by Evalin on March 20th, 2012, 11:55 pm
This assistance came in the form of dimming lights and a sudden, almost shapeless form appearing from one of the open doorways into the lab. When it moved it left a strange mix of swirling light and darkness in its midsts, like a formless black cloud in which was trapped thousands of stars. Evalin watched with fascination as it drew nearer and settled just above Fianza's left shoulder. When it's movements stilled it took on a more spherical shape, the strange waves of light spilling in around it continued to swirl, but its body was completely black. Eva could not help but feel that she was staring into the heart of nothingness, a hole in the fabric of reality itself.
Fianza's smile was in place once more, a superior look coming upon her eyes as she began to speak, "This is my familiar. As you can clearly see," her eyes looked over Eva and smiled, "He is one of the Gordios. Creatures of darkness that feed upon light."
Eva's eyes, however, never left the strange form before her. It's form, it's shape and it's way of movement... all so fascinating!
So this is a creature from the dark side of Fyrden then? It is interesting how they have adapted to such an environment. Imagine it, to consume light fo sustenance! Eva's silence drug on for several more minutes that felt like only seconds to her eternal mind, and after a time Fianza's superior air's began to fade and she sighed and turned.
"Well then, let us begin this. I shall walk you through the process as we proceed. Please stand to my side here." She motioned to a spot just behind her right shoulder. Turning her head she spoke to the Gordios beside her, "Well then Veligros, let us go fishing." Fianza smiled at some unheard reply from the familiar, and she chuckled softly and knelt down before the circle. From her pocket she produced a small needle, nothing more than a common object used for sewing, and yet with it one could open a portal into another world.
For a moment Eva enjoyed such musings as this, In the hand of a seamstress, that needle could produce the most wondrous of dresses, however, in the hands of a summoner it can break open the very fabric of reality. It is interesting how much influence such a small, insignificant object can have.
With one deft stroke, Fianza made a small cut on the tip of her left index finger, and from this seem came a single bead of of ruby life. Eva examined this for a moment, after all she had not bleed in more than 150 years. Her hand gripped her staff as she watched the Professor lower her hand over the outer ring of the, and from that finger a single drop of blood feel upon the circle.
With the sound of a raging sea, the circle was suddenly lit up with a shimmering light, the power of the magic causing the very air to tremble. It began from the very outer edges, a flow of djed that looked like swirling water began to fill the space and intersect at the lastly drawn circle in the diagram. In an instant the power of the djed flow had become a raging rapid, a whirlpool of energy that now began to dip low into the floor, creating a shallow depression into an endless darkness.
Nodding in satisfactoin, Fianza knelt down farther to place her hands on either side of the flowing circle. Her eyes peered into its depth, and a single command escaped her lips, "Now Veligros, go."
Without further incentive the Gordios flew from its perch, diving into the flowing portal with streaming darkness and light in its wake. Evalin knelt down as well, peering over Fianza's shoulder into the darkness of the portal. Certainly, Eva had created many such creations herself, but every summoner's portal was unique in some fashion. For instance, the color of Fianza's portal had a very distinct silver-purple color, and the flow of djed flowed in a clockwise fashion. Pushing back her hood Eva turned her eyes to examen the woman.
Perhaps this young one is not as foolish as she seems.
"He has found one." Fianza opened her eyes and looked into the portal, "It is a Gordios named Vendra, and he says tha--"
"No." Eva spoke flattly, "I shall not have any but an Irylid. It is necessary that my familiar be one of this species."
Fianza looked at Eva incredulously, "There is no way of telling if we will be able to find one of that species, so why are you so dead set upon one?"
Shaking her head, Evalin looked upon Fianza with a gaze that would broker no further argument, "The reasons are not for your concern. Simply find what I seek, and you shall have what you have asked."
The woman's eyebrows knitted together once more, "Well aren't we the picky one. You will be lucky to find any willing to become your familiar if you are unwilling to show flexibility." Her eyes the closed once more and silence reigned.
Eva cared little for the woman's opinion of her, and certainly she would never take a short lived creatures advice.
Those whose entire life passes in the blink of an eye know not of which they speak. They could never understand the depths at which I now see this world... and this I know because I was once as them, blind to my own futility.
From that point there were three more attempts to have Eva speak with a Gordios, the majority of which Eva suspected were in some way related to Veligros, but each and every time Eva answered with a single word. No.
A Gordios would never do, and what use had Eva of dimming the lights of a lit flame or hiding objects in the dim? What purpose could there be fore a Nuit to have such a familiar... No, for what Eva had planned an Irylid was all that would do.
It was after much searching, and many more no's from Eva, that finally Fianza opened her eyes and nodded to Evalin, "He has found one."
Standing to her feet Eva pulled her hood back into place, gripping her staff with both hands, "Good. Bring it out."
Turning her attention to the portal, Evalin watched at Veligros returned once more from the swirling djed, and behind him there was a swelling. From the very depths of the portal there came a form, the swirling lights seeming to flow around it and cover it, holding it in place within the confines of the circle. It looked as if this creature were emerging from beneath the flowing waters, and now the cascade of djed flowed over it as well.
And then it was there, free from the confines of the portal to float just inches above it. It's form looked like a perfect orb, its sides completely smooth and reflected everything in the room. Eva could even see herself depicted there, her image a smaller replica that stood upon its head.
"You may speak with it." Fianza said, still kneeling where she was, "If it agrees to join in bonding with you I shall will complete the contract."
Without so much as a nod to the woman, Eva stepped forward close to the circle. Holding the staff in one hand she rapt it twice upon the ground, letting the ringing sound fade before finally speaking, "Tell me, Irylid, what is your name?"
Time stretched on for neary a minute before Eva felt it, the chilled touched of a consiousness that was not her own. It was strange, foreign... and it almost seemed to prod and poke before it began to speak in a slow, steady voice as smooth as ice itself, I am Tsenrika.
Nodding slowly, Eva leaned down to better look upon the strange creature. It was barely the size of a blue jay, and pefectly round and smooth. From it came an almost chilled feeling, as if it were made of ice, "I am Evalin, and I am to be your new master. Will you willingly consent to our contract?"
The Irylid did not speak for a long moment, but remained motionless, drifting in idle thought and contemplation until, finally, its mind brushed against Eva's once more, What purose would you have in our bond, and why have you chosen to contact one of my kind?
Straightening once more, Eva rapt her staff on the ground once again, "I am in need of one who can see what I cannot. One who can go where I cannot. One who will share my knowledge, and aid in my experiments. Your kind is the best suited for my ends, however, you were chosen by mere chance. Tsenrika, before this time I knew not of your very existence, and our meeting is merely the hands of fate in motion once more."
Time stretched on once more, drifting into minutes until finally, with out the barest hint of interest, Tsenrika spoke once more, What have you to offer me for my services?
At that, Eva simply smiled, "I offer you life outside of your world, and the promise of an existence with purpose."
The Irylid did not speak for longer still. Its quiet contemplations stretching on into endless minutes until Fianza began to fidget and grow weary of her position holding the portal open, but then its answer came, Very well... I will accept the terms of this contract. Be mindful that you do not fall short of my expectations...
And so it was finished, and with a triumphant smilied Eva looked down to Fianza, "Please draw up our contract and let us be done with this."
Taking a leaf of parthment from the pile of scrolls beside her, Fianza made quick work in drawing up the terms of the contract, and at its completion she handed Eva the paper and the needle, "Simply sign your names in blood, and the bonding will be complete."
Thus Eva slid the contract closer to the portal and to Tsenrika, offering the needle as well. From its smooth surface extended a single, thin tendril that was reminiscent of half frozen water, a slush of djed and whatever materials made up the Irylid's body. Taking the needle, it made the smallest of pricks in its smooth surface, allowing a single drop of a clear liquid to fall upon the contract.
Evalin then took the needle for herself, pricking her own finger and signing her name in the dark ichor that coursed through her veins. Fianza's eyes widend slightly at the black signature, but if she suspected anything she did not allow it to show further. Nodding the Professor released her hold on the portal, allowing for it to close and leaving a smeared drawing in its place, "Your contract is complete."
It could only be described as a jolt, a sudden spike of electricity that scorched through her as the portal closed. Suddenly she felt it, a string... a band, a leash... a like that now connected Eva to this creature, to Tsenrika. In a sudden rush she could feel him, sense his thoughts and the brush of his mind upon her's. She could see the world through his eyes, feel everything he felt and she knew that he could feel the same of her. It was euphoric, it was like sitting high upon a cloud as it drifted before the sun, the light of its ray revealing all to the one who looked upon it, and then it was gone.
Blinking, Eva raised a hand to her face. She could still feel a connection to this creature, but no longer did she feel perpetually one... a single entity. It was like there were always within arm's reach, and yet could not yet touch one another. A smile broke her lips and Eva laughed... A chuckle that vibrated deep in her chest, "Interesting... very interesting..."
Reaching out Eva felt her thoughts brush against those of the Irylid's, and a sense of company filled her being. Such a strange feeling for one who was separated from all by an eternity yet to live, and yet now... perhaps she had found one to share with her in her existence.
Lowering her hand Eva took the scroll and rolled it up, placing it neatly into one of the many inner pockets of the Philterer's Robe. Turning, she pulled the robe tighter about herself, "Thank you Professor for your assistance. I shall remember what you have done for me this day."
"Wait." Fianza stood slowly, turning to face Eva's form, "There was once another in Zelativa, a summoner who earned her place within these halls. Her name was also Evalin, but she walked these halls more 9 centuries ago." Her eyes searched Eva, truly taking in her cloak and staff and straining to see under the hood, "Have you heard of her?"
Tugging her hood farther over her feature, Eva shook her head, "I am afraid I have not, but I would have wished to meet her." Turning so that she could look upon Fianza one last time Eva spoke, a small smile touching her lips, "It was an honor to work with you Professor. You have earned my respect, and my services if you so need them in the future."
And with that she turned, cloak billowing out around her and strolled quickly from the room, her new familiar floating just above her right shoulder. Whether or not this Evalin was the same who had visited these halls so many hears ago, none could ever be sure.
Wretched Aura: As a Wretched One Evalin possesses an unnatural aura about her that causes unease in those who get too close. It can come as a prickle of the hair on the back of the neck, a sense of 'wrongness' about her. How people experience it is different depending on their personality and how they handle the unnatural and unknown. Animals tend to become more agitated, more easily sensing how wrong Evalin is and often avoiding contact with her.