by Siarak on March 25th, 2012, 9:45 pm
But Suiembro didn’t even move instead he just sat there with that bizarre grin of his. Glancing back up at Miss. Fianza a shiver went done his spine, she was smiling for the very first time sense Siarak met her but what really made his hackles raise was the fact that her smile reminded him of a cat that just pounce on its pray. “Well what are you two doing just sitting there like two fools?” Vex growled at them standing in the middles of circle with his hands on his hips “ You heard my new master hurry up and get the contract ready”. Narrowing his narrow mixture of orange yellow eyes at the pair turn to the kirt saying evenly “Hush now Vex I take care of it” “But...” Vex started to protests but was cut off with a raise hand from Siarak. Looking back up at Miss. Fianza “Is there something wrong Miss. Fianza” he ask in the same even voice. “Why there nothing wrong” she said in an uncharacteristic sweet voice “It’s just the small matter of my payment”. “Payment what are you talking about?” Siarak exclaim shock and confused by the unforeseen turn of events “Why of course you didn’t honestly expect me to help you find a familiar for free did you? Do you have any idea the risk that is involve in doing so. “Miss. Fianza pointed while she sat herself up right meeting Siaraks eyes. Narrowing his eyes Siarak wonder what game was Miss. Fianza and her familiar were playing. If she was really concern about getting paid she would have brought it up long time ago. Giving a soft huff Siarak reach his hand in his pocket pulled out the pouch he keeps his money in, but before he could open it he was cut short by Suiembro amuse purr “No no foolish boy it’s not money we want” “What is it then tell him for we can finally get that petching contract sign” growled Vex clearly less then please for being stuck in the summering circle so long. “Vex please don’t antagonize them” Siarak said trying to calm the kirt down before his bad temper got the better of him again, “Yes master” Vex said as he bow his head in submission. “Now Miss. Fianza if it isn’t money that you want then what exactly is it that you want?” he asks eyes turning a light green “It’s nothing really, you see there a letter that conations something very important to me and I want you to retrieve for me” Said Miss. Fianza. Raising his eye brow at her first wondering why she want him do such simple request as picking up her mail. “Wait Miss. Fianza you want me to pick your mail” he ask in astonishment, giving a snort of laughter Miss. Fianza gave a quick reply “I’m afraid it is not a simple as that. You see the latter is in the possession of one of the University administrator, and you need to take it from without him knowing”. “Wait you want me to steal? I’m no theft” Siarak scoff feeling affronted by the suggestion, that he was some kind of turn coat. “Well consider a temporally career change” deadpan Miss. Fianza clearly not caring one way or other, “and I don’t agree to do these” Siarak said and Vex added right it “Right after it “We just agree to it and forget all about”. “Well you can forget about getting yourself a familiar and I don’t know anyone else in Zeltiva who has a familiar and that are skilled at summering, and on that note if you do happen to forget well I advise not to because it could be dangers fatal for you” she finish looking Vex who just growled at her . Biting the inside of his cheek Siarak hated feeling that he was trap and that what Miss. Fianza exactly did, had him back up in a corner with no way out not if he wanted Vex as a familiar or any familiar at that. “Let’s say I do agree to this who is the administrator I’m stealing from?” Siarak ask giving her giving his best glare and making it clear he’s not happy right now. “The administrator name Nymira Andrurn a vile woman who does nothing but toady to the Board of Regents in hopes of becoming one of them I think and of course she loves to makes life miserable everyone around her. But she shouldn’t be a problem of someone with your talents and besides you while have help from your familiar” She said glancing down at Vex. Glaring at her even harder his eyes bleeding in to red he hated being trap like this , and he know he doesn’t no choice but agree with her do the task she want him to do. But Siarak promise to himself he going to get back at her for this someday. “Very well I’ll get the dam letter for you” he said resentfully “Good in that case we have a deal now would you be a dear and get the contract ready for we can go ahead bond these two “she said as if she heard something funny.
Siaraks speaksFamiliar(Vex) SpeaksTelepathy speaks to Vex