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This forum is an OOC forum for PCS and Organizations to work out plans in hardcopy. Each PC or Organization gets a single thread where their players can help work out plans for their PC. Quests, mini-sagas, and Trips can all be organized here as well working out timelines and points of travel and things PCs need to do along the way. Each PC however gets only one Plotnote for their individual PC. Groups get one as well. There is no limit on individuals posting saga or trip plotnote threads. Please denote [PC Plotnotes] or [Group Plotnotes] or [Quest/Trip/Saga Plotnotes] when titling your threads.
He does things as they strike his fancy, and rarely plans more than a month ahead. Easily distracted when bored, he could be considered flighty by some. He tries not to be stupid, but he's more than willing to throw all plans to the wind if he feels like it.
Quick to start up a conversation with an interesting stranger, he rarely ever tries to drive people away. He never trusts, and rarely cares, but he'll spark up shallow friendships with many who cross his path.
Unlike most, Sasin considers adventure to be an everyday pastime. He is perpetually curious, and often wanders off to do what he likes. He cares about danger, but is rarely overly concerned, confident he could escape any who would cause him harm.
Self serving
In the end, it's all about him. He cares about his family, and the few real friends he has, but if he had to make a choice, his safety and comfort are the most important things to him.
Morality is a hypothetical concept to him. Betrayal, murder, theft, should all be expected of him. He is hardly the bloodthirsty monster some would portray him as, but, as he would willingly admit, he is hardly an angel either. He won't go out of his way to either hurt people or help them, unless there is some benefit to him, whether it be money, amusement, favors, or anything else that strikes his fancy.
A hereditary trait, he would claim, often seen in vipers. He is daring and imaginative, and deceit comes naturally to him. Whether it's pulling off the perfect getaway, convincing a person to tell him something, or simply hunting down prey, cunning is preferable to brute force.
Preferring to listen to his brain rather than his heart, Sasin tries his best to avoid emotionally driven actions, and mocks those who let their heart dictate their actions. He's not against risky actions, but rather, those that appeal to your pride or morality, as opposed to your survival.
Sasin is fearful of magic, for good reason. His experiences with magic include watching Kammy lose control of her magic, hearing of Sagallius's division of magic from heart, and reading "Magic and I". He believes that magic, in the hands of a clever man, has infinite uses. He also believes that magic used in any amount has consequences. On this particular issue, he's the type of person who would say neither half full or half empty, but would insist the glass is at least ⅔ empty.
Reflections of the world Other races
Frustratingly flexible, Sasin can never stop marveling at the variety of skills they display. They seem determined to use tools and magic to make up for all their weaknesses, of which there are many. Small, short lived, soft, and naturally fairly defenseless, he often wonders how they ended up the most common race on Mizahar.
While he considers them little more than talented animals, he actually quite likes them. They are refreshingly blunt and innocent, while also being rather easy to use. When he's in a bad mood, however, their naivety and simpleness frustrate him to no end.
He takes the same fierce pride in his race that all Dhani do, and, naturally, considers his own sub-race to be the best of them all. Small, slick, and deadly, what weaknesses do they have? Strength can be trained, but venom is inborn.
He has very little opinion on most other races. Konti are usually interesting, if a little odd. Akalaks frustrate him to no end with how damn tall they are, but tend to be interesting drinking buddies, and good mercs. Jamoura are….. well. Symnestra are impressive acrobats, and decent assassins
His primary deity, he has yet to earn her favor enough to earn her mark, a situation that he hopes to rectify soon. He worships her, not quite with the fervor that his siblings in the nest would, but with a quiet, private devotion. He'll still torture a few humans in her name though.
Since he emerged from the nest, he has become more and more aware of the importance of Caiyha in Mizahar. In the years he has been out in Miz, he has gained a respect for nature he never had in the nest. As a result of this, animals are the only living beings he won't torture mercilessly.
Sasin knows very little of this god, but is, supposedly, at odds with him, ever since The Game. At this time, both joining him and opposing him are still options. Which he'll choose has yet to be seen.
In his time in Alvadas, Sasin has grown fascinated by the god of illusions, and his city. Ionu is certainly a god/dess worth courting.
Sasin only knows the basics of these gods, not having spent much time learning about them. Rhysol is terrifying, and his cause, Sasin believes, is rather pointless. Yshul is interesting to him, but he has very little information on her. Akajia is like Yshul, interesting, but mostly unknown to him Kelwyn seems like an amusing deity to have. Sasin's never been in a hopeless situation though, and so sees not much use for them.
Threads of the truth
Morality of Assassins
A chance meeting :
Do you ever feel any… any guilt after killing? A twist of the gut, a voice in your head telling you did something wrong? No. Why should I? Right or wrong...That's a matter of opinion. There was a reason for them to die, there was someone rich enough to pay for it, and there was a knife eager to be used. It’s like I don’t really have the right to choose who lives and who dies, you know? Sure, they might deserve death tenfold, but should we be the ones to judge them? If we don't judge them, who will? Even if you don't have the right to kill them, you have a right to live, and, in my case, enjoy myself. And even if you don't have the right to judge them, you should. There's no denying that everyone we kill did something, or we wouldn't be paid to do it. But then, don’t we deserve to die as well? If we have the right to judge everyone, don’t others have the right to judge us? Well, yes. I do suppose that they have a right to judge us on what we do. I'm not denying that what we do is wrong, by human standards. It's simply that I, personally, don't care. And what will you do, if one day, a cloaked figure shows up and drives a dagger into your heart, merely because they judged your actions to be immoral? Fight him off, find out who hired him, and kill him. I'm not going to think that it's terribly unfair, and that I don't deserve it, but you have to agree, being dead would be terribly inconvenient. So, you only kill for the sake of killing? There's a difference between killing for the sake of money, and killing for the sake of killing, namely that one is a living, and one is insanity. Killing for the sake of killing is a waste of life, time, and effort.
Sasin's skill in larceny is mostly focused on pickpocketing by using distractions, rather than hiding in the shadows.
He can pick locks fairly skillfully, but is not very adept at burgling, as he has no real sense of what is valuable, what can be easily taken, or what he definitely should not take.
He also has no clue about traps of any sort.
Observation :
While in his dhani and snake forms, he uses all his senses to observe his surroundings. As a result, while in his human form, he is far less effective, as he still depends on his other senses, which are dulled as a human.
Poison :
Currently, Sasin's knowledge of poisons is limited to his own venom. He doesn't yet know how to make other poisons, but if taught, would be fairly talented
Auristics :
When Sasin get's auristics, he'll find he senses auras slightly differently than most. He can hear, smell, and taste auras as well as see them.
He can see the shape and sizes of auras, but that is the only information his sense of sight provides.
His senses of taste and smell are very connected, and they tend to be activated together. Different emotions taste and smell unique to him. For instance, rage tastes spicy, anger like pepper, resentment sour, and so forth.
His hearing tells him about activity. Walking into a place with strong magical activity causes a slight humming in his ears, and a change in attention of the person he is focusing on causes a sound to move from the previous focus of their attention to the new.
Reimancy :
The first element Sasin will unlock will be air, followed by fire, then water, then finally earth.
His res will be a dark red.
Languages :
Sasin's native language is Snake, naturally. He can speak it perfectly, knows all the slang, subtlety, etc. He knows everything a viper would know, but there might be some difference between subraces. There is no written form.
Common, Sasin can speak and understand well, and can read, with some difficulty. He cannot write at all, however. He speaks with an accent that suggests that he is suppressing a different accent. When he's nervous, he speaks with a slight hiss. He knows quite a few swears, and can be very creative with making new ones. He isn't very comfortable with using words more than three syllables long, and tends to stick to the simplest words that will get his message across.
Sasin can understand Arumenic, doesn't speak it much, and is completely illiterate. He has no need to hide his accent in this language, so his words stretch out a little. He is comfortable with the slang and curses, but is, aside from that, not very good at speaking the language.
Senses :
As a human, his sense of taste is amplified, which is not very helpful to him. He relies on his sense of sight, which is unusual for him, so he often has to remind himself that his other senses are dulled.
As a dhani or snake, he tends to rely on his heat vision to avoid crashing into anything, uses his smell to detect prey and predators, and hearing to make sure no one is sneaking up on him. He relies more of taste and smell than sight/
Forms :
Sasin is most comfortable in his dhani form, as it has the advantages of both his other forms: A strong tail, fangs, and opposable thumbs. He tends to keep this form when traveling and fighting.
As a snake, Sasin is less noticeable, and blends in with nature. (to a certain extent. He blends in better with the desert than a rainforest.) When out in the wilds, he uses this form to scout and hunt.
Sasin's human form is still rather new to him. He can blend in with people fairly well, hight aside, anyways. He is least comfortable like this, but spends a lot of time as a human anyways. He keeps to this form in cities, and when he needs to negotiate with people.