Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

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Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

Postby Antar on December 19th, 2011, 1:43 am

Antar's looked at Shai, arched an eyebrow, and stayed himself in calm repose as she said her peace on what he was training Nil for. Finally he simply shrugged said. "Oh dear, what ever could the little one be thinking... or you be thinking for that matter? Nevermind, that's a discussion we might put off for later. So far she's only learned a bit of knifework and how to throw a punch."

Turning back towards Nil, he'd reply after using a gauntlet to muss her hair a little in a friendly manner. "Grown ups like Uncle and Auntie aren't wise to speak of such things with children, Nillie. Not even children with the ability to smell things better then adults. It's just bad manners."

Humming to himself, Antar gazed at the selections the clerk brought back. It looked large enough for the kelvic to wear for at least a year or two, as the hem length was of the rare adjustable variety, so long as one would be taking the time with undoing the pleats of the fabric. Such a dress would be useful later in life for Nil'Anon to be able to play the part of a merchant's daughter if he ever had another 'job' requiring the excisement of someone from 'high society.'

Formal wear for parties were quite easy to hide stuff within once you considered all the angles... yes it would do quite well. And it seemed at least to match little Nil's eyes... his mind began to automatically catalogue all sorts of ways the little kelvic could prove a useful distraction to anyone, an old lady, or even a guard if she pretended to be 'lost.' It would only be a matter of training after all.

Bending towards Nil'Anon, Antar brought the child a little closer to the counter to see what was presented, the small green dress with the cloak. "Is that looking good to you? It does seem to also match your eyes."

At Nil's reaction to the clerk's portrayal of the dress, Antar would either nod his approval and promptly pay for the formal looking one with his own money and the other one for daily wear out of Nil's or ask for more dresses to be shown.
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Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

Postby Nil'Anon on December 20th, 2011, 4:22 am

Nil’Anon shrugged at Antar’s response to her question, and then further shrugged when the people around her inquired about her opinion of the clothing that had presented. “Green is pretty,” she stated rather matter of factly, since the only thing she really could express her opinion on was the fact that she liked the color. Mostly this was because she could actually see the color green, compared to some of the other colors that fell outside of the range she was able to see as a feline Kelvic. Clothing wasn’t really something she thought a lot about or needed most of the time, at least, she hadn’t before. She didn’t understand why she needed such things to begin with either, or why polite society wore them. Didn’t anyone realize that there was so much more freedom in being unclothed? “Why do I need these,” the Kelvic asked as she looked up at the other three. The answer she was given wouldn’t really matter much to the girl, nor would it help her to decide on which of them she liked. In the end, Antar would have to choose which ones suited his own personal needs and plans for Nil’Anon.
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Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

Postby Antar on December 20th, 2011, 4:40 am

"Uncle Noth" smiled at the child's precious questions and began to chuckle a little before shuffling Nil up a little so she could look him in the eye. "My aren't you the 'wild child.' The reason to have clothes? Well it's best explained that I want you to have clothe's because Uncle Noth wants to keep you safe Nillie. In common society a child walking around unclothed isn't safe. And clothes help hide weapons as well. So I want you to promise me that unless you're taken swimming by one of the people who I trust, you'll be wearing clothes when you can walk. It's just safer that way. Besides, a spare set of clothing is always good if you break the first one."

Turning towards the clerk and Shai, Antar looked at the garments for a quick appraisal and ended up paying twenty gold for the fine dress out of his own proceeds. It would match the outfit he had bought before, and Shai's well enough in case they needed anything in the future.

The second dress , a thing of durable cotton, with frills of all things was a cheaper sort and that was just paid for out of his own funds too after a bit of heckling with the clerk.

The clerk of course went high as the bidding began but after actually dropping his starting price from 15 gold mizas to twelve when the clerk went barely a gold under from 25 gold mizas to twenty four soon got the point across and the bill was settled at twenty for that.

After a conclusion on the next dress a humming Antar nodded cordially to Shai to lead them towards someplace where he could get Nil 'armor'.

Antar's Receipt :
20 gm- fine dress with adjustable hem for Nil'Anon to wear over the next two pc years :p.
1 dress ensemble cotton for Nil- whatever price the pc chooses in next post :P
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
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Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

Postby Shai on December 20th, 2011, 5:10 am

Milo nodded and wrote out a small book keeping receipt for the shop for a total of twenty-one golden rimmed mizas. Twenty for the finer dress and only one for the sturdy cotton counterpart, he was still over charging Antar by a few silvers but the store has renowned for its quality.

Shai didn’t even bother to take the packages, Antar was more than equipped to hold their purchased goods. Besides the spider was now getting curious about Nils. Smell things better? It was only now occurring to Shai that perhaps the child wasn’t human although she surely looked it. Reaching out she took the child’s hand, cautious of her own claws; she wouldn’t hurt Nil, as Antar went to haggle. She knew better than to let a small child wonder freely especially in a city such as this. Drawing the child over to one the display bins the Spider pulled out a little blue ribbon.

Kneeling before the little girl Shai adjusted her hair a bit and tied her hair back in the blue silk ribbon. “There, that looks nice. “ Pulling out a miza she tossed it to the clerk who snatched it out the air, a clearly Sunberther habit, and wrote down the ribbon on the receipt as well.

Turning to Antar as he returned with his acquisitions, “The next shop we ought to visit is outside of the gate again. I will keep her hand so yours are free, Anthony.” With a quick wave to the shop keeper she led Nil out of the shop expecting the rogue to follow. Their next destination was The Knight’s Armory, it was close but beyond the relative safety of the Gated Community. Walking with a child made her nervous as soon as they were outside of the shop Shai knelt down to let the little girl ride upon her back. Speaking quietly so only those in the immediate area could hear her, “If something particularly bad should happen little one, hold on and I will take you for a ride on the roof tops.” While carrying the kelvic in her arms would be a stretch Symenestra were well able to carry their own weight and a bit more while climbing, so as long as Nil held on too there would be no trouble.

Receipt :
1 sm for a blue Ribbon
(This price was guessed as there is no ribbon on the price list so feel free to edit this price however you feel is appropriate ^^)


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Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

Postby Nil'Anon on December 20th, 2011, 5:28 am

The child was unconcerned with the transaction that Noth was making as he haggled with Milo over the price of the dresses and was happy enough to go with Shai as they meandered over to a different display bin, one with various ribbons of all colors, widths, and designs. She watched as Shai procured a blue silk ribbon and knelt before her, putting the Symenestran at eye-level with Nil’Anon. Nil couldn’t help but pay more attention to the woman’s eyes again, especially now that they were so close. She was fascinated by those eyes for some reason. As someone who was more animal than human in nature, Nil was far more fascinated with the physical nature of other beings, than the mental. There was a lot that she could tell based on the scent that was given off. But there was more to be told based on facial expressions and movements, even the most subtle change in body language and facial expression could tell an animal something. Maybe that was why Nil’s attention was more often drawn to a person’s physical features.

Shai pulled Nil’s hair up and tied it back with the ribbon, turning the mess of hair into something more presentable than before, an act that had no real meaning to the cat-child. Once all of their transactions were complete, the small “family” exited the clothing shop and Nil found Shai offering to carry her piggyback. The child climbed onto the Symenestran woman’s back, wrapping her arms around Shai’s neck, one of her hands firmly gripping the wrist of the opposite arm with both arms low enough that they weren’t putting any pressure on Shai’s neck, but rather on her shoulders. The child at least had enough sense not to strangle the woman. Her legs slid around the woman’s waist and she hooked her feet at her ankles so that she was firmly clinging to the woman’s back like some sort of living pack. Nil wasn’t going anywhere. “Ok,” the child said to show her understanding of the instructions. “Where are we going now,” she would ask. Following that question, every few minutes, she would follow up with “Are we there yet?”
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Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

Postby Antar on December 20th, 2011, 6:13 am

Back through the gates of the Gated Community Antar lead the two ladies of the shopping excursion through to the Knight's Armory. It was a large place, set with the bustle of clerks and sold some of the finest goods.

Familiar territory.

Familiar enough to spot the unwelcome eyes of something in the alleys before heading inside with Nil and Shai. That only made him even more determined to get this day done and over with.

The clerks knew him from the times he brought a multitude of customers here, and he was no slouch at the bargaining rounds, though they tended to get more straight with him as time went on. Moving quickly through the selection process he knew Nil would be safe in Shai's clutches, and moreover he'd know the woman would begin to realize his interest in the kelvic now by his selections of armament.

He started witha bit of Nightleather armor, large enough to wear a few seasons and with a bit of adjustment in the hem would be fit enough for the silk padding to last her during her next couple of growth spurts. Antar knew kelvics would grow faster then a normal child, so he was shopping prepared. Then came a weapon harness, that would be adjustable in length and able to hold a series of knives, knicknacks, and weapons in both webbing and the attachment points for scabbards.

Next came an adept eye surveying an all black shadowsilk cloak, one that was almost the mainstay of the crimson edge, even Eryss and Cade had them upon their lists to procure at a later date. They were useful for stealth, or ambush when needed and when large enough could fit over armor.

Just the thing he wished to keep his new furry friend safe, especially since he'd soon know if looking into her past circumstance would draw any form of trouble. The bag with the slaver's coin and the mark it had was present in his mind, even if he had switched it to a new coinpurse. He viewed that money as Nil's and would only now reach into it to pay for what was presented for her safety as he prepared himself.

And the one thing his more constant companions rarely argued upon was the rogues attentiveness to details when it came to preparation. It was an almost immersive process to the rogue. After a bit of haggling, getting the prices he wanted the white haired rogue payed for all three items the rogue before gesturing Shai and Nil to the changing room to clothe the child in the armored goods. He did not say why, only that it was 'fruitless' to not try on something which was sure to be used in the future.

If he was right about those watching eyes, then it would be quite the near future indeed.

Returning to the floor proper, Antar bought a cold iron kukri from himself out of his own funds for twenty four gold mizas and then another steel kukri for Nil. He had taught her the basic use of the type of blade in the days before. She would know hopefully how to use it without hurting herself. Besides, if he was right the real world lesson of its use would hammer in the necessity in the kelvic's mind for further training.

Placing them into daggers he switched out with Shai to tie the dagger scabbards onto Nil's weapon harness before taking out the large blade he had trained her with before. She would notice it by a few of the odd carvings he had scratched into it, and now it bore the small cat's head with it and he simply told her it was a gift now and how she was doing. Speaking to Nil calmly he patted Nil's hair down as he heard Shai arguing her own purchases with the clerk.

He normally would have paid for something for her, but his demeanor would betray a readiness for action she might have kept up on. Especially as he was calling her 'Shaisha' more.

Nil's receipt (taken from her six hundred) :
Night Leather Armor - 60GM
Shadowsilk Robe - 35GM
Kukri X1 - 8GM
Weapon Harness - 5GM

Antar's Receipt :
1 Cold Iron Kukri- 24 gm
3 Dagger Scabbard- 6gm
30 gm total

Gift to Nil :
1 Steel kukri... Antar's old kukri as her 'heirloom' :P
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
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Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

Postby Shai on December 20th, 2011, 6:54 am

Shai was being extremely cautious in demeanor as they left the gates. They were in a small area of the Common’s sandwiched between the Slave Market and the Slums, the two prime places in Sunberth to get snatched. While small, attended, children weren’t the best targets the Symenestra was still wary that another child could be stolen. When her eyes caught a quick glimpse of those follow them she managed not to betray her recognition. Following Antar into the armory, where for the moment they were safe.

As the rogue began searching about for the items Shai’s eyes went to the spot on the wall where her fan had previously hung. In its spot was a new one, a stark counterpart to her current fan; this one was indigo with silver embroidery. It had nice symmetry; a crimson and gold fan partnered with indigo and silver. Reaching out to pull down the fan as soon as her fingers touched the metal frame she recoiled, it was cold. She wasn’t given time to ponder why though as Antar wanted her help dressing Nil while he shopped more.

Taking the child into the back room she helped secure her into the armor and harness. The straps were pulled the base but the gear fit well enough, it meant there was plenty of room for growth which Shai approved of. ”Does that sit well? I know it feels strange at first but as long as it does not pinch it is appropriate.” As soon as the kelvic was in the armor they returned to the sales floor. They were relatively safe around so many people, at least from overt thugs, but that didn’t stop the spider from wanting all of their fighting power in one place. Returning Nil to the rogue Shai retrieved the fan and went about haggling. It was quickly evident that it was made of the same metal as Antar’s new blade as well. As soon as the name of the metal came to light, ‘Cold Iron’, she knew how to handle this interaction. Tripling the price of other fan Shai managed to get the indigo cold iron fan for seventy-five gold rimmed mizas and she counted herself lucky.

Flicking the fan open once to hear the struts click smartly into place, the spider returned to her companions. Jerking her wrist up the fan closed again and she tucked it into her cloak on the opposite side of the other one. She was ready to go and smiled at Antar, “Shall we head home dear? It is almost time to eat.”

Receipt :
1 (Cold Iron) Iron Fan 75gm


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Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

Postby Antar on March 8th, 2012, 5:49 am

" Yes my dear, I think we should." Antar said before picking up the little kelvic warrior beast to be in his arms before transferring her into a piggy back. Nil'Anon was a happy little critter it seemed, much like all children, yet quite capable of keeping herself on his back and along the way home towards camp.

Unfortunately, much to his amusement, it seemed their followers did not seem to give up. Maybe they were just some thugs looking out for money, maybe they weren't and were someone from Nil's past. Like the slavers she had told him about... whatever the case he wondered when the trap was to be sprung, so he taking Shai by the elbow like a gentlemen he'd turn into an alley. Dodging from sight long enough to swing the kelvic from his back and onto the ground nearby behind some crates before turning towards Shai. Drawing his gladius in one hand he'd mutter softly, making his analysis of the situation as clear as possible. "There's three of them it seems following us, we have perhaps a minute till they get here. Perhaps we should give them a nice show until they get close enough we can turn the tables?"

Without waiting for a reply he would push the woman gently up against the wall, he stole a slight kiss in the shadows, letting the gladius hang under his cloak at his side where it would be out of sight of the approaching trouble. For the moment just taking the time to consider just how well he liked the taste of her lips. It was an interesting tactic to be sure, the one thing that seemed to make them stand out before was the child, and there was nothing like two lovers to dissuade a pursuer from realizing their mistakes until it was too late.

Then the tables would be turned on them ...

oocSorry this is so short...
Last edited by Antar on March 13th, 2012, 5:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

Postby Shai on March 13th, 2012, 5:23 am

hai nodded, understanding the rogue’s plan immediately. She tugged off her cloak and draped it over Nil. As Antar pushed her up against the wall she kicked of her boots knowing his cloak would hide the strange lack of footwear for the split second it would require for the advantage to become theirs. The spider’s hand snacked discreetly around his frame, holding in her palm the newly purchased fan.

In games of strategy made by humans all moves were on a single plane. The lesser creatures couldn’t be blamed for their in adequacies; their bodies simply were unequipped to fight in a third dimension such as the less gravitationally challenged. It was this blind spot that Shai so often relied upon. When the pursuers committed to entering the alley the Symnestra skittered up the wall and flanked them. Their attackers finding themselves between the window and her shadow; aA position no one in their right mind would enjoy.

Flipped opening the cold iron struts she was greeted with a satisfying clack. Tossing a feral grin at Antar briefly towards the rogue she widened her stance, dipping low to the ground. It wasn’t an optimal stance for attacking, at least not for certain kills but it gave her mobility that no other posture could rival.

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Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai)

Postby Antar on March 13th, 2012, 5:50 am

'You know, I bet if she really wanted she could take the high ground.' Antar thought as he savored a sense of anticipation for the coming fight. Sure, there was three on two, but they did have the advantage of a first strike so long as the men were a bit careless. He wondered though if their pursuers knew just how dangerous the prey they hunted was. And if the hunted would become the hunters.

Drawing a kukri from his left hand, he prepared himself as he waited, slightly off and to the left of Shai's position between her and the crates where Nil was hidden. He wondered if the symenestran would have preferred to take the high ground, but no matter. They didn't have time.

When the first wheeled around the corner, looking rushed from the pursuit Antar responded with no mercy. Pulling the arm back, the kukri was hurled forward, flying from his grasp to imbed itself blade first into the man's chest. There was a tiny grunt of shock and pain as the man's forward momentum translated into a stumble, falling face first on the pavement only to imbed the blade in deeper. Without pity , or remorse, Antar stepped forwards to stab his gladius downwards at the exposed neck, severing the tissues in a rather bloody and brutal, if effective, conclusion before stepping back once more as he readied himself by stepping slightly behind the cover of a few stacked crates.

Antar smiled and looked briefly at Shai, holding up two fingers, signalling they should be prepared for the others. It would not be as easy of course as the first kill. No, he imagined something quite cagier would occur. But as for what, he couldn't quite know...
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
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