You'd be surprised at how much people misuse gaming terms. They hear a term once and think they know what it means. They like to shout them like a battle cry ("Sink the Bismark!") of injustice and dubious behavior. Some even tote it as a claim to fame like they are proud of their flawed beautiful nature. Fine. To each their own. But the line in the sand for me was another AS calling me a Metagamer for doing Domain Storyteller things like taking a race that is actively listed in the wiki as having a BAD REPUTATION (hello? Yes... its there) and saying because a group I'm working with thinks this race is bad, then I'm Metagaming. Moderators can't be accused of Metagaming because that's kinda right in line with what they do! Geeze folks... seriously?
Calm your passions people. We get it. You love your chosen races. I love mine too. That doesn't mean they aren't beautifully flawed and loathed somewhere or everywhere in game. One Myrian eats one person's heart out one time in a non-Myrian setting where there are non-Myrian witnesses that live and I bet you any coin in the Mizahar world that incident becomes an instantly true Urban Legend and then all Myrian's everywhere are suddenly dubbed Cannibals. Why? Because its a great story and people IC gossip. Fun times folks. It's taboo in most human societies so when a non-human does it, then its big news in the sense of bards carrying the tale around, caravan traders gossiping about it, etc. In that same light, I'm fairly sure certain darker races have reputations that proceed them. Now, as a Founder and Storyteller, I can have NPCs know this reputation. Why?
Can you as a PC know this? Nope.. not unless someone's told you or you have direct experience in it. I've had one PC in this game so far that was told all about the Symenestra, for example, by a Symenestra PC that befriended mine and warned her away from them while at the same time inviting her to visit Kalinor. She did. She lived. It was no big deal. Threads were never finished because the said Symenestra player quit, but dude.. take it up with him that my PC knows it. It's all documented in game. Another PC of mine knows about Syms as well. Why? A GODDESS TOLD HER. Yep. In thread. Well maybe it wasn't exactly a goddess, but it was a Goddess' priestess acting as her go-between. I didn't ask for the information. It just came up in a casual conversation.
So... because we all seem so confused on these definitions, I've been working on a big bad OOC guide for Riverfall in my huge and as Cayenne puts it 'God Jen, no one will ever read that thing..." way I've included a whole host of topics including Mary Sues and more relevant to this blog, two key definitions. I thought I'd share. That way we can clear up whether the evil people on this game have been GODMODDING or METAGAMING or whatever the hell they seem so intent on shining the spotlight on. My take on it is simple. Don't do it. If you do, fix it when someone calls your bullshit and move on. If you bring it up more than once, you are just once more trying to spotlight yourself. So... clarity folks. Get some. And know these definitions BEFORE you go accusing others, please, especially storytellers.
❖ Godmodding & Powergaming
Godmodding (sometimes called Powergaming) has a whole host of definitions, but is distinctly different from Metagaming. In general, Godmodding is a term used for those that create a character that is portrayed as skilled sometimes to the point that they are virtually indestructible and incredibly good at everything they do despite their skillset listed on their character sheet. Anyone who utilizes skills at a higher level than listed on their CS is considered a Godmodder.
Godmodding is also a term used to refer to a character that describes an outcome of their own actions against another PC or NPC without giving the PC or the moderator a chance to respond. Ie. Character A swung his axe, cutting off Character B’s head! On Mizahar, its perfectly acceptable for Character A to swing to kill, just let Character B respond and at least try to dodge. In a situation where it is impossible for Character B to dodge (say hes laying prone on the ground unconscious), it can also be considered Godmodding for Character B to miraculously get away in a convenient and out of context way.
A further use of Godmodding is when a character takes too many actions in one round of combat. Some people love to write great detailed in-depth posts, but one has to remember that doing actions takes time. This is especially true with magic. So if its our badboy Character A’s turn to post again, and he casts two fireballs, throws up a shield, and creates a sword of stone all out of his awesome Reimancy, odds are he’s not going to have time for all of that at once. A fireball or two is fine, but some things take concentration and PC’s have a tendency to forget about casting time in magic. And while the wiki doesn’t specify casting time, we go by the ‘is it reasonable in those seconds’ rules. Probably four creations of oozing djed, forming it, and utilizing it aren’t.
Controlling characters that are not yours to begin with is also considered godmoding. This is not metagaming, like some people confuse it with. Metagaming is utilizing knowledge (usually a skill or some news relevant to the game) your PC does not have in thread.
❖ Metagaming
Metagaming is simply defined as the use of out of character knowledge in an in character situation. A character played by a metagamer does not act in a way that reflects the character's in game experiences and back-story.
Metagaming most commonly occurs when a pc utilizes knowledge (usually a skill or some news relevant to the game) they do not have in thread. Player A knows how to tie a killer knot thus Player A’s PC (Character A) can too! Where’d he learn how to tie knots? When? Show me the lore or skill? If you don’t have it, you don’t know it unless its considered in-game common knowledge. Now this is a mild example, a tiny whoops, but the use of Metagaming gets vast and ridiculous fast.
Metagaming is not allowed in Riverfall. All Metagaming will be commented on and noted when threads are graded and most instances, when either noted by Storytellers or reported by players, will result in PM's that ask players to change their posts to more clearly reflect their PC's skillset. This is why it is important to keep your Character Sheet updated and current.
Metagaming is distinctly different but closely related to Godmodding (Powergaming). Please see the Godmodding section for noted differences. Neither is allowed in Riverfall or on Mizahar in general. Mistakes are made, and sometimes these two instances happen without players being aware. We understand this, but expect corrections to be made if and when incidents do occur.
Now, hopefully, we all know the difference. If your Godmodding, your using skills above your level, predetermining outcomes, or running characters both pc and npc you have no right to run. If your Metagaming your taking OOC Knowledge IC. We clear everyone?