kavala from the dicing, as he could.

After a quick buckle of his belt, Hatot then stepped next to Kavala and began by grabbing some celery, slowly dragging the edge of the knife along the stalk as he cut away small slices. “Clams suit my taste well enough and I feel I am likely less skilled as a cook than you, so whatever you cook should be fine.” Hatot replied as the both made small motions of slicing through their various organics. “Things are…… tenuous, but not as bad as they used to be I suppose. Radris and I rarely, if ever, agree on anything.”

“I think we both agree Kavala’s got nice breasts.” Radris snickered, teasing Hatot as he spoke.

Hatot ignored his attempts once again, continuing to focus mostly on his conversation with Kavala and making sure he didn’t cut one of his fingers off. “Still, at least he hasn’t killed anyone for a short time.” Hatot said, sliding what could only be described as a mangled mess of tomatoes onto a plate. “There is a chance I may not come back at all from my Rite of Manhood.” Hatot then added further, his voice more somber.

He slowly looked over to Kavala, his head tilted as he tried his best to give a smile that wouldn’t alarm her. “It involves a hunt, much like the Rite of Trial. Only this hunt is done by myself. A guide is there to observe, but he would not involve himself unless it became necessary.” Hatot explained, grasping another tomato from the pile. “Sometimes, depending on what is being hunted, they don’t make it in time.”

“I can only imagine what the sea must be like.” Hatot remarked, cutting the tomato in half. “I’ve swam in it sure, but never like you or your kin could. I wouldn’t even begin to fathom what I could compare it to.”

His head then slowly tilted back in contemplation. “I never knew my own mother,” Hatot said as his hands rested flat along the board in a partial lean, “she died while giving birth to me. The necklace I wear is the only thing I have of her.”

Hatot then slowly pulled the silver cross shaped pendant that hid below his armor, showing it to Kavala. “Riverfall is all I’ve ever known in the grand scheme of things. My problems with Radris made me unsure of traveling anywhere else.” Hatot answered, slipping the pendant back under his armor when Kavala was satisfied with looking at it. “I do enjoy teaching, but every now and then, especially when looking at my father, I wonder if I could be doing more. I suppose a decision can be reached about my path if and when I finish the Rite.”

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Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

Postby Kavala on April 13th, 2010, 5:48 pm

She found it disconcerting, when Hatot lost that focus in his eyes that said he was having a conversation with Radris. It was something she would have to grow used to, though, living in Riverfall among them. She was already used to the stares. Kavala hadn't missed Hatot's eyes on her chest, though she wasn't certain which of the two had actually done the looking. It was an awkward situation, and one she would like to pause life for and examine it. Was he looking because he was a man and that is what they did? Or was he looking because he was simply curious about her Kontiness and wondered what the rest of her looked like. If that was all it was, it was harmless. Kavala sometimes wished she'd inherited the gift that allowed her to know what people were feeling. Animals were so much easier to deal with... her gift was so acute she could just about tell exactly where they were feeling pain. But with people... one never could tell.

Kavala thought for a moment then simply said. "If the weather stays warm, after we eat we can go for a swim. It will be good for your leg, using it in the salt water, and you can look your fill so you don't have to wonder anymore. I don't mind. My status even gives you the right to touch, Hatot." The truth was, Kavala was acutely aware of the fact that because of the rescue she was a sort of indentured servant to Riverfall. It didn't bother her, not in the least. A man was a man, after all, and they were generally quick about it. She could clearly separate friendship in her mind from duty. Her voice reflected those thoughts in its tones and feelings. In fact, since her capture, Kavala had become far more... forthright in voicing her thoughts than she ever did before. She was still highly introspective, but it was tempered by her ability to say what she thought. And she normally did.

The talk moved to clams and then to agreeing with alternative personalities and she smiled. "You cannot mess butter clams up... and not agreeing on anything sounds typical of brothers. A day in the life, eh? But tenuous is better than unbearable. I hope someday it works its way into agreeable." She said, smiling slightly. "Radris just needs a bit more freedom like a colt that needs a bit more rein... the tighter you pull the more hes going to rebell and hate you convinced hes bigger stronger and knows a whole lot more than you. And yes, Radris, I enjoy talking about you like your not here." She said with an impish grin, actually enjoying thinking about the Akalak condition, the odd places and situations the race found themselves in.

"There's a snorkel that Awesten uses. I'll borrow it for you when we go swimming. You can stay under water and still breath with it. That way you can find out, at least a little, what its like."
She offered, then gathered up all the loose pieces of fruit they'd cut and added it to the salad. Next a crusty loaf of bread that was brought out and cut into slices that received some of the butter and a tad of garlic. Finally the clams went into the water to steam. Their food would be ready soon.

At Hatot's comment about his mother, Kavala looked thoughtful. "Was she human? I heard they have a hard time birthing Akalaks and that... happens a lot. What was her situation - if you don't mind me asking. Was she a Nakivak too?" She knew what their nicknames were... it was an ugly thing for such a precious gift. Breeder. But the Nakivak's ensured life would go on, and that more Akalaks would be born. Kavala felt that was important... very much so in a race on the verge of extinction. Being in Riverfall, you wouldn't suspect that as fact, but it was the truth.

She looked at the necklace closely then nodded. "I haven't seen anything like that. I wonder what it means..." She said then nodded to the next thing Hatot said. "Lots of decisions are on the horizono, I suspect. It isn't an easy thing, being officially recognized as a man. There's always something here to do, some nemesis to fight, some treachery that was unsuspected weeks previous. I think the gods play a role in our lives more than we suspect, Hatot... and I know you'll have something in store for you as well. It just takes time and you have things you have to get out of the way first." She offered, then moved to check on the clams.

They were just about ready.
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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

Postby Hatot on April 14th, 2010, 6:31 am

Hatot gave a nod as Kavala suggested going for a swim after dinner. He then suddenly dropped an onion that he had just picked up. It bounced along the cutting board before dropping to the floor with a hollow thud. He looked to Kavala for a moment, then avoided her gaze, realizing that she had caught him staring, even though it was brief. “I’m…… sorry.” Hatot simply said, a hint of embarrassment in his voice. “I’ve not had many experiences with females. I spent so long avoiding gazes of others in the city that I never really, well, done any gazing of my own.”

Hatot slowly turned his gaze back to Kavala. “I’ll promise you this, though. I will not touch you in such a way, without your permission first off.” Hatot claimed, a sincerity in his eyes. “Your status may give me right, but I would prefer the choice be fully yours, and of your desire for such. Radris promises as well.”

“I do?” Radris suddenly said audibly as Hatot’s persona changed for a slight moment.

“Radris!” Hatot then said, coming back to the surface.

“All right, all right. I promise,” Radris then said, taking over again as his hands came to his waist, as if he were about to start pouting, “but she better watch her wording around me. I’ll take even the slightest insult like, “Kiss my perfect scaly ass” as permission.”

Radris then slowly slipped back beneath the surface, allowing Hatot full control again. Hatot went back to cutting the vegetables, letting a slight awkward silence pass over for a moment before Kavala went back to the subject of swimming. “Well, I don’t know how my swimming skills will be, but I will certainly give it a try.” Hatot said as he then stepped aside, letting Kavala handle the remainder of the preparations. He slowly observed the motions, taking in what he could, thinking it might be nice if he did the same for her one of these nights. “I’m not certain whether Radris and I will ever reach a full understanding of each other, but perhaps a respect for one another can be found soon enough.”

He gave a nod when she asked about his mother. “Yes, she was human. I don’t know anything of her really.” Hatot said as he took a lean against the table once again. “My father rarely speaks of her, and only in soft whispers on the day of her birth. He hasn’t been with another woman since to my knowledge. As to the meaning behind the pendant, I don’t know. There was no inscriptions in it, and any that I’ve asked have been oblivious to it’s meaning, claiming it to be a simple piece of abstract crafting.”

Hatot then looked towards the sky as the stars began to make themselves a little more known in the clear night sky. “Yes, many decisions.” Hatot said, his voice almost seeming a little distant. “To be honest, I hadn’t even given it much thought before the winter season. In all honesty, with the way Radris and my cohesion was, I wasn’t even sure if I would make it through the Rite.”

Please, do not upset me. I would hate to unintentionally rip your throat out in a fit of rage.
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Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

Postby Kavala on April 16th, 2010, 7:02 pm

She smiled a little and reached out to capture the stray onion that rolled out of his grasp in his surprise. Kavala carefully set it back on the chopping board with the rest of the vegetables and paused at Hatot's side. She rested a hand on broad shoulder for a moment and looked thoughtful - though stretching it out to actually touch him took a little effort on her part. "Hatot, you have in no way offended me. There isn't an ounce of offense inside you if you discount Radris." Her hand slipped off his shoulder and moved to toy with one of the slices of fruit that was sitting off to one side of her little workstation. The fact that he had few experiences with women didn't bother her. In fact, it was slightly reassuring. It also meant that for all Radris' talk, he was in a similar situation.

"I don't know how much the Akalak speak of such things, but somehow I assumed everyone knew my story. I... wanted to explain a little Hatot, so you don't misunderstand. I..." She swallowed, moved away slightly, and picked up the knife again. Kavala decided she'd tell him what she'd told no one else, but it would have to come in small manageable pieces. Slowly... maybe not all today, but sometime soon for certain, she decided.

She watched him, carefully, through pale locks of loose hair as he warred with his brother and held conversation she wasn't meant to be privy too. Hatot and Radris were nothing alike. She could tell by the tone of their voice, even their facial expressions which one was looking out those startling eyes. She didn't get an empathic feeling, no inner road map or marker that most Konti took for granted. Instead, she just paid attention - noted their differences and treated them accordingly.

When he spoke of his mother, Kavala could feel the sadness in his words. She wondered if all Akalak boys to a certain extent felt the acute loss of the female nurturing in their lives... of if in some way it made them weak. "I wonder why it is the Gods made it so the Akalak should have no women. It seems cruel, in some regards, for men benefit from the touch of a woman getting stronger because of it, not weaker." Kavala said softly. "If I do my duty to Riverfall... I will not pay my debt at the birth. I would remain, though ultimately the choice would belong to the father - I understand this - and be here in case the child wanted or needed a mother. I think I would remain through his rite, just to see him grow." The possibility of producing a konti never crossed her mind. It seemed fitting somehow that if a debt was owed the Gods would see to it that it was paid properly. "You are too young, aren't you Hatot, to think of children?" Truthfully, she had no idea. If his final rite wasn't complete, then maybe his status in society wasn't either.

In a way, she hoped that he was. Kavala studied Hatot and wondered what it would be like to be with him in the way she'd been with the other men. She was healer enough to know when her body was ripe enough for seed, and when the act would just be for the experience. Selfishly, suddenly, she imagined herself asking him to humor her. But she wondered if it would be selfish, self centered, to confess to him that she wanted a normal relationship with a man, even just once, to judge the framework of how bad her own experience had been.

As her fingers kept busy, her mind raced through a multitude of thoughts, before she spoke. "I'd never been with men before I was captured. My first time was on my knees on the hard ground with my face and chest pressed into the soil and my hands... bound behind my back. My people, the Drykas not the konti, are proud creatures. I was raised to be just as proud as they were." Kavala took a deep breath. "on the Sea of Grass a Konti has no status other than one of a respected outsider even if the pavilions are all she's known. We are not acceptable brides, though we are often the figment of fantasy - most Drykas will not reenact their fantasies. Male children are valued. Not females. And there's no question what we will produce and that makes us taboo. The Drykas men are built more to think of the future, their own status, and their families pride." Kavala explained. Then she continued. " When it happened, I felt like I wanted to kill them for their trespass, for their lack of respect. There was eight of them, and over the course of the next twenty days... I learned how to serve each and every one of them. They didn't grow bored of my white flesh and iridescent scales until they realized I'd stopped fighting them, stopped being hurt by them - and in some dark dangerous ways started craving it. It broke up the days of living in a rolling cage moving closer and closer towards being sold to the Zith for their dinner or worse." Kavala said thoughtfully.

"You know you've been broken when you start wanting something like pain, needing it, to feel alive." There was a sorrow in her then, a deep sadness that infused her voice and touched even Hatot's thick skin.

"I've never known a normal relationship with a male. I've never been someone's intimate partner... I do not know if I even could, Hatot. And the way I mean is with no bindings, no strings, no possessiveness. I'm not talking marriage, just ... a friendship with something else attached. But I want to find out if I could - or if I need the pain to feel the pleasure all the songs talk about, the poems, the bards... I want to have something to compare those men too that has a more normal label on it. Now. Tomorrow. Ten years from now. I owe it to myself to at least try. Because sometimes, when its quiet and I'm looking backwards into the past too much, I think they did something horrible to me that I'll never get over." She lowered her voice and raised her eyes to him. Then she rubbed her forearm, that was bare from the short sleeved tunic she wore, and inverted the knife she used to cut the fruit up.

The wickedly sharp blade kissed her skin, parting her flesh in the shallowest of wounds, leaving a trail of thin precisely extracted blood that reminded him of ink across her flesh. He knew it would be painful, probably acutely so, though no Akalak male would have admitted it. Kavala's cheeks grew intensely pink as she laid the knife aside and then ran her fingers over the thin line of blood hat only seemed to augment the pale - smearing it across her flesh. The crimson on white was strangely beautiful. "One of them liked to cut me as he held me down and used me. He did it so much that after a while it started feeling good, Hatot. I used to cry at first because of the pain. He'd etch me with blood and smile because it aroused him. Then, after a while, I stopped crying. The others claimed he'd ruined me... taught me not to cry by carving me up. They liked their women weak, begging, scared of them. But that wasn't the case with me. I didn't stop crying because of what they were doing. It still scared me. I still felt weak and wanted to beg them. I didn't though. I couldn't. I was too ashamed. I stopped crying because it all got twisted in my head - Akela, my sister thinks its a survival mechanism - because his blade in my skin started to feel good. I started to crave it. And that was my darkest shame, my own personal perversion, Hatot." Kavala said, desperately trying to explain to him...

"So, you always have my permission. And yes I want it. I don't know if I can, or if its something you'd even remotely consider or something I'd be good at. But someday I need to know... just how screwed up... or if there's any hope of normal... or if normal even matters. Its also the reason Radris doesn't scare me. He'd probably give me exactly what I wanted in a heartbeat to take what he himself did as well. So I'm not worried about him - because it wouldn't bother me. But I'm worried about you. You are my friend. And I don't know if its right I tell you this or suggest that its something we might try when you feel ready." She said, laying the knife aside and picking up a cloth she'd brought on the tray of vegetables. She cleaned up the tiny bit of blood off her iridescent skin, flushed bright pink again, which was actually a good sign that she was embarrassed even though she claimed to have no capacity for this anymore and added..

"And I am not worried about your ability to swim. You're fit and your leg won't bother you much with the buoyancy. The snorkel it opens up a whole new world. A world you will appreciate if you have eyes to see its beauty and bounty."
It was almost as if what she'd just said was too difficult to keep talking about, so the abrupt change of topic saved her a little - allowed her to take a deep breath. In her own way, Kavala was amazed she'd shared so much with him.
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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

Postby Hatot on April 18th, 2010, 3:19 am

Hatot set the knife down along the cutting board, listening intently as Kavala spoke. “I think any Akalak who would deny you contact with your son would be a fool.” Hatot commented, turning to lean along the work table. “You have things to offer a child that Akalak’s themselves would be lacking.”

Hatot thought carefully for a moment on his age and whether he considered children. “I suppose my age may be to young, according to our culture and traditions,” Hatot finally said, looking down to the cutting board idly, “but I confess a slight enjoyment in teaching the younger Akalak. I find myself wondering occasionally if I would be a good father during those times.”

Hatot then listened to her stories, listened with a calm silence as she revealed what the slavers had done to her. His expression may have been calm, but he could feel a boiling rage inside of him, one that emitted from deep within his soul. “Tell her. Tell her what you would have done to them.” Radris demanded, almost yelling inside of Hatot’s head.

“It would not make things better for her.” Hatot simply said, his eyes closing and his brow knotting up slightly as she continued to tell the tale. “Besides, was it not you that said you would take her as our child bearer when first meeting you? For no other reason than looking at you?”

“I was angry!” Radris yelled.

“You’re always angry,” Hatot said as his arms folded, “but at least I find out that your anger is directed, and not deliberately there for causing harm.”

“Shut up weakling, I’m not your attack dog.” Radris grunted as Hatot felt what he could only describe as a disgruntled punch to his spirit. “Those guys were cowards tormenting a woman. They deserve a painful death stretched out over the span of a season.”

“I feel I may actually agree with you on this, Radris,” Hatot replied, looking back to Kavala as she revealed that all of what they did caused a scare that rand deeper than just physical. His hand slowly reached out, resting along her shoulder. When she looked to him, he remained silent for a moment, gazing into her eyes as the color of his own seemed to shift between red and gold in an odd manner. “There is nothing I can say that would make such go away, this I know. While it may not help you, all I can say is knowing now the pain you have suffered, I would have gladly bore in your place to keep you from it.”

“It is something I would like to explore with you,” Hatot then replied when she gave him permission, “but it’s likely wise that such begin after my Rite. I would not want to start something, only to find the possibility of it abruptly ended in such a way.” Hatot then smiled, a genuine smile as he looked to Kavala.

Hatot then helped her with carrying anything she needed as the food was nearly ready for eating. “Well, I shall give it my utmost effort,” Hatot replied when Kavala spoke of swimming again, “though I still imagine I will look somewhat ungraceful under the water.”

Please, do not upset me. I would hate to unintentionally rip your throat out in a fit of rage.
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Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

Postby Kavala on April 19th, 2010, 12:02 am

Kavala smiled. She found herself doing that more and more around him, not for any reason other than Hatot simply said what he thought carefully and cautiously, regardless of how others might see his words. She knew many women were removed from their children immediately among the Akalak society. And she knew there was good reason for it, but it still caused her a pang of sympathy for them. And she felt sorrow for the men as well. Their lives weren't easy, walking on the edge of control like so many of them did... like Hatot did himself. She hoped he'd never wear the Cerulean Tattoos, for she knew that was the ultimate shame to them... the ultimate sign of failure. As the man twisted, leaned up against the counter and looked at her she met his gaze with a lift of his eyebrows.

"They respect you... those boys. They look at you as someone they want to be like when they are older. I know why they feel that way too. You empower people, give them a gift I don't think you wholly understand. You make them feel stronger. And not just by making their bodies stronger, but you make their minds stronger too. I think Radris is a little responsible for that as well."
She lifted up her fingers, flexing them, studying the joints and knowing because of Hatot she was stronger. A lot stronger.

He had that vague expression that told her he wasn't really looking at her but speaking with Radris. What was it like? Kavala didn't know what she'd do if a voice inside her head ever answered her own internal dialog. Hatot couldn't have his own thoughts, his own dreams, his own actions without taking Radris into account and what his thoughts or dreams were. And she suspected that both needs were rarely along the same lines.

The Konti reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. The salad was done and she put the pieces together, tossing it with a mixture of vinager, olive oil, and raspberries. The clams would go on the side as a main dish along with the crusty bread she took a knife too, cutting up into thick slices. All the while she just looked... relieved. Like something in her felt better even though Hatot couldn't have really perhaps understood. She'd never talked about her captivity to anyone, ever, and it was somehow liberating. She should have told Akela. She should have talked to it with the council... but no one had pressed her. She hadn't been ready. Maybe she still wasn't ready, but it sure felt better.

When he touched her, Kavala came back to the moment and met his gaze curiously. She understood that she was oddly listening to both of them at once as his eyes shifted. The Konti blinked and her timeless face transformed from serene beauty to the shadow of the child she had been - making her blink suddenly - as her gaze grew almost instantly overbright. And though the konti's eyes filled with moisture, she did not cry. She hadn't cried since the fifth night of her captivity. Kavala probably never would again.

But she did offer him a nod. "Thank you."

The conversation moved onwards and Kavala realized suddenly that Hatot actually wasn't opposed to the idea she'd pitched to him. Part of her expected rejection, a large part actually, because she knew some men considered women who were ex-slaves to be tainted and worse yet oftentimes diseased. Some of those women considered themselves not even fit for decent work and thus turned to prostitution and whoring to make ends meet - often just to feed themselves and their children. But the Konti race by blood was too proud and honorable for such things, so too were the Drykas by tradition. So while her pride had been stripped totally away, the honor in both her blood and her tradition remained. She could do no less than move forward.

So when his words truly sank in, she nodded, grateful. For the second time she uttered the words "Thank you" to him. Then, as if the strangest conversation hadn't just taken place, they set up the table with placemats, plates, and silver. Then they dished up the steamed clams that Kavala added butter garlic sauce to, made bowls of fruit salad, and broke crusty bread to nibble on. There was a weird sort of release in Kavala, as if a tension had eased out of her, and Hatot and Radris could both see a glimmer of her true self as they watched her in her natural habitat - her own home. She lost a lot of the awkwardness and silence that seemed to surround her. The boyish aura she purposely projected dissolved and she started moving around the table with confidence. Smiles came easily, and he started to note some of the creatures that dwelled with her.

A barn cat presented itself for a handful of clams already out of their shell. An owl came next, one that was noticeably missing an eye. It got some bread that Kavala spread with butter for it. There was a white dog that looked incredibly old and slightly too big to be a true wolf or companion dog - but it moved stiffly and instead of giving it any scraps from the table, Kavala fed it a mash that she took from a pot on the hearth that seemed to be well seasoned with meat. As each animal presented itself, Kavala introduced Hatot/Radris to them. The cat was named Patches, the owl Keen-eye, and the dog was Whisper and fully blind. They trusted her, Hatot would note, and because she was there, they trusted him as well paying him no heed at all other than what a visitor was due... a glance or a shy brush against his leg.

In fact, even Radris would feel the peace that seemed to infuse Sanctuary. From the absolutely surgical cleanness of the barn area and the riding arena in the courtyard, there was a sense of calm and shelter within the structures arms. And while it wasn't a wealthy place, or indeed one that had a 'finished' feel about it, Hatot could tell the Konti labored long and hard by the amount of projects that were in various stages of completion - from a stairway up to the upper story that lead down to the courtyard to a hearth that seemed to be being built into the wall. There was also a forge getting constructed in a far corner. That was a bit surprising in itself - for there was no mistaking it was the type one could make weapons in - and was being made with careful consideration.

Kavala made easy conversation with both of them throughout dinner - which in itself was spectacularly plain but delicious. "I picked up some weapons in the city and am teaching myself to use them. Would you hazard a guess which ones?" Her eyes danced at the challenge. "Maybe I could show you later, no? You might want to try them yourself."

And there was one more thing... a surprise she laid by his plate for him to open later. It was a thick bundle carefully wrapped in the sort of cloth that feed came in from the city proper. She wouldn't tell him what was in it, but instead seemed somewhat overeager for him to get around looking for himself. All she said on the matter was... "It's a Rite gift. I've heard friends often give them either before or after the Rite. I wanted you to have this before... so you knew that people are waiting for you at home... the boys in class helped me with it." She said, and waited.
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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

Postby Hatot on April 19th, 2010, 10:21 pm

Hatot slowly moved towards the table, helping out where ever he could as Kavala began the settings. As he paused to look around, he noticed the sense of calm that seemed to linger around Sanctuary. None of the animals acted out, raising their voices or generally running around all excitedly, almost as if a silent serene music was constantly being played to sooth any negative energies. Hatot then noticed that all of them were drawn to Kavala, and not just because she was laying out their food. It was like she had a connection with them that went beyond a simple caregiver. If Hatot hadn’t known better, he would have suspected that Kavala had been marked by a God or Goddess who watched over the animal kingdom. Hatot then heard a subtle yawn escape Radris’ mouth, as it echoed inside his head. “I’m feeling a bit sleepy.” Radris said in a drowsy voice, “so I’ll let you handle things from here. Just don’t muss things up.”

Hatot simply smiled, finding that the calming effect seemed to extend to Radris as well, and for the first time in a short while, he was in full control of things. Radris would know what would transpire over the course of the night regardless, but all the same, it felt as though Hatot had a moment to himself, alone with Kavala. “I often hope that I’m passing something good on to those I teach,” Hatot then responded to Kavala. “If they gain anything from my teachings, I always hope it’s at least a sense of self worth and confidence.”

Hatot then sat down at the table after placing the dishes along it’s surface. While Kavala continued to feed the animals, he felt the subtle rub of Patches along his legs. A light smirk was given as he began adding food to each of their plates. He slowly looked around, noting the projects that had been completed along Sanctuary and those which had yet to be finished. He could only imagine the amount of time and work that Kavala had put into this home thus far, and wasn’t even sure how much had yet to be completed. “I’m not skilled in the labors of construction,” Hatot then said, laying some clams along their plates, “but if you would like help in your endeavors of fixing and building your home here, I offer my assistance. At the very least, I could help you with the heavy lifting.”

Hatot then peered at Kavala when she mentioned procuring a weapon. A curiosity entered his expression as he studied her features. “Well, I imagine most people would first guess at it being a katana, similar to what your sister would wield. Or a Lakan, considering your interest in Akalak culture.” Hatot first started out as he raised his hand, slowly sliding his fingers along the tip of his chin. “However, I know well enough your distaste for violence and injury. Such weapons would only contradict what the Goddess of healing marked you to do. No, I suspect it would be something a little less harmful. Something blunt, like a staff. Or perhaps something even less harmful, that simply binds your opponents, like a bolo. Of course, considering your knowledge of philtering, it wouldn‘t surprise me if you found a weapon that could employ said knowledge.”

Hatot then looked down to the package she had laid before him, a look of surprise crossing his face as she explained what it was. It was rare for him to have a friend, much less someone who spent the time and effort to make a gift for him. His father and teachers merely had advice and constructive words for him as his rite approached. Kavala and his students gave him a desire to see it through more and more with each passing day. “I thank you, truly, for this,” Hatot said, not even seeing what was inside yet. “I will have to insist upon helping you with Sanctuary in return.”

Hatot then, slowly and carefully began to unravel the twine that held the fabric covering in place, considering it to be as delicate as what laid inside.

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Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

Postby Kavala on April 20th, 2010, 7:25 pm

Kavala nodded, digging into the food as they talked. Hatot's wishes about the boys were already coming true, so she felt no need to comment. He was a good instructor, a good teacher, and he'd be a great father. But each thing was something he'd have to look back on his life and understand. When his students passed their rites of manhood, when his sons made something of themselves, when his friends figured out how to relax around strangers.... all were things time would show him to assay his fears.

Time though, along with dinner, waited for no man or konti.

Kavala wasn't one who paused conversation for eating. None of the Drykas did. Most of her meals, growing up, had taken place on horseback on the move. So being busy and doing multiple things while she was eating came as naturally as breathing. As Hatot, and by circumstance Radris, settled into the peaceful nature of the compound he'd find Kavala fairly eager to receive his help. "I understand about not knowing about carpentry or construction. I've had to learn it all as I've went. Our next big project is building a forge. We desperately need one not only for horse shoes but for making all the things that are so expensive that we need... nails, hinges, tools... Akela, my sister whom you'll meet later perhaps, wants it to be weapons quality too. We'd love some help with that.. and if you bring your Zavian, I can take care of some other business I have with mares that are already foaled out as well. I have no idea how to build one, but we've got a mason who's going to give me some pointers - and he claims building a forge is easy enough so we're going to try it." She added, leaning back and nibbling on some of the fruit salad after a few bites of the clams.

Kavala ate like she thought - a nibble here, a bite there, moving on to this dish then that, not really eating one thing at a time or settling down much to do so.

"We're starting in two days, when the stone is delivered... any time that day you want to drop by you're welcome too. Well, you are welcome anytime for that matter."
She added, then broke off a piece of bread to nibble. She talked on, a bit, explaining to him the various projects they had going on. Some were simple, like a courtyard staircase up to the second floor where she evidently kept her own living quarters. Others, like a series of roof cisterns for naturally heated water, were far more complex. Kavala was animated about Sanctuary, impassioned about it, and truly believed her clinic and stables mattered. Hatot could tell it was the one thing that gave her some sort of control in her life, some stability, and a chance to put the past behind her.

When the talk turned to weapons, Kavala out and out laughed. The sound was surprising, rich and light at the same time, and erupting spontaneously. "I should know better, with your mind, to expect you to not figure it out." She said, rising and slipping off into the clinic for a moment. When she returned, she had two different weapons with her - neither of which surprised Hatot much, she assumed. The first was indeed a bola, pale and elegant, with three weights sized so the Konti could easily throw them. The second weapon was a blowgun with an impressive array of darts. She left them on the table beside his meal and gestured to the darts. "Paralytics. Also safe to use then eat the meat so I ca"n hunt with them if necessary... but mostly for self defense." She said, her eyes thoughtful. "I must be easy to read for you to have guessed so quickly." She added, though in truth it didn't bother her much. Kavala was, above anything else, herself. And she kept true to that form. "Yes, Rak'keli does not .... allow us much room in terms of violence. But I do understand the need to protect myself... even the darts are something without the blowgun."

She smiled when he looked at the package. It was obviously the surprise she had intended it to be. When his deft fingers pulled off the wrapping, his very own white cloak would be revealed. Only, it wasn't the same cloak she'd so carefully withheld when they'd last met on the beach. In the mean time she'd been working on it steadily, daily, until she was sure he could go into his rite knowing that his students, all four of them, had thought of him and wanted to be with him in some small way. For embroidered around the hood, sleaves and hem were elaborate stylized images. Plain white was now edged in blues that matched the exact same shade of his skin. Creatures carefully drawn out in knotwork and taken obviously from the legends the boys knew were intermingled with a male figure that Hatot could accurately assume was himself. Each image was him in a stance, a kata, or a fighting pose seemingly challenging the figures to either side of them. There were stylized glassbeaks, Cyphrus Lions, Velispar, sea serpents, and a whole host of flying, swimming, and walking menaces. He could see images borrowed from Akalak history, folklore, and legend. He could see real life creatures the Konti herself had encountered. The work was not gauche, overpowering, or seeming to brag to the wearers prowess. Instead it was subtle, and so stylized in the Drykas fashion that to a casual observer it would look like simple blue on white patterning to add a decorative edge to the garment. Kavala watched his face, looked for his reaction, and hoped he understood that it was a way for her and the boys to cheer for him, and remind him of all they'd learned in his teachings.
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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

Postby Hatot on April 21st, 2010, 7:17 am

Hatot casually observed Kavala as she ate. The small nibbles that she took here and there were different from the full fork full he took, and vastly different from the way Radris blatantly shoveled the food within his mouth. It amused him in a small way, as a subtle smirk lingered at the right corner of his mouth as he chewed his own food. He gave a subtle nod as she spoke of projects to be done in Sanctuary, trying to imagine what work would be involved and then coming to the conclusion that his assumptions would be way off, considering mortar wasn’t likely mixed by plunging one’s own hands into the mixture. His mind thought to much of applying his own training to other tasks at time, as he had done when talking about clam fishing with Kavala. “Sounds pretty organized. I’ll do what I can, but if I end up just breaking things, I’ll likely reserve myself to just lifting and carrying heavy burdens.” Hatot said as he finished the last bit of parcels of food on his plate, not wasting any of it. “I wouldn’t want to end up costing you more coin than originally planned in the end after all. Oh, and I‘ll bring Tulok up tomorrow. He‘s simply slowly running along the outside of the city right now.”

Hatot smirked as she laughed, giving a sort of sideways nod of the head. “Well, I’m not the most proficient in reading people all of the time, but I like to think I’ve grown to know you a little bit at least.“ Hatot commented as watched her move into Sanctuary to grab the weapons themselves.

While Kavala was gone for a short time, Hatot let his gaze wander around again. It eventually fell to the cat, Patches, who gazed back at him with this far off stare in it’s eyes. Hatot’s hand slowly reached out, holding an opened palm to the cat as he gave a subtle, “Kitty,” to call for it’s attention. To no avail, however, as the cat simply turned and began walking over to lay down with Whisper in the corner. Hatot just raised a brow, chalking up such a reaction to Radris’ snoring within his soul. His gaze then lifted back up to Kavala, as she came back to the table, laying the weapons out in front of him. He took a long moment to gaze over each of them. Study them as she explained how she would employ their use. Hatot gave a slow nod, looking up to Kavala as he laid one of the exotic darts back down along the table. “They will suit you well.” Hatot commented, slipping his hands together in front of them as he gazed over them once more. “Even if someone who threatens you gets too close for you to use the blowgun, the evasive techniques you’ll pick up from the open hand training you study with me should allow you an opening to use the dart alone at close range.”

Hatot then continued to unravel the package, before slowly pulling out the cloak within. His eyes slowly went over the intricate design of the stitching, his thumbs lightly sliding over the blue threads as their colors seemed to blend in with one another. He remained silent for the longest moment as he continued to take in everything the cloak was and represented. Finally, his gaze turned back to Kavala, a look of joy appearing on his face. “I can’t really express how much this gift will mean to me, Kavala. No one has ever took the time to really craft something by hand, put their emotion and feelings into it, all for me.” Hatot said, the tone of his voice soft, yet full of gratitude. “Thank you. I will always wear it. Well, except when I’m about to face a rather large and violent monster, or opponent. I wouldn’t want to get it damaged during a physical confrontation after all.”

Hatot then rose from his seat as his arms slowly held out the cloak in front of him as the tail dropped down and slowly swayed in the wind. One arm after the other he were then slid into the sleeves, his fingers soon poking out the ends and extending opened. Reaching up, he grabbed the hems that ran down the front, giving subtle tugs and rolling his shoulders until it settled comfortably over his frame. Finally, both his hands reached around his head, pulling the hood up before he looked back to Kavala with a smile. “How does it look?”

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Friendship, Balance and Vicious Cycles[Kavala]

Postby Kavala on April 23rd, 2010, 6:32 pm

So, this was what having a friend was like? Kavala had always wondered. Back on the Grasslands, she had always been treated with respect but her only real companionship was her brother and sister. Akela was acidic sometimes, prone to training hard and planning for various things that Kavala hadn't been convinced were meant to pass. Vanator, her brother, took his responsibilities seriously - and though they'd been close - his wife had taken priority over Kavala until her abrupt death due to a Zith attack. Kavala hadn't wanted to like Tamar, but she had in the end... and when she was gone she'd missed her terribly. Her brother had sunk into a depression that made leaving the Grasslands even easier. Kavala had wanted to be a true healer, and going to the opal temple had been one of the only ways for that.

"I think you have..." She said with a smile.

Later, when he was looking at the weapons, she nodded at his comment about the darts being effective even without the blowgun. "I had thought of that too... fast acting, non-lethal, it was a good suggestion my sister had for me." She said and touched the blowgun, running her fingers down its delicate length. "I'm not a creature of war, but the world we live in makes it foolish to always embrace peace." The Konti added. "Had I been raised on Mura, I would have been taught the Suvai. But I have no access to them and no knowledge of how to use the weapons... so these suit me just fine." She said, looking thoughtful at the instruments.

The gift was a big success. The Konti could tell it meant a lot to him.

When he tried it on, she smiled. "It looked wonderful before, but now it is stunning... even if there are mistakes in the stitches an astoot embroiderer could pick out fairly quickly. I'm glad I went with blue and that the boys helped with the design. I'm used to seeing the Drykas all walk around with everything embroidered. You Akalak lack the bored women to do such work so you frequently do without. If you have anything else you'd like worked on, just bring it to me... even if it isn't for yourself. I enjoy having something to do with my hands in the evenings." She offered, feeling pride in both that he liked the work and the thought behind it, and that it did look so good. Sometimes, it was amazing what one could create with their hands and have visual proof of the work.

"Especially this winter... the nights get very long and cold."
She glanced over the Veranda, hoping Sanctuary would have a complete kitchen area inside by then. Eating and entertaining outside was amazing here in Riverfall - but for only three seasons of the year. The forth constituted brutality.

Kavala nibbled away a bit more food, and poured some wine for both Hatot and herself. It was a local vintage, neither fancy or expensive - but one she enjoyed the flavor of. And then she sat back, relaxing, before she'd serve the little almond cookies she'd baked (from a very simple recipe) in the hearth earlier. She wasn't sure how the cultural differences worked between dinner guests from his race and hers, but she decided it would make a great topic since the gift giving was out of the way. "Among the Drykas, guests are often given gifts with dinner. Then we set around and exchange news and stories as our meals digest. There's a real artform to entertaining and its an event when someone is invited into the Pavilion to dine. Here, we are such a mix of cultures that there's no set way... but I'm curious about the Akalak. Can you tell me what the Akalak custom is? I truthfully have no idea but I find your people very interesting. Your haggling has a countenance, your greetings do too... there's so much I haven't learned even living here." She said... picking up and finishing the last of her bread before taking a sip of her wine.

Hatot could tell Kavala wasn't a drinker, but rather someone who enjoyed savoring flavors and food combinations.
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Please Note:
  • This pc is maxed out in Animal Husbandry, Medicine, Observation, Rhetoric, and Socialization.
  • Kavala a Master Teacher. Students she is teaching in thread can earn more than the maxium 5 XP per thread.
  • This pc has a Konti Gift of Animal Empathy. She has a superpower from a Riverfall city event that allows animals of all sorts and Kelvics (in kelvic form) to speak clear understandable Common around her.
  • Kavala is a Konti but was raised in the Drykas culture so her accent is entirely Pavi though she can speak Common, Pavi, and Tukant well. She's only conversational in Kontinese.
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