[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

[The Kelp Bar] An ethaefal tries to help a hapless civilian, only to find himself facing insurmountable odds.

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[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

Postby Eridanus on April 18th, 2012, 2:30 pm

The blood on his knuckles mostly belonged to him, though some traces of his opponents' blood could be found as well. The skin was torn raw due to the excessive force he used augmented with flux. Without the shield to absorb the impact his skin absorbed it instead, thus tearing it.

As the other woman got closer to examine his wounds, he blinked in recognition as her features slowly came into view.

"You! Nira'lia! The konti from the library!" He gasped in surprise. In his fatigue he had forgotten that she would not have recognized his form. However, his reference to the library might help her to connect the dots together if she had the wits to do so.

"I'm... I'm alright," He said, wincing even as he took another step. There was a pain within his stomach from where he was kicked, and he was very much not at all fine.

He would not explicitly admit it, but he would have welcomed help, and if she were to help patch him up he would not reject it.
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[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

Postby Nira'lia on April 18th, 2012, 2:53 pm

"Huh? What?" asked Nira'lia blankly. The library? She tried to understand what he meant. Nira'lia had been spending a lot of her days in the library these days, but she had no idea what he was talking about. Perhaps she was a familiar face to him? But that didn't make sense to her -- surely she would have remembered an ethaefal if she had seen one in the library. "Who are you?"

Then Nira'lia remembered that ethaefals had a different form, and that was probably why she couldn't understand his words. She had a faint guess of who he might be though, since she didn't normally speak to the students in the library, and all she could think of was the vantha she had met days earlier. In a hasty decision, Nira'lia took a quick look in his chavi and found that she was right. It wasn't difficult to find an image of his other form since he was in it half the time, and there it was, the face she had met.

"Eridanus?" she said as she stared at him, startled. Nira’lia looked at him from head to toe with an astonished expression. "You're... an ethaefal?"

Her shock was cut short when he winced. He seemed to have a difficult time walking, and Nira'lia looked at him with concern. He said he was fine, but that didn’t seem like the case. Stubborn, wasn't he? She couldn’t help but laugh—what, was he one of those men who liked acting tough in all situations? He didn’t have to keep this up though, the fight had already shown his strength.

"Let's go take a look at you, shall we?" she told him, ignoring the fact that he had lied about being okay. "Go, sit down and show me where it hurts."

Nira'lia grinned at him, although she was still in shock from realizing who he was. She would never have guessed -- though it did make sense now, why the man she had met in the library spoke like he had lived much longer than he appeared to.
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[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

Postby Eridanus on April 18th, 2012, 2:59 pm

"Bingo," He winked at her, though it was followed by a wince due to the bruise on his cheeks. It seemed that he could not even make proper facial expressions without feeling a stinging pain.

He did remember that she was a student of medicine even if she did not study in the University. Perhaps her knowledge in the art along with Herbalism might be useful after all. Thus he did not complain, sitting down compliantly as he made himself comfortable.

"Uh... everywhere?" He remarked, gesturing at his entire body at whole. It was truth, for his face and visible limbs were full of cuts and bruises, while internally his torso bore even more bruises as a result of suffering strikes. His body in general was cold and numb from the extended use of flux, and he was indeed beginning to feel cold despite the exertion.

"A little cold..." He muttered.

Perhaps the infirmary might be a good idea, though he would let Nira'lia do whatever she wanted to do before suggesting going on to more professional help.
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

Postby Nira'lia on April 18th, 2012, 3:50 pm

"Cold?" asked Nira'lia as she looked over him. She started to reach forward, and then hesitated as her hand was in the air. Sighing, she placed her hand gingerly on his forehead to feel his temperature, awaiting the visions that would come.

However, the visions that appeared before her were ones that she couldn't understand. Nira'lia didn't know what she was looking at -- as if her mortal mind couldn't comprehend the memories that fluttered before her. All she was sure of was that an overwhelming abundance of joy filled her, and she gasped, retracting her hand as quickly as possible.

"Wha...?" she managed to squeak out. That was beyond any vision she had ever seen before, and she felt weak to the bones, just like any mortal would feel if they were to experience something beyond their existence. She shook her head to recompose herself and went back to the task at hand, although her voice shook as she spoke. "You're burning up... what a terrible fever! What did you even do?" she asked.

Nira'lia was not familiar with flux or most magical disciplines, and in effect her mind could not comprehend or even recognize what he had done earlier. She dug in her bag and brought out a vial of some clear liquid. The child she had treated earlier had come down with a fever because of his infection, and this bitter liquid was what she had given him as well. "This might help pull your fever down, and then get rid of the chills. Drink up. If... if the chills don't go away in a few minutes, let's get you out of here as quickly as possible."

Now that she had used her konti gift on him, she didn't hesitate to take his hand and examine the wounds. Nira'lia rummaged in her bag and took out a clean cloth, wiping off the blood, just so she could be able to take a better look. When she was done, the cloth was scarlet with blood, and it wasn’t a pretty sight. She decided to simply just toss the cloth aside. She took out another cloth and dabbed it in a jar of liquid. The liquid was cold in her hands, and she knew it would probably be uncomfortable for him. "This is just antiseptic... it might sting a little," she said, placing it on the wounds on his hands.

She worked on placing the cold cloth on the other wounds and bruises that were visible to her. Nira’lia moved carefully and gently, not wanting to make it any more painful for him. Her hands moved with a certain kind of grace that was common among the konti. When she was done with what was visible to her, she pulled back her hands and looked directly at his eyes, as if daring him to lie about his condition again.

"Anywhere else?" she asked him, referring to his torso. She had seen earlier that most of the strikes from the thugs were directed at that spot, but she had no real way of knowing if he was wounded there as well. If she were wrong, then she could proceed to bandaging him up.
Last edited by Nira'lia on April 18th, 2012, 6:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

Postby Eridanus on April 18th, 2012, 4:57 pm

The konti placed a cool hand on his forehead, and that was when he realized that his own temperature was burning. The contrast in heat left her cool touch on his skin, and Eridanus was observing her interestingly when she suddenly retracted her hand while gasping.

"What's the matter?" He asked, concerned.

She did not seem to hear him, instead she handed him some liquid, and he accepted it without question. There was no reason for her to hurt him, after all. Still, it was a matter of precaution and he fed what little djed he had to his tongue as he activated the discipline of auristics in his mouth. Focusing on the vial, he magically tasted the potion's aura, and could not discern any poisonous effect the liquid may have.

Satisfied, he shut down the weak djed in his body, and proceeded to drink it in one go. The liquid was slightly bitter, yet sweet in a soothing and refreshing way. He had a subdued preview of the taste when he used auristics, but now the full effect of it struck him, and it cleared up his muddled head substantially.

"What is that?" He muttered in wonder. A product of Herbalism perhaps, or even Philtering? He reminded himself to ask her for the recipe, it would prove to be useful in the future.

Slowly, Nira'lia patched up his visible wounds, and he quietly co-operated, allowing her to do so without fuss. He kept his wincing in check, not wanting to seem weak in front of her, and instead focused on something else. Clearing his mind, he transferred his focus from the present to nothing, clearing his thoughts from external distraction.

A voice jolted him out of his reverie, and he muttered, "Nothing visible probably. May be an internal thing, but I doubt it's a fracture."

Still, he raised his shirt briefly, for a short moment barring his lean but muscled body as he inspected his stomach. Despite the amount of scars he should have received, ethaefal skin did not have scars. As mortal vessels from the celestial world, ethaefal skin healed miraculously and left no mark of any previous injury. As such, his body was unbelievably flawless, except for the purple blotches around his stomach and rib area that signified where he had been struck.

He poked it with a bandaged hand, wincing at the swell there.

"Nothing you can do, I suppose?" He asked, expecting her to say no anyway. This was temporary after all, he intended to get a full professional medical check up at the Infirmary to make sure that he did not sustain any permanent damage. Or any temporary damage that might become permanent due to lack of treatment.
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

Postby Nira'lia on April 19th, 2012, 7:16 am

"No, nothing I can do," she admitted as she looked at it. Nira'lia winced at the sight. It was inflamed and was turning to an unhealthy color, but since he was still able to sit up and even stand, she didn't think it was a fracture either. However, she couldn't tell if it was simply a very bad contusion or something worse. Nira'lia didn't have enough knowledge to make a sound judgement. He needed someone more experienced. "Let's go to the infirmary."

The konti gathered up her things in her bag and stepped away from him, waiting for him to follow. The infirmary was located on the grounds of the University of Zeltiva, and it would take them a few minutes to get there. She stood there thinking about what the shortest route would be, when she realized that Eridanus would probably need a hand. Now that she had seen the extent of his injuries, she knew that he'd have a difficult time walking.

"Oh! Sorry!" she exclaimed as she approached him to help. Nira'lia made an effort to help him walk, allowing him to lean on her just so he could be relieved of some of his weight. The konti hid her discomfort -- he was heavier than she thought! However, he did rescue her, so she bit her complaints back.

The walk to the infirmary was longer than she expected. A couple of people passed by them as they walked and none even cared enough to give a second glance. Nira'lia wasn't surprised at the apathy anymore, though she did wonder where the girl from before went.

"By the way, what were you even doing there? Is it your hobby to help people in need, or was that your girl?" she asked randomly, trying to strike up a conversation as she realized that she didn't really know much about him aside from what she discovered in their meeting at the library.

They soon found themselves in front of the infirmary, and Nira’lia left him to open the doors and lead him in. There didn’t seem to be much people there since there was rarely any major incidents in Zeltiva.
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[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

Postby Eridanus on April 19th, 2012, 10:16 am

The konti packed up her things, and she had the consideration to help him walk. Well, he did not really need help to do so, but now that the adrenaline from the battle was over the pain from his wounds was beginning to set in.

As they walked, she tried to make conversation to reduce the awkward silence, and he tried his best to chip in as well.

"I don't know her actually... though she may have been in that state because of me. Or maybe I was just a busybody. But honestly, I didn't expect that kind of thing to happen in Zeltiva, of all places."

Eridanus was more familiar with the University than Nira'lia, for he spent his days and nights here. Yet, he did not expect to be visiting the Infirmary. He wondered if he should have brought his swords out, though the University tended to frown on those who openly carried lethal weapons on their bodies.

"We're... here," He commented redundantly. He had never been here before, for ethaefal do not get common illnesses the way mortals do. Zeltiva was a civilized place unlike the savageries of the outside world, and the University was peaceful enough for him to fully indulge in academic forays without the chance of mortal danger.

"Uh... what do we do next," He admitted, slightly embarrassed. Perhaps she would know, since the people there were in a way related to her. Some sort of medical protocol, or whatever. He didn't know.
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

Postby Nira'lia on April 19th, 2012, 1:36 pm

“Uh... wait here, I’ll go talk to someone,” replied Nira’lia. She left him in a corner and looked around. There were only two other patients and it seemed that they were only getting some medicines prescribed. All in all, the infirmary was quiet and not busy in any way.

She approached the person who seemed to be in charge. He was a young man who was writing down something on a piece of paper for the other patients. Nira’lia knew that the infirmary was supervised by an old lady who went by the name of Mistress Claira, and the others who worked there were her students. This was probably one of her students. Misstress Claira, on the other hand, was currently not around.

“Excuse me,” started Nira’lia. She gestured at Eridanus. “Could you please take a look at my friend? He’s got some swelling in the torso area.”

The man adjusted his glasses and peered at Eridanus. He looked sceptical as he saw the bandages on him, and the cuts and bruises on his face. “What happened?”

Nira’lia shrugged. “He got into some trouble with some thugs.” She didn’t want to divulge any more information, and the medical student didn’t seem to mind. After he was done with his first patients, he approached Eridanus and started poking around the ethaefal’s torso and asking him questions about the intensity of the pain, or where it was mostly coming from.

The konti stood behind him and watched, trying to pick up details as the student did his job. He seemed to be putting a finger on various spots and then watching Eridanus’s reaction, seeing if it was painful in that location or not, or if the pain was more focused at a certain spot. The room was much better lighted, and this time Nira’lia could get a better look at it as well. The swelling was bad, yes, and she had a slight idea of what the student would say.

“No fractures, seems like some regular bruised ribs,” he said as he backed away from Eridanus. “It shouldn’t be a problem... put a cold compress regularly, take some pain killers, it should go away completely in a month. However, just to be safe, if the pain gets worse come back here as soon as possible... and don’t overexert your body, though that should be obvious.”

“You hear that, Eridanus? Don’t overexert yourself,” grinned Nira’lia as the medical student walked away. It was amazing how he was able to come out of that fight with only bruised ribs as the worst consequence – whatever he did to protect himself, it worked significantly. “Thank goodness it wasn’t anything serious, though.”
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[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

Postby Eridanus on April 19th, 2012, 1:48 pm

Nira'lia went to fetch someone, and came back with an intelligent looking young man with a pair of glasses. Eridanus did not know why, but somehow he always associated doctors with glasses. Especially those without Rak'keli's gnosis who worked in their respective medical fields without magic at all.

He began to examine the ethaefal, poking him in various places to gauge his response. The patient grunted and gave the appropriate facial expressions and sounds that represented his pain levels, and finally the man seemed to gain some kind of insight from the poking.

"Will I be given the painkillers?" He asked, just to make sure if they had some sort of pharmacy. It looked like he would have to stay in the University grounds to be safe until he fully healed. A month was reasonable enough, the time passed by quickly when he spent it in the library and the magical labs.

"I won't be," The student mumbled in response to the konti's words. "Though... that was some pretty impressive stuff you did there! Knocked out three people, eh? I suppose that if you hadn't given me that opportunity I might have been in dire straits."

Taking the empty vial that Nira'lia passed him earlier, he glanced at it thoughtfully before passing it back to her. "What's in that thing though?" He asked, referring to the clear liquid that managed to raise his spirits.
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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[Flashback] Blood from Honor (Nira'lia)

Postby Nira'lia on April 19th, 2012, 2:29 pm

Nira'lia took the vial from Eridanus and placed it in her bag. She seemed to think about his question for a while and said, "Some herbs that eases the body and brings down your temperature... it was for some kid who had a fever because of an infection, but I'm glad I had it with me. If I remember correctly, I think it was Yarrow leaves intensified by some other herbs that my mother had... not really sure. I didn't make it."

The konti shrugged and looked at him, wondering why he asked. It seemed to do the trick for him, though. The concoction had been her mother's creation, and while she had watched it being made several times, she was not too sure on the exact ingredients it contained.

"You should go and rest. You're staying on school grounds, right? Yes, I think some rest would do you good," she said, waving towards the door. She glanced around the infirmary which was empty aside from the other student who now had his own little world and was scribbling on a notebook.

Nira'lia was contemplating on what else she could say. Even if she had good intentions, she didn't want to seem pushy and appear rude about getting him to go home -- he had, after all, saved her. At that moment, Nira'lia realized that she hadn't even shown gratitude for his earlier actions!

The konti looked back at Eridanus, giving him a bright smile. "Oh, thank you for saving me earlier!”
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