Al Sahaba Mualakim CS
Race:Al Sahaba Mualakim
Birthday & Age :Fall 14, 492, 20
Language 1: Fluent - Shiber
Language 2: Basic - Common
Language 3: Poor - Char
Physical Description
Height: 5"7', 198lbs, Muscular, Handsome, Black Eyes, Brown Hair, Tan Skin.
He is short, but the way he walks makes him almost unnoticed. He Has a birthmark
on his right arm - A bear Claw.
Character Concept
He is a Benshira. He believes his purpose is to spread magic around
the world. He has good morals. He does not tolerate theivery, bullying, or
Criminal Acts. His heart is pure, even though he sometimes loses control of
his emotions, which may lead to his death.
Character History
Lived in small hut in Alvadas. Parents left to deal some business in a foreign
land. 4 days after they left, a messenger came and took me to a new family, saying my parents had died in a Caravan raid by the Zith. Lived to stop such injustice. He decided at the tender age of 13 that he wanted to learn Webbing and Summoning to protect those he cares about. He searched far and wide, asking his foster parents to try to find a teacher by messenger. He eventually found an old Drykas who was ill, but tought him a little in each skill. Then the old Drykas died. His foster parents taught him to fight with short swords, survive in the desert, make maps, and be stealthy.
Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
Summoning - 5
Webbing - 5
Short Sword - 25
Wilderness Survival - 10
Stealth - 10
Cartography - 10
Equipment and Possessions
House Key of Alvadas, Simple Trousers, Shirt, Gloves, CLoak, Boots, Undergarmets, Short Sword(2),Picture of Mother and Father, Mapmaker's Toolkit, Throwing Dagger(10), House in Alvadas
Purchase Cost Running Total
Starting Package +100 GM 100 GM
Throwing Knives, 10 -10 GM 90 GM
Mapmaker's Toolkit -22 GM 68 GM
Alvadas House +350 GM 418 GM
Beef, Jerked, 3lbs -21 GM 397 GM
Horse, Heavy -200 GM 197 GM
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