Kaiyan Snowsong

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Kaiyan Snowsong

Postby Kaiyan Snowsong on April 6th, 2012, 3:30 am

Kaiyan Snowsong


Basic Information

Race: Human/Vanth
Age: 16
Birthday: April 9th/ Spring 40th, 495 AV
Gender: Female


Language 1: Fluent- Vani
Language 2: Basic- Common
Language 3: Poor- Shiber

Physical Description
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 100
Eye Color:
  - Normal: Brown
  - Angry: Light Orange/Red
  - Content: Green
  - Calm: Blue
  - Excited: Purple
  - Curious: White
  - Love: Gold
(Those are the basic)
Hair: Around mid-back
Hair Color: Brown with a red sheen

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Character Concept
Kaiyan tends to contradict herself, and can be sharp but have simple-minded moments. While she likes to have control of a stituation, she does not feel the need to boss people around. She can be very mood swingy, going from bright and bubbly, to serious and dark, pretty quickly. Most people she meets call her bi polar but she denies it.

Animals, Kelvics, Inarta, having control, making friends, trying new things

Control freaks, whatever doesn't like her, the way Kelvics are treated, Symenestra, Chained One, Dhani, Nuit

Flaws & Ethics
Tends to do before thinking, gets close to people/animals/etc. easy, tries to find out purpose before attacking, uses her hunting skills to fight

Character History
Kaiyan was perfectly happy in her life. She was well learened in the skills of her Hold. Her family cherised her and loved her. Her friends were always there working and laughing with her. Until, her friends hit marrying age. One-by-one they each moved away from Snowsong. She finally caught the eye of a man, on her sixteenth birthday and came to her parents with a wealth of gifts. But, Kaiyan, feeling she wasn't ready for marriage, snuck off with her horse, Sieva, and ran away from home. She wasn't aware her parents would readily take her feelings into account. Now, she is traveling toward Sylia, in hopes of a more free-hand future.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)
  - Singing, 15
  - Dancing, 10
  - Hunting, 10
  - Riding, 6
  - Musical Comp., 6
  - Seduction, 3
  - Storytelling, 10 (racial bonus)

  - Vantha Dancing (SP)
  - Song of Vantha (SP)

Equipment and Possessions
Starting Package
  - 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
  - 1 Waterskin
  - 1 Backpack which contains:
    · Comb
    · Brush
    · Razor
    · Soap
  - Food for a week
  - 1 eating knife
  - Flint & Steel
  - 1 large tent (4 person)
  - large tarp
  - 100 ft of rope
  - lantern
  - 2 torches
  - bedroll
  - blanket
  - fishing tackle & hooks
  - a riding horse (Avanthalian Sleigh Horse, Sieva)
  - a full set of tack
  - a large set of saddlebags
  - A book of family songs and stories, black with reflective lights that look curiously like the Borealis (she often pulls out when missing home)

100 gold rimmed miza (Starting package)

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Kaiyan Snowsong
Down with the bloody Red Queen! ~ Mad Hatter
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Race: Human, Vantha
Character sheet

Kaiyan Snowsong

Postby Ghost on April 9th, 2012, 3:55 am


Liaison Intervention

I’m Ghost, and I’m a Character Sheet Liaison. I’m here to help others with their Character Sheets and the Lore. There are a few things you should fix:

1) You should remove the “April 9th” part from your birthdate. RL months don’t exist in Mizahar.

2) I’m not sure about the book with reflective lights. A normal book would be better.

3) Keep in mind that travelling in Mizahar is dangerous. I wouldn’t advise a young woman who has no combat skills to travel alone.

4) If she is a Vantha, her race is simply “Vantha”. “Human/Vantha” makes her look like she is Half Vantha, half normal human.

4) You only have 3 points in Seduction. You are not allowed to have less than 5 points in a starting skill.

Send me a PM when you have editted your Character Sheet, and I’ll remove this intervention. Have fun in Mizahar and don’t hesitate to PM me if you have questions.

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