![]() -- Basic Information -- ![]() Race : Human Gender : Male Date of Birth : 9th Day of the Spring Season, 491 AV Age : 21 Years as of the Spring Season, 512 AV Place of Birth : The Old Quarter, Zeltiva, Sylira Region Social Status : Commoner Place of Residence : Zeltiva, Sylira Region Profession/s : Scholar, Wizard -- Physical Appearance -- Height : 6'5" (195 cm) Weight : 190 lbs (85.5 kg) Build and Skin Tone: Wiry, Athletic. Pale complexion. Hair Color and Style : Dark black. Typically worn long and tied off into a pony-tail that hangs to his upper back. Eye Color : Emerald green, not unlike that of a verdant forest canopy. Distinguishing Features : None Description : Ihendrethan is an unusually tall and attractive young man that is sometimes mistaken for someone younger than he actually is. He has a lightly athletic build and pale skin, long midnight-black hair, and expressive emerald green eyes. Typically he favors dark colored clothing and almost always wears his favorite black cloak. His ears are pierced, allowing him to occasionally wear earrings. -- Psychological Characteristics -- Pesonality : Ihendrethan is by nature friendly and compassionate, with an unsually voracious curiosity and thirst for knowledge. He has a tendency to be somewhat reserved with other people until he becomes more familiar with them. Having spent most of his entire life within the port city of Zeltiva -- Ihendrethan has experienced little in the way of real hardship and has rarely ventured beyond the cities limits thus far. Due to his kind nature and inexperience, at times Ihendrethan can be somewhat naive and easily mislead. Introspective and analytical; when Ihendrethan speaks he usually does so as concisely as he can get away with except when close to those he is speaking to. However, he does become rather talkative and animated when participating in discussions about magic and subjects which are related. He has a keen interest in all things magical, as well as expanding the boundaries of all his knowledge. Likes and Interests : Magic, reading, stories, learning, gentle music, making friends, fruit drinks, fine foods, tinkering. Dislikes : Idiots, liars, laziness, prejudice, arguments, cold weather, unnecessary conflict, cruel jokes, politics. Goals : Expand all the boundaries of his knowledge and become one of the greatest wizards of the era. |