by Hadrian on April 14th, 2010, 4:47 pm
Hadrian was not knowingly attempting to wriggle off of any hooks, but instead trying not to give the Drykas bad information. Truth to tell, he hadn't meant to go through a middle man at all, but he was entertaining this idea because Fallan had brought it up in the first place. He realized that if he wanted to focus on continuing his studies and doing the work, he might need someone else to handle the business end of things. Not that he couldn't. He would have understood being disowned by his father if he hadn't at least picked up the basics of economics and finances by osmosis over the years. But it would certainly slow him down to have to do everything.
The future was still a bit of a mystery to him. Would he stay in Zeltiva to make use of the University facilities or would his father make him an offer he couldn't refuse to return to Syliras? Would Professor Rochlas take him to Akvatar or would Isikais help him survive in Sahova? Or would Professor Stonemiller have some amazing connection and opportunity for his over-achieving student upon graduation?
It was difficult to tell and Hadrian's esoteric studies hadn't really delved into divination of any sort.
He took a sip of the beer, wondered how the seaweed and fish taste had ever become acceptable to his palate.
"Why don't I show you the facilities at the laboratory some time?" he suggested. "That will give me time to come up with numbers for you and give you time to make a pitch if that's your intention. Because this isn't the sort of thing I can give you a roadside demonstration of... unfortunately.
"But as to your question... as I said... it would be the simplest thing to make your little blade stronger or sharper, and relatively inexpensive as these things go. Oh, or lighter, which means you wouldn't tire as fast in a fight. Theoretically something as simple as that goes for about 1000 gold nilos, or miza. But there just aren't that many magecrafters working commercially around here, so I'm trying to find out if that's what they're charging or if that's how much it costs them in overhead and materials. The which I should be able to ascertain before I show you the laboratory.
"If you want anything more complex... or you want your blade even stronger, sharper, or lighter... Well, it's not exactly an exponential increase in cost, but I think the most complex thing I could make with any certainty of success at this point would cost about 9000 nilos. It wouldn't be the Anvil of Lhex, but it would be fancier than just an extra sharp blade."