![]() Character's Name: Vaas Race: Human Inarta Caste- Chiet Birthday & Age : 31th, Spring, 494AV; Current Age 18 Gender: Male Language 1: Fluent-Nari Language 2: Basic- Common Physical Description: Vaas is a tall (5'10") and slender(160lbs) young man with straight ginger neck length hair. Since he is blind, Vaas eyes are clouded emerald with traces a gold that a covered by his hair. When Vaas goings to special occasions like concerts or events he likes to wear his hair back in a short pony tail. Regardless of his blindness, he carries himself in a manner higher in his station in life. He has no tattoos or piercing covering his pale skin since he has no sight to enjoy them. He is often bruised and battered from occasionally stumbling and bumping into things . He look plainly odd in Inarta society. In the warm seasons, Vaas wears his black pair of bryda and his black cotton scarf outside and inside. During the cold seasons, he is fully dressed in a pair of black bryda, his katinu outfit, and his wool scarf when he ventures outside; however, inside during these cold season, he just wears his black bryda and wool scarf. Character Concept: Vaas believes his blindness is a test given by Priskil to overcome and become Artisan. He devotes his life to become a apprentice to a musician in the Cedar Amphitheater. He my be delusional in his thinking because who would apprentice a blind man, but it gives him hope and a strive to continue. In his spare time he practices blind fighting with his quarterstaff using the sounds, smells, and the feeling under his bear feet navigate his surrounding. Regardless of his consistently tripping on obstacles and knocking over objects he wasn't trying to knock over. He gets up and continues his training. This self taught training also helped him be more mobile and independent, so he doesn't have to rely on other people to get him to one place or another. He does use a staff help him feel his way to one point or another though. Music and dance is the first joy in his life. Since he is blind, he could never enjoy the natural beauties of homeland, so he listens and sorta dances to the music of his homeland while he envisioning Wind Reach in his imagination. Music and performance is his life passion and he wants to contribute his people arts by singing, dancing, and playing the flute. Also, alone in the dark, he privately worships goddess Priskil with trusty Wind Dancer perched on his arm. Characters personality: Vaas' cleverness helps him to adapted quickly to situations if the need arises; however, he tends to be stubborn and short tempered when someone questions his ability to do anything. Mostly because he believes his blindness is not a hindrance, but a test to overcome by the gods. He has a lot of pride in his accomplishments in music and falconry. When it comes to his music he is a perfectionist. Since he is blind he has no concept on rank in society by appearance. Often he treats everyone the same regardless if they are Endal or Dek. So he speaks his mind to everyone respectably but if they are rude or abusive. He will stand his ground every time regardless of the consequences. In secret, he passionately, believes the Dek should be treated more humanly by the upper classes, so sometimes if he has a little extra money he buys them small minor things to give them a little more dignity. Also he identifies people, animals, and object by the smell, for example, from his past a woman smelling of lilacs gave him red-tailed hawk chick . He try to learn the person's smell with their name. It is his way to substitute a face with a name for smell with a name. Characters History: Vaas is a basically a normal Chiet male. He never knew his mother or his father and was raised in the nurseries till he was eight years old. He always figures he was a unwanted because of his blindness. On his eighth birthday a woman smelling of lilacs gave him a red-tailed hawk chick, she said nothing when she gave him it. When she leaving, he thanked her and told her the hawk name was Mister Snuggles. She laughed and told him the red-tailed hawk name was Wind Dancer or Windy. After she left, he hoped and imaged that beautiful woman was his mother. In school he tried the best he could to learn the basics every Inarta child learns bows were nearly impossible for him since he couldn't see, but he paid special attention to music, singing, and falconry. The instruments he learned to play was flute. One day, he wishes to travel Mizahar and learn the music, songs, history, and folklore of the other races and people of this world, and bring it back to share with all the Inarta. Even though, it annoys the neighbors, he practices his music mostly at night when he is finished working. Today Vaas and Wind Dancer head out into the woods and hunt small game, and sometimes in the spring they both go down to Thunder Bay and go fishing. He commands him with certain flute sounds.
Lore: Tuning Instrument (flute) Maintaining Condition instruments (flute) Appreciating the solitude of the Underground Forest Kicking stones hurts Companionship with Darkness Compassion Song: Little Sparrow Lost in Wind Wind Dancer is an Early Riser Music Composition: Wind Dancer's Feeding Song Musical Composition: Wind Dancer's Attention Song The Difference Between Cats and Dogs What Rabbits Look Like Juniper's Opinion of the Storm Poppy: An Untimely Death Juni, 'Aspiring' Poet Laughing at One's Own Fall Meeting an Old Friend Again Always Happy and Always Witty Defending Your Friend, Vaas' Speech Location: Abandoned Logging Camp The Fisherman Song 'Seeing' Aela For The First Time Cleaning a Flute Song: Happy Little Arrow in Flight Song: Hunter and Eagle Caught in Storm Meeting Krysanthe Attending a Concert People Are Torches in Long Hallways Eypharians: Physiology Identification: Another Type of Flute Drug Dealer Future: Singing At the Inclement Weather? Bravery A gift for music Not to be held back by impairment The Importance of Food How to play a Dek Standing up to your mother Blind Navigation: Walking Staff Location: Second Quiver Treated Like a Dek Recognizing Selfish Actions Woken via Wind Dancer Hawk are ornery during their molt Race: Akvatari (Incomplete) Meeting a fellow musician (Saphtir) Pouting over Closed Bath Crush on Ces Possessions
Housing: Renting 1 basic 20x20 single room (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table. Ledger
Thread List: Spring: "Little Sparrow Lost in Wind (Solo)(Graded) 512AV Work and Play (Open)(Graded) 512 AV [The Enclave] Sad songs (Vaas)(Graded) 512 AV Summer: (The Tisuma Baths)One Strange Summer Morning (open) 512AV (Graded) Yay!Drunken Revelry!(Reila) 512AV (Graded) Defining the Different (Open) 512AV [Achery Supplies Storage Room]Broken Arrows (Napua) 512AV (Graded) Open Sky Beneath The Ground (Closed) 512AV (Graded) Back to Wind Reach (Vaas) 512 AV Pride, Pestilence...and Other Things... 512AV Paces of the Night (Vaas, Aela, Open) 512AV (Graded) Camping By the Bay (Aela) 512AV (Graded) Song on the Midnight Wind (Tiaue'a) 512AV Fall: Winter: Flashback: A Chance Encounter and Friendly Company (FlashBack) 512AV (Graded) A Dark Hallway with a New Torch(Kysanthe,Flashback) 512AV(Graded) [Flash back] Grief (Vaas) 512AV |