by Chamaeleon on April 4th, 2012, 2:20 am
Chamaeleon curled her lip as she considered this. Adrenaline spiked in her at the thought of being caught and hunted, she was totally up to agree to Wrenmae, but at the same time her sanity lay beneath, saying she would be the direct cause of harm in another. Was her own safety more important than the safety of a stupid boy doing stupid things? She had to think of Wrenmae as well. They were both practitioners of the unholy terror of these Sunberth people.
"I agree, Wrenmae," she said eventually. If it would hurt the boy, so what? He wouldn't die, really, unless he absolutely had to. And if he really did know nothing, he would be too afraid to come back and bother them again.
She paid no attention to anyone else, really, barely noting the arrival of yet another idiot interrupting a private matter. She didn't recognise him.
"Him too, Wren?" She asked, jerking her chin in the direction of the scythe wielding man. What was with this whole thing? Practising magic had evolved into a social gathering that would soon involve the painful yelps of a lying spy and a night owl walking the camp with weapon in hand.
Her fangs secreted the venom that killed, her irritation so obvious it had become a physical thing. She spat the bitterness out before it hurt her.