Spring 66, 512 “Things seem to quieted down over the last few days huh?” Carefully placing his footing on the loss sand, Siarak made his way along the beach barefooted just in site of The Cerulean Pier. The sun was raising giving the sky an orange red color orange then his regular trench coat. “Only if you like being bored now there nothing to do now” whine Vex who at the moment was an shape of an medium size green lizard that could easily be carried on Siarak shoulder without being too heavy with iron claws and iron frills that goes all the way down his back to the tip of his tail. “Yes while almost dyeing in the storm was so much fun” Siarak replied to his familiar with a snort of laughter, “And besides if things get to dull we can always go by The Kelp Bar and go the sailors to start a fight” Siarak said while he sat down in the sand cross-legged. Vex leap off of Siarak shoulder pressing his claws hard enough to leave a little nick no doubt he felt insulted again about something over nothing. Landing on the grown Vex reshape himself that closely resembles a bald Siarak. “Like you can fight any way you most likely going to have me to protect you” he sneer at his master. Raising an eye brow Siarak is just starting to get use to the kirt mood swings and little jabs. At this point in time he feels this is his way of seeing how far he can get and if Sara had his way not far. Bending down to eye level Siarak gave his little kirt one of the best gales he could muster while saying “Watch yourself Vex you are over reaching. And I while have you know the magic I do possess is more than just tricks” |