[Verified by Magpie] Rykanis Dakshata

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Rykanis Dakshata

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on March 21st, 2012, 3:20 am

Rykanis Dakshata


Pic thanks to Keene Ward

Basic Facts
Name: Rykanis Dakshata
Race: Akalak
Age: 72
Birthday: 75 Winter 441

Physical Description
Height: 7'1"
Weight: 270 lbs.
Skin Color: deep violet(is easy to tell from black in direct lighting, but easily confused as ebony when in shadows or the dark)
Eye color: Pale Blue
Hair: Shoulder length black hair, kept in a plait to keep it out of the way
Facial Hair: Clean Shaven
Gnosis Mark: From Akajia, takes the form of a dark blue triangle between his shoulder blades. Tends to blend in with his deep violet skin, unless looking at from close up, or in good lighting.

Character Concept
Rykanis is an Akalak, having grown up in Riverfall. His dominant side is closer to what most would see as his "dark" side, it is all about action, emotion, fighting, and tactile experiences. He is full of anger, love, being bold, and lives in the moment. He is not one to hold grudges, and makes friends easily.

His recessive side however arose much earlier than in most Akalaks, meaning that his two sides have learned to work together better, even though they are very different. At times it is hard to tell even for Rykanis which side is dominant, or recessive, as they both switch control easily, usually whenever something is going on that they do not enjoy doing, but the other side does. They do tend to conflict though, as they are so different in almost all of there wants and needs, and even the ones they have in common seems to be divided within the similar need. The recessive side is a calm, analytical, patient, and calculating. He likes to reason things out, is very inquisitive, and introspective. At times though he is very detached from people, and is very cautious to the point of fear. He also tends to hold grudges against those he sees as having wronged him.

It is a bit funny though how they seem to balance each other. While his dominant side is action oriented, it is also impatient and hates repetitive tasks, such as the ones needed to gain skill by training. His recessive side however is patient, and has no issue doing repetitive tasks for self growth, and often takes over when training or a repeated action is going on.

His recessive side is obsessed with knowledge and secrets, but is very cautious, and tends to play it safe. Since he is afraid to take the risks needed for finding secrets, it takes his dominant side to take the lead, and do what needs to be done to help out his recessive side.

Though the one thing they do have in common, is the seeking of secrets, which is a obsession for both. However each one is only obsessed with a certain part of it. The dominant side is all about the chase. He likes seeking secrets, but loses interest once he has it, and has an empty feeling which can only be filled by the next secret to find. His recessive side loves having secrets, to store and keep them to himself, to know things about other people and to always know more. But that is all he really cares for, not the seeking of the secrets as the dominant side does. Though he does tend to be on the lookout for secrets, and gets rather excited when he believes he is about to find out a new one.

Character History
Rykanis was born and raised in Riverfall. He grew up as a normal Akalak, raised by his father and his konti mother. However his mother died soon after his Rite of Trial, and his father left the city before even his Rite of Passage, leaving him his lakan, and to be raised by his grandfather, his last relative.

Throughout his life, he has been a devoted follower of Akajia, and has had a need to discover and keep secrets, which has only grown in time.

1 Set of Clothing
-Cotton Shirt
-Cotton Pants
-Belt, Leather- 2 sm
-Cotton Cloak
-High Leather Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Brush (Bone)
-Comb (Bone)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
-Lakan forged at right of passage- No Charge

thanks to: Geothryn

Heirloom: Lakan, given to him by his father.

Additional Starting:
Bedroll = 1 sm
Blanket, Winter = 5 sm
Scabbard, Lakan X2 = 4 GM
Tent, one-person = 2 GM
Weapon Harness = 5 GM

Kuahala Estates - Has his own apartment here, with lofty ceilings, and clean-swept stone floors.

Basic Furniture Provided:
-A chest of drawers
-A small table(end table) next to bed
-Pair of simple wooden chairs

Additional Purchased Furniture:
-Stone Hearth, Average(for heat and cooking)- 3 GM
-Bed, Good(good quality bed with a mattress made of cotton batting, with cotton sheets, and cotton stuffed pillows)- 20 GM
-Table, Average- 1 GM
-Couch, Good(With padding on seat and back)- 6 GM

Battle Loot
- 1 Bastard Sword
- 1 Sheath for Bastard Sword
Last edited by Rykanis Dakshata on November 9th, 2014, 9:47 pm, edited 33 times in total.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rykanis Dakshata
Posts: 353
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Joined roleplay: March 21st, 2012, 2:10 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Akalak
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Rykanis Dakshata

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on March 21st, 2012, 2:01 pm

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Bedroll -1 sm 99 GM, 9 sm
Blanket, Winter -5 sm 99 GM, 4 sm
Scabbard, Lakan X2 -4 GM 95 GM, 4 sm
Tent, one-person -2 GM 93 GM, 4 sm
Belt, Leather -2 sm 93 GM, 2 sm
Hearth, Average - 3 GM 90 GM, 2 sm
Bed, Good - 20 GM GM 70 GM, 2 sm
Table, Average - 1 GM 69 GM, 2 sm
Couch, Good - 6 GM 63 GM, 2 sm
Weapon Harness -5 GM 58 GM, 2 sm
Ale,Mug -4 cm 58 GM, 1 sm 6 cm
Ale,Mug X2 -8 cm 58 GM, 8 cm
Spring 512 Income(Spy) +546 GM 604 GM, 8 cm
Spring 512 liv exp -135 GM 469 GM, 8 cm
Summer 512 liv exp -135 GM 334 GM, 8 cm
Rat Mugging -5 GM 329 GM, 8 cm
Fall 512 liv exp -135 GM 194 GM, 8 cm
Winter 512 (inactive) -0 GM 194 GM, 8 cm
Spring 513 (inactive) -0 GM 194 GM, 8 cm
Summer 513 liv exp -135 GM 59 GM, 8 cm
Stay at Inn (31 days) -6 GM 2 SM 52 GM, 8 SM , 8 cm
Summer 514 Income(Guard) +637 GM 689 GM, 8 SM , 8 cm
Summer 514 liv exp -135 GM 554 GM, 8 SM , 8 cm
Battle Loot +5 GM 559 GM, 8 SM , 8 cm
Fall 514 liv exp(Squire- Exp Paid by knighthood) -0 GM 559 GM, 8 SM , 8 cm

Skills, Lores, Magics, Gnosis, Languages
Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Acrobatics 5 SP+9XP 14 Novice
Bodybuilding 1 XP 1 Novice
Brawling 9 XP 9 Novice
Dodging 4 XP 4 Novice
Dual Wielding 6 XP 6 Novice
Medicine 1 XP 1 Novice
Reflexes 1 XP 1 Novice
Running 1 XP 1 Novice
Strategy 3 XP 3 Novice
Tactics 3 XP 3 Novice
Unarmed Combat 10 RB+14XP 24 Novice
Weapon(Bastard Sword) 1 XP 1 Novice
Weapon(Lakan) 15 SP+37XP 52 Expert
Weapon(Longbow) 2 XP 2 Novice

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Intelligence 15 SP+10XP+3SE 28 Competent
Interrogation 14 XP 14 Novice
Intimidation 5 XP 5 Novice
Investigation 5 SP+7XP 12 Novice
Logic 2 XP 2 Novice
Manipulation 3 XP 3 Novice
Observation 5 SP+57XP 62 Expert
Scouting 2 XP 2 Novice
Stealth 5 SP+6XP 11 Novice
Subterfuge 1 XP 1 Novice
Gnosis Nightstalking 1 Mark Marked

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Conversation 3 XP 3 Novice
Compassion 2 XP 2 Novice
Debate 2 XP 2 Novice
Flirting 4 XP 4 Novice
Kissing 1 XP 1 Novice
Leadership 9 XP 9 Novice
Negotiation 1 XP 1 Novice
Persuasion 2 XP 2 Novice
Planning 4 XP 4 Novice
Philosophy 1 XP 1 Novice
Rhetoric 13 XP 13 Novice
Seduction 2 XP 2 Novice
Socialization 33 XP 33 Competent
Teaching 9 XP 9 Novice

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Horsemanship 3 XP 3 Novice
Hunting 2 XP 2 Novice
Tracking 5 XP 5 Novice

Racial- Infravision (heat sight)
Racial- Impressive strength
Gnosis Gifted- Can see clearly into shadows as if they are not there. (Nightstalking)
Gnosis Gifted- Has excellent night vision. (Nightstalking)
Gnosis Gifted- Can communicate with and befriend shadows. (Nightstalking)

Night Stalking :
The singularly marked individual instantly knows the language of Makath and can communicate with shadows. They suddenly understand that shadows are not simply the absence of light in an otherwise lit space or the rough image cast by an object blocking rays of illumination.. Shadows instead become sentient creatures for those Akajia marks. And because they become sentient creatures, the Night Stalker can talk to them. This does not mean that the individual can get them to tell him or her what he wants to know. Time and reputation must be built at this level. Shadows must be befriended. Night stalkers with one mark can see clearly into shadows as if they are not there, although shadows do not disappear for them completely. Night stalkers with one mark have excellent night vision and often feel at home in the complete darkness. At this level, the marked begin to yearn to know secrets and their ability to ferret them out simply begins to manifest. Night stalkers literally often stumble upon mysteries and cannot simply help but solve them in their own minds. A night stalker keeps secrets. They have a true reluctance to give them up, however, they can be ‘convinced’ to through bribery, torture, or simple exploitation.

Fluent Language:Tukant
Fluent Language:Makath(Gnosis related)
Basic Language:Common
Poor Language:Kontinese

Secret :
Lore of Religion: Akajia(SP)
Lore of Riverfall Layout(SP)
Lore of Thinking like a spy
Lore of That little stinker!
Lore of Negotiations with a ferret
Lore of Telling the -right- way to steal
Lore of Being a Kelvic seat
Lore of Kindness to a thief
Lore of Smart without advertising it
Lore of Secrets are better than food!
Lore of Bartering for secrets
Lore of Pretty ladies get my attention
Lore of What is she hiding?
Lore of Flirting-Akalak style
Lore of Telling more than you meant to
Lore of Fighting your other half
Lore of Sharing a moment
Lore of Mutual Attraction
Lore of Naked woman!
Lore of Treating a Kelvic like a Kelvic
Lore of Giving good ear scritches
Lore of Dealing with a typical cat nature
Lore of Teaching a passive Kelvic how to maim
Lore of Patience despite Kelvic screeching
Lore of Attraction is confusing with a Kelvic!
Lore of C-blocked by your other half sucks!
Lore of Composure amidst kitty hysterics
Lore of Stoking the cat's ego
Lore of -My- girl!
Lore of Is this the start of Kelvic Bonding?
Lore of Cats are strangely comfortable with being very close
Lore of Drawing the line between cat/pet and Kelvic woman
Lore of First Bonding kiss
Lore of Doing the brown-chicken-brown-cooow!(euphemism? I assume)
Lore of Controlling
Lore of secretive brother
Lore of Using your head in combat
Lore of Two brothers in one Akalak
Lore of Why so serious? It's only sparring
Lore of KO!
Lore of Giving an Akalak whack upside the head
Lore of Defending a Kelvic
Lore of Obsessing over a name
Lore of Show him the shinies, but use the wooden weapons instead
Lore of Trying to explain the human significance of names
Lore of Attempting philosophy with ferret brain
Lore of Melee vs. actual blade weapons
Lore of Dammit gimme your name!
Lore of From teaching to aggro in a chime
Lore of Following a Mark
Lore of Loosing a Mark
Lore of Anticipating a Mark’s Actions
Lore of It’s not always what you think
Lore of Paranoia can be productive
Lore of Importance of using ‘Practice Weapons’ to Practice
Lore of Being Aware Of Ones Own Weakness
Lore of Identifying and Correcting Ones Own Flaws In Form
Lore of Mixing Armed and Unarmed Combat Techniques
Lore of Functioning In A Fight Half Blind
Lore of Knowing When To Say “Enough”
Lore of Being a Gracious Sparring Partner
Lore of Knowing How To Select The Perfect Weapon
Lore of Following a Target
Lore of Anticipating the Moves of a Target
Lore of Being unfazed by changes of plans
Lore of Being Flexible And Focused in Tracking
Lore of Identifying When Your Being Followed
Lore of Confronting Strangers
Lore of Realizing When Someone Is Trying To Manipulate You
Lore of Being Patient While Hunting
Lore of Expecting the Unexpected
Lore of It’s always good to be a gentleman
Lore of Being gentle with the traumatized
Lore of Ethafael: They have horns given to them when they enter their god/dess’ realm
Lore of Ethafael: They can’t speak their true language in their earthbound bodies
Lore of Blushing in front of strangers at awkward moments
Lore of Dispensing advice to strangers
Lore of Being a tourguide in Riverfall
Lore of How to advise strangers in Riverfall procedure
Lore of Offering reasonable explainations
Lore of Graciously accepting thanks
Lore of Questioning Duty But Doing It Nonetheless
Lore of Rykanis Does Not Like Rats
Lore of Asking The Best Questions To Gain The Most Information
Lore of Remaining Emotional Unattached During Interrogations
Lore of How To Fight Swarming Rats
Lore of Kelvics Can Be Pests
Lore of Volunteering to Train Pretty Women
Lore of Dealing With Snarky Women
Lore of Symenestra Go On Gleanings
Lore of Being Forthright When Something Annoys You
Lore of Syrah Steele: She Only Drinks Wine
Lore of Syrah Steele: Kelvics Annoy Her & Kelvics Are Attracted To Her
Lore of Being Forthright Is The Best Way
Lore of Kelvic Bonds
Lore of Being Openly Lied Too
Lore of Women Are Impossible To Deal With Regardless Of Race
Lore of Bonded Kelvics Make Good Partners In Bed
Lore of Opening A Fight By Sneaking Up On An Opponent
Lore of Combining mixed martial arts with Lakan
Lore of Avoiding An Opponent’s Blade
Lore of Punching with the Unarmed Hand While Swinging With The Armed One
Lore of Taking Advantage of Body Positioning In A Fight
Lore of Studying An Opponent While Facing Them
Lore of Knowing When To Stop A Fight
Lore of Administering the “How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?” test
Lore of How To Deal With Bad Footing In Battle
Lore of Sunrises & Sunsets: Some of the most beautiful spectacles in life
Lore of Naeya: Has tendencies to not pay attention while shes walking
Lore of Naeya: Can speak Tukant
Lore of Naeya: Is a jewelcrafter
Lore of I am evasive with questions
Lore of Naeya: Has visions of people’s past
Lore of Naeya: Has seen his very real pain
Lore of Dealing With Kelvic Thieves
Lore of Evasive Maneuvers!
Lore of Paonna has a Kelvic Pet
Lore of Paonna Feels Safe in Riverfall
Lore of Razkar: The Myrian
Lore of Razkar: An Honorable Opponent
Lore of Mizra Aqdas: Mentor of Kendoka Sasaran
Lore of Time To Ride (Or Learn How To)
Lore of Finding An Instructor
Lore of Sanctuary: An Animal... Place
Lore of Kavala: An Interesting Konti
Lore of Names Are Always Useful
Lore of Lore: Halter
Lore of Applying Knowledge
Lore of Much To Process
Lore of Sivak: Big, Proud And Vain
Lore of How To Lead
Lore of Never Tie With Bit And Bridle
Lore of Grooming: Not Just For Show, But For Hygiene
Lore of Placing Horse's Feet Carefully
Lore of Lore: Saddle Blankets
Lore of Lore: Kendoka Sasaran, An Old Haunt
Lore of Akalaks: Full Body Weapons
Lore of Something To Spark One's Interest
Lore of Knowing When A Response Is Guarded
Lore of Serrif: An Enigmatic Human
Lore of Suddenly... A Contest!
Lore of Firing A Longbow: Stance And Grip
Lore of The Use Of A Friendly Smile
Lore of Educating A Human
Lore of Sama'el: Harmless Human
Lore of Blade And Body As One
Lore of Lakan: Straight Hold Vs. Reverse Hold
Lore of The Look of Someone Hiding Something
Lore of When to Make Contact
Lore of Telling a Half Truth
Lore of Mishani: Nervous Singer
Lore of Smiles are Calming
Lore of Mishani’s Sad Song
Lore of Easing Someone in Pain
Lore of Kelvics are basically worthless.
Lore of Bruises Mark Lessons Learned
Lore of Left to Defend, Right to Attack
Lore of If you Spar, Spar Hard
Lore of Don't Kick a Man When He's Down
Lore of Knowing When to Disarm
Lore of Never Give Up Your Footing
Lore of Toying With the Loser
Lore of Felavik: Akalak with the Odd Uncle
Lore of Punching a Girl is Rarely Fun
Lore of Eek! A Kelvic Mouse? Who knew?
Lore of Sunberth: Practical Lessons
Lore of A Child's Curiosity
Lore of Playing Mediator
Lore of Rebuking the Locals
Lore of Longlegs: Good With Horses
Lore of Nightstalking: Night Casts Weak Shadows
Lore of John: Not Yet a Man
Lore of Scouting: Ears Open
Lore of Scouting: Inspecting Corpses
Lore of Medicine: Removing Objects
Lore of John: Nephew of a Caravan Leader
Lore of John: New Patrol Partner
Lore of Guard Duty: Constant Vigilance
Lore of Defending a Caravan against Bandits

Last edited by Rykanis Dakshata on December 12th, 2014, 7:39 pm, edited 57 times in total.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rykanis Dakshata
Posts: 353
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Joined roleplay: March 21st, 2012, 2:10 am
Location: Syliras
Race: Akalak
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Rykanis Dakshata

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on March 21st, 2012, 2:02 pm

Thread List

Secret :
Summer 451- Arrived in Mura with mother to visit (9 and 1/2 yrs old)

Returned to Riverfall
12 Spring 461- Working up a sweat- Aren- Done-

Spring 491- Arrived in Sunberth (49 years old)

30 Spring 491- City of Thieves- Kreig Messer-

36 Fall 491- The Old Stomping Grounds- Athinar- Done-

-Returned to Riverfall-
11 Spring 495- What Color is Blue Bruised?- Imass- Done-

25 Spring 495- Rematch at Kendoka Sasaran- Imass- Done-

50 Spring 495- Marks of learning- Khal'iah- Done-

12 Spring 496- A Lesson Earned- Felavik- Done-

23 Summer 497- What better way to learn- Namorin- Done-

11 Summer 508- The wind whispers in the trees- Naeya-Done-

Summer 509- Arrived in Syliras

1 Summer 509- A Small Dip-

3 Summer 509- A Splish and a Splash- Baylin-

-Returned to Riverfall-
36 Fall 511- Just don't hurt me.- Mishani Vita- Done-

60 Winter 511- Dark rooms and darker secrets- Job meeting

65 Winter 511- Ride With The Winds- Done-

81 Winter 511- A Run into the Backside- Dallisetria- Done-

82 Winter 511- A walk in the park- Rye- done-

85 Winter 511- Once Again- Dallisetria- done-

Spring 512
10 Spring 512- A turbulent meeting- Antar-

17 Spring 512- A hunting we will go!- Apple- Done-

19 Spring 512- Rebirth- Ilana- Done-

21 Spring 512- A Morning Meditation- Serrif Von Chatlyn- Done-

44 Spring 512- Sparring with the Unarmed- Syrah Steele- done-

45 Spring 512- Kill the Rat!(Night)- John Dex- done-

46 Spring 512- What about the other leg?- John Dex- Done-

49 Spring 512- The hunter gets hunted- Daemon- Done-

52 Spring 512- The Awkward Meeting- Syrah Steele, Dallisetria- Done-

53 Spring 512- How to hold a stick- Kennen- Done-

55 Spring 512- "Trouble?" I don't know the meaning of the word "Trouble!"- Dex, Syrah- Done-

58-59 Spring 512- Stalking is in the job description- job thread- Done-

68 Spring 512- Some secrets are darker than others- job thread- Done-

Summer 512
1 Summer 512- Fight furries with furries- Dex- Done-

7 Summer 512- Hidden in the Dark- Paonna- done-

9 Summer 512- Lurking in Trees- Ayanna- Done-

20 Summer 512- A Fish, a Giant, and some Dead People- Liandra-

25 Summer 512- Shadows Crossing- Cailet-

50 Summer 512- Daggers and Lakans- Sama'el- Done-

Fall 512
22 Fall 512- A Better Opponent- Razkar- Done-

40 Fall 512- Archery 101- Gianne-

Summer 513
1 Summer 513- Of Fist and Fur- Souris Blanche- Done-

3 Summer 513- Wood and Bruises- Lydan Verdjak-

5 Summer 513- Bruises Healed are Bruises Earned- Nailah-

8 Summer 513- Fury of a Fight- Abase-

11 Summer 513- Watch your every step- Eida-

13 Summer 513- Spying for Love- Litani- (Job)-

>15 Summer 513- SFL- continued

Summer 514
2 Summer 514- Of Beast and Man- Sarai Naavah-

3 Summer 514 (Morning)- Drinking and Drunks- Lani Stranger-

5 Summer 514- Through a Path Along a Road- Aoren-

10 Summer 514- Tears and Tussles- Yuri Lehrer-

32 Summer 514- Leave Zeltiva with caravan-

45 Summer 514- Along with a caravan: Part 1- Solo Job- Done-

50 Summer 514- Along with a caravan: Part 2- Solos Job- Done-

91 Summer 514- Arrive in Syliras-

Fall 514
1 Fall 514- Mount up and ride- Solo-

2 Fall 514- Terror In Stormhold- An Inopportune Invasion(Prompt)-

12 Fall 514- Riding of all Sizes- Ball-

Code: Select all


Last edited by Rykanis Dakshata on November 29th, 2014, 7:06 pm, edited 95 times in total.
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rykanis Dakshata
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Joined roleplay: March 21st, 2012, 2:10 am
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Rykanis Dakshata

Postby Rykanis Dakshata on April 18th, 2012, 10:32 pm

People I have stuff on:
-Rhy- Attempted Robbery

-Dex- Breaking and entering, and attempted burglary

-Dex- Stolen Lakan

Secret :
Rye- Dog kelvic

Dex?-ferret kelvic(furry rat tube)

Syrah- "Maybe that was part of why she had been so standoffish, and cold... Clearly she had seen her parents in love at one time, but over time it had turned into neglect, like they were together because they had to...
Could she be afraid of the same thing happening? That if she liked someone, and fell in love, eventually it would turn bitter like her parents loveless marriage?"

Dallisetria- cat? kelvic(kitty)
-You can't truly appreciate the light, until you spend some time experiencing darkness...

-The more you know, the more you learn how little you truly know, and how much there is left to learn.

-Only when you truly understand the darkness, will you not fear it.
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Rykanis Dakshata
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