Desya Gold

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Desya Gold

Postby Desya Gold on April 11th, 2012, 7:25 am

Desya Gold


Physical Description

Name: Desya Gold (pronounced Dash-yah)
Race: Kelvic (Black Plains Wolf)
Age: 3 (Appears to be in her late teens)
Birthday: 8th day of Autumn 508 AV


Though not exceptionally tall, Desya can still manage to look dangerous, with her dark golden eyes and a frightening grin. Usually though you can be expected to be greeted by a sweet smile and a cherry hello.
Her elongated canines hint at her true form and her dark, messy hair seems to absorb the light rather than reflect it. Her skin is pale and scattered with scars from her time in captivity, and her slender body shows the signs of woman-hood. She carries the coat of arms of her enslaver on her lower back, two rearing winged lizards facing away from each other.
In her animal form she is a rather small black wolf. Her eyes appear lighter than when she is in her human form and her coat is nearly jet black, with only a few flecks of brown.

Animal Form :

Character Concept
Due to her history and up-bringing (or lack thereof) Desya is extremely wary and doesn’t place her trust in others without serious thought about the possible repercussions first, well, not usually. She loves animals of all kinds, music, and singing, though she would never admit it to anyone. She is extremely loyal and loving once you become her friend and would give her life in order to protect those dear to her.
She is deathly afraid of snakes, going so far to jump onto tables and chairs to avoid them and dislikes the rain, as it turns her already messy hair into a tangled, wild mess.
She prefers to be in her wolf form, though finds it difficult while inside the city. She tries to take time each day to go outside of Sunberth into the wilds or the hills nearby and spend some time hunting, or merely wandering and exploring.

Character History
Born into slavery, Desya was taught to fight to protect herself at a very young age. She knew her mother for only the first few months of her life, barely long enough for her mother to give her a few words of advice. She never knew her father, though she assumes he was the Kelvic of her parents, as she remembers her mother mentioning that she took after her father.
She shortly after she was born she was was taken from her mother, and fitted with an iron collar around her neck and manicles around her wrists.
When she wasn’t being used as a barmaid at her enslavers whore house she was chained by the foot in her cell, a small, dark, damp room with a narrow iron barred door and no windows.
She grew quickly, developing from a small girl to her late teens in little more than a year, and as she grew her captors decided it was time she be introduced to prostitution. Part of this process included moving her into a proper room, with a bed instead of a pile of straw.
She managed to escape from her slavers as they were moving her and fled, not caring where she ended up, just wanting to get away.


Fluent, Common
Basic, Kontinese
Poor, Tawna

Skills & Lores

Armed Combat, Dagger10pts
Unarmed Combat10pts
Street layout of SunberthLore
How to Track DeerLore


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple White Shirt
-Simple Black Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Black Cloak
-Simple Black Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Comb (Metal)
-Brush (Metal).
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
Heirloom: Iron dagger with a carved deer bone handle

Ammount Info Total
+100 GM SP 100 GM
+500 GM Housing 600 GM

Thread List


6th of spring 512 AV, early morning, Sunberth, streets.A new day, Another slave...

Character Matchmaking A Kelvic in Sunberth!?

12th of Spring, 512 AV, Late Afternoon, Stumble Alley. [Stumble Alley] A meeting in Stumble Alley [Casper]
Last edited by Desya Gold on April 20th, 2012, 9:21 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Desya Gold
You're saying it wrong.
Posts: 38
Words: 14219
Joined roleplay: March 19th, 2012, 4:40 am
Location: Sunberth
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

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