[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(closed)

Finally Xi has a bath muuuch needed.

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[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(open/mature)

Postby Ximal on April 5th, 2012, 1:25 am

Screaming at himself mentally he felt as low as he could get, then he heard her voice his mind was still clouded but she hadnt seen anything. She turned around to give him a moment to regain the towel and save his dignity. Scampering around in the water he dropped to one knee and felt his towel ripping it from the water and tying it off around his waist again, the bulge was still there but there was little he could do about that now. Dropping to his knees again to hide himself back in the water he jerkily and said still stuttering. "T-th-thank you for turning a-ar-around..." Feeling his hear beat slow a little, he breathed slowly and answered the second question, slower and with more thought, as he brushed the scratchy skin where the mark rested. "Y-yes the scar hurts t-to this d-day still, but the m-memory of it hurts more, and wh-what it represents hurts further still." His gaze falling to the water, his face still flushed with embarrassment he heard the last question and beheld it with some confusion.

"Y-you mean to s-say your not human ? A-and in my s-spare t-t-time i train, i w-work down at the b-blood pits. I-i'm not a fi-fighter I'm ju-just a labourer, and i-i9n my spare t-time strain is all i c-can or am al-allowed to do. An-and yes i d-do live in s-sunberth. Wh-where do y-you live if yo-you're not from here?"Slightly perplexed if she wasn't human what was she? Now his mind was still racing in regards to what had just transpired, but what was she if not human, this sent his mind off on a different tangent. But still confounded him, now his stricken mind was darting off trying to do four things at once. Still sitting back down he felt more secure in the fact that, the damned towel wouldn't fall again and it was less blatantly obvious about his condition. "Y-you can turn ba-back around, i-i've go-cot the towel b-back. So-sorry for the i-incident. It w-was r-rather i-indecent of me." He felt rather low even though it wasnt his fault and he tried to stop it.

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[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(open/mature)

Postby Shishi on April 5th, 2012, 2:09 am

The man’s words came out quickly. He was still stuttering and Shishi wished he would stop and speak with some confidence. He was not bad looking, so why was he so shy? Did he really find her that beautiful. There were many more attractive women in Sunberth in her opinion. Wait she misspoke, she wanted to be thought of as human. She rushed to correct herself.

“Oh no no I’m human, but there are other races you know?” Shishi then continued to move the conversation. “The blood pits hmm? I’ve never seen them. Do you like working there?” Blood did not alarm the woman at all. She continued, “You’ve been through a lot haven’t you?...” Shishi prompted for the man to continue even though he stated he wasn’t willing to. Her curiosity was making her pry. She leaned down to wet her hair again and continued to comb it down with her hands.
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[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(open/mature)

Postby Ximal on April 5th, 2012, 2:37 am

Other races Xi knew of some other races but most of them were blatantly of obvious other race, having wins or being some how, strikingly differnt however there was the odd few that could disguise themselves he knew. Still he had more troubling things on his mind, that and the fact he was still trying to apologize for the mishap that he had caused. Looking at her from behind he could let his eyes glaze over her a bit, seeing as how she could not see him as far as he knew. "ye-yeah your right there, at the pit there are a-all sorts and all types fi-fighting for some reason or another. Mo-most fight for either fame or g-glory though many ju-just fight over silly disputes. I-it's sad really." His mind sank as he thought about all the lives that had been lost at that pit, and how many bodies he carried out of there on a daily basis. How much sacrifice would this city cause before it was done with the people who inhabited it?

The next question was more of a perculier one about himself than anything else, it was clear he was trying to pry some information out of him however after what had happened, he thought he owed her a little compensation. Sighing lightly he brushed his thumb back over the mark on his chest, he never spoke of his past. And now he was going to tell a stranger a little about it as compensation for what he had done it seemed a fair trade off. Closing his eyes again he tried to focus his still wildly flailing mind. And then spoke slowly. "I-i used to be a slave, i did my duites as i was t-told, from the age of three i served as a slave. to o-one of the most cruel families of people i have ever had the mi-misfortune of meeting. This ma-mark on my chest was their w-way of reminding me that i am or ra-rather was their property. Still i-t wasnt a bad life if you t-took away the constant b-beatings, and dayly humiliation I-I suffered. I-its one fo the re-resons i cant speak to pretty women pr-properly...I ju-just dont have the ri-right mental state for it." His eyes tightly shut as he recalled some of the worst times in that life, and it wasn't good at the best of times.

Breathing deeply he spoke again softly and with less stutters, if he couldnt see thenhe wouldn't be as embarrassed or so he hoped."Your actually the first p-person i've told this too,. And i tell you be-because after that incident,i believed i o-owed you some compensation, after all i know i'm not the best sight..." His opinion of himself was low at the best of times, still he couldn't help it after the past he'd had but he would never let it stop him unless he thoroughly couldn't get past the issues.

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[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(open/mature)

Postby Shishi on April 7th, 2012, 5:52 am

The woman could feel his eyes running over her, but she didn’t turn around. Shishi wanted to know if it was looking at her that made Ximal stutter. The woman allowed him to say everything he would offer. He told her that people in the blood pits killed each other over silly things and then he told her something very personal. The man said he was a slave that was treated cruelly by the people who owned him, and that’s why he couldn’t speak to her properly. Supposedly she was the only one he told this to. Shishi didn’t know how to react.

The woman stayed silent for a moment as she tried to take in what he said. This man’s life was so different from her own. She imagined herself as a slave. Would that have been better than being constantly alone? Shishi thought it might have been. Others dying hm, if it was “others” that were close to her it would be sad, she guessed; but seeing strangers die was not sad; it was the circle of life. The strong lived and the weak died, that’s just how the world is.

The man was nervous to talk to Shishi because he used to be a slave. The woman didn’t understand that at all. Ximal was not a slave now. He thought he owed the woman something because he made her laugh. This man didn’t owe her anything though, Shishi got this information for free and she chose to analyze it.

“The mark is a reminder of those who owned you?...”, Shishi asked the man as she compared her life with his. She paused for a moment and then continued. “You’re right maybe it was not all bad. Even though they treated you horribly, you weren’t alone. Being alone is the worst feeling in the world. When no one acknowledges you or even notices you, there’s no point in being.” Her mind trailed off for a moment. “Anyways!” Shishi tried to sound more cheerful. “You should try to have more confidence you’re not a slave now. You don’t owe me anything for something so silly. Maybe take some risks, make some gambles.” Shishi turned around and smiled at him then she continued. “You know you only live once right and then you’re gone? You should live life to the fullest.” Shishi quickly made her way to Ximal and traced the outline of his burn with her first finger. “That’s a part of your past and you can’t erase it, but use it to make yourself a better future. Don’t dwell in it.”
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[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(open/mature)

Postby Ximal on April 7th, 2012, 6:15 am

Laying back slightly in the still warm waters of the hot spring, it felt good to finally get that off his chest. He felt some what ...free. Even having the memory of that time made him feel trapped and being to ashamed to tell about it made him feel as if he was still caged. His mind easing, he kept his eyes shut, and leaned in the water. Letting his thoughts keep still, though he didn't mind much. With his mind at peace he just listened to her. Listening to what she had to say, made him feel some what better about his past, even though he hated it she did have a point. His mind eased his stutter almost vanished completely. And he spoke in his smooth normal voice, but warmly. "Your right there, it may have been the worst time i can think of, but still it was with people. The worst feeling somebody can endure is the feeling of being alone. Still those who opt for that life are sad every body should at least have friends." Feeling the warmth of the water around him he relaxed more his eys still closed. He smiled, as he listened to her cheery voice, with his eyes closed and his virtual obliviousness to the world around him he smiled and spoke back to her in the same warm tone. "Thanks, you don't even know me and your helping me with an issue i've had to deal with for a very long time.Well in-case i didn't introduce my self earlier, my name is Ximal but my friends call me XI."

Then he felt the water move, and something warm poking and traceing the mark on his chest. It had to be her but he felt some what at peace with himself, and he listened to what she had to say agreeing with her everystep of the way. "Your completely right, and i do try to live life as best i can. And well i shared a bit of my history with you would you mind telling me a bit about your self? i already know that you like to gamble. But thers got to be more to you than that hasn't there?" Feeling clam enough to open his eyes he did, slowly. Opeingint them he found hers, those golden eyes. His dark blue ones looked into them trying to see any possible hint of anything she was hiding. Still he could feel himself coming up empty handed. Still she was beautiful and he tried to pry another second or two before stopping the staring. "Looking at you with a calmer mind i really start to see what i didn't before. And none of it is bad." Smiling he didn't stop her hand moving over that old scar on his chest. Hell he even forgot she was doing it for a second he just kept looking back to those eyes, to see what secrets they held.

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[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(open/mature)

Postby Cade on April 8th, 2012, 6:52 am

The berthian barbarian had paid his dues and Made his way into the hot springs The brute needed to keep up with grooming if he was to keep the women he had or lose them to embarrassing reasons such as poor hygiene. He glanced towards the pool and found a familiar sight, his beautiful Shishi was there. Maybe this was going to be a good bath, his heart thumped in wanting. He removed his clothing, keeping his sword and belt tightly in his grasp as he began to walk towards her direction.

Her beauty had masked the presence of the other man from his first glance, but on approach he saw her.. naked and close to human male. His blood boiled with a inferno of rage, his knuckles went white as his anger applied extreme pressure on the hilt of his sword while his imagination ran wild with thoughts of murder. He wanted nothing more then to run his blade through them man that seemed to be enjoying the innocent girl's touch, a touch he wanted for himself. The feeling of jealousy was new to the barbarian, for he had many women but none such as unique as her and he wanted to savoir that for himself. Selfish, yes but that is what he wanted.

He walked upon barefoot silently as he could approaching the pool from Shishi's backside. His own naked body was exposed for all to see, his fine chiselled body, carved from battle with scars that littered the entire surface and his well endowment swung with the momentum of his walk. He had over forty skulls tattooed to his right forearm stacking from his wrist. Those that knew him, knew that the skulls signified all his kills and he had plenty of room to add more. His long black mane was matted and in desperate need of grooming, which was his main reason for coming to the springs but his eyes were focus upon Ximal, his hand ready to strike him down with the sheathed sword he had in hand.

"Shishi?" He growled slightly as he stepped into the pool, his sword and sheath above water and placed off to the side, his hand not leaving its grasped as he tried to catch her attention. As much as he wanted to slaughter the man, it took ever inch of will power not to split him in two, he knew it was not good for business to kill in such a place. And not good to kill in front of the girl he has been wooing for the past couple days. "Come to me!" He lightly demanded in his deep toned myrian accent that was tainted with possession, his blue svefran eyes glaring the man down with unhidden murderous intent. She was his, and only his.
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[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(open/mature)

Postby Ximal on April 8th, 2012, 7:32 am

Finally calm. Finally, he could relax a moment and not feel tense. The the sound of feet. Bare feet slapping against the stones surrounding the spring. Shrugging it off as another person. Xi dint care for what was going on around him he was just finally starting to ease his tension. And then he spoke. He knew her, of all the luck in the seven hells and the five heavens. Some one who knew her had to come in. Sighing he pried his eyes away from her, to see a large man, almost an equal size with himself, striding naked into the pool. Fantastic, though Xi was glad for the respite of his relentless onslaught of emotion, his body had calmed and he had relaxed. Rising from the water, he took a step back to get a better view of this man. He was almost of a height with Xi himself. He found himself dripping his waist length hair, still wet from the water but straight, unlike his shaggy appearance. Though the other man had the smell of blood on him. Xi doubted it was from the same origins as himself but, there was a possibility. Still standing an inch taller than the other man he felt some what superior, and being of an equal distinction below the belt as well he felt no need to be threatened, by appearance.

But that longsword, and from his days watching fighting, he knew that he had the means to wield it, just from the way he held it. Xi could feel his annoyance prickling.
Well well well, isn't this a surprise ? Who would have guessed that somebody knew her? Oh well let me out, i could take him he doesn't look that tough, one punch, you could crush his skull with one punch. Ignoring liro he spoke in myrian too him having some knowledge and some indication that he knew it through his speech inflections. "I'm sorry i did not know she was with you...I meant no disrespect." Anger in his body and rage biting at his neck but still his muscles remained lax as he held the towel with his arm. One punch? But from the looks of him the could unsheathe that sword fatster than i could swing. The moment he saw my arm move he'd have it off. Better to just let it lie. Then he noticed the skulls, and cade's eyes. Blue, but a brighter blue than the depths of his black blue eyes. Staring into cades eyes the way someone would when sizing up a battle opponent. But Xi had the sense not to fight this day. That sword. No without his armour he had no chance of blocking it. But Xi wouldn't brake the stare. He meant no disrespect but he also wouldn't back down. not without reason. Slowly he took another step back wards, letting sleeping dogs lie, and giving ground. He knew with that sword in cade's hands he stood no chance but an unarmed fight. He had the upper hand.

You fucking wimp, You could have his head. GIve me Control i'll give him what for. Slowly backing off, he gave a fighters retreat. Not braking eye contact he sat back down another five paces away and closed his eyes slowly. One battle avoided he hoped now the next one began. Shut up, you and i both know with that sword i can't win, i'd need my armour to have a hope of beating him. Yes but if i had control i could persuade him to put the sword down then he'd be weak enough for me to beat him. Ignoring Liro he sat in utter silence, he had lost round one but the second round. That was a whole other chapter. Round two would be a battle of the mind at least in theat battle ground he stood on even footing.

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[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(open/mature)

Postby Shishi on April 8th, 2012, 8:33 am

The man said he was starting to see something in her that he did not see before. Shishi wondered what that something was as she held his gaze. Sometimes the woman did wonder how she was seen in the eyes of others. She didn’t care what was thought of by the religious figure above that was not here, but herself in another’s eyes. That’s worth some thought. “What do you see in me?” , Shishi asked him.

But, suddenly Ximal’s eyes looked less focused on her. He was still looking at Shishi, but he seemed distracted. The woman waited patiently for his answer as she tilted her head slightly. Then, Shishi jumped as she heard her name called suddenly. The woman involuntarily landed a bit closer to Ximal. Water hit her face like a slap and she flinched. Her eyes flew to the source.

She locked onto his light blue eyes for a moment and her heart pounded. It was Cade and she smiled. Then her gaze traveled down his body and her cheeks blazed. He was naked. She had never seen him naked and Ximal was only covered by his towel. Shishi was reminded she was a woman, but she forced her eyes back to Cade’s face. “Hello!” she spoke to him as her eyes lit up. Wait why did Cade look so mad?

Ximal said something to Cade in another language. His voice had an edge to it and his stutter seemed to be gone. Did they have a disagreement in that past. Why were they looking at each other like enemies. It didn't matter if something happened in the past it was the past. Now is now and now is what matters.

Shishi took a few steps towards Cade as she waved to him. She felt her towel clinging to her body as she waved waded towards him. “Come over this way and meet Ximal!” her voice carried to Cade. He looked so angry. What was bothering him? She motioned at Ximal to follow her. “Ximal come meet Cade!”
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[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(open/mature)

Postby Wrenmae on April 8th, 2012, 10:18 am

The beginnings of Cicada calls ghosted through the alleys of Sunberth, future wails of summer fast on the hell of Spring as it progressed. Sunberth was the stagnating corpse it always was, blowflys and scorpions crawling through stone bones, crushing the remains of the fallen. To an outsider, this place, this scene, by the scathing light of day may have seemed brutish, savage in comparison to the soaring towers of Lhavit or the twisting streets of Alvadas...but to those who made their homes squatting along ancient walls or in what was left behind by time and storm...this was home, and it was an average day.

I[color=#FFFF00]"You haven't the coin for that kind of information," the contact drawled lazily, fanning his sweating skin with a languid arm, "You're fairly new to all this aren't you?" A gap-toothed grin framed Shroud in the baking spring heat, a perpetual frown at home along his lips. The contact was not the best, but for his skill level and patience with the roundabout method of communication itself, it was the best he could take on such short notice.

"Very well," the murderer muttered, drawing his index finger across the stubble on his chin, "I want the names and general member count of the two smallest gangs in the Wolf's Den. Would this be possible?" There was a silence between them, the thin man Shroud was speaking to pausing his relentless fanning to think over the request. After a moment he nodded and held out his hand.

Shroud stared at it, then back to the gap-toothed grin, then back to the hand. Price. The contact wanted him to name the price. Petch. Shroud dug a handful of gold rimmed mizas from his clothes and counted out eight gold mizas and five silvers. After a moment of reconisderation, he upped the total of gold mizas to nine and dropped the contents into the proffered hand.

The contact closed his calloused fingers over the coins and chuckled, slipping them into his clothes before pushing off the wall he'd been leaning against. "You're green, boy," He chided, the same unabashed mirth both mocking and comforting in strange tandem, "Half what you paid would have been coin enough for what you want, hell, I'd even go to a quarter of what you gave me...just because you're cute."

Shroud scowled, but did not ask for the money back. The transaction had been made and to ruin his relationship with this man was to welcome a black mark on his name for all of Sunberth. "Tell you what, kid," the contact said after a moment of hesitation, swinging around and clapping Shroud on the shoulder, "I'll give you this next bit of advice for free, way of evening the price a bit. No hard feelings for beginner dealings, you'll get better in time."

"I'll have to hope I'll still have coin by then." Shroud muttered darkly. But the contact only laughed.

"The Crimson Edge weren't worth mentioning last season or before, but word in the Den is that your recruitment sprees are making you at least worth worrying about. I'd be careful where you go alone from now on," He winked at Shroud lewdly, cracking his right fist into his left palm"I reckon some violence will take a friend or comrade before too long, and then you'll need me to point the finger to the culprit."

Shroud nodded, stomaching the shameless necessity of the contact's continued service with news he had already come to expect. Nothing had happened yet, but Cade should be at least warned that they were under unscrupulous scrutiny. "What should I call you...and where should I find you?"

"Shucks," the man said, resuming his stiff fanning, "Call me Bloodhound, and you can find my kennel in the corner of the Pig's Foot Tavern...mighty fine place to scoot up a chair and listen for a spell." Winking, Bloodhound jaunted down the street, an eerily woman-like sway to his gait. Shroud let him go, sighed and shook his head. The Pig's Foot...of course. The Crimson Edge practically treated the establishment like a home...had they ever really paid attention to the other regulars before?

He had reason to now.

From the corner of his eye, a shape blurred across his field of vision, a shape large enough to draw his eyes to the hulking figure of Cade entering the Hot springs. Sighing, Shroud double checked the dagger at his side and jogged into the establishment, following behind the massive man as he emerged into the steam and sun. He couldn't help but feel small in comparison to the giant, a rare breed in most of Sunberth. It was rare to top six feet in Sunberth without gaining notice, rarer still they were nearly a half foot beyond that as well.

The Myrian paused, sunlight gleaming hollowly off the bleached white skulls on his arm. Personally, Shroud found the whole tattooing process eerily suicidal. Should the worst befall and the Crimson Edge be routed, should they be hunted for their marks...was it really wise to so permanently imprint the design upon ones skin?

It wasn't a subject he'd breach to the barbarian, lacking the proper way to express his reservations without possibly insulting Cade's sense of family. For now, there was no issue.

The other two members of the springs made themselves known in the moments that followed. A lithe woman, small with an impish smile and sunkissed skin, Shishi...one of Cade's favorites...but not a woman Shroud had much interaction with. The other...

A giant, slightly larger than Cade even, which was a feat to itself. Water speckled his a well built physique...terrifyingly well built. In fact, it was almost familiar. A shield and two swords emblazoned one arm, a small detail to log for later, and beneath the shaggy and unkempt appearance, the puckering of scars barely peeked through rough hair on his face.

Yes, Shroud had seen him before...but where? He'd certainly have remembered such a man. While the storyteller weighed theories of identity, Cade spoke and the larger man returned conversation, but with a lilt of gibberish Shroud did not understand. The stranger looked over Cade, his gaze taking in all of the man. It lingered for a moment on his face and his crotch...comparing sizes or homosexually inclined? It made no difference.

Backing away from the barbarian, maintaining a set stare, the stranger took a seat farther into the hot springs, even as Shishi optimistically encouraged their meeting. Ximal. So the stranger was named Ximal.

What was it about him?

Shroud cut a thin figure beside the barbarian, holding back from the water and feeling distinctly out of place as the only completely clothed individual. He scrutinized the mans face, openly, without disguise or tact. There was something...familiar in those scars, that unique size.

If only he hadn't such a ludicrous amount of facial hair...

Wait. That's it!

Shroud grinned and clapped his hands together sharply, pulling a current of Djed up to his eyes, seething energy beneath a level gaze just in case the distant Ximal took sudden action. He strode around the Spring to the far side of Cade and the slave rescuer, chuckling.

"Yes, Cade, meet Shishi's new friend...I'm sure he's a man you'd be interested in hearing about." Smiles, all smiles, bright and wide on his face. The day was looking up already. "How about it Ximal? Come shake hands? You retreat...are you afraid? How strange. Is it that you can only muster bravery when failing to save the enslaved? Or...is it that you won't attack someone unless they're unaware of your presence or...abilities?"

Hand on his dagger, caressing the hilt.

"Ware well, Cade," Shroud murmured, his dark eyes bright with mischief, "I have seen this man perform feats of ability no human should perform...I'm not sure if there is magic or something else at work within him, but he seems to fight best unarmed."

Steam rose between them all, columns of obscurity that wrapped delicate hands around their bodies.

The fractured storyteller, the Kelvic, the Barbarian, and the Liberator.

What an interesting collage of characters.

Shroud grinned, unable to cease. Who could have known that such a foolish fellow had lived to long in Sunberth! He must have Ovek's own luck for odds, that one...or perhaps he was simply skilled in evading capture. In any case, Shroud had confidence in Cade's ability...besides, if things got dicey it wasn't as though the mage couldn't lend a hidden hand here or there.

Cade's pride would have to accept the blow. In a battle of magic and skill, it was the craftiest opponent, not the most honorable, who won. It seemed fitting both qualities rarely coincided.

Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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[hot springs]Finally the stench is gone.(open/mature)

Postby Cade on April 8th, 2012, 7:38 pm

Cade was amused for the scruffy mountain of a man had a sense of preservation and survival, for backing down was the smartest move he could of made. Shishi was insistent they got to know each other, innocent to what was actually going on, for Cade had no real interest in the man tell one of his brother's showed up, a sergeant with in his ranks had appeared at the pool side giving spark to Cade's interest in Ximal.

Such interest would be warranted, especially if Wrenmae had an eye for him along with tense hand upon dagger's hilt brought a smile to the barbarian's face. Violence and blood letting was Cade's form of art and such practices could be tasted in air humidified by the steam coming from the pool. Cade and wrenmae were nothing more then wolves' baring down on potential prey, but once again, the brute had to resist the urge to let hungry blade loose. The operators of this facility were rumoured to be skilled enough to squash such petty disturbances and all Cade had come here for was a bath.

Instead, he decided to redirect his energy and place it upon the beautiful girl whose perfect frame and bodily assets were hidden in the towel. Cade, trusting in wren's ability to watch his back, removed hand from sword and letting it lay to rest on the side of the pool as his his digits searched for new holdings. His right hand extended out to Shishi, drawing her to his body, His crystal ocean blue hues were drowning in her Hazel eyes, his expression was intense, almost threatening.

Both his hands ventured to the towels skirted bottom, placing flesh upon flesh that sent magnificent chills up the brute's spine. The sensation was addicting, and he wanted more as he slowly raised the towel up with his hands laying rest upon bare thigh slightly exposing her to others in the vicinity. With the strength in his arms, Cade pressed the girl possessively tighter to his body, covering her mouth wit his in a hungry kiss. A kiss with such passion the he felt as if everything around him turned to curling, churning djed fire as if the wind would pick up and blow and in the ashes left behind would be damp as her lips. Such a kiss erased the anger with in him, leaving him with nothing more then wanting to live in that moment.

The moment could not last for ever, and Cade could not avoid the danger any longer that floated in the other end of the pool. He gently reeled from shishi, giving her another quick kiss before focusing upon Ximal. His hands once more placed upon sword resting on the side of the hot spring.

"Come now man! Please, tell me story of your great powers that my sergeant accuses you of" The inquisition in his voice was sharp like a knife " Tell me of the disturbance you had caused in the slave market....." His voice was transforming from sharpen dagger to tempered steel fresh from the flames " Tell me why I should not tear your petching eyes out for such ravagery they place upon what is mine?" His hand gripped harder on his sword as renewed rage formed in his spirit, passion and lust was set aside to a simmer as his blood boiled once more for violence. Ximal had already cleared himself of such wrong doing with shishi, but the barbarian for some reason could not contain himself. Jellies and possessiveness was not becoming of him, but the girl had a hold on Cade a hold that made him react in ways he never thought he would, especially to such trivial emotions like jealousy. Shishi was rare, a beautiful girl with her virginity intact was a rare, a very rare thing in Sunberth and Cade was not going to allow the scruffy hustler to taint that.

"Come, speak or have tongue ripped from mouth" He snarled, violence was what he wanted but he wanted knowledge more then blood letting at that moment. Wrenmae had warned him that he had abilities beyond human and Cade had taken that into mind, probably one of the reasons why he had not drawn blade yet. But such abilities he was interested in and he needed to know more.
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The Crimson Hand
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Joined roleplay: June 9th, 2011, 7:33 am
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