[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ancient's Legacy

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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ruined Haven

Postby Echelon on April 11th, 2012, 4:14 pm

gorgeous. My fave is the first avi pic, so much colour. You should use that papa!
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ruined Haven

Postby Paragon on April 12th, 2012, 12:58 am


Two of Swords:


the fork in the road;

fear of moving forward;

the refusal of transition;

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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ruined Haven

Postby Paragon on April 13th, 2012, 5:18 pm

The Forest

I just wanted to share my experiences today with you. It was a bright day, so I took a walk in the forest nearby. If you follow the path, it comes out in this beautiful clearing called Heaven's Gate, where there are small stone ruins like a mini Stonehenge.


Ever since I was little I've always felt connected to the forest. People tell me the air is purer by the sea, but I've never felt that near water. The forest speaks to me like no other place. It clears my head, so I can see the path ahead of me. When I touch the stones I feel a resonance. Something ancient, perhaps.

As I walked back, a little rain began to fall, but it didn't matter. It was soothing. I dislike the rain anywhere else, but in the forest it feels okay. I truly feel at peace among the trees, sunlight just filtering through.

I think I'll always love the forest, with all my heart and soul. There's just something mystic there, something that I can never reclaim anywhere else.
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ruined Haven

Postby Gossamer on April 13th, 2012, 5:34 pm


My people believe that we walk through life and move through the elements as we do so. If you are trained you can move another person or yourself from one element to another because it helps with healing or balancing or stress or all sorts of things depending on the person, situation, etc. Why would you do this? For example if someone is unemployed and in water/air they will never get a job, etc. You need to move them into a more money/job element to help them cope and get them in a place where its easier for them to land a good job and deal with the stress. If a breakup happens, get them out of water fast and into fire to deal. The examples are endless.

I've known you for a little while and I can tell you for sure that for all that your RP the Mod of Zeltiva, you are nowhere near close to water. You are one of the strongest Earths' I've hung out with in a while. I bet you've been in earth for most of your life too. It shows through in your nurturing attitude extremely strongly.

BTW your zany AS Echelon is in Air and Water bouncing between them like some people change between tennis shoes and heels. I suspect he can do it in thirty seconds flat or faster since I've felt him do it like ten times in a five minute conversation. He's probably been that way most of his life as well. That's why you two work together so well. He needs you and you need him. Being stuck in one or two elements too long makes you really align well with others that are in elements you aren't in.
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ruined Haven

Postby Paragon on April 13th, 2012, 9:00 pm

This is so unbelievably true to me, so I'm really glad you've noticed. I never realised it came across strongly to others. I've always known I'm an Earth. I would say I'm nurturing, and it explains my connection to the forest.

It has negatives too though, and next to Michelle, who is very clearly a Water, it stands out. She's fluid - if there's a bend ahead in the river, she'll move with it. She's flexible. As an Earth, change hits me hard. I'm deeply rooted, and it's painful to have to get up and move on. Even when I do move, I tend to leave roots behind.

Perhaps me and Michelle can help each other, since we're so different.
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ruined Haven

Postby Echelon on April 13th, 2012, 9:02 pm

Hell yeah
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ruined Haven

Postby Tabarnac on April 18th, 2012, 4:19 am

I miss you grounding Katie and me in Denval. And since you're no longer Jasper, I think it's funny that some of your Poseidon pictures are Emmett. You're such a freaking closet Twilight fan it's not even funny. You probably stare at Michelle while she sleeps!

And we all know you get your way around here by sending people videos of you speaking British, so stop playin'.

Luke is Twilight. :
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ruined Haven

Postby Paragon on April 18th, 2012, 11:01 am

Bwahaha! *stares, then recites Shakespeare*

I do miss my times as Assistant Storyteller, we had good fun :) I'll hopefully get this Denval plot finally moving within the next few days.

Thanks for being a good friend Dani, it's appreciated :)
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ruined Haven

Postby Paragon on April 19th, 2012, 9:41 am

I only just realised, but I've hit 1000 posts, yay!
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[Paragon's Scrapbook] The Ruined Haven

Postby Eridanus on April 19th, 2012, 9:50 am

hooray! celebration time!
NOTICE: I am currently mostly inactive til August. As such, guild activities are temporarily halted (watch out for major revamps, changes and organizations when I'm back in full force). Any activity with Eri will be rather slow as well, but I am slowly readjusting back to "Mizahar life", so to speak, so do PM me if we have a thread that I left hanging and we'll talk.

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