510AV Spring 30th Sunberthian Streets, mid day What a wonderful blood thirsty day in Sunberth, why the flies were buzzing over a rotting carcass of some big black rat, the breezes were gentle and carried the putrid aroma of the streets across them, even the people had become more lively after the thaw of the season beforehand! More fights broke out, yelling, drunkards walking tipsy here and there singing songs of ale and chaos. Wonderfully typical of the Sunberthian society, where people would plot to kill you if there was something on your person they wanted, or for no reason at all! Maybe you were some unlucky sod who happened to cross the path of a sociopath? A whore whos throat was cut for not complying to not recieving pay after service? A thief desperate to make money for food and clothing. Ana walked along the streets with her hood up, not caring if people would reach for her pockets as there was nothing in them to be taken. No, she would be the one to do the pickpocketing, and her targets were whomever looked to have a good ammount of coin. Having of caught sight of one such person, the little girl followed after her from a distance, eyes large and somber from the lack of sleep. Only to lose sight of her target, Ana broke into a run to see if she could catch sight of the woman once more. Heart pounding, breathing hard, spring held alot of dark things in the air.. Why, Ana could breathe fine in the Fall or the Winter but not so much the Spring or Summer. The sudden stab in her chest caused her to stop for a second before continueing on, holding her chest shaking slightly, Ana found her target again and grinned. Ignoring the ebbing pain, she assumed a position akin to crouching and getting ready to jump. Placing a foot in front of the other quickly, but carefully; the scuff of her sandals would be heard easily, Ana had to make sure she was not heard from behind that way she could make a mad dash away after victemizing the pockets. Cringing as she realized she wasn't being quiet enough and cursed mentally, she considored calling it off but she was this far already..Backing out would be pitiful. Inhaling slowly as she came up behind the woman, her purple hair was a rather odd sight but Ana shook it off as her hand reached for a pocket. Only to stop, stare out, everything began to fade into black. Feeling her body tingle as cold little pin pricks cover her body after falling fowards on to the ground, Anas eyes were wide open. Shaking, Ana grasped at the ground to make sense of what was happening, heart pounding against her chest. Her vision slowly began to come back, she saw the woman was there. The sudden appearence made Ana jerk in surprise. OOC :
Not sure if this is amnetic or a heart attack.. lmao.. //I tried// I also think I'd like to hint to asthma.