Oh horse, why you so silly?

The Patchwork Port, Seven Xu

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

Oh horse, why you so silly?

Postby Nixie on March 27th, 2012, 9:03 am

Timestamp: 34th of Spring, year 512 AV, mid-day.

The early spring sun was standing tall in the sky just as the bell chimed for the twelfth time that day. It glowered down at the restless waves that whispered amongst themselves the secrets of the deep. Even trying to share them with those who would listen to the sound of lapping water as it stretched its reach over dry sand, only to retreat a moment later, secrets intact. The sun watched the boisterous birds as well, and like the waves, they too were surrounded by their own kind. Some of them taking to the sky to ride on the back of a passing breeze. While others dove to meet the water in hopes of food. The more brave, or perhaps stupid ones, sat and waited for scraps of fish to fall from the humans buckets. It was lunch time, after all. Some of the docks workers hurried off to enjoy a break from work and a bite to eat, while the more dedicated ones continued working. Finding, perhaps, that there was too much to do yet. Yes, the sun saw everything below (even the man with anothers horse), and watched it jealously. Unlike itself, everything seemed to have the company of another with shared likeness. Until it saw a young girl with a head of black-brown hair.

Nixie had been sitting alone at the end of a dock for a while now; waiting for something, though she didn't know what. It seemed like all she did recently. Waiting for her horse, waiting for an answer, waiting to adjust, waiting for a plan. She spent her day in Alvadas simply waiting. As she continued to do just that, a gentle breeze stirred around her, playing with loose tresses of her hair and tossing them about. Leting lazy legs hang off the end of the dock and slender fingers curl over the edge, her longsword rested, within reach, at her side. Falling back into her mind, the sounds of voices and gulls in the background faded to silence. Dani's probably long gone now... Ether dead or taken. Maybe sold... Her thoughts lead her down familiar trails that took her to the home she remembered as being a pleasant one. Perhaps unconsciously blocking out what really happened at that place of uncertainty. Maybe I could leave this place on the next boat and go back to Syliras to make amends with my parents.. Nothing held her to this city, not yet at least. Perhaps a new friend or two could change her mind.
Last edited by Nixie on April 17th, 2012, 3:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Oh horse, why you so silly?

Postby Seven Xu on March 28th, 2012, 1:50 am

Hoof and boot thumped a trail down a splintered and sun-ravaged boardwalk. It still hurt. His skin was taut where fire had eaten flesh. It was stubborn; it had re-grown, ugly, scarred, and too tight. Seven would not let his discomfort show, but his jaw was a vice behind flat lips. Just keep going. This will be over soon. His burden had followed him long enough.

The shanties here did not uproot themselves from their pillars or stone beds as they did within the city’s walls; the port had become a village in its own right, an Alvadas for those with little patience for the Trickster’s tilted sense of humor.

Since the storm, illusion had trickled beyond the barrier, the walls within the walls, and danced among the patchwork rooftops with displays of wild color. Murals sprung up, where stark brick once stood, and seemed to move with the tide. Boats would drift from their moorings, capsize and right themselves again, without ever filling with water.

Seven filled his lungs with salt air, pushed a well-polished apple to blanched lips, and tightened his grip on a thin tether he’d managed to tie around a leather throatlatch. The drafty beast was gentle, if anything. Nothing seemed to stir it. Even days ago when the halfblood threw his arms into the air, hooted, and cussed, the vacuous stare from large, heavy-lashed eyes did not change. It was likely a failure in the threat’s source, than an inability on the horse’s part; Seven Xu did not exactly cut an intimidating figure.

No sooner had his tongue felt the kiss of sweet, bitter juice, did a burden loom over his shoulder in the form of a curious nose. Nostrils twitched, hard whiskers scratched, and reaching lips slavered above him. “Gods,” Seven hissed, pushing the apple at the beggar, “take it.” A wet mouth closed over the fruit and white fingertips. Seven wiped his hand on his shirt.

Now he was free to wave down a passing merchant.

“Excuse me. Excuse me, ser.” And another, “Excuse me, do you want to buy this horse?”

He could not blame them for not lifting their heads, for passing by him as if man and beast were little more than obstacles in their lane. What was one to do with a draft horse on the sea? Seven threaded the tether between slim white fingers, and chewed his bottom lip.
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Oh horse, why you so silly?

Postby Nixie on April 1st, 2012, 11:17 am

In the background, a rope twisted and groaned as the weight of a wooden crate pulled down on it. Men hollered warnings to the others nearby, or perhaps at the suspended crate, maybe both? But it was of no use as the threads were pulled taut and snapped, sending the wooden crate to the unforgiving cobble ground to burst into shrapnel like splinters that flew in all directions. The calamitous noise pulling Nixie from her thoughts, and back to reality.

Having lost track of time, she let a heavy sigh escape her lips and made a conscious effort to push the thoughts of home to the back of her mind. Clinging to a sliver of hope that her horse might still be found, she thought she would give searching another shot. Did she think the outcome would be different this time around? No. But searching seemed a better use of her time then sitting and wishing. Stiff fingers wrapped around the leather strap that spanned the length of her long swords sheath, then standing in an aching pace, strands of dark hair fell forward to shadow chocolate eyes. Lifting the weapon up over her head, she brought it down to rest diagonally across her back. And when her pestering thoughts persisted, Nixie took out her wooden pipe, filled the bowl, and light it. Dark smokey tendrils reaching to meet the sky.

Turning her back to the sea, she walked in a sleepy pace down the length of the time-worn dock. Along the way, pale lids closed as she puffed at one end of the pipe. Only opening them when the muddled clamor of voices grew louder. Eyes fixed on the road at her feet, she stepped into the busy streets and was swept away by the crowds. The voices here were louder, more irritating, but perhaps she would be thankful this once. For as she traveled, and voices assaulted her from all directions, she heard a man asking at random if somebody wanted to buy a horse from him. Since a horse was just what she happened to be looking for, her gaze shifted from the road, to the direction she heard the voice come from. And when she saw a horse that held an exact likeness to her Dani, she rubbed at her eyes; believing that the illusions must have been toying with her again. But when the image did not change or distort, her heart began to beat a bit faster at the notion that she may very well have stumbled upon her horse. No. She was certain it was him. And only a short distance away too!

Narrowing her eyes, she moved her head to peer around passing dock workers, spotting a snowy mop setting slightly above the bow in Dani's back. And after a bit more searching, she spotted a pale hand tangled in his reins. So that's the person who stole my horse... Such a situation pleaded a rash decision be made, but she resisted. Finding it easy to do so with the pipe held to her lips. Inhaling deeply, contemplative lids closed; she would not be forced into making a hasty, emotion filled, decision. Those were the ones that she thought ended poorly.

Standing still in the middle of the busy street, Nixie's mind played through a series of different ways to approach the situation at hand. Debating which one would prove the most effective and provide the best outcome. She could run in and snatch the reins from the presumed thief, but that could also portray her as the thief... Or she could approach in a calm manner and simply ask if for the animal back. Maybe run at him, sword drawn? No, no. That would be far too risky in a place like this.

Letting dark smoke escape through her nostrils, her mind was made up. Opening her eyes, she started approaching the stranger from behind at a moderate pace. Her steps carrying her forward, she was confident in the decision she had made. Believing it to be the most logical and best way to deal with the situation. Within seconds she closed the gap between herself and the stranger. And soon she was walking down the length of the horse, coming to a stop next to the white-haired man who held Dani's reins. For the moment she would ignore Dani's excited prance, and prodding nose.

Lit pipe to her lips, her hand moved to the strangers. Slender fingers wrapped around his, and slowly coaxed it open. Soft fingertips caressing and tickling his palm as she gently tried to loosed the tangled reins from his grip. Doing this without so much as glancing at the young man, her eyes were fixed on her feet, dark hair creating a curtain that hid her face from sight.
"So your the horse thief." She said in a, quiet, silvery voice. Pausing for but a moment, she took the pipe from lips and turned to glance at him. When smokey eyes meet his ruby ones, she searched them and spoke again. "Do you make it a practice to sell another's horse?" Shifting her gaze to the ground again. "I suppose I would do the same if I were a thief." Yes the approach was rather awkward, but Nixie was Nixie, and in her mind it seemed the most logical. Confronting the presumed thief, and getting Dani back in one swift motion. But perhaps she hadn't thought of how the stranger might react to her words, or actions.

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Oh horse, why you so silly?

Postby Seven Xu on April 5th, 2012, 12:09 am

Note.I'm sorry this is so short. I didn't want to go too far, assume too much, or get off topic.

“Horse thief?” Seven barked the accusation, hand tightening where another tried to coax it open. The halfblood had a mind to slap the intruder away. His face twisted into a scowl, the corners of his eyes crinkling as thin lips pursed. After some thought, he wrenched himself from a too-soft grip, taking the reins with him. “Move.”

His accuser held their ground.

Seven rolled his eyes. The burden at his back nickered and perked its nose at a nest of white hair, ears swiveling between another chance for apples and a familiar face. Seven stifled a groan, leaning away from perked nostrils.

“The god-forsaken thing won’t leave me alone. It follows me. I have no need for it, being that I keep bar and live in town; I’m going to sell it. Unless you’re here to buy it, get out of my way.”

A curious nose was yanked, and the compliant beast fell in line, though its ears trained on a voice far more interesting than sweet fruit. Seven moved to dip around the boy—or woman, he couldn’t quite tell, not that he had right to judge—and continue his path through apathetic merchants and occupied sailors. Hooves scraped over boards, drowning out the sound of Seven’s own heavy footfalls. His face had softened, when he turned; it was only a matter of time and desperation for an accusation to turn into a plea.
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Oh horse, why you so silly?

Postby Nixie on April 5th, 2012, 7:13 pm

Nixie was quick to shift her gaze back to the white haired man when he spoke. Mahogany-colored eyes opening wide when the words fell so loudly from his mouth. Does he mean to draw attention to himself?? Worry starting to knot her stomach, she took a moment to search the crowd. If she was lucky, nobody would have taken an interest in the scene. Hopefully the strangers words would fall on deaf ears, or be muffled by the noises that filled the docks. Lest, even in her careful forethought and consideration, she still be viewed as the thief. Having first thought that this would have been the best way to approach the situation, it seemed her judgement was lacking. Or perhaps her ability to predict reactions. Admittedly, predicting reactions always proved difficult for her.

Once more she set her eyes upon the stranger and wondered just what he was thinking. She wanted this to end quickly before anything more could happen, but it seemed he cared little for such luxuries as he commanded her to move. But he wouldn't be rid of her that easily. She kept steadfast eyes fixed on him, unwilling to let him out of her sight, she feared losing her horse a second time. As she watched and saw just how irritating Dani was making the young man, a twinkle of amusement sparkled in her eyes, and it remained even when he spoke again. This time, of trying to be rid of the horse that followed him, and ending with another command to get out of the way. Nixie only watched when the stranger pushed past her and continued on his way, but she wouldn't let the pair go far. Not after finally finding Dani. In a hurried pace with one arm wrapped over her chest, and the other holding the pipe to her lips, she followed after the two. She wouldn't accuse him this time, instead, perhaps trying to make conversation would blow over better. If it wasn't already too late to try again. There wasn't time to think about that now though; if she waited much longer, no doubt they would be lost to the crowds and illusions.

Soon she was upon them and slowing to meet the young mans pace. But even then she walked in silence for a moment; racking her mind for something to start a conversation with. She never was very good at starting conversations; rarely being the one to initiate them. Perhaps this would be good practice then? That's when an idea stuck her, only evident in the turn of her head as her eyes searched for his.
"The wind... its nice today." She spoke in whispered words who's meaning might have been about the weather in general, but at that moment it was the wind she felt. Perhaps it was an awkward way to strike up a conversation with somebody who she had just accused of being a thief... She wasn't sure where to go from there, jumping to the end goal. A desperate hand, seemingly out of nowhere, reached out and held firmly to the mans upper arm. Gently squeezing it in an a bold attempt to force him to stop before she spoke again. "I wont let you go" An awkward silence falling in her pause as she considered her next words. "I want you..." Another pause; her words weren't coming out right at all. "I want you to give me the horse.... Until you do, I wont let you go." Perhaps she had no sense to realize just how strange she might have sounded or come across, but that's where she left her words. Silence falling again as she waited to see if the stranger would comply. Somehow failing to see the logic in simply stating that the horse was hers in the first place. This was a prime example of why Nixie disliked socializing in most cases. More often then not, logic would escape her and give rein to her emotions. Boy was she digging her hole deep.

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Oh horse, why you so silly?

Postby Seven Xu on April 7th, 2012, 1:39 pm

Seven froze.

He turned, scowling. “Won’t let me go? Is that a threat?” An alabaster brow rose with a quirked lip. “And where will you keep me? If you want the horse so badly, buy it from me.” The halfblood managed to wrench free of the girl’s grip long enough to face her, before that incessant hand reclaimed his arm. She was stubborn, but so was he. There was a pause, filled by the drone of greedy gulls circling a clear blue sky, honing in on their next meal.

The horse snorted.

“Listen, uh—woman,” Seven’s grin faltered, but his grip on the reins did not. He channeled the shrewd businessman he knew he had to be. “Forty gold-rims and it’s yours. Special discount, because I like your face.” He tried not to roll his eyes, though they tipped skyward all the same. There was a pause, and he sucked his bottom lip behind a fang in thought, before releasing it, wet and polished and salty. Boiling surf crashed against a rocky shoreline, slurp-sucking around thick and weathered posts that rickety shanties perched upon.

“Unless you want to trade me for it,” The halfblood’s thirst for knowledge was insatiable. He was always listening, observing, committing things trivial and important to long-term memory. Unfortunately, his short-term memory was shot, and he could not remember whether or not the girl had given him a name. “I’m Seven,” a hand awkwardly tapped his own chest, “Tell me something about yourself, and if it’s interesting enough, I’ll give you the horse, gratis.”
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Oh horse, why you so silly?

Postby Nixie on April 9th, 2012, 11:13 am

There in that busy street, Nixie stood unawares of the passing glances of curious onlookers. Perhaps they wondered exactly what was happening between the girl with dark hair and the boy with light. None seemed brave enough to approach though, taking special care to avoid being caught in the midst. Then of course there were the ones that only cast irritated glares at the obstetrical the two represented. Mumbling venomous words under their breath in passing.

Unwilling to release the mans arm for more than a few seconds, it seemed it would be a battle to keep him from escaping. But if it came down to it, she was willing to chase after him until his legs grew weary and he gave up. Though the prospect of having to chase after somebody in this confusing city brought an uneasy feeling. Apprehension slowly knotted her stomach; uncertain of what the young man might try next. She only hoped she would be quick enough to react.

Nixie wasn't surprised when he threw out a price for the horse; after all, it was what he had been trying to do when she stumbled upon him a few moments prior. At least it was something she was prepared for. About to insist, once more, that he hand over the horse, the words ran dry before leaving her. She was caught off guard when he spoke again; confusion rushing over her features. He's introducing himself? Nixie found it odd that he would take time for formalities when he seemed so agitated. She certainly wouldn't have. But it was his next offer that further perplexed her. Something interesting about me? In exchange for my horse? He was indeed a strange person. Something she wasn't sure she liked yet.

Releasing him, her arm slowly came to rest at her side, and her eyes searched his. She wanted to understand where his words came from.
"You want to know something about... me? And if its interesting enough, you'll give me the horse?" Her voice was quiet and held a hint of surprise. Not at the strange offer, but simply because he apparently wanted to learn something about who she was. Smoky eyes drifted to her feet as she struggled to think of something that might interest the stranger. Fingers absentmindedly tightening around the neck of the pipe that hung at her side. Did she even have anything interesting to tell? Her mind raced in the search for something, anything, to say. The facts she would care to tell a stranger being few and far between.

When something came to mind, she lifted her gaze to meet his once more, only to stare, pink lips pressed together as if hesitant to relinquish her information.
"My name is..." She paused again, mouth slightly agape. She wouldn't speak her own name; preferring to keep it to herself in situations that did not seem to be in her favor. "... Cadman." Every time she spoke that name, it was as if she were raising a ghost from her past. The sound of it on her lips brought a twinge of melancholy that, over the years of being addressed as such, she had learned to ignore. Doing the same this time, she hurried to find more information to give; feeling that the name she gave might not be enough to impress this, Seven, person. "And that horse... his name is Dani." When she spoke the animals name, the beasts ears twitched. Trying to take a step towards Nixie, a cold nose nudged at her neck.

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Oh horse, why you so silly?

Postby Seven Xu on April 15th, 2012, 10:20 pm

Seven blinked. His hands released the reins, and he took a half-step back from the lumbering beast’s hooves. “It’s your horse,” it came out half an accusation. The bastard’s brow furrowed beneath his wind-tossed bangs. Guilt welled up in his throat, along with the familiar heat of bashful pink. Damn it. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—well, I’m not usually such a—fuck. Why didn’t you just say it was your horse in the first place?”

He was an outsider, now, standing across from a girl and her horse (who was much happier in her care, it seemed), with a scowl and crimson embarrassment adorning his rounded features. His lips twitched. He thought to turn on his heel and leave, but remorse for his actions kept his feet locked in place.

“I’m not a thief,” his voice cracked, and he ran a hand back through his hair to toss up strands of white and leave his forehead uncovered, glossy with a layer of sweat. “It wouldn’t leave me alone for days. You can’t just leave horses to wander around like that. If you weren’t here, it would be on a ship headed for Syliras by now, you know; the knights are always in need of good mounts.”

Dani dipped his head and grunted, his round belly heaved and his ears swiveled in place, listening to the rustle of gull’s wings and the grinding of boats on the docks. Men shouted in the distance, and a woman hurried between them with arms full of a child and a sack of potatoes. Seven shifted from his good foot to his burned foot and back again. He thought to scold her again. His blush persisted. His nostrils flared, and he exhaled a similar grunt.

“I’m sorry,” Seven repeated, shoving white hands into his trouser pockets. He couldn’t bring himself to wipe the frown from his face, or look at hers. “Just be more careful.”

With that advice, however abrasive, Seven turned to leave. The crowd was growing thicker, and he wanted to lose himself within it.
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Oh horse, why you so silly?

Postby Nixie on April 17th, 2012, 2:56 am

Anxious lips pressed together when Seven spoke the truth, he finally understood. But would he still force her to buy Dani from him with ether Miza or information? Unsure if he was the type, she wouldn't put it past him. Though the question was soon answered when he released the reins and stepped away. Unprepared for what followed after, she only listened to him stammering where he stood. Marveling at the sudden change in demeanor. How was she supposed to react to that? Perhaps console him? While she had never been skilled in such gesture, she was willing to attempt it. But at the sight of rosy pink blossoming over pale skin, the words were caught in her throat. And then it was too late to speak; he carried on. The anxiety in his voice evoking a twinge of guilt, or perhaps sympathy, over the situation. But that pain was quickly soothed at the mention of one word. Syliras. Replaced with curiosity and nearing excitement.

Smoky eyes grew wide as the name fell from Sevens mouth, she hadn't heard it spoken in a great while. He knows of Syliras? For reasons unknown, the mention of her home came as a surprise; as if to hear it on anothers tongue was strange. Or it very well may have been that she was simply excited to meet somebody that she might have something in common with. Has he been there? Nixie was about to try and speak again, but before she had the chance, a woman forced her way between the pair, walking in hurried pace. Separated by the group of whining children who followed the woman, she watched Seven turn to leave. The corners of her lips turning down into an annoyed frown; he was leaving, without even giving her a chance to speak.

Once the path was clear, Nixie nabbed Dani's reins and hurried forward, dodging and avoiding the oncoming traffic as best she could. She searched the crowds quickly, believing she had already lost him to the streets. But soon eyes caught sight of a bobbing head of blanched hair, though to her dismay, it was already a fair distance ahead. Pushing onward in determined pursuit, she found moving through the crowd was much more difficult with a horse in tow. As if fighting against the oceans currents. The distance between them continued to grow, as did her frustration. In the time she had been without her horse, she had forgotten what a pain it could be to navigate busy streets. The crowd would not give way, and so, the man named Seven disappeared.

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Oh horse, why you so silly?

Postby Mirage on May 23rd, 2012, 1:04 am

The Truth Within the Reality

Nixie :
XP Awarded
  • Observation: 1
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  • Interesting Conversation Starters

Seven :
XP Awarded
  • Negotiation: 1

Lores Awarded
  • Being Called a Thief

The Truth Hidden by a Mirage :
I'm glad that Nixie got her horse back, and the vision of Seven blushing in embarrassment made me smile. Keep it up you two!
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