There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

Postby Relea Vinire on April 6th, 2012, 6:31 am

Relea noticed the boy climbing, he seemed sure on his feet. Proving again that he was more then she originally anticipated. She would remember this for next time she judged someone. However, when she took a closer look, she noticed the boy, Ximal, beggining to grow pink in the face. She shook her head. So easily played. Once he got to her, Relea continued to climb, and climb, until eventually, she reached the very top of the tree. It was only then that she decided to look down to see if he was following her.

It was beautiful up here. It was almost enough to mask the evil that the world below actually was. Blooming green trees, the chirping of birds, scurrying of woodland critters. The occasional gust. Up here, it seemed like the world was at peace. One could almost forget that the world was uphinged and nearly destroyed five hundred and twelve years ago.

"It's beautiful up here. It's where I go when I get lonely, or need to just, chill out." Relea breathed out. Her mind was finally at ease. She found the boys eyes, and stared in to them. More to watch him squirm then any try at romance, but still. She couldn't remember the last time she looked in to someones eyes without thinking of how to kill them.

A gust of wind pulled at Relea's hair, threatening to knock her off, but she had been here before. She grabbed the trunk to her left, and steadied herself before any balance was lost. She looked over to Xi, making sure he was fine, and after she was assured, she returned to looking out at the view of the Syliran region.

"I came to Sunberth, because of a dark history. One that should not be discussed in the midst of such a sight." Relea whispered, remembering the question he had asked, while she was half way up the tree.

Murder. Murder is why you are here. So do it! Show him why you are here!

Relea squeezed her hand tight around the branch she held on to, her knuckles turning white. The fact that her mind was talking to herself in the second person made her nervous. Those were not her thoughts. Those were the thoughts of a bloody monster inside her that needed fed. But not now, it was not the time.

"Why are you here Ximal? You don't seem the fighting type, Sunberth doesn't seem to be the place for you." Relea didn't want to use the informal version of his name, not yet. Not till she knew more. During these moments of peace, between her murderous thoughts, Relea felt the gentle tug of a bond forming between the two. Relea wasn't one to blush, never had been. She kept her face blank now, as she had her entire life. But his face told enough of the story for her to know that the feeling was mutal. Unless he was a very good liar.

Relea absentmindedly picked at a leave that was growing next to her, wondering why she seemed to so easily trust this boy when she never trusted before. It had to be that he was the key. She could think of no other option, she had to make this boy a friend. Then she might actually be free, for the first time in ten years.
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There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

Postby Ximal on April 6th, 2012, 6:59 am

Reaching the pak of the tree he was astonished at the sight who knew that Sunberth could hold such a glorious view in it's midst. Amongst all the death and suffering below ,when you rose above it it was breath taking and awe inspiring. Listing out to her words he replied slowly and warmly. "It is a beautiful sight, one that need not be spoiled but i still ask because i wish to know." Staring off into the distance the sun illuminating his dark eyes as he flipped his hood from his face completely, Smiling as he looked out over the view he considered his stand point. The sun marbled against the blue sky with gently rolling clouds. Peace in a city full of havoc. Still he wondered why someone with such a murderous sense about them wanted to be here by themselves? Sill not all bad things came with time and the most unlikely of escorts. Then she asked him about himself. His reasons for being here...were probably no better than hers. "Apparently i was born here, i spent time in a place i hated, and when i was pushed too far my pent up self broke free. I've done what i had to to survive since. I'm not a man of wealth, nor honour per say, however i choose not to do the wrong thing because we'll i'm m the product of the wrong thing being done to someone. So i try to correct this city, but at th moment i'm failing miserably."

Gazing out over the blank canvas that was the sky, Unhindered smell's of fresh air. he loved it, btu he knew he would have to return to the mire of the city, but he wanted to make his time out her elast longer. "Relea if i start stuttering it's because i'f finally warmed up enough to be embarrassed, having a weapon pointed at me with my history tends to make my courtesy some what cold as well as how i am around people. So i'm sorry if i did any thing wrong or if i do, do anything wrong." Mentioning his issue before hand would get it out of the way if he started which he could feel creeping up on him. Still he didnt want to spoil this place which clamed his emotions soo much and granted him a breif respite from the world of corruption and malice below. Just a little longer, let me stay here a little longer.

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There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

Postby Relea Vinire on April 6th, 2012, 4:49 pm

Relea listened to Ximal's story, trying to piece together why such man would be here. To set things right? He must have been crazy, there was nothing anyone would be able to do to change Sunberth. People have tried in the past, to govern it, sort of. It never worked for them, and this boy didn't even seem to have the power of speech.

She was astonished, though, that he cared so much about her background, what did it matter to a practical stranger. Relea wasn't that interesting of a person, was she? She lowered her head. She shouldn't be making a bond like this with someone so different then her. Surely it wouldn't work. What would this boy do next time she was told to kill someone? What if she was told to kill him? She would do it, she realized, after a few seconds of thought, and that's not something to build a bond on.

"Do you really think, that you'll be able to change this city, Ximal? After the years that it's been like this? Its not an accomplishable task."

Relea looked over at the boy, pronouncing his stuttering problem. It was cute in a way, Relea noticed, her ideals from years ago kicking back in. However it was also annoying. Relea knew she wasn't beautiful, she never really cared. Hard to be beautiful when your putting a knife in someones back, yet, did this boy think so? What did it matter.

Push him, get it over with now.

She looked back at the boy, starting to ignore her evil conscience easier. He really did seem to have a calming effect on her. Though, so did the weightlessness of being in her spot. She looked back up at the changing skyline. Still so beautiful.

"There's something different here. Like, down below, death and destruction reigns, yet, here.." Relea trailed off, letting herself slip into a dreamstate. She knew she had to get going back to the city soon. She would eventually have to find someone to 'help out' in some way or another. But she just didn't want to leave right now. Just a few minutes longer she would stay.

Her mind kicked herself back to the presant, realizing that she hadn't yet told Ximal about her history. Maybe she shouldn't, but right now, she figured if she was going to let this guy cure her illness somehow, then she was going to have to open up to him, even if just barely.

"I'm here in Sunberth, because I'm.. well, I'm not really a good person Ximal. I've seen things and done things.." Relea stopped midsentence, her mind flashing back to some of the killing blows, her body pumping, the thrill setting a off a firebomb in her head. "Well, lets just say I try to forget. I used to live in Sylira. A long, long time ago. But you see, I base my life on money. Money is the key to anything. Ximal, I won't stop at anything, for a handsome fee."

Relea realized that her body had tightened, she was gripping hard at the branches she was holding on to. She let herself relax, and hoped she wouldn't scare off the boy. Her past was not one to be proud of, but Relea would not be ashamed either.
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There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

Postby Ximal on April 6th, 2012, 6:00 pm

Staring out over the expanse of beautiful blue sky he listened to Relea. He couldn't help himself as his mind rolled, but no emotion crept up to snap control away from hi calm right now at least.Turning his dark blue eyes away from the sky to set them upon her he spoke slowly, but not menacing warm and friendly as he usually was. "The journey of a thousand miles, begins with but a single step. Rela i don't want to control sunberth. It's not possible but what i want to do is free it from as much of it's corruption as possible. I know i'm just a man, and men can be corrupted, but still i will try. Tucking his legs onto the tree to hold it to let his hands come up so he could cross them over his chest as he listened to her story. Not a good person, he could tell just from the look of her. But the fact she would do anything for money if the price was right ? He had to say something about that.

"Relea if you would take a persons life, you owe it too him to look him in they eyes, and hear his final words. If you cannot do that, then he does not desrve to die. As far as doing anything for money, your right money is what this world run on even i admit that but i arn my money through working hard, i don't earn much but at least it hurts no-one. Just promise me relea actually promise your self that you will never sell your body. The moment someone sells that, is the moment thier spirit is forever crippled. Thinking back to his time as a slave, he never was one to act out, to lash out, But that one night. The one night something in him snapped, the very chain on his soul snapped. He glanced down at the golden ring on his finger forever reminding him of what he had been and what he had done to escape that life. He was never proud of it but it had been his only escape.Casting his gaze back out over the expanse of blue sky, he smiled lightly and said back to her. "Relea if you must kill, there is a group that thrives in sunberth. It's called the crimson edge, ther re good people ther and they look after their own. But i cant go there, i'm not exactly the most inconspicuous person in sunberth after an episode two and a half weeks back." Losing himself in thought again he began to consider his predicament.

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There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

Postby Relea Vinire on April 7th, 2012, 3:14 am

(OOC: Quoting A Game of Thrones eh? Clever ;)
Everything starts with one step. That may be true, but depending on where you are, that one step could be dangerous. Especially in Sunberth. This Ximal boy might think that he was doing something great, but he's going to end up getting himself killed. For lack of keeping his spirit up though, Relea let it slide for now. She wouldn't say anything while he wasn't outwardly acting out upon this crazy idea.

Next, the boy was going on about how she owed it to the men she was killing to look them in the eyes before she killed them. She disagreed. Honorable it may be, but Relea was far past being honorable. She had crossed that line many years ago.

"Look, the dying deserve not, to look into the eyes of their killer. Rather, they deserve to cherish those last moments. To take those last seconds, and remember all the great memories, their wives, kids, accomplisments. None of that can happen looking into these cold eyes."

Relea pointed at herself, she knew what she was, she was a monster. But that did not matter to her. She would soon be a rich monster, a dangerous monster. Someone people would look to, and fear. She had plans for the future, big plans. But they had to start small. The journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step, as Ximal would say.

He told her not to sell her body, this made Relea laugh. Actually laugh. Again, something she hadn't done in way to long of a time. With her mind always wrapped around what she was doing in the presant, and not many people to accompany her, she hadn't found the need to laugh. Now she could. The thought of it was ridiculous. Relea would never, not for a million mizas sell her body. Rather, she would kill the poor soul that requested it, and take his gold anyway. Ximal should not worry.

Next up, in his rant of how she should change her life to be some saint, was a mention of the guild the 'Crimson Edge'. Aparently it was some guild that were good people? Yet they kill. Relea doubted it. She was not one for groups, there was no place for her there. However something Ximal said caught Relea's attention. He had an episode a few weeks ago? That sounded interesting.

"An episode eh? Was Mr. Goody goody in some trouble?" Relea played, yet, was serious. She was interested now, surely Ximal hadn't done anything that awful. She would more then likely laugh at his petty crime, then again, maybe not.

She looked back towards the sky. It was starting to get darker, and cooler. Very soon she would have to leave, go back home, get ready for tomorrow. For noone knew what tomorrow would hold in the city of Sunberth, hell, noone knew what tonight would hold. It was like a blank canvas with every passing minute.

"I hate to be a downer and all, but we should probably be getting down soon, it's no good to be out in the woods past dark. Only hte gods know the horrors that lurk out here. And I don't want to be the first to experience it."

Last change. Push him. Do it now. You have his trust. KILL HIM
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There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

Postby Ximal on April 7th, 2012, 3:31 am

oocYeah i really like that quote :3

Laughing, laughing was good, well it was either laugh or cry Xi believed. Still he found himself not exactly in the best state of presence. The moment he left he would probably turn into the babbling wreck he always did. Still he wanted to stay as long as he could. Then he heard her say that they deserve not to look int her eyes. He smiles and said planely but still warmly. "I mentioned nothing about looking into their eyes, just hearing their final words. And a dead man should at least have the courtecy of his killers name before he passes on." Casting his mind back he recalled the events that had given him so much fuss over the last days and weeks. As she asked him about it he told her, no need to hide it. He was doing what he thought was right after all. "Two and a half weeks ago i interrupted a slave auction, tried to save fourty -fifty slaves from being sold. i failed but i ended up killing 6 slavers in the process and possibly endangering a young girl. I The the mob watching the event turned on me and i had to escape. I used one of the corpses as a shield and fled. Have you ever had that moment where if you could do something different again you would. That's what i felt at that time.

Shifting in his seat as she poke to him he looked around and it was getting dark, and he had a lovely shot at the sunset. Sighing he started his decent from the tree. "Your right there, it is getting dark and it would be safer heading back after all there are worse thing than wild animals in the forests at night." Looping his legs back over he descended at a speed, that the knew he could suffer, Dropping down from branc to branch hand foot, hand foot. Smiling as he reached the bottom he looked back up to see her still there. "C'mon when we get back to town i'll but you an ale, hows that sound ?" Smiling he lent on the tree and awaited her decent, just mulling over the though of what he'd done and what he'd seen over the last couple weeks. And how much embarrassment he had suffered.

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There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

Postby Relea Vinire on April 7th, 2012, 3:59 am

Relea took his next words, about hearing their killers name, and hearing there last words, and all that nonsense. She didn't think much of it. What did it matter to a dying man what he knew. It wouldn't change the end result, which is all that mattered to her. Besides. If someone she killed came back as a spirit, she didn't want them to know it was her. Not for as long as possible.

Before she had the chance to reply, the boy was telling his story, why he was unpopular in the streets of Sunberth. And no be honest, she could understand why. The boy had tried to free slaves? And killed some of their owners, of his own free will. It irked Relea as is. She was not a fan of slaves. To her, if you were a slave, then you had the power to fight for yourself. You don't need to succumb to the people that buy you. Put up a fight for yourself. Thats how she viewed slaves anyway.

"You know Ximal, I can't say I blame the crowd for turning on you. It was noble and all, trying to free those who are to cowardly to fight for themselves, but thats not how the world works."

Ximal started to descend from the tree, and Relea followed him, not eager to get back into town, but also not eager to be outside of it much longer. He offered to buy her a drink, but she shook her head. Not much of a drinker, she wasn't. Drinking took away your ability to think. Thinking is something that she relied on. Without it, she had no clue what her body would do, especially in the state that she was in now.

Once she hit the ground, she walked straight back towards the city. There was no clear boundry as to where Sunberth actually started, no walls or guard towers, just the beggining of buildings. It didn't take long for them to get there, and there was little hastle. It was just when they got to the outskirts of the city that Relea realized how long it had been since she had eaten. She had set out to go hunt today, but had been stopped by this man. She groaned, and turned to him.

"Look, I'm not a drinker really, but I sure as hell could go for some food eh?" Relea started, heading towards the seaside subconciously, where her favorite places to eat were. She also realized, that her hand was back on the hilt of her short sword, now that they were back in the hostile territory of Sunberth.

If you don't hit him, he will hit you. Kill to survive!

Relea's eyes skirted from side to side, suddenly nervous for a reason that wasn't quite apparent to her. There had been no evidence of any kind of danger, but she was letting mind convince herself that there was. She glanced back at Ximal cautiously to make sure that he wasn't in any sort of attack position, luckily seeing that he was not. She picked up the pace, trying to get to a spot where she could sit down and see all the sides of her at once.
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There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

Postby Ximal on April 7th, 2012, 4:16 am

Xi kept walking slowly heading back to town, letting her over take him slightly, but he didn't mind when he saw her hand on her sword, After all it was her only defence against the people which proweled the streets do he now let it slide. Knowing she wasn't a cold hearted killer but rather one who felt compelled to do it. Just consorting with her had told him much about her personality and how she was. Still he didn't mind knowing a little about the others and she didn't mind if she had distaste for him but still it was his mind letting him know that he could understand people better. Then she perked up about hs event and he sort of had to agree with her. "I don't care if it was noble or not i've got a personal vendetta towards slavery. So i don't mind that the crowd turned on me but i'm happy those six slavers are no longer amongst the living. And if there un-dead, i'll just kill them again. Oh and as for the food the place that sells the ale sells the food too. Smiling and lifing his arms above his head, his embarrassment hadnt kicked in as he'd been on guard constantly or was his baser self just not brought forth ? Either way it was nice to converse with a woman, and not have himself feeling like a petulant child. Chasing her back into the city he smiled finally feeling some control over his emotions.

occmind if we end the thread there? or would you like to keep going ?

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There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

Postby Relea Vinire on April 7th, 2012, 4:31 am

----->END THREAD<-----
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There's Something Different Here(OPEN)

Postby Fallacy on September 27th, 2012, 6:33 pm

XP Award!

XP Award:
  • +1 Interrogation
  • +2 Rhetoric
  • +1 Intimidation
  • +1 Climbing
  • +2 Philosophy
  • I Live in the Blood Pits
  • Not Wanting to Harm the Innocent
  • Drinks Sound Good Right About Now

XP Award:
  • +1 Interrogation
  • +2 Rhetoric
  • +1 Intimidation
  • +1 Climbing
  • +2 Philosophy
  • Money was the Key
  • You Live in Sunberth and Don't Want to Kill?
  • He'd be an Easy Kill
  • Drinking is Lame

Any questions or concerns about the rewards gained please send a PM :)

12 hour shifts have started, and Im working 6-7 days a week mandatory overtime. My replies will be slow until I can adjust to this new groove.
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