Price List Addition Requests

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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Uopa on April 1st, 2012, 8:51 am

Can we add either a kit or individual tools for a glassworker, as well as a wage?

Thank you,
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Nixie on April 3rd, 2012, 11:33 am

Nixie again! Could you add a candy like item? Something similar to a lollypop. Would be much appreciated!

I was searching google, and found that you could make suckers out of honey by heating it until it solidifies. Perhaps that would be a suitable candy for Mizahar? A honey pop?
Last edited by Nixie on April 4th, 2012, 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Right now my computer isn't working and am being forced to write posts on my phone. So please be patient with me. And sorry for any spelling errors or lack of post coding.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Lilith Krahe on April 4th, 2012, 12:18 am

There are some other instruments in the price list so I was hoping to get a price on a cello :) That would be awesome, thanks.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Lixue on April 6th, 2012, 9:28 pm

I was hoping you would add these items to the price list. Thanks!

•Items for seahorses
Examples of these would be:
•A type of water halter
•Some type of seahorse saddle
•Seahorse grooming kit

Anything else which might work with seahorse care.

Again, thank you!
Last edited by Lixue on April 7th, 2012, 1:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Eridanus on April 7th, 2012, 9:36 am

Requests for:

Herbalism Lab

Not sure if covered by Philtering Lab or Workshops...

Also, I suggest moving the Poisoncrafting Lab over to the Land/Buildings section, at least for consistency's sake. Also, to specify the area (400 sqft?) of Poisoncrafting Lab.

Thanks a bunch!
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Poison on April 13th, 2012, 4:03 am

Could you please add the wage for a dancer?

Thank you!
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Shasshtekssemet on April 13th, 2012, 4:40 am

Could snakes please be added to the price list?

Thank you
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Crivus on April 15th, 2012, 3:32 pm

Could you get the three piece staff/spear please
Also it would be interesting to have leg armour that when you bend your knee a spike comes out. I have a basic design already made irl but no materials.
Also irl I am making a whip sword type thing.
I know I make and design all sorts of stuff that here only a gadgeteer could make.
This one is easier and for weapon extras, a chain attaching from the handle or hilt of a weapon that attaches it to another part of your body.
hey, i wont be able to come on miz much at all over the summer. i have no access to wifi unless i go to a cafe with it, and i can't go on miz on grandmas comp (moms rules, not lack of comp abilities). so yeah sorry about that.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Gillar on April 19th, 2012, 1:36 am

Howdy all,

I have been updating the Price List a few things at a time as of late. I will try and get another big update in tonight with as many of the current requests as possible included.

A couple of things I want to comment on. First, some items I can't put in for a variety of reasons. The one that comes to mind right now is herbs for herbalism. There will be an entire section devoted to that in a fleshed out herb list that is separate from the main price list. That is an ongoing project however that is not as of yet complete. This is in addition to past requests for jewelry that includes gemstones. That is another project that is underway and separate from the price list.

Second, some requests for price list additions may not be put in exactly as asked for. I try to put in everything that is requested unless there is some conflict with other projects. That said however, I look at each item and ask myself if it not only fits the world and the various locales, cultures, etc., but also if it is something that isn't covered in a different form elsewhere. That is where toolkits come into play. This not only reduces the amount of work for me but also streamlines it for players wishing to purchase everything they need for their characters to operate in certain professions or other activities. So if you can't find a specific item on the list, first check the toolkits to see if it may be something in there before putting in a full request.

This brings me to another issue that is becoming slightly frustrating. When I update the list, I don't summarize every little item I added in there in my update posts. I leave that to you, the players, to use your Find function in your browser. So if you haven't seen an item in my update post that you requested, use your Find function and look for yourself. I hear complaints from players as well as complaints from storytellers and founders on behalf of players saying that something hasn't been added (items, income, etc.) when in fact, it has been added and has been a part of the price list for weeks. So I implore you, PLEASE make use of that Find function. Even I have to use it quite frequently as so many things get added to the price list that its hard for me to keep up with each and every item I add.

I thank you all for your continued patience and even more so for your assistance with all the wonderful requests.

SIDE NOTE: In the last mini-update I did a few days ago, I added income ranges for magical occupations; classifying them as World Mage, Auristic and Reimancer. World mages are obviously more likely to find some form of employment due to their skills resulting in some form of creation. Auristics as well could find employment with their talents while Reimancers may find it a little more difficult yet still possible to find a steady job. The other magical skills may find a person some steady income however those cases are likely to be case-by-case and more unique thus making it difficult to come up with an average wage for. Chances are however that they would fall in line with the wage range of the other magical occupations that are listed.
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Price List Addition Requests

Postby Eridanus on April 19th, 2012, 10:32 am

Thank you for the updates, Gillar! Your hard work is much appreciated :)
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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