Makia Ezio

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Moderator: Liaisons

Makia Ezio

Postby Makia Ezio on March 30th, 2012, 8:02 pm


Age: 17
Birthday: Winter, Day 87, 494 AV
Name: Makia Ezio (ma-kee-ah – eht-Z-oh)
Status: Avora (Artisan) Hunter
Race: Inarta
Sex: Female
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 126 lbs
Languages: Fluent- Nari Basic- Common
Religion: Eywaat, God of birds and ingenuity.
Homeland/City: Wind Reach, Kalea
Current Land/City: Wind Reach, Kalea
Seasonal Living Expense: Common - 135GM/Season
Wavy, shoulder-length bright, red hair, deep, dark red eyes, that seem evil, but when looked in-depth, friendly. Dark black eyebrows that run slightly curved above her eyes. A tiny nose that is almost pixie-like. A small mole is located on her cheekbone of the left side of her face, and thin pink lips. She has tan skin.
Makia is a brave girl who favors animals and nature over people. If threatened, does not hesitate to fight back or defend thy self. She is not afraid to speak her mind, no matter how offensive what she says might be. She is not someone who is correct all the time, but when she is right, she is right, and when she is wrong, she knows she’s wrong. She has somewhat of a crazed laugh that goes along with her great sense of humor, and she is generally fun to be around. Although, when she gets angry, you do not want to be around her. She takes her anger out on who she thinks is responsible and can easily start a fight with the wrong person. She has no conscience upon killing, anything, except birds. Animals are food, they die, she lives. People are tools, in her way of thinking, if she killed you, you deserved it. She does not have any friends, besides her mother because she would rather spend her time outside, than with people.
Makia’s main moral is birds. She, like the rest of her people, believes that birds are highly sacred. She strongly believes that actions are louder than words and tends to do more rather than talk more.
Makia mainly worships the God of birds and ingenuity, Eywaat. Having birds being the focal point of her life and civilization and its creates a sort of owed worship.
Hunting, cooking and farming, loves birds of any kind, and her favorite food is fresh bear meat that she killed. Loves heights, and loves to scavenge for herbs. Likes drawing, but hates creating any other kind of art. Her favorite fruit is the red apple. Her mother is a big thing to her, and loves her unconditionally. Loves the heat, and spends most of her time outside during the short summer.
Hates swimming, feeling that she cannot breathe, and dislikes most vegetables. Does not like to read, thinking it’s a waste of valuable time, and only reads to learn. She does not like to create art, like glass work or painting, except she likes to draw. Hates the cold and tends to wear many layers of clothing during the winter.
Rather poor family, her mother, who is a Chiet. Her mother is a healer, though she is weak in the art. She does not know who her father is, nor is she interested in finding out. She also has a twin brother, called Siby (sea-b-I) whom is also a Chiet, though she doesn’t get the chance to visit him often because he is always busy as a healer. She considers her one pet, Trean, the raven, as part of her family.
Makia owns her own cave home in the walls of Mount Skyinarta. It is about a 20x20 home (around 400sq) and holds a small amount of furniture, including a small bunk pushed up to the cave wall in the back right corner, an chest containing Makia’s Chef and Archers toolkit, sits at the foot of her bunk, an average desk with a chair pushed up to the middle of the left wall, and a fire pit, in place of a hearth, in the middle of the room. A large piece of linen is spread out neatly in the left corner as a place to skin and gut her kills before she takes them to the kitchen, a table and a wash basin accompanies the blanket in the corner, used as a place to set her tools.
Since Makia is mostly outside she wears a tight fitting grey-green shirt whose sleeves came down to just above the elbow, and front of the shirt never passes her belly button, exposing her midriff. Her brown-green bryas were tailored perfectly to her small waist and branch out when nearing the ankles. Atop her shirt she wears a light brown leather cloak that has an embroidered hood that she mainly wears up. The cloak flows all the way down to the bottom of her feet, just barley touching the ground. Around the height of the waist the cloak splits and billows out in two. The sleeves are long and reach just passed her wrists and then takes tight hold to the bottom of her palm. She wears a simple thick leather belt to act as a hilt for her slicing and cooking knife. Her shoes are dark brown leather that is flat on bottom and has a thin strap that surrounds her toes as a whole and a thicker strap which encircles her big toe, and another one around her ankle. She has multiple piercings on her ears and wears a small feather from Trean on each main earing. Several other colorful and unique glass piercings round her ear. A simple black string adorns her neck with a small green, glass pendant. Her fingernails are painted a shiny black and her toenails a striking red. A portion of her red hair is braided and within the braid there is a large feather from trean, along with a small yellow glass bird that dangles at the bottom of the braid.
• Current clothing (Shoes, Bryda, Shirt, Belt, and Cloak)
• Two water skins filled with water that is tied to belt.
• A brown and white rabbit skin/fur backpack which contains:
1. A small glass comb handmade herbal soap,

2. A compact,

3. Flint and steel

• One small slicing knife that is hilted through her belt.
• A short bow, crafted from ivory and decorated with lines and pictures that are etched into the bow, (Her mother tells her that this bow belonged to her grandmother, who was an Endal.)
1. Along with a set of 20 arrows with red feathers and black tipped arrow heads. The wood of the arrows is made from hickory wood.

• A quiver is made from different hues of brown leather and decorated with feathers from her Raven, Trean.
• One square yard of linen for bandages and other rag uses.
• An Archer’s toolkit, located in her chest, containing a painted straw and cotton target for skill practice,
• A Chef/Cooks Toolkit, also located in Makia’s chest, containing:
1. A small knife,

2. Pouch of salt and

3. Simple seasonings.

• A small, one person tent
• One Bedroll
• One vial of water additive
Her mother, Fri (f-ry) raised Makia well, and taught her to be kind and helpful. During school, she studied well and became educated. Although her temper got her into trouble with the teachers and other students. So much in fact that most of her teachers told her she would never amount to anything and become a Dek. Because of this she decided to prove them wrong and planned to become something that helped the entire city. Knowing that food was the biggest issue she thought she would become a cook, and learned about plants to help with that. She also found that hunting was just right for her anger issues and when her mother gave her her grandmother’s bow, she set off to hunt. Her big dream is to be able to be a master chief who uses her own ingredients. She is fluent in her native language of Nari, but her mother taught
her the common language to be able to speak with
people of different races and region. Makia also took a liking to the ancient tongue and read up on old books translating and explaining the old language. She does not know it well, and only knows 30 or so words and meanings that she is able to pronounce.
The Animals of Wind Reach and Surrounding Land
Geography: Knowledge of land surrounding Wind Reach
Practice Makes Perfect
Finding Value in a Dek
Trading with Val for Tales
Sharing a meal with a Dek
Successful kill: Stag
Trean's Warning
Saving a Child's life
Orders from Mother Illish
A mysterious dagger attack
Finding a Corpse
Finding the dead Cougar and it's killer
Bringing in a good kill
Cooking: Marinading
Cooking: Making Jerky
Fluent – Nari
Basic – Common
Poor – Ancient Tongue (Nader-canoch)

[tabset=200][tab=Threads,black,red]The First Spring Hunt
The Cougar Hunt
Must have Perfection
To Cook a Stag
[url=[url=]Bringing in a good kill[/url]
Cooking: Marinading
Cooking: Making Jerky]The Bird That Was Not Saved[/url]
Last edited by Makia Ezio on April 7th, 2012, 12:31 am, edited 5 times in total.
Thanks to Coltyn for the sig and avatar! :D
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Makia Ezio
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Makia Ezio

Postby Sphinx on June 25th, 2012, 6:33 am

Moderator Intervention!

Hello, Makia Ezio. My name is Sphinx, and I've noticed a few things that don't jive with our Lore here.

Things that need fixing :
* As per the lore regarding the Inarta, Inarta may have one of three eye colours: gold (which is rare), green, or blue. Having red as an eye colour alludes to the possibility of a foreign father, most likely Symenestra, which would have led to her mother's demise, and her race being Symenestra instead of Human, Inarta.

* I see you have alloted yourself several belongings without any visible documentation of a pre-creation transaction. Please deduct your belt (2 sm), one waterskin (1 gm), a quiver (20 gm), 1 square yard of linen (4 gm), chef's toolkit (10 gm), am archer's toolkit (18 gm), a one person tent (2 gm), a water additive (3 gm), and a bed roll (1 sm).

* As per the rules regarding an Heirloom, your PC may have one item that costs under fifty gold mizas. I see you've chosen to go with a shortbow, but have decided to have it made out of ivory. An ivory shortbow would cost 120 gold rimmed mizas, and this is not allowed in game. If you wish to start with a shortbow, I must request that it be a plain shortbow. Additionally, I see you've included 20 shortbow arrows. As this isn't included as part of a shortbow, I must ask that you deduct 1 gold rimmed miza from your ledger as proof that you purchased these arrows.

* Please add a ledger to your Character Sheet. A ledger will benefit you in the long run, and is especially important as it keeps a documented list of every transaction your PC has made, including your Starting Package purchases (which would be 59 gm and 3 sm).

* It has come to my attention that you lack Skills. As an Inarta character, you are entitled to fifty skill points in any category as well as a ten point bonus to either a skill with a bow, falconry, or glassblowing. Your choice of skills is otherwise entirely your own, but when dividing your points, please remember to make sure that no one skill is under 5 or over 30.

* Here on Mizahar, we understand that BBCodes are occasionally a hassle and are here to lend a guiding hand while you use them. While not crucial to the character making process, I can guide you to editing your codes so they work out the way I'm sure you intended. First of all, please remove the deviant [url=] from your url link, as well as complete the second faulty coding by adding [url= to it. Additionally, please 'close' your remaining codes using [/tab][/tabset].

* According to the starting package, you may start with two Lores. You do have two listed, but they are inappropriate to the fashion we would like our Lores to be. Instead of Geography of the Land Around Wind Reach, may I suggest using something along Geography of the Unforgiving, or Geography of Thunder Bay? Also, for the Lore regarding the animals of Wind Reach and the Surrounding Area, might you also change it to Fauna of the Unforgiving or Thunder Bay?

Once you've made these changes (I know, there are a good few, but they have been suggested because we want to make the game as smooth as possible for our players), please PM me and I will review your CS and, if applicable, either remove or request another change from you.

If another mod or liaison approaches you, please be as courteous as you are with me.

Thank you, and please enjoy your game!

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