[Location]The Surf and Turf

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Location]The Surf and Turf

Postby Shepherd on March 17th, 2012, 8:44 pm

The Surf and Turf
Drinks served in Glasses upstairs
In gourds downstairs

Glass - 1 sm
Gourd - 2 sm
Pitcher - 5 sm

Kelp Wine
Glass - 2 sm
Gourd - 4 sm
Bottle - 1 gm

White Wine
Glass - 1 sm
Gourd - 2 sm
Bottle - 5 sm

Reed Rum
Spiced Rum (Shot) - 3 sm
Fruity Rum (Shot) - 5 sm
Pure Rum (Shot) - 4 sm

Fish - 2 sm
Wine Kelp Dessert - 4 sm
Sweet Reed - 1 sm
Fried Gourd Rinds Appetizer - 2 sm


The Surf and Turf is a product of necessity brought to fruition by a Konti named Kay'layza. She realized that the residents of the Caldera were not mingling with the residents of Alvadas, and vice versa. So she decided to build somewhere they could come together and finally become a cohesive part of society. Thus, The Surf and Turf was born.

The Surf and Turf is a bi-level, high class bar. The entire structure is carved into the stone on the rim of the Caldera of Rainbow Shells. It is always placed along the rim right on the shore, though the exact location shifts along the coast. It is accessible by both land and by sea, with separate entrances. All weapons are forbidden, and must be checked at the entrances.

The upper level is commonly referred to as the Dry Dock. It is accessible by a carved stone stairway that begins at the coast, and cuts its way through the Caldera Rim. At the bottom of the steps, is a solid wooden door manned by one of the bar's intimidating bouncers. It has open walls that overlook Glasswater Bay, and is a very comfortable atmosphere. The space is quite large, and can accommodate up to 50 or so customers comfortably. The bar, tables, and the chairs are all carved into the stone. Lighting is in the form of lanterns, as well as natural lighting from Syna and Leth. This is both to keep with the atmosphere of the bar, and to give the intoxicated patrons less weapons to brawl with. There is also a central raised platform in the middle of the bar, where entertainment, usually in the form of music, performs. Finally, there is a set of stone steps that lead into the water into the lower level. Several beautiful women service both the bar and serve as waitresses. There is a very low tolerance for harassing or touching the women. First offense gets you thrown out for the night. Second offense gets you thrown out for a season. A third offense is permanent banishment from the bar.

The lower level is entirely submerged underwater. It looks very similar to the upper level, and is often referred to as The Grotto. There is a short tunnel that leads in from Glasswater Bay, that is manned by one of the bar's intimidating bouncers. The tunnel then opens up to the large bar area, with similarly carved bar, chairs, and tables as above. The only major difference is the lack of a platform. In its place is simply an open circle, which is often filled with a Charoda singer. This space can accommodate about 50 patrons, and is lit by Charodae Glow Coral. There is also the set of stairs that leads to the upper level.

Every fifth day, there is a special form of entertainment. On these days, there is a 5gm cover charge to get into the bar. All profits the bar makes on this day, from all sources, food, drink, and cover charge, goes to the Acumen Asylum, the school of arts in Alvadas. Preparations for the entertainment include the women participating to disrobe prior to the show. Then they will have their bodies painted, often by students of the Asylem, treating them as canvases. The designs are often complex and colorful, and take many hours to complete. A special paint is used so as to not harm Charodae women, as well as to not come off in the water. This is not an erotic show, but rather a display of female empowerment and art. Once the women are painted, they will dance and perform however they like, both on the upper level and the lower. Any tips they receive are collected as donations for the school. During this show, there is absolutely no touching of the dancers, as this will result in permanent banishment from the bar. There are no private dance sessions, and any women who are found performing in lewd acts will be banned from the bar as well.

NPCs :
The Twins
Age: 26
Race: Svefra
Position: Bouncer
Brawling: 72
Bodybuilding: 44
Intimidation: 48
Swimming: 38
Observation: 55
2 Marks from Laviku

Age: 26
Race: Svefra
Position: Bouncer
Brawling: 69
Bodybuilding: 57
Swimming: 42
Intimidation: 50
Observation: 51
2 Marks from Laviku

The Twins, commonly referred to as Shout and Yell, are the head bouncers of The Surf and Turf. No one knows their real names, because prior to arriving in Alvadas, the two had their tongues ripped out for some offense. Kay'Layza found the two of them, and and she knew that they would be perfect companions for her and her endeavor to build The Surf and Turf.

Very little is known about these two, as they've refused to learn to communicate by any means since they became forcibly muted. However, being twins, it is rumored that the two can communicate in ways that only twins would understand. They are the muscle that enforces the upstanding nature of the bar. They've never been bested since they came along. They are very protective of all the workers and property of the bar. The may come off as intimidating, but they are among the most professional workers one could hope for. They never drink, never flirt with the clientele or their coworkers, and do their best to not damage property should a brawl occur.

Those looking for work can usually find open positions for Bartenders, Bouncers, Waitresses, and Cooks, training is available. The Dancers receive no form of payment, even if they aren't associated with the art school.

Age: 55
Race: Konti
Position: Manager
Organization: 63
Dancing: 49
Teaching: 34
Persuasion: 45
Observation: 40
1 Mark from Avalis

Kay'Layza is the owner and manager of The Surf and Turf. She rarely talks about her past, though its often believed that she came to Alvadas answering The Call. However, a fact she never shares with anyone aside from the Twins, is that she failed The Call, and is unable to answer it any longer.

Kay'Layza has close ties to the Acumen Asylum, which is why she set up the fifth day entertainment. She believes heavily that women should be able to be proud of themselves and their art, and she often participates in the show. However, most of her time is spent managing her employees and many customers. When working, she will on occasion come off as a bit frazzled. However, she will treat all people as they treat her. To her, first impressions are the only impressions. She can usually be found chatting with customers or training a new employee.

All prospective employees should seek out Kay'Layza. She goes through many employees, so she's not overly picky about who she hires. She will usually train most employees, though she relegates bouncer training to The Twins. All she expects from employees is hard work, morals appropriate for her establishment, and a cheerful attitude. A love and respect for the sea is also a big plus in her eyes.

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