Timestamp: 34th of Spring, year 512 AV, After Sunset.
Not even a full day had passed since being reunited with the horse Nixie had lost nearly thirty days prior. And even then, only through the happenstance of running into a rather peculiar person by the name of Seven. But because of her accusation, and a misunderstanding, she did not have his company for long. Disappearing into the crowds only a little while after introductions were made. And while the terms on which he left were not savory, she wished she could find him. There was something she felt like she needed to ask, but as hours passed, that hope turned to skepticism.
A round, pale, moon hung low in the sky now, slowly climbing to its perch above. While the illusions that filled the streets seemed to cast shadows against its light. Formless people with empty faces rushed by in blurs, as if they too were mere illusions. Their voices all muddled together when they met her ears. Did she look like an illusions to them as well? The answer didn't really matter, she only wondered if others saw the illusions as she did.
Only moments prior had Nixie brought Dani to the Aveks Stables; out of fear that she would loose him again before the night came to an end. If somebody like herself could be overwhelmed by the cities tricks, she could only imagine how a weak minded animal handled such things. With him safe in the stables, she could take to the streets again with some peace of mind. This time she went out in search of food, letting the streets take her where they pleased. Hoping they would lead her where she needed to be. But while it was nourishment she sought this time, her mind still returned to the image of a man of pale hair, and fair complexion. He was what she had spent most of that afternoon searching for, and had only just stopped that hunt. Her legs were weary, and her stomach empty. Its hollow groans begging her full attention.
As usual, she walked with a pipe held tightly between sealed lips. Her smoky eyes hidden behind a curtain of dark hair as her head hung low in an effort to keep from looking at the illusions that swarmed. Off to the side she recognized a few words of merriment as a pair left a quiet tavern. Her gaze did not travel far beyond the cobble that lay at her feet though. It was foolish, keeping it fixed on the ground, unaware of he surrounding. Perhaps if she were more attentive, she would have seen the tavern, and smelt the spice of a warm meal. And she would have seen the familiar figure of Seven, who she had been searching so intently for. Collision seemed imminent.
Not even a full day had passed since being reunited with the horse Nixie had lost nearly thirty days prior. And even then, only through the happenstance of running into a rather peculiar person by the name of Seven. But because of her accusation, and a misunderstanding, she did not have his company for long. Disappearing into the crowds only a little while after introductions were made. And while the terms on which he left were not savory, she wished she could find him. There was something she felt like she needed to ask, but as hours passed, that hope turned to skepticism.
A round, pale, moon hung low in the sky now, slowly climbing to its perch above. While the illusions that filled the streets seemed to cast shadows against its light. Formless people with empty faces rushed by in blurs, as if they too were mere illusions. Their voices all muddled together when they met her ears. Did she look like an illusions to them as well? The answer didn't really matter, she only wondered if others saw the illusions as she did.
Only moments prior had Nixie brought Dani to the Aveks Stables; out of fear that she would loose him again before the night came to an end. If somebody like herself could be overwhelmed by the cities tricks, she could only imagine how a weak minded animal handled such things. With him safe in the stables, she could take to the streets again with some peace of mind. This time she went out in search of food, letting the streets take her where they pleased. Hoping they would lead her where she needed to be. But while it was nourishment she sought this time, her mind still returned to the image of a man of pale hair, and fair complexion. He was what she had spent most of that afternoon searching for, and had only just stopped that hunt. Her legs were weary, and her stomach empty. Its hollow groans begging her full attention.
As usual, she walked with a pipe held tightly between sealed lips. Her smoky eyes hidden behind a curtain of dark hair as her head hung low in an effort to keep from looking at the illusions that swarmed. Off to the side she recognized a few words of merriment as a pair left a quiet tavern. Her gaze did not travel far beyond the cobble that lay at her feet though. It was foolish, keeping it fixed on the ground, unaware of he surrounding. Perhaps if she were more attentive, she would have seen the tavern, and smelt the spice of a warm meal. And she would have seen the familiar figure of Seven, who she had been searching so intently for. Collision seemed imminent.