Kadrath Plotnotes

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This forum is an OOC forum for PCS and Organizations to work out plans in hardcopy. Each PC or Organization gets a single thread where their players can help work out plans for their PC. Quests, mini-sagas, and Trips can all be organized here as well working out timelines and points of travel and things PCs need to do along the way. Each PC however gets only one Plotnote for their individual PC. Groups get one as well. There is no limit on individuals posting saga or trip plotnote threads. Please denote [PC Plotnotes] or [Group Plotnotes] or [Quest/Trip/Saga Plotnotes] when titling your threads.

Kadrath Plotnotes

Postby Kadrath Onktaka on February 22nd, 2012, 7:00 pm

Things to accomplish:

1. Create and complete enough threads to obtain a mastery of dog handling; this will gain me the earned title of Kennel Master and the right to create a new dog breed.

1.a. Make threads that are specifically related to specializing in creating a new breed of dog with the intense detailing necessary to create a new breed.

2. Create and write up new dog breed to put in the Wiki.

3. Establish a firm relationship with Raiha.

3.a. Make a son! ---top priority for status within the Akalak community.

4. Earn and raise money to fund a proper Kennel at Sanctuary.

5. Get some male friends because the estrogen ocean is huge at Sanctuary!

6. Learn about birds and bird handling, preferably from Raiha.

7. Learn more veterinary skills and horse handling preferably taught by Kavala.

8. Practice Lakan and unarmed combat training to at least competent level if not higher.

9. Start some religious/spiritual threads of Rath and Uruk's devotion to Wysar; maybe a second gnosis mark in the future?
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Kadrath Plotnotes

Postby Kadrath Onktaka on March 2nd, 2012, 5:15 pm

Spring Calendar for Riverfall looks like something I want to achieve.

March (2012)
1. Experience the Djed Storm.
2. Lose something in the Storm.
3. Pray to a Deity.
4. Assist in rebuilding something.

April (2012)
1. Tell someone your true feelings.
2. Learn an exotic skill.
3. Rescue something or someone from destruction.
4. Do something in the moonlight.

May (2012)
1. Craft an article of clothing or something worn on the body.
2. Show remorse for something.
3. Laugh at yourself or someone else.
4. Mimic something that's wild.

Note to self: June 27th, 2011, 1:42 pm
Last edited by Kadrath Onktaka on April 7th, 2012, 3:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Kadrath Plotnotes

Postby Kadrath Onktaka on March 11th, 2012, 9:20 pm

Some notes on Faith,

Which gods appeal to you?
Wysar appeals to Kadrath greatly. Conviction in yourself and your beliefs along with a strong sense of discipline is the very core of their Faith.

Why or why doesn't your PC like them?
My PC likes Wysar because he commands respect through his honor, gives comfort in the solidarity of his presence, and strives for worth in his thoughts and deeds. They respect Akajia because she's not a braggart when it comes to being intelligent. She is smart, but not obnoxious about it. They do not like Rhysol because of his Chaotic nature. It goes against their core beliefs.

Does your PC even know about the Gods?
Yes, Kadrath knows both Wysar and Akajia, the father and mother of Riverfall. Although less familiar with the other Gods, he does have a basic knowledge and respect of the more common ones.

Where did they first learn of them?
Rath and Uruk's parents and grandfather are very devout and believe in sharing their faiths. They have taught their sons that Faith will give you a solid foundation on which to build your life.

What are the Gods influences in a PC's life?
Wysar holds an extremely strong place within Kadrath's life. He is responsible for aiding the Akontak in achieving balance and harmony with his brother, respect for all life, and a working discipline in every aspect of how he thinks and behaves. Wysar has literally made them the men they are today.

Are you frustrated some pages are blank or not everything is covered in the wiki?
Yes. Why are crazy unbalanced, undisciplined, schizoid Ceruleans considered the devout of Wysar?! That really bothers me -and- Kadrath. I would think that a group of men who work toward physical and mental balance, and live with honor should be more representative of Wysar's devout. Geez Rath, tell us how you really feel! :lol:

(When Rath speaks and when Uruk speaks.)
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Kadrath Plotnotes

Postby Kadrath Onktaka on March 13th, 2012, 5:49 pm

It's a bit a strange thing to have my PC tell me what he wants to do, but I'm going with it. Rath is keen on learning reimancy, especially because it's earth related. He's a solid guy who takes the most comfort in earthly things like hunting or simply enjoying nature itself. I really hadn't planned on a magic using PC at all. At the most, I'd noticed that Rath and Uruk are devout to Wysar and very respectful of Akajia. When Kavala and Raiha mentioned georeimancy, Kadrath perked up and let me know that's something they want to pursue--avidly.

I don't know squat about reimancy. It has, um, something to do with res and the elements I think. I'll need to read my eyes out and do a thousand threads to get the hang of it. Hopefully Kadrath is a faster learner than I am in regards to magic use. Ever have a PC that wanted to do things that you know almost nothing about? :rolleyes:
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Kadrath Plotnotes

Postby Kadrath Onktaka on March 17th, 2012, 5:40 pm

Threads I need to respond to:

[Sanctuary] If It Moves And Tastes Good Kill It (Open)

[Sanctuary] We Can't Be Paralyzed By Fear (Open)

Waiting for someone to post or if the thread is dropped:

[The Sanctuary] The Cusp of A First Winter Morning
[Sanctuary] Renewed hope (Kavala/Open)
[Sanctuary] Pulling Punches
[Sanctuary] Crossover Medicine (Rath/Open)
[Sanctuary] Urban Warfare
[Sanctuary] The Wounded Return (Open)
Winter Raiding Party (Open to first 3 people who post)
[Sanctuary] Common Interests [Kadrath]
[Sanctuary] Gotta Get Up Early If You Wanna Hunt For Eggs
[Sanctuary] Tell Me Something Good [Kadrath]
Don't Clam Up On Me [Kadrath]
[Sanctuary] Going Underground
[Sanctuary] The Eye of the Storm
[The Sanctuary] Aftermath
[Sanctuary] Love Does Not Give Prior Notice (Open)
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Kadrath Plotnotes

Postby Kadrath Onktaka on March 18th, 2012, 6:36 pm

Need to learn some horse riding skills from either Serrif or Ronan. Rath can do groundwork and standard training on them, but he's got no official skill points in actual riding. That's something that needs to be rectified asap. :nod:
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Kadrath Onktaka
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Kadrath Plotnotes

Postby Kadrath Onktaka on April 4th, 2012, 5:11 pm

Need to post to:
[Sanctuary] Tell Me Something Good [Kadrath]

Ones I've started myself:
[Sanctuary] Dumb dog!
Pawsitive Memories (Flashback)
An offering to Wysar(Open)
Added b-day reference for winter 88 in going underground
Just as light brightens darkness, discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort.
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Kadrath Onktaka
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Kadrath Plotnotes

Postby Kadrath Onktaka on April 23rd, 2012, 4:40 pm

Go to library and try to find info on tigers, ie, growth, development, nutrition, traits, health, illnesses and behaviors.
Just as light brightens darkness, discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort.
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Kadrath Plotnotes

Postby Kadrath Onktaka on May 15th, 2012, 6:46 pm

I need to reply to:
Don't Clam Up On Me [Kadrath]
An offering to Wysar(Raiha)

Must continue with solos and flashbacks:
[Sanctuary] Dumb dog!(Solo)
Pawsitive Memories (Flashback)

Threads waiting on response from others:
[Sanctuary] Crossover Medicine (Rath/Open)
[Sanctuary] The Wounded Return (Open)
[Sanctuary] Gotta Get Up Early If You Wanna Hunt For Eggs
[Sanctuary] Love Does Not Give Prior Notice (Open)
[Sanctuary] Common Interests [Kadrath]
[Sanctuary] We Can't Be Paralyzed By Fear (Open)
[Sanctuary] Pulling Punches
[Sanctuary] Urban Warfare
[The Sanctuary] Aftermath
[OPEN] Hunting while watching people work is fun
[Sanctuary] Tell Me Something Good [Kadrath]
Knowing spots not stripes(Kennen)
Forgotten Night (Open)

Confused by who is left, what the order is, or if it's a total drop:
[Sanctuary] If It Moves And Tastes Good Kill It (Open)
[Sanctuary] The Eye of the Storm (Open)
[Sanctuary] Going Underground
Winter Raiding Party Dropped?
[Sanctuary] Renewed hope (Kavala/Open) Dropped?

Where to turn this in for grading?
[The Sanctuary] Are you sure you want THIS job?
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Kadrath Onktaka
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