Tallis was born to be different. His mother and father were on a returning ship to Zeltiva when disaster struck. A gigantic storm battered their ship while the coastlines of the city hovered right on the horizon. Giant waves and pelting rains assailed the ship, and in the midst of all the chaos, Tallis' mother began to give birth. Trapped in a small cabin in the hold of the ship with no one to help them, all his parents could do was pray. And pray they did. For an entire bell, his parents prayed to Zulrav, Lord of the Storms, to protect their child.
Zulrav heard their prayers. He marked the newborn, claiming him as one of his own children, and disappeared with the storm. From the day he uttered his first cry, Tallis was a Stormwarden.
His earlier years were spent growing up in the beautiful city of Zeltiva. He led a fairly sheltered childhood in a very small family and grew up under the care of his doting mother and father. His father, a sailor, spent much of his time working on the seas to support his wife and son. His mother, a seamstress, devoted much of her time to raising her son, teaching him important morals, manners, and etiquette.
When Tallis was old enough, he enrolled himself in the University of Zeltiva. His parents were overjoyed when he was accepted and ecstatic when Tallis brought home good grades and tests. However, he missed the days where he would work with his father on the seas or explore the mountains and ruins with his childhood friends. Studying was easy for Tallis, but it was also boring. However, that soon changed when he met Holden, a senior student at the University.
During his second year at the University, Tallis’ first year away from home, Holden had been assigned as his dorm-mate. The two got along spectacularly, but they had one difference. Tallis was studying medicine at the College of Applied Skills and Holden was a student at the College of Scholars. Whereas Tallis only had stories of herbal remedies, Holden would tell stories of how he had managed to set a desk on fire. Finally, Tallis decided that he also wanted to join the College of Scholars, and Holden agreed to help him.
Tallis spent a month pouring over magical texts under Holden’s tutelage. He learned the Laws of Djed and researched the different branches of magic. He learned to recognize Res and learned to fear the consequences of overgiving. After much preparation and research, Tallis finally felt ready, and Holden agreed to initiate him.
On one silent night, when the students in the dorm had finally gone to sleep, they began the initiation. Tallis knelt in front of Holden and winced as the sharpened edge of the dagger slid across his upturned palms. He watched, transfixed, as Holden forced his smog-like Res through the freshly opened wounds, but soon he was in too much pain to focus. The Res seemed to move slowly at first, but it had suddenly started forcing its way down his throat and nose, pushing at any opening available. As pain shot across his body, Tallis forced himself to focus on the invasive Res, knowing full well that losing focus now could result in his death.
On the verge of collapse, the pain suddenly stopped. It had seemed like a torturous hour to Tallis, but the experience could not have lasted more than a few chimes. As Holden removed his Res, Tallis fell to the floor. Exhausted, drained, and slightly nauseated, Tallis’ skin felt numb and the slightest movements sent electrifying shocks thundering through his body. So he lay on the floor, waiting for the pain to dissipate, all the while watching as the cuts on his palms created a pool of bright red blood. It took Tallis a moment before he noticed that the Res pouring out of his wounds did not belong to Holden but was of his very own making.
Tallis tried mentally moving the Res around and changing it, willing it to conform to a shape and making it stay there. Eventually the pain dulled enough that Tallis could sit up, and with the regained use of his hands, he managed to quickly mold a small sphere of ethereal Res. Now he tried transmuting the Res, but focusing on fire, water, and earth only made the sphere waver and dispel. Tallis tried once more to transmute the Res, focusing on the element of air. He imagined the breezes he felt while sailing with his father. He imagined looking over Zeltiva from the Zastoska mountains and feeling like part of the sky.
And suddenly the Res began to change. Tallis willed the Res to move, swirling the mystical energy around. Soon, a steady breeze moved throughout the dorm-room. Tallis had taken his first steps to mastering Reimancy. Pleased with his first try, Tallis released the ball of magic. But as soon as he stopped the flow of Res coming from his hands, he collapsed into a heavy slumber.
After staying in bed for several days, Tallis finally gained enough energy to talk to the registrar and have himself transferred to the College of Scholars. With help from Holden, he quickly rose to the top of his class. In Tallis’ third year, Holden left to continue his magical studies at the Great Library in Sahova. Tallis finished his own studies and travelled home to help his father at the harbor. Using his abilities as a Reimancer and the gift given to him by Zulrav, Tallis felt out the winds at sea and analyzed them so that he could warn other sailors of incoming storms, or even the dreaded Bonesnappers.
T I M E * L I N E13th Spring, 512 AV: Tallis goes on a trip to the White Obelisk, only to be attacked by a giant transparent mutant shark. The Leviathan is actually a Charoda, mutated by the Djed storms. The ensuing fight for survival causes Tallis to unlock the ability to leech. Tallis has been coming to terms with this ability. Ever since the events of the white obelisk, he has experienced a craving for Djed, a hunger permeating him. It will be hard to ever deny leeching from any significant pool of Djed he sees. He remembers the pain he caused Sierra, the first victim of his leeching; but he also remembers the pleasure - the feeling of overwhelming power and invincibility. That power hungry monster he became still haunts him and Tallis takes every precaution to never use his leeching abilities unless he absolutely must. He fears that others will see him as a monster and tries his hardest to hide his cursed power. However, his self-control has its limits, although he has yet to discover what they are. |