[Location] The Establishment

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Casper on March 29th, 2012, 9:50 am

Timestamp: Spring 19th 512 AV

Groggy from a bad night's sleep and measly breakfast, Casper walked into the Establishment with a frown etched onto his face as though he had been born with it. He took quick note of the interior. Aesthetically it had no appeal, of course, but it served its purpose, which was what mattered. He turned over to the board full of Ads, and for a moment looked at the whole of the cluttered wall before focusing on each individually.

Labor at the docks. Rationally, it was the type of job he had expected to find and take, as it would pay his food and keep him out of trouble, which was probably in his best interest. He hadn't been in Sunberth long and he had to be a little careful lest he do something out of line. And he had a vague idea of what would happen should he be so careless.

Still, even as he ripped the paper from the wall, his eyes remained glued to the other ads. His gaze came to rest on an ad that said almost nothing at all, which just made his curiosity grow stronger:
"Help" Wanted
Merchants always need help in their little wars of business. Hired hands are needed to throttle opposing businesses, and to protect their own.

Seeing the small man who seemed to own the establishment unoccupied, he was glad to have come here in the morning, earlier than most. He walked up to the man and handed him the two papers he had retrieved.

"There anythin' else you can tell me 'bout this one?" he pointed to the shady "help wanted" ad.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Shadowfang on March 30th, 2012, 4:37 pm

31st of Spring 512AV

Shadowfang stood in the almost empty building, staring ahead at a group of fliers on the wall. He needed a job and he had heard that this was where you could get one, so here he stood, looking back and forth between two fliers. One of them said "Armed Guard." Perhaps he would take this one. He was pretty imposing to most other races and guarding something seemed like an easy enough job. The other flier said "Word Runner" and had an extremely vague description under it. It sounded like something that involved information. If there was something Shadowfang loved, it was acquiring information.

He pulled the "Word Runner" flier off of the wall and stared at it. Granted, the words he assumed a worker would "run" were possibly only small errands or business transactions, but still, it could be an interesting experience. He walked over to the desk and placed the flier in front of the man sitting there, sending the silent message that he wanted this job.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Vuil on March 30th, 2012, 10:11 pm

Spring, Day 38, 512 AV

The door swung closed behind her, green eyes darting around the unfamiliar building. Vuil hadn't really thought about needing a job, but was getting rather bored with nothing to do durning the day. She missed her work in the little shop, being busy and on her feet with a set task. Her feet brought her over to the wall, looking over the fliers and listings for anything that seemed to catch her eyes.

Nothing seemed to stand out readily to her, huffing slightly. Turning, the small woman made her way up to who seemed to be running the establishment. "Excuse me, but I'm wondering if any of the restaurants in Sunberth are looking for some suppliers at the moment? Someone who can bring in some good hunts?"
Last edited by Vuil on March 30th, 2012, 10:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Leon Von Strova on March 30th, 2012, 10:38 pm

12th Spring, 512 AV

Leon's form walked into the Establishment to look across the counter, before speaking to the aide. He spoke in a soft voice, "I am looking to work as a fighter in Johnny's Cage." He said lowly, his dark blue eyes on the aid before him. His arms were covered in a pair of gauntlets to display his tendency with the unarmed combat style, even as his eyes flashed a light blue, to display a hidden skill. "Where may I inquire for this job?"
Last edited by Leon Von Strova on March 31st, 2012, 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Ximal on March 30th, 2012, 10:44 pm

12th spring 512AV late evening

Turning up the the dusty old building large and grand in scale Xi pushes slowly on the wooden doors exerting more force than he would normally need, shunting the door hard it creaked and swung. Damned rusted hinges Xi muttered to himself as he glanced around the emptiness that lie inside the building. The dimly lit room only illumined by a few torches hanging from the walls in a low burn. It was clear that Xi may have come too late for any potential employment but never the less she strode to the counter and rapped the finger knuckles of his right hand along the counter, to get the attention of the attendant. A small man but not what one would call quiet, fittering baout behind the desk until Xi knocked again. Yes, one moment and i'll be right there. As Xi waited patiently for th assistance he looke around at the job covered bored some made him feel sick , others angry. What kind of man hires an assassin anyway. His mind roared at him as he returned to the desk. with the little man now starring at him. What do you need help with sir? Xi looked around at the job listings as if to say, 'take a guess, genius' A simple job maybe a labourer, not one for the fancy things. Looking back around as the small man scampered off, Xi waited patiently leaning on the desk somewhat,his left arm was healing but slowly and it still hurt like a petcher.

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Rail on March 30th, 2012, 10:57 pm

Spring, Day 16 512AV
Rail growled as he entered the stuffy building, his senses on edge. He didnt like this place it felt too... official for a city like Sunberth. He slowed as he approached the desk, quickly skimming over the jobs on offer.

With a grin he snatched up one that stated:
"Help" Wanted
Merchants always need help in their little wars of business. Hired hands are needed to throttle opposing businesses, and to protect their own.

Giving a good throttling sounded just about right. He walked up to the front counter and slid the poster across the desk," I think this will do." With a feral smile he waited for the clerk to respond.
Last edited by Rail on March 31st, 2012, 6:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Yeah though i walk through the shadow of the valley of death I shall fear no evil for I have Musca and she is far worse >.>
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Ink on March 31st, 2012, 12:33 am

Special notesCreate a self modded solo for this task; assume the opponent is competent in some weapon skill. You may also do job threads as before but you may not submit them for wages until this first solo is complete. Also the job threads need to times tamped after the date you complete the task. I hope that sounds fair Zandy.
Inked in precise hand writing on the nasty old pamphlet was a small missive, You can have your job back after this job is complete with my cut where it belongs. Tua had completely disregarded Zandelia and moved on to the next in line, clearly she had performed as expected. The flier itself was for the bloodpits, it was a call to take on a fighter named Two-Tooth Earl who had gone undefeated all winter. Apparently someone wanted to put an end to it because the reward for a winner was 200 gold-rimmed mizas.

OOCPlease add a timestamp to your original post. Thank you
Tua’s brows raised as the Nuit approached, he of course was unaware of her persuasion that didn’t make the request off. If the woman didn’t know the meaning of entertain, that wasn’t his problem though. “Madam Brega is a busy woman, she might be willing to give someone the time of day though if I gave her a heads up.” Shrugging his shoulders, the woman could use her body for whatever she pleased. “So what have you got to give me that it’d make it worth my while?”

“Ruby, Ruby Demoya is the woman you want.” Tua shrugged and eyed the Konti again, “And I’d bet she’d want you too. But you don’t get to see her until you’ve paid your dues right here.” Tilting his head he motioned to one of his underlings, a female clerk accepting a couple of gold-rimmed mizas from another satisfied customer of the Establishment. “Very busy woman, Madame Demoya. Especially holed up in that Gated Community.”

OOCPlease add a timestamp to your original post. Thank you

The clerked chuckled at Izaya and yelled back across the room. “Tua the board still says Killroy’s kickin’.” The yell brought a round of laughter, before the clerk turned back to eye Izaya. “Killroy’s dead, died last season. There’s no management at the kennels but if you want to speak with them you gotta get a good word first.” Grinning greasily the clerk’s eyes slid to Izaya’s hand and the mizas, “But for coppers, you won’t learn the time of day.”

OOCPlease add a timestamp to your original post. Thank you

The female clerk bobbed her head at Stigandr, “Ain’t nothing disrespectful about working hard boy.” She interjected letting Tua deal with more difficult cases; a laborer could be handled by a clerk easily. “There’s Ol’ Legs, he’s always looking for laborers, loadin’ and unloadin’ the ships. Now you could just tromp on over and eventually one of the dock workers would point you towards the crotchety old man, or you can get a recommendation from us. People listen when we recommend, ya understand?”

OOCPlease add a timestamp to your original post. Thank you

Tua had been working on a few different letters when a bill was shoved right in his line of sight. Heaving a sigh he put down his quill and eyed the pamphlet, Turning his head up so that his eyes were just barely visible under the rim of his hat, Tua took stock of Desya. “Depends on what you want to know. Assuming one can read is always dangerous in this city. But let’s say you can, jut for time’s sake. Do you want to know about Red, the alley, or the job? And if you do, you should consider just how much that information might be worth to me or…” Looking beyond her to the stocky fellow watching Desya dangerously, “Or to other bidders.”
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Musca on March 31st, 2012, 1:15 am

Spring 10th 512AV

Black fabric chased after her as the Zith waltzed inside the dingy building, just a bell before the sunset. She had woke up earlier than what she would've liked, grogginess still in her system. She was still bone tired from the hunt last night- the petching deer had set them up for quite a chase. Every muscle in her was tensed, almost as if it was ready to pulled from her bones. With a grim scowl, she pushed on and navigated herself in the small space of the lobby.

As she had expected, the Establishment was no better than the other buildings in Sunberth- squalid and dimly lit. It was hard to believe that such a place could solve her problem of gaining more of those gold rimmed coins. Begrudgingly, she grabbed a bunch of pamphlets and parchments on the board, her eyes whisking over the foreign print that she had gradually learnt to understand. She didn't really want to get a job- it seemed so futile and redundant to waste energy for just shiny items. But Sunberth revolved around this item, willing to kill or serve just to hoard more in their pockets. And if she wanted to fill her thirst for more ale, she needed those coins.

Finally, for what seemed like bells, the pamphlets in her hand had thinned and returned to their proper place, but there was only one that remained in her hand- a vague title and vaguer details. Within moments, the pamphlet was slammed on the surface of the clerk's table, a smile on her lips.
"This job. I want it."

From the corner of her claws, the name Doctor Petricious peaked out.
Last edited by Musca on April 3rd, 2012, 4:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on March 31st, 2012, 2:20 am

@ Casper

The veritable Tua looked at him from behind the counter with a strange smirking smile. "Oh you like the rough stuff eh? Never figured a guy like you wouldn't be up for a fight. Tell you what, give me five gold and I'll put in a good word for you. I assure you it's something you like."

If the mizas weren't exchanged Tua would blithely smile and dismiss the man and go onto the next inquirer.

If the mizas were exchangedTake five gold mizas from your leadger if you accept, Tua would whisper conspiratorially, "This job is actually a job from the fence you see. Sometimes he needs a few people to be his muscle on those that don't respect his shop's work. Mainly guys in the marketplaces that are shorting him out of his due as an acquirer of rare things. Mainly its just busting heads and the usual hustling racket. Why don't you go see him? But not before an extra fee of two gold is given for a total of seven.So add another 2 for 7 gm total from your ledger." Tua held out his hand expectingly, "Otherwise you'll never see him, no never see him at all."

oocIf you do (and I think you will) accept this job, then please make your next post in the fence's location. :)

@ Leon
ooc notePlease include your Timestamp in the first post.

"Well, if you want a place to inquire about this job you certainly found it. said the teller. "Tall Johnny's is always looking for a few fighters in the cages... shameful thing really. They all get so hurt, and then spend a lot of time in recovery and training. Pay's not very good either. In fact its downright dodgy. Of course, in order to get a ticket at all to have a chance to join in the fun of the matches we should probably let you know... Tall johnny won't see just anyone unless there's dues paid. Four gold mizas should be enough."


"Oh Really?" Tua said as he looked over the man carefully. "You want a laborer job, and you certainly don't look like the sort to quail at the sight of blood. Seems like you just might be the ticket for something that just came in. The Pit Dog needs some help picking up bodies and clearing the grounds of the blood pits after the fights are done. You want to get such a job then its simple, I'll send word if you pay me four gold mizas. How's that?"

oocThis would be the laborer job on the price list, there wouldn't be any fighting of Ximal in the blood pits themselves XD

@ Musca

"You don't look like the type to be into medicine?" The clerk said with a raised eyebrow. "However the Doctor is an odd one. He might need a few of your types around for his eccentricities."

The clerk smiled a bit and considered, "for a small five gold mizas fee of course."
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Desya Gold on March 31st, 2012, 2:22 am

9th of Spring 512 AV, Midday.
“Would this be enough to hear about the job?” she asked, edging closer to the counter after glancing at the large man and taking 5 gold mizas from the pouch at her hip. She winced as she slid them towards him and bit her lip, her body still ached from the... run in at the park. She had only understood a handful of words on the pamphlet, Stumble Alley amongst them. She had heard about Stumble Alley, mainly about how dangerous it was, but she needed a job, and she wasn’t interested in being a mercenary or a whore.
Last edited by Desya Gold on March 31st, 2012, 3:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
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