Hey there Kiandra! Well we've got quite a few new folks within the city, so hello to everyone. Feel free to talk to each other on the board here, set up some RPs for yourself, and otherwise have a good time. I've got two things I want to talk about today, the first is just a quick in-game mechanic to get new people informed and used to it. That mechanic is
timestamping. Timestamping is dating a thread so that you can keep track of your character's timeline.
This is incredibly important as you start to aquire skills and items, or as you experience things so that you remember what you do and do not have during certain parts of your character's life. For instance, if you made a thread on the 34th of Winter, 511AV (we're in Summer of 512AV right now, but this is just for example sake) in which you get into a fight, and made a thread on the 88th of Winter, 511AV in which you bought a sword, you wouldn't be able to utilize that sword in your fight, as based on the timeline you haven't bought it yet on the 34th!
The second thing is
epic quest stuff. The time is almost upon us when I'll be posting an epic quest for the people of Syliras. When I say epic, it's epic level epic. This can be amazing or terrifying for your character. Why amazing? Because...it's epic. This means that you'll get to experience all sorts of things, and potentially be rewarded in
extremely satisfying ways, both skill wise and compensitory wise. My hope is that it's the kind of quest you can put into your character's history and be like "That's right, that epic thing that happened in Mizahar, I was there for that."
Why terrifying? Because with reward comes great risk. It's not going to be an easy quest, and depending on the amount of manpower and the methods of attempting to complete the quest, there's the risk of failure, injury, and other unsavory results. But they, that's what makes creating a history in the now for your character fun! It also means, however, that if you get involved and then disappear from the quest on me, I reserve the right to maim you and leave you...where ever it is the quest is heading to in Mizahar (that's a secret for right now):P.
Anyway, keep an eye out, I'll be sure to make another OOC post when the quest is up, and as usual you will find it on the quest sign up sticky.