General Information :
1. What is your Name?
Luvadros Orthilia. 2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name? I do not, nor will I answer to one should you attempt to create it. 3. How old are you? A score and three years. 4. What is your height? Five feet and ten inches. Perhaps slightly more. 5. What is your weight? One hundred and thirty-five pounds in the morning, before eating. Aesthetics :
1. Describe yourself as you see yourself.
Physically? Average. Clean-cut. Collected. Perhaps reservedly dashing. What is the purpose of this exercise, again? Also, this selection was not a question. 2. Describe yourself as others typically see you. The same as I see myself, if their eyes function properly. Again, not a question. 3. What is your favorite body feature? This is ambiguous. Are we speaking of my own body? Fine. It seems rather trite, but I will say my eyes. They link me to my web in a way few other things do. 4. How physically fit are you? Adequately. I am able to move freely about the city without growing winded and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Those who believe they require more than that are at dire risk of neglecting their minds, or perhaps attempting to compensate for some deficiency. 5. How do you typically dress and what is your style? I am not a trend setter or rebel, if that is what you're asking. I dress in the most common style of my people, tightly wrapping my torso and limbs with silk before donning the protective outer shell most of us wear. Admittedly I forgo the armor when I least expect I'll need it. Regardless, I wear a tailored coat as a final layer. It serves little practical purpose, but I appreciate the look. Hues are dark, sometimes rich, sometimes more grey with only a hint of color. As for style, I'm not certain what you're looking for. Professional, I suppose. Family :
1. Who are your parents and what are they like?
My father is Vodranth Orthilia. He is distant, conservative, somewhat more devout than I, at least vocally. My mother was Sinssa Orthilia, and she is very much like a corpse. 2. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes. One of each, both older than myself. The male continually attempts to force surrogates on me, while the female is content to ignore me as her insane little brother. 3. What is your extended family like? Much like my nuclear family, save the presence of more living females. They are close knit, traditional, and committed to keeping the bloodline going. Unfortunately they think I am less so, but it is our means and methods that differ, not our desires or goals. 4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family? I have not often considered it. Close friends are not a thing I have in abundance. I would say as important. Any citizen of Kalinor—true citizen, that is, i.e. Symenestra—is valued above perhaps all else. There are too few of us for it to be otherwise. 5. Do you treat animals like family? Do not be absurd. I am not a child. Location :
1. Where were you born?
Kalinor, the Place of Purging, where I now find employment. 2. Where do you live now? Kalinor still, of course. What is there for me elsewhere? 3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be? I believe I just made this clear. I would not go elsewhere without need. 4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time? Yes. 5. Where do you fear to be? Syliras, from what I've heard. Humans everywhere, like a pestilence, and Viratas knows what else. Horrid. |