Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Over a bowl of stew, Cyllena becomes familiar with a man as scarred as she is.

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Postby Cyllena Tarnarath on April 12th, 2012, 4:16 pm

Material Warning: Mature Situations are encountered farther on in the thread... proceed with caution.

Timestamp: 85th Spring, 512 AV
Time: Around Lunchtime (Noon/Afternoon Meal)
Location: Outside the Mess Hall
Who: Ximal

It was amazing how one could build up a hunger just helping out around the base camp, especially doing little things like helping stocking supplies, feeding or even brushing down the horses, fetching water. Truth was it kept idle hands like Cyllena’s busy when she wasn’t doing mercenary work inside the city or detoxing from the effects of the fog. So now that the Ravokian had gotten some time off to herself, she had headed straight to the mess hall in search of food. Much to her delight they had a large pot over a cooking fire that held simmering stew, and boy did it smell delicious and make her mouth water.

Having grabbed a wooden bowl and spoon, she ladled out some of the stew that seemed to be made out of tuber like vegetables, mushrooms and some kind of meat that she hoped wasn’t human. While she normally would have questioned the meat in the stew, the rumble of her tummy told her that at that moment it didn’t care as long as it was eatable and wasn’t poisoned. Taking the almost over flowing bowl over to a make-shift seat (a boulder), Cyllena sat down and began to dig into the meal, rather enjoying the feeling of the hot but not burning juices of the stew run down her throat while she slowly savored the chunks of meat and vegetables that were a part of the broth like sauce.

Looking around she wondered where some of her fellow Crimson Edge party members where, but was so into her food that she never really thought about how one might be closer to her location then she originally was thinking. Alas the Ravokian warrior woman was lost in her thoughts of how good the stew was, and also how after this she was going to go down to the water for a refreshing rub down.
Last edited by Cyllena Tarnarath on April 14th, 2012, 8:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on April 12th, 2012, 11:27 pm

Xi had been working all day, moving boxes and helping shift and store crates all over the place, even so the work load was lighter than back at the pits. Before he'd left his last work load had been almost two tons accumulated weight shifting, through out the course of a single day. Though here the work load was considerably less, he'd only had to shift two-three times his own body weight in items. Still he hadn't eaten anything today so his stomach rumbled and roared at him to feed it. So he followed his nose to the smell of food, oh glorious food. Listening to the rumbling belly of his he followed the scent of his nose, and arrived outside the mess all. Why's it called a mess hall anyway, it's perfectly petching clean in side. As xi stumbled in through the door the smell fo the bubbling broth hit his nose, and smacked him around the face at the same time. His belly screamed 'food' and his legs obeyed. Clasping a wooden bowl and a spoon in one hand he began to ladle heaped chunks of the thick and hearty frothy stew into his bowl. Just watching the thick gravy flow from the ladle into the wooden bowl made him almost drool with anticipation. How he wanted to eat the whole petching pot of it. But no he had to leave it for the others he want the only one eating. Lifting back his hood to reveal his waist length slightly curled hair, his dark black blue eyes, and he shaven beard closer than usual. The four scars prominent on his cheek. As he walked around looking for a place to sit his axe and steel vambraces clanked together.

Finally he decided to sit down a couple of seats away from the woman already there. Placing the bowl down his spoon poised to go in, tearing through the liquid goodness and scooping up hearty spoonful. As he pulled his spoon up chunks of potato and meat fell from it, and as he placed the broth into his mouth his stomach roared fror more and his taste buds sang in compliment fo the food. It was soo good yet so simple. he turned to look a the jamoura cook and said pleasantly in his gruff low voice. "Thank's for this, it's absolutely wonderful. My compliments to the chef." Smiling lightly he took another hearty spoonful and ravenously wolfed it down. Bringing up the large spoonfuls of the moist meaty and vegetable goodness. He took a few second with each bite before swallowing them down. And as he did his stomach thanked him. Letting him slow down now he savoured the rest of the rest of the food in the bowl. Only then did he look up and around to notice that he and the woman were the only two here. And the fact he looked like a lumberjack didn't help much. the fact he was carrying a set of axes made him look more like a forest feller than a hired hand. Still he smiled at her politely and warmly as was his usual nature. and then... Ooooh She's a looker, c'mon we could have her, I could have her. I could.... Xi shook his head to drown out the voice of liro again. As he started too examine her with has dark eyes. She was slim, lean, but not small of anything. Long brown hair, lighter in places. There was something about her that xi couldn't place. As he looked back to his bowl, he took another mouthful and sank into thought.

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Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Postby Cyllena Tarnarath on April 13th, 2012, 3:59 am

At the sound of someone coming toward the Mess Hall, Cyllena looked up from the bowl which by then was half empty, her dark storm ridden eyes scanning briefly over the masculine form that seemed to be trying it’s best to block out what light was trying to stream in through the building’s only entrance and exit. Now Cyllena had gotten used to seeing tall muscular men given she had been around Cade for some many seasons and others like him, but this one was different. She couldn’t figure out why but something in her gut told her he was not like the others she had crossed paths with, however how was starting to rack her brain… which hurt the Amazon like woman.

As she finished her bowl of stew, the Ravokian woman stood up and started toward the pot. Okay so she wanted another helping of that delicious dish, however as she turned to go that way, Cy realized that she was being stared at. Shaking her head as the man clearly wasn’t that different from the others that liked to look at her like she was a freak, which in her mind she most likely was given she didn’t see the beauty others saw in her. “You know if you want to stare, maybe I should charge you or poke your eyes out… not quite sure which yet… so pick your poison before I do.” She told him before strolling forward only to end up tripping over his axe and what was clearly this male’s tree stalk legs.

With an oof noise escaping her throat, the bowl and spoon that had been in her hands went flying toward the entrance end of the hall while Cyllena went down toward the ground. Dirt and small rocks embedded within the soil scrapped the woman’s hands, legs though this was hidden by her pants, and the left cheek. Groaning not from the pain or stinging sensation the injuries were causing in the ends of her nerves as she had been in a lot worse kind of pain before, but because she had just proven to be a bit of a klutz in front of the warrior that now had a good look of her backside.’ Smooth move, Cy. Give him a threat then fall on your face cause you lose track of his legs and weapon. Some merc you are.’ Rolling over on to her back and using her elbows to prop herself up, her eyes focused on the male whose name she didn’t know yet.

Care to help me up or you content to just stare?” okay now she was getting snippy out of anger at herself and her mistake.
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Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on April 13th, 2012, 4:53 am

His eyes kept casually flicking to her as he ate. He couldn't help feeling there was something odd about this woman. Then she spoke at him. Threatening him, when all he'd done was look at her. Jeez sorry for taking an interest in a pretty woman. Am i really that much of an ass that people can tell just by looking at me? Yes actually you are, now look at this...Ehehehe Liro flashed up images of her, in his head none of them good. But not all of them unpleasant and through it he had lent forwards to stop the images, pushing out his weapon's handle and then he heard the crash. He'd caused her a second insult, seemingly tripping her with his weapon. Now he really felt bad but liro kept assaulting him. As he flicked his head round to check. His eyes caught a full view of her ample butt. And then the images intensified. Fighting back liro he offered his hand out before she'd even asked about him helping. He could hear the anger in her voice after all he'd cause it. Leaning over he placed his hands on her sides gently, ignoring the images that Liro was spraying at his head. He lifted her up as if she were a rag doll. His face reddening, heavily as he set her back on her feet. Him now standing at his full height, looking down at her. In a previous instance he'd found he towered over most humans. Even cade, he was taller than by an inch. He looked down at her but not down on her. He spoke softly in his normal hushed voice.

"I'm sorry, i-it was my fault. I positioned my things wrong. i'm sorry. I'm also sorry for stareing. I shouldn't have. I just cant seem to help myself in the presence of pretty women. I hope you can forgive me." With that he walked over slowly to where her bowl had fallen along with her spoon and put them back on the table. His face some what saddened, that he'd made a fool of himself. Though the emotion look on him was so slight it might not have been seen, the feel of depression around him was strong like a heavy rainy day. Now looking at the floor he kept his eyes down as he sat back in his seat. His hunger had run dry, through the feel of him having done something wrong. Though he thought it may be polite to ask, through a slightly guilt ridden and saddened tone. "Are you alirght, i hope my foolishness hasn't caused you to hurt get hurt. I ment no harm. In both the looking and with the accident just then." You petching wimp. Let me out i would do things to that you wouldn't believe were possible. Let me out, i can already see...Ehehehehe Xi could feel himself now harshly fighting back at liro for contriol. Since coming to the spires fighting back liro had become harder and harder. Almost as if fighting a battle he knew he couldn't win. His moral was sapped and his fighting strength was ebbing. LIro would get out again. He just prayed it would be when he was in a place by himself.

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Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Postby Cyllena Tarnarath on April 13th, 2012, 8:28 am

Cyllena’s eyes seemed to spark to life when the man said he had positioned his things wrong. It was hard to not smirk or chuckle at the comment instead she just accepted his help up. Though the way he did it had her a bit taken back, so much that she didn’t even move away from him even though her feet were now safely on the ground.

It’s okay I’m used to guys staring, though I’m not sure why they do it. Unless it’s because of my scars… um I doubt I’m pretty. I’ve seen better looking women walking around the camp… no hard feelings really.” Had she been some other kind of woman Cy might have blushed at the compliment but given her own opinions towards her invisible beauty the Ravok born woman didn’t do anything but smile softly.

As Ximal, who had yet to give his name to Cyllena, walked away to fetch her bowl and spoon, Cyllena found her eyes actually roaming over this towering man’s form. It was a bit hard to make out his true shape but something told her from the weapon and clothing that weighed him down, he was a man of strength in form. This caused her to smirk a little more but she quickly let the expression drop from her face upon his return to where she had been still standing. Taking a step toward him, she titled her head so she might be able to catch his eyes again.

Just a few scraps nothing overly bad. I won’t be needing the healers if that’s what you’re worried about. Also I should have been looking where my feet were going. Trust me if I couldn’t’ handle what I got now I would make a very poor mercenary. So tell me you got a name? Mine’s Cyllena.” She was smiling as friendly as she could though her mind was daring her to tease this shy flower with seductive touches. Cy was now close enough that Ximal might be able to pick up on the fact that though this woman had the scent of a warrior she also had a hint of Jasmine and lilies to her hair and skin.
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Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on April 13th, 2012, 9:06 am

Xi smiled as he removed his cloak, she wasn't up set with him as he'd first thought. Xi unlaced the lock of his cloak around his neck and lifted it off of him. The heavy cloak landed on the table with a dull thud, as he showed off his form and his weaponry with out meaning too. His chest criss-crossed with the straps of his body pack from which two hand axed hung, one of steel the other cold iron. his gauntlets hung from the bet at his waist, as his shirt still slightly damp with sweat from work stuck to him. He took a deep breath as he could feel liro clawing at his mind. Why are you taking your cloak off you've just shown her where ver bit of your stuff is. You idiot. Xi shook his head again lightly as he looked back round to her, his huge shoulders pivoting whilst his waist turned only a fraction. His saddened look faded back into a combination of a light blush and a feel of happiness, irradiating from him like a crisp and warm summers day. He smiled lightly as he spoke to her looking into her eyes. He gun-metal blue eyes with his dark black blue eyes. He spoke softly again, smooth tone and low voice. "you have a look fo feminity about you that the others do not seem to have. Thats what drew my eyes towards you. As for scars..." He turned his head lightly to show off his right cheek with it's four deep scars running from just before his ear to just before his mouth. When he smiled the scars crinkled a little bit. "I know a thing or two about scars." Look at her, the things i could do, to that with this bodys strength. Let me at her.

More images popped up in-front of Xi's mind as he looked at her, He closed his eyes slowly to keep up the fight with liro, and to clear his mind of those images. He spoke again hearing that she was alright ans a mercenary. And as she asked his name. "well i'm glad to know your not badly hurt that could have ended very badly." The vambraces on his arms clanked as they hit the table and chinked softly as one scraped across the back of his hand axe. His voice continued warmer, honeyed andwith a fleck of embarrassment catching in it. "I'm not a mercenary but as far as work goes i can hold my own. Be fore i came here i used to work at the pits in sunberth." She drew closer, slightly uncomfortably close, not uncomfortable fo him but might be for her, he knew he still smelt of sweat not having had a chance to clean up yet but she smelt of flowers, from where he didn't know, but also coming off of her was the faint metallic smell of a warrior. Whilst all he exhumed was the smell of work, sweat, and the smell fo a working man. He smiled again the flush in him rising a little. He spoke again in the same manner though his voice warbled a bit due to her proximity. "M-my name is Ximal, my f-friends call me XI"

He motioned his arm as if to offer her a seat next to him, wether she accepted or not was up to her, but at least he'd offered. He thought now maybe it was his turn to ask a question. "S-so cyllena, why are you h-here in the spires?" He flicked his eyes back onto her, the deep black blue pools looking over her, she was very pretty. Though he couldn't see any form of scar upon her. Now he said something almost involuntarily. "I-i'm sorry but you s-said you have a scarred b-body, but i can't make out a sc-scar anywhere. I'm sc-scarred so i know what it feels and should l-look like."
Last edited by Ximal on April 16th, 2012, 11:04 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Postby Cyllena Tarnarath on April 13th, 2012, 10:48 am

A look of femininity? Surely he jested for to Cyllena she was as far from looking feminine as the northern regions of Mizahar was from the southern regions. The merc was starting to wonder if this man hadn’t spent one to many hours or worse days inside the fogged up city of the Spires. “Um I think you need to get your eyes checked, I doubt I look feminine given I hate skirts and often would rather walk around in a big old tunic or loose shirt then some frilly blouse like most women seem to take to.” To say that she was confused and trying to figure out what about her was coming off as being feminine well it was an understatement as her face gave away her confusion. Didn’t help that she was starting to look herself over as well.

Her attention was recaptured when he started to speak of scars, then revealed to her the ones he bore upon his cheek, hidden among the hairs of his stubble. Cyllena was often very bold in her actions towards people, especially when it came to reaching out and just touching them. Unless she knew it would cost her her hand of course. However this time she dared to extend her hand and thus her fingers toward the four parallel lines that to her were a badge of honor and a sign of his strength for survival. A trait she admired greatly. Slowly as if to burn the location and feel of the lines into her memory, Cyllena drew finger tips over each line, her eyes focused on the area before they flicked up into the gaze of man before her. “Pardon me if I am too forward with my inquiry, but how did you receive such badges of strength?" Yes she loved a good tale of adventure.

So he was a warrior of the bloodbaths or rather pits, a gladiator. Wait if he was such as that back in Sunberth what was he here? Since there were no pits or arenas to fight in. “Interesting, though I’m now puzzled by the lack of an arena that you might work in here. What has brought you to the Spires… land of the fog that clearly can devolve you.” Again she was starting to find herself drawn toward this man not just because of his strength in appearance but also because he seemed to be a conundrum within an enigma.

The smell of sweat and hard work was not troubling for Cyllena given she had spent many days around her siblings, father and the other men that had been within the Ebonystryfe back in her home city of Ravok. In fact it was a rather calming effect on the woman for it made her feel safe, at least this man could hold his own during a battle or any confrontation. Besides if it was too bad she could always look around for a pitcher of water to toss over his head.

Taking a seat next to Ximal or rather Xi as he seemed to like more, Cy gave a simple shrug to his first question. “Well given I’m a Merc I often go where the money is. Since it seems they need people to do their collecting, I signed up. So I guess you could kind of say I’m a harvester of lost minds and bodies.” She rather liked the way she described her job, which brought a smile to her facial features, including adding a bit of a shine to her otherwise dark brooding eyes. His next inquiry had her laughing in good spirits, before she leaned over and whispered right near to his ear.

My scars are hidden by the cloth that drapes my body. Thus if you wish to see them you would have to catch me during a time I was free of them." Leaning back, Cy gave Ximal a wink and then patted one of his hands. He was interestingly cute as she realized he seemed to have a bit of trouble with his tongue when he was nervous. A trait not often seen in a man of his stature.
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Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on April 13th, 2012, 12:15 pm

He felt some what jittery with her this close mainly because of liro clawing at his mind. She spoke to him with a sort of con fussed tone as she looked herself over whilst speaking. He smiled lightly as he, spoke softly liro still digging into his mind with ideas like the talons of an eagle digging into the soft flesh of a rabbit. Still his gruff voice spoke low and warm with that slight inflection. "It's more the l-look of your eyes more than a-anything else. They convey a-an air of maturity that most people d-don't have." Still His lips pulled up lightly into a warm and trusting but vaguely nervous smile. The her hands reached out for his face and brushed across his cheek, along the scars that lied there. Xi felt a rush of blood to his face as she asked him how he got them. The memory of that day came flooding back. Him in his young teens defending fila. "I got them de-defending somebody wh-who couldn't and shouldn't have be-been forced to protect themselves. I was th-thirteen at the time. The gi-girl i was protecting was n-no more than eight years. I didn't just get these. I-i've also get a brand upon my chest, from my ti-time as a slave. I've al-also got two more scars on my arms. Thats not to be coupled with the myriad, of pain this body had seen." As he spoke about the scars on his arms he flicked his eyes down at them, and each one let out a pang of pain at their glance. Then she mentioned the fogs effects and how it could devolve a person. His smile just widened a little but with a sarcastic and impassive tone towards it. "i'm already an animal, i-i'm just holding b-back the beast within." Aww i'm touched, you care about your standing within the world. You care what others think of you too bad i your madness shall consume you and never let you free again. Xi looked towards her listening to her story of being a mercenary and collecting money where it came. It was a job, honest work , even if it was being paied for by the dishonest.

"Personally i came here to help, it's j-just my nature, ive g-got enough cuts, bruises and bumps to prove that." Her darken eyes perked as she spoke about her job the way she spoke of it made it seem almost honest, almost as if it was a reputable job. Xi couldnt help but let his aura of happy thoughts grow, even if a twinge of madness now sheared off into it. Sitll it was then she leaned in. and spoke about her scars covering her body, and if he wanted to see he would have to...Catch her at a time without her clothes... He felt heis hear beat quicken at the porspect, his face turning from slightly pink to an almost vibrant red. as Liro piped up in his head. Oh i like her, i really do, that one has spirit. How i would love to crush it. To break her spirit and remould her to my will, just to watch the broken and shattered pieces of that mind fall, and be crushed in my hands. To teas it back together into a picture of my design. To break her into a silhouette of her former self. LET ME OUT NOW I WANT TO PLAY WITH THIS ONE!

He could feel the sheer pain of his mind digging into him, stronger than many times before, so strong he felt as if liro might break loose then and there. Last time it got this strong his hand lashed out, he almost attacked someone under liros influence. He could feel the corruption spreading through him like a deep fire through his veins. Sill from the outside he looked calm and under control. The madness raged within him, but he now found the words to return her witty comment. "Well." he said leaning into her ear now to whisper back. "if that's the case, then i might just h-have to take you up on th-that offer. Though i'm s-sure i'd be in the same st-state and i'd h-hope at that time i didn't...scare you." The last two words he spoke were edging towards something else. Xi couldn't believe he was saying this though. It was as if liro had taken control of his mouth and was now speaking for the pair of them. His Mind faltered now, as he tried to cram a rampant liro back into his cage. He let his head move back and spoke again in his slow, low voice.

"should it come t-to a situation like th-that though, i'd fi-find it pretty difficult to st-stop myself." And damned near impossible to stop liro. Every thing Xi did came back to his madness, he'd done such wrong and suck right over his inner self. It was making the good xi better and the darker more malicious liro worse. Though with the madness spreading this fast he wondered about venturing into the fog. Would it instantly set liro free? Would it make liro stronger? Would it make him weaker? Every question brought up five more new questions. He couldn't solve any of them so he let them sit unsolved as he looked back at her face, and let his dark black blue eyes catch hers, he fet something within them. Something he couldn't place, though it didn't set him on edge it...soothed him.

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Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Postby Cyllena Tarnarath on April 13th, 2012, 2:27 pm

Her eyes? Well that was one line she hadn’t been told, maybe this guy was being truthful with her. Then again most men always ended up lying about something so maybe he hadn’t hit his stride yet. However a part of her, the part of Cyllena that secretly wanted to be attractive, honestly attractive for a man and not just be lied to because he wanted to get into her bedroll. Not that she hadn’t succumbed to primal and very natural urges that any person could befall, but she was a bit tired of being nothing more than a notch on a person’s belt or bed post.

He then explained the tale behind his facial scars before going on about other things that marked him. Now normally she wouldn’t have focused so much on scars as after all they were a natural part of life, especially in a land as wild and chaotic as Mizahar, but when he mentioned a branding upon his pecs. Well that got the woman’s interest and soon her curiosity was gnawing at her until she couldn’t stand it anymore. “Oh what kind of brand?” The light in her eyes was burning even brighter now as her eyes fell toward the man’s chest as her fingers began to move from his cheek down long his neck toward the for mention pec muscle. If he didn’t tell her or heck show her she was going to find it herself. To hell with tact.

Cyllena understood that not everyone came here for money or to gain things, but hey at least she had been honest and hadn’t lied about her career or rather chosen profession. “That’s good, they look like they could use all the help they can get. I’ve been trying to help out between the collecting of citizens trapped inside the city. It’s a bit annoying having to wait double amount of time you spend inside the fog zone after you come out but if that’s the rule then I guess if I want my money I have to obey it.” Didn’t mean she liked it. Truth was Cyllena hadn’t yet noticed that if she didn’t have some downtime between her city visits her emotions were a bit more out of control then what was normal for the woman raised in a city of organized chaos.

Cy chuckled at Ximal’s reply to her little teasing game, and well that only added fuel to her fire. It was time to make it a bit hotter in the mess hall, the minx in her wanted to see just how far she could push his jittery buttons. “You know you sure do seem to have a bit of trouble with that tongue of yours… maybe I should help you straighten it out a bit?” She grinned at him as underneath the table her free hand made a move toward him, starting upon his knee and slowly slighting up along his thigh. Let’s see how fast he could move now.
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Stew Unites Scarred Souls (Ximal)

Postby Ximal on April 14th, 2012, 12:29 am

Xi watched her in a slight trance, as he felt her fingers on his cheek. Which slowly trailed lower, and lower. His face reddening lightly, but stopping its surge of colour as her hand came to rest upon his chest. He felt his heart going a mile a minute. He looked at her as she asked about the brand on his chest. His stutter till unchanging but his tongue felt too big for his mouth. He spoke some what flustered and a little relieved. "I-if you w-w-want to see it youd h-have to get me at a t-time i'm no-not wearing a shirt." He was failing at this game as he felt liro tearing at his mind. I'd show her that brand, if she showed me a few of her scars. Nehehehe. Xi listened to her her hand delicately perched on his chest now some what scanning for his brand. He couldn't help his gaze dropping from her eyes to her chest and then darting back up. LIro wanted to lash his arm out and well have his way with things.

AS Xi battles against liro he listened to her speak of her time out in the fog, and helping those trapped within the city. So she was here helping rescue those within the city. She was more noble than most of the others here, and much better on the eyes than most. He let his eyes glaze over her again as she talked. Her voice slowly comeing to an end and Xi piped up his voice again. "Well it's g-good that you-your trying to help, I me-mean that here it's di-difficult to live." He was starting to trip over his tongue. And his mind was loosing all concious thought. Liro was winning, the battle, little by little. XI faught off liro stornger now takign mor eof his attention. Well Xi you know what happens when you go in that fog, i worm my way out. And you cannot stop me, the madness from strangling you, and swallowing you whole.

Then something caught Xi's attention, he felt something on his knee, and it was moving up his leg slowly. He noticed a cheeky sly grin creep onto her face as she asked if he needed help straightening out his tongue. His mind snapped to attention ad the hand grew closer. Liro ran into over drive and tore at his mind harshly ripping at tearing at Xi's hold over him. Xi now could only think of one response. And his mouth was going with it weterh he wanted it too or not. "i-it could u-use a bi-bit of help st-straightening out, bu-but i'd be careful o-of that hand or it mi-might bumb into a s-s-snake." He couldn't believe he'd just said that his face turned a shade of red he'd never even thought it could. He was almost glowing as he spoke. He fould feel the trickles of madness coming into his eyes. to any one looking in it would seem like a taunt to try harder. To Xi it meant that liro was getting a good hold and was almost ready to assume control. Xi faught him back as hard as he could to hold him off. More tickles of madness ran through him willing his body to do things. If she's gonna put her hands that close, i may just want to put my hands closer still. This one doesn't beat around the bush, she goes right for the gold. Now i really want to crack open her mind and see the pieces of her persona fall apart. But i'm gonna take my time breaking her apart, I will savour the destruction of this one.

"Common" "Myrian" "Nari"
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