Price List Addition Requests

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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Eselle on March 15th, 2012, 3:47 pm

Tarot Cards and Rune stones (for fortune telling)

Please and Thank you!
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Verilian on March 15th, 2012, 9:53 pm

Looking for prices on collars for kelvic, both metal and leather, to keep them from shifting.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Paragon on March 18th, 2012, 1:12 am

Income for an Artist, please :)
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Shadowfang on March 18th, 2012, 5:39 am

Zith specific weapon: Wingblades. Blades that can be attached to wings and used for combat, but hinders flying ability. Design and more info to be added at a later date.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Aurrealis on March 18th, 2012, 6:56 am

I would like to request Herbs! It would be great to know which ones are out there, where you could find ones, and how much they sell for; otherwise people make them up - unless that's allowed, which is totally fine by me. (:
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Malik on March 18th, 2012, 4:07 pm

Perhaps a list of potions or salves for Philterers? I'd appreciate it a lot!
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Eridanus on March 20th, 2012, 10:32 am

There is income for Alchemists, but not for the other World Magic disciplines. Therefore I request incomes for other mages, such as Animators, Magecrafters, Maledictors, Spiritist, etc. Alternatively, you could group them all under a "World Mage" job and give it some sort of guideline regarding income range.

Also, a price for the various ores/alloys mentioned here ->

EDIT: Also, possible incomes for personal magi, such as 'Magical Psychiatrist' (Hypnotism) or 'magical item appraisal' (Auristics) or even 'magic builder' (Earth Reimancy)
Last edited by Eridanus on April 1st, 2012, 11:54 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Laszlo on March 25th, 2012, 10:50 pm

I'd like to request the addition of a "cowl" in headwear. For the bashful Symenestra in warmer weather, wearing a hooded cloak is simply impractical!
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Malaki on March 27th, 2012, 5:10 am

I would like to request cobbling tools, if possible just a toolkit that says it has cobbling tools. If not I'm requesting maybe some of these tools?

Tools requested:
  • Nails (Small, tiny, large, etc.)
  • Cobbler's last
  • Shoe strecher (Tiny, Large, small, etc.)
  • Dubbin
  • Sewing thread of vary thickness
  • Shoe wax
  • Lasting pliers
  • Hammers of assorted sizes
  • Hand drill
  • Wrenches

Please and thank you!
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Nixie on March 28th, 2012, 10:14 pm

I would like a price for tinder. :p Since I think it might be difficult to lite a tobacco pipe with flint and steal. =.=.. If there is already something in the price list like this, please point it out to me, because I couldn't find it. Thanks in advance!

Right now my computer isn't working and am being forced to write posts on my phone. So please be patient with me. And sorry for any spelling errors or lack of post coding.
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