Mishani Vita

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Mishani Vita

Postby Mishani Vita on April 17th, 2012, 7:07 pm

Mishani Vita


Basic Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age : Summer 24. 492 AV (20 years old)
Gender: Female


Trying to learn:

Tukant: Fluent
Common: Basic
Kontinese: Poor

Physical Description
Mishani stands about 5'7" high and weights 120lbs. She could be rated skinny, but shes normal weight for her own taste. She usually doesn't cut her nails, so they're pretty long. Not that she'd ever hurt anyone with them, but just in case. She has long, light blonde hair and she always keeps it up and back, so her face is visible. Her eyes are soft naturally colored, and really captivating. Misha has three long scars across the left side of her face, going from her forehead to her cheek. She always picks flowers from the ground and put them in her hair. Her skin is a little tan, and she has a tattoo on her left shoulder. The tattoo presents a butterfly, with maple tree leaf wings. It's all black with a shadow on the background. Mishani usually takes a shower every second day, so she is very clean. Her happy appearance is a good way of life to her, and shes not afraid to mud her hands.

Mishani walks around in a knee-length , white dress and has a leather vest on. She doesn't usually have her boots on, because she thinks they're uncomfortable.
Secret :

Character Concept
Mishani is a kind "country" girl, who loves to help people. She likes to act like a older sister or mother to younger persons than herself. She has a caring personality, and she's kind of sensitive. Mishani doesn't really get angry, only if someone of her closest persons are killed. At that point she might even get violent, because when shes angry and sad, she cant control her feelings.

Mish might seen too happy and always in a good mood, but she has her bad days. Not that they appear too often, anyway. Mish is a nature lover, so she might spend many hours outside picking up stuff, cleaning, singing and dancing.

Misha's favorite activity is singing. She loves singing from all her heart, and she got a marvelous voice. She walks around singing out loud when she's alone. Otherwise she's too shy and doesn't want to sing in public.

Character History

Mishani has always been an adventurer. As a child, she traveled away from her family, but always got found by her parents before anyone kidnapped her. She was told to keep away from the wilderness, and she did. When she grew up, she learned to sing, when she wasn't allowed to go adventuring. Of course, her voice turned out to be magnificent, and she's still training it. When she became an adult, she decided to go outside the gates all alone. She thought that the wilderness wasn't so bad. What could it even do?

She was horribly wrong. The first thing she encountered, was a hungry canine. the snarling predator stared at her, and when Mishani blinked her eyes, it attacked. She fell backwards on the ground, the canine trying to eat her alive. The drool flew all over her face, and the predator sipped up Mishani's left side of her face, leaving giant marks on her forehead, going down to her cheek. Luckily, she was strong enough to push the canine to the side and grab a stick from the ground. Stabbing the animal to death. After that, she returned to Riverfall. At the gates she collapsed, because of the wound on her face. She woke up in the hospital, wishing to go home. But the doctors had more bad news. A house fire. At her home. Her parent's had died, trying to extinguish a fire. Her mother died first, breathing too much smoke, she died on the floor, next to the fire. Her dad choked on the smoke too. They both burned to death.

Her little brother died along her mother. AS did a small part in her heart too. She promised herself to become something great, so show her parents that she could make them proud. She want's to be a knight, but people call her too weak. She gave up her wish, but she will take the challenge again.


Skill Earned Total
Composition 15 SP + 1 XP 16
Birdkeeping 15 SP 15
Singing 20 SP + 15 RB + 3 XP 38
Brawling 1 XP 1
Rhetoric 1 XP 1
Teaching 1 XP 1
Socialization 1 XP 1
Conversation 1 XP 1
Compassion 1 XP 1
Manners 1 XP 1

Land navigation Riverfall - Black Rock.
Songbird birdkeeping.
Sensitive girl
Picking a fight
Believing guys were tougher than girls
Beating up a sailor
Hiding your face from nudity
My mascara is running
Music and nature are a normal Gypsy thing
Flowers make it better
Making friends is the best
Give a flower - get a flower
Kelvic appreciation

Equipment and Possessions
1 Set of Clothing (Colorful)
-Simple Shirt
-Simple Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak/coat
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
- Songbirds (2)
- Average dress [White]
- Leather vest.
- Earrings. (2)

Housing: None.

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
No housing + 500 GM 600 GM
Average dress -8 SM 599 GM
2 x Songbird -2 GM 597 GM
Leather vest -3 SM 595 GM (?)
2 x Earrings (Silver) -2 GM 593 GM

[PS! The writer is lame at math.]

Thread List
Songbird at heart. - Dex
A meeting just two days after the first. - Dallisetria
Don't be afraid. - Daemon
The meeting of three people. - Kennen & Dallisetria
Just don't hurt me. - Rykanis
Song and Blade. - Lysing
Last edited by Mishani Vita on April 22nd, 2012, 2:49 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Mishani Vita
Posts: 66
Words: 28401
Joined roleplay: April 16th, 2012, 5:20 pm
Race: Human
Character sheet

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