[Location] The Establishment

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Leon Von Strova on March 31st, 2012, 9:16 pm

Leon pulls out four gold mizas, placing them on the counter before the teller with a sigh, "I don't care about getting hurt, and it'll help me out more." He shrugged as he turned to await his instructions. He just needed a job, and a fighter was he, lean, but strong. "So where do I go to find Tall Johnny?" He asked, unable to await getting to work.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on March 31st, 2012, 10:26 pm

@ Leon

"Good to see you have some common sense." the teller said, "Tall Johny's is on the south side of the river , past the commons , close to the slave markets, can't miss it really. Now have a nice day as we'll be sending the message along."

With those words the teller signed a paper with leon's name on it and called a word runner to go make the delivery before the man was promptly shown out the door.

ooc note :
Your next post should be in Tall Johnnys, it's listed on the linkmap so it shouldn't be too difficult to find :). As is though, I have a pm to Gillar on the job of a cage fighter/pits fighter/gladiator due to it not being on the price list, I'll have to wait back for a response before making an SS thread for you since before the locale was done Fight by fight.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Stigandr on April 1st, 2012, 1:56 am

A woman he was not expecting to talk to him made her way over to him, letting the man he had spoken to handle other people. It did not matter to Stigandr one way or another who helped him so long as he was helped. She spoke about a job working for a man unloading and loading ships. Sounded fine enough, but she talked about giving him a recommendation...or him getting one rather. Why would he need such a thing? Why could he not just go over there. Stupid human emotions and nuances. "I would like a recommendation so I can have this job." He replied, trying to pretend he understood the recommendation thing, even though he did not really get why he needed it to work.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Relea Vinire on April 6th, 2012, 5:55 pm

Relea walked in to her favorite place to be. The Establishment. It was where she went, most often to get a job. Granted there were other places where she could find buissness, Relea found this to be the most reliable. She walked casually in, past multiple tables to the 'hit list' board.

As she was scanning through the list, only four names today, which suprised her. She came upon the name "The Crow". That sounded appropriate. The bird of the dead, soon to be exactly what it proclaimed. She took the paper off the billboard, and strolled up to the counter at the back. Two Hundred Mizas sure would be nice at this point, she hadn't had a good paying job in ages.

"This man, looks like he needs dealt with eh?"

Relea looked at the man behind the desk, and gave him a quick wink and a nod. Maybe this time around she could get the job done without scraping herself up as much. Relea layed four gold Miza on the counter, and awaited a reply.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on April 11th, 2012, 2:24 pm

@ Desya Gold

The clerk looked at the slim pretty little thing that had wondered up to the Establiishment's counter to ask about a job. He decided to rest his eyes a bit and sigh a moment before he responded. "So you want to find a little bit of work eh? The disapearing drunk's owner's looking for a part time bartender and barmaid. If yar interested I'm sure a recommendation can be sent along for ... three gold mizas. He'll give you a fair shot at least if you can put your heart into it, though... remember to keep a dagger closeby. Barmaiding in this town can be quite dangerous, even if you might get a few tips along the way more then a couple ruffians might like to grab whatever the see. If you catch my drift... be prepared."

oocJust pay the man the three gold, shake his hand, and get directions IC before posting your next post in the disappearing drunk :). Sorry this took awhile to reply.

Tua looked at Relea with a discerning glare before ushering over towards a side table where he kept... interesting conversations. For a moment he would play the mystery up by taking the woman's hands in his own and turning them upwards to check for callouses as a displeased look came across his face. "Maybe I'm getting soft in my age, but I have to wonder if you're a bit daft. I don't get many coming for that bounty, in fact it's Robern's looking for one of his arch nemesis' heads. And sometimes there's even a bounty for Robern's from that man as well. Sort of some game their playing. All I know is , of the twenty three people who went after Crow, only one survived and not to speak the tale. They found him with his eyes and toungue cut out , and his legs shattered washed up on shore. The rest just simply disappeared."

Tua's look would pierce her soul as her eyes chilled down the marrow. This man was dangerous, even when offering advice, and it was certain that she would be remembered for her interest in this bounty at the very least. A footnote or epitaph was yet to be seen. ''Bout what one would expect from one of the two leaders of the night eyes, don't you think you should consider this a bit more dear? It's wiser in these parts to know what you're getting yourself into. Don't you agree?"

The man waited, saying nothing, as if expecting some replly of sorts before continuing the conversation...
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Desya Gold on April 12th, 2012, 6:39 am

"Thanks for the warning." Desya replied with a slight smile, handing over the coins.
After getting directions to The Disappearing Drunk she left, battling her way through the crowds once again.
Once outside she set of, eager to talk to the owner, Red The Elder.

OOCThanks :) Does the thread in The Disappearing Drunk need to be moderated? Also, what should i include? Sorry, newbie here :P
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Owan Bardson on May 25th, 2012, 12:21 am

11 Spring 512 AV

The world revolved around money. That was another lesson The Bard had made sure that Owan had learned when he was young. So here he was, standing in The Establishment and absentmindedly scanning the board for jobs that sounded like they'd suit him. This wasn't the first time he'd been here. When his mother'd been ailing he'd come down a couple of times a week to find a few odd-jobs.

He found two jobs that looked like they'd suit him. One seemed legitimate. He'd be a warehouse guard; work at night and make sure none of Sunberth's many criminals robbed the merchants blind. Another seemed a little less legal -though legal was a relative term in Sunberth-, and involved taking part in business protection as well as what Owan assumed was a thinly veiled euphemism for extortion. He pulled the pamphlets down and made his way toward the desk of a little man with a wide-brimmed hat.

He knew how The Establishment worked. Along with the two pamphlets, he reached into his coin-purse and pulled out fifteen gold mizas and slid them across the desk. He knew it was only three gold a job...but a little bribe never hurt anyone.

"Perhaps we can make arrangments?" He asked, making sure the little man noticed the six extra mizas. It wasn't a terribly large bribe, but Owan was a poor man, and he did what he could to grease the gears that needed it. He stood at the desk and waited for the man to respond.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on May 28th, 2012, 5:06 am

@OwenHello there. Seems to be a straggler here :) Don't worry you'll be able to do some job threads for cash this spring since you've waited patiently. But for now... time to get this post up. :)

Tua looked at the man who had come walking into the Establishment like he was a man on a mission.

That was one thing already in his favor. Tua had no wish to deal with fools that weren't going to make up their mind quickly about a job given that all the pertinent facts were posted. Well... most of them at least. That this guy had offered such a ... investment to try to ensure his own success was something else in Owen's favor as well.

Smiling broadly like a shark, Tua took the mizas out of Owen's hand and laid them on the countertop. "The usual fee to let a potential employer know one's coming is about five gold mizas... you've got three times as much here as that. So I'll let you in on a little extra , just this once, okay?"

Tua smile broadened even further as he swept up the coins into a small pouch and took him to a side table. Quick as could be, Owen would find himself sitting across from the head entrepreneur of the Establishment. Making ever sure to absorb his words for the man almost never said anything twice. "One of those pamphlets is for guard duty, of a sorts. Many warehouses of sunberth need guards even if the merchant's get ... shall we say... pressured to protect their assets. Some merchants however don't really like that and strive to make sure they can hire their own protection money. Others like to hire others to get them that protection money. So you see... you have two sides of the coin here, but both are bound to be a bit bloody if you work at it all long enough. So the real question is; which side of the coin do you want to be on?"
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Owan Bardson on May 28th, 2012, 10:13 pm

"Ye've got to spend money to make money," Owan said, following the little man with the killer's smile to a side table.

He sat down and leaned forward listening to the man speak. The way he spoke was deliberate and serious. Owan doubted he was a man who ever had to repeat himself. Which side of the coin did he want to be on? The answer was easy. He'd spent his entire childhood robbing caravans and intimidating merchant's in the Wildlands. He wasn't worried about the blood he'd have to spill. It was a fact of life and nothing more.

"I'm probably more suited for the latter. I've got...experience," Owan said, smiling darkly.
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[Location] The Establishment

Postby Archelon on May 30th, 2012, 2:09 am

OwanYou're next post should be at the Fence's location. You can find it on the linkmap. :)

Tua had a thoughtful look upon his face as he looked at Owan slyly. "You know... a lot of people would play well with someone who had ... experience. And because this is Sunberth I think that there's more then a few merchants who work both sides of the coin. Closest one I can think of is The Fence. Seems he's been getting a few bits of helpers lately... though his business is continuing to expand for some reason. He might have one or two more openings. If not... well there's always the Knife. No... no I think the Fence will do for now, Maybe the knife later... that's not for anyone green you see. Take a walk over to the fence, I'll let him know your coming. "

WIth those words Tua would smile and shake Owan's hand before turning him to the doorway. With a slight push the man was sent on his way.
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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