Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

Postby Zaira on August 21st, 2009, 3:48 am

[Sunset Falls]
Season of Summer Day 36
506 AV

A tired body gave a great sigh as the thunderous noise that had filled her ears had, of all things, been water. Water fell high from cliffs above but almost as wonderful as that sight, was the sight of her horse that had left the girl behind nearly a day and a half ago standing not far from the banks of the water.

Knowing the animal, well watered and fed.

The figure was feminine even beneath the veils that hid her form and face. There was only the sound of light steps and the twinkling of the metal discs that framed the bit of face that showed. Blue eyes looked around the surroundings, in the lands of grass it did not seem that the people fought for water as far as Zaira had seen. But not many liked strange guests. And something the woman had to accept long ago, she was alone, small, and female. While she had learned what seemed to be the common tongue a time ago, there was still confusion on things, phrases, places. And some things were simply universal.

Like the muttering that came from the covered form as she approached the still packed animal and went about unpacking and tying the reigns to a low branch. One did not have to understand her tongue to know she was cursing, not as vehemently as it sounded, but all the same.

Selfish creature couldn’t wait until she was upon it to take off for water?

The woman stilled as her hand rested upon the animal’s now bare back. She was listening hard, but it was so difficult, the thunders of the waves muffled all sounds, and these lands were still so unfamiliar with their creatures and sounds. Yet after a moment no sound but the falling waters was heard and the blue shrouded figure turned back to regard the cool depths. The water ran deeper than she ever knew possible far from the sands from her home, one could not simply wade into the waters, the deeper the waters, the bluer were their colors, and experience taught waters the shade of her eyes or deeper were to be dealt with care.

From her pack a rope was brought and to a nearby tree tied, Looking at the waters the figure lifted the veiled cloak that obscured the form and face of the woman beneath.

Blue eyes looked skyward, steaks of purple and orange were upon the sky, and looking to the earth, there was plenty of wood, and after a moment of mulling, the woman decided to make camp.

Red fabric billowed and moved with her steps as the woman walked gathering the wood for her fire and set up the tent in areas she cleared away. Fire light soon danced over honeyed skin as a figure sat before the raised tent. For a time she sat there arms about her knees, hair dark like the falling night that held glints of far of flames, shrouding her shoulders. Her eyes watched the flames for long moments before they clothes but rather than sleep or rest, slender arms were raised above her head, hands clasped and pushed towards the sky stretching.

Her body rose with an easy grace just as she brought her feet, one by one to her hands to untie the sandals and walked back towards the tethered horse and waiting rope. Taking the purple sash that circled her hips, Zaira gathered her skirts binding the hem at her waist shorting the simple dancing gown to above her knees. Rope firmly in hand and wrapped around her wrist the woman waded slowly into the cool waters and sighed.
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Re: Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 21st, 2009, 4:24 am

The wind softly blew from the south as Voreasos stayed hidden among the trees. He laid along the trunk of the tree as if he was laying on the ground as he watched the ground with an lustful glaze looking for prey. It was not long until he found that prey.

He slowly and as silent as the grave made his way down the tree like a large spider, moving to see her better yet still staying in the trees. Few people ever looked up when looking for people, it was just eye level and below due to few races could use the trees like the ground and his race was very rare this far.

She was pretty he thought as he noted the horse and just her out in the wildness alone. He was not really needing food it was the reason he was up here but he would bide his time waiting and watching. He could last an month without food and that was a month of waiting for the right time to strike if she just was food or prey yet she was not food so it meant she was more or something less.

Voreasos was an full blooded Symenestra. He stood just about 5'10, and weight around 160 pounds which was normal for his race. His light pale white skin looked like an grey living stone, web like laces of Gray color veins throughout his body. His hair fell along, silver color hiding his amethyst color eyes.

His arms were a bit longer then a humans and hands larger. Black crescent finger nails and toe nails stood out the most but they did not even leave a mark on the tree as he laid there watching her. His hands were flat along the bark of the tree, holding him to the tree as if it was nothing.

He was roughly 20 feet above the ground on the 60 foot tree which was an normal size tree around theses parts. He was just a fly on the wall watching the young female. He had all the time in the world due few roamed theses lands. She made him ponder, a task few have ever done before.
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Re: Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

Postby Zaira on August 21st, 2009, 5:12 am

She held tightly to the rope least she fall beneath the cool waters and never got her footing back. She closed her eyes as the water reached her knees, beneath the fluid aching feet wiggled toes. Alone and with the night coming it was temping. Knew her clothes were filthy, her hair needed to be washed, and she needed a bathe.

Using the rope like an anchor Zaira pulled herself up the bank and disappeared back into her tent shedding the dirty clothes. When she exited the tent golden skin was only interrupted by the blue and purple scarves that bound her breasts and covered her hips, in her hands her clothes that she wore were brought to the water, washed and splayed upon rocks to dry.

Eyes lighter than the waters she stood within looked to the sky that darkened. Hesitant steps were taken into deeper waters. The fear the desert child held was not ill placed, for simply she could not swim.

One did not have time to spend learning to swim in the few oasis’ one found home, and never did she linger in a place too long for the offer to ever be made. The rope was securely tied around her waist, no longer being held in her arm, she tied herself to the tree, and hopefully it would be enough to keep her out of any trouble.

The lithe figure ducked beneath the water and after a moment surfaced with a gasp before smiling and pushing her hair back from her face. There was a moment of bliss before the woman disappeared again under the water. Yet after the rope went taunt and the woman did not surface just ripples and bubbles.

Beneath the water the woman had stepped off of an unseen ledge and kicked futile as her hand gripped the rope and dun against water slicken stone to reach the surface again.
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Re: Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 21st, 2009, 5:48 am

Vor just watched like a cat watching the world move around him. She was pretty he thought as she went into the tent as he moved closer to the ground. She just wore thin cloths around her chest and hips which he found odd but humans were an odd race he thought on a normal day to day life as it was.

He had no goal of meeting her right now yet she acted as if she never touched water by using a rope around her body to a tree near by and the fact that it pulled but she did not come back up. He waited just a few more seconds knowing humans were weak in times of water and he just jumped off rushing to the edge of the water.

On a normal basic day to life he would not do anything, humans feared his race even if they just read them in books or heard horror stories of them as they made human nightmares in some tales. Yet he was in a good mood and the fact she made him ponder things helped her as well.

His pale white hands grabbing the rope and pulling on it, slowly and surely pulling her body back to the surface and out of the water was his goal. She was a good weight for a human and the water made her lighter but it still pushed his thin frame body but he would not let a death go so easy on a person.
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Re: Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

Postby Zaira on August 21st, 2009, 6:07 pm

It hurt, a feeling she had not felt for some time, the oppressive weight of the water, the burn in her lungs as she tried to hold onto what little breath she had left within her until there was no more.

The breath burst from her lung in the form of bubbles that seemed to shine as they rose away from her struggling form climbing higher and further until they escaped her sight. Desperately she wanted to follow, to surface like the bubbles, to breath.

It was strange in the depth of the water with its cold darkness pressing in on her it burned, as she tried to breath and water passed through her nose and was greedily swallowed for she could not fight the impulse. She choked on the water and more bubbles she had not imagined she could still hold escaped. Her hand had left the rope and she slowly fell further away further from the surface even as she tried to kick as she had seen other do, her arms reached forward towards the path of the fading glimmers of hope, and felt only panic and tiredness fall. Her arms felt heavy and slowly they began to fall to her side.

Pain. The scratching of rock against soft skin, the rope tugging upon her waist, the nearing of sky. Something, someone was pulling upon her rope. Her hands pulled back on the rope while hand and feet clawed upon the sear face until an edge was grasped and she weakly tried to help pull herself over as the rope around her waist still pulled Over the ledge she felt too tired, too heavy, even now with air only inches away.

A curious thing falling beneath the water, it didn’t hurt so much. She felt the rocks and the silt as her skin dragged across them, the blurry world darkened, to nothing.
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Re: Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 22nd, 2009, 1:27 am

Vor kept pulling as he saw a body raise to the surface, he was right on it being a female yet he did not let himself think to much as he rushed pulling her from the water dragging her lifeless body to the ground.

She was breathing it seemed, overall she looked alive just knocked out. He held on to her mid waist pulling her along the ground to her make shift camp near the blanket that was already out. The cloth that was wrapped around her chest and lower body coming off due to the fight in the water and the forces of the ground he noted as he undid the rope around her body, his soft hands undoing the wet cloths to lay them out as he looked at her now naked body more closely as she slept.

She was shorter then he was but most humans were, at most he would guess 5'7, red brown like hair that went past her shoulder's, his eyes and fingers trailing from her lips, down her soft neck past her chest to her mid stomach. He learn just from his fingers touching her that she was well toned by works of working yet not the body of a pure fighter. Her soft hands were covered in calluses he saw as he picked them up, the smell of the spring coating her skin as he placed them back down.

His black razor sharp claw like nails once more trailing down her mid stomach, not once leaving a mark on her honey like skin. He saw humans every day, even before he left his nest yet he never took the time to enjoy one like this. She was almost an statue made for art, she had no flaws on her body other as his hands moved along her legs down to her feet which he noted also had calluses from a long journey.

It was odd to see a lone female out here, her skin color was not one from here nor was the mount that eyed Voreasos yet made no sounds nor movements to stop him. Voreasos in the end saved her life yet her gear told a story that she was more then just alone for a camping trip. He had to ask himself if she had mated with the wrong person and was a outcast as that took place in his homeland now and then and would answer a few things.

She was still out cold, her breathing was that of a sleeping person deep in dreams which stopped him from asking yet he had other means. Slowly and softly he pushed her legs apart, his hands moving along the inside of her thighs, very carefully his right index finger pushing inside her body.

What he found most shocking of all was the fact that her body took his finger so easily. She was tight which he pointed in his head meant no childbirths or even having had sex. The fact that she was warm was just a fact that she was well alive as he pulled it out. His nature senses trying to come out and mate with her yet he would not let himself rape one that was not of higher ground then he was. He enjoyed the rush of a fight when it came to it.

His tongue flicking over the index finger, he made up his mind as he thought looking at her. He moved warping the large blanket around her body keeping her warm as he stayed on the ground watching over her. Few would be able to stop him in a fight if others came and most would flee from his sights. He was after all there horror stories that only brought fear and death.

He just stayed there on the ground watching over her, the sun moving pass as time moved on. They were alone, maybe in more ways then one.
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Re: Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

Postby Zaira on August 22nd, 2009, 5:58 am

There were no deserts. There were no fields of green. There wasn’t even a breeze whisper voice to comfort her. There was only darkness.

The world came back sudden and choking. Zaira gasped before she coughed water flowing up from her chest to her mouth and to the ground as she rolled within the blanket. Her body coughed and expelled the water on its own as the woman slowly made sense of what she saw. From the blanket the woman sat up, her eyes looking to the fire and her tent, and the water off to the distance.

A breeze blew and it met damp bare skin and the shiver racked her body. In the blanket she had been cocooned in the moist air and heat her body generated had kept her warm, but now the cold wind chilled her and her nakedness realized.

The blanket was quickly wrapped back around her shoulders as her body shivered from the escaped heat. Huddled in her blanket, the gleam of white stilled her.

Startlingly blue eyes fell upon Voreasos and the woman shrunk deeper into her blanket until only those blue eyes and wisps of dark waves regarded the pale man that shared her fire.

He was a strange one, most of the strangers she met were different than she, but he…was almost like her visual opposite.

Skin pale as the moon, hair as well. A moment passed before the blanket was pulled down slowly from her face. While yes, she was naked beneath the blanket and the stranger man was before her. She had been dying in the deep waters last she remembered, and she was modestly covered.

Dark lashes lifted as Zaira lifted her gaze back to the figure.

“You, took me from the waters?” The words were softly spoken, as if she was not use to speaking. And the words were said with such care, that the common tongue was definitely not her first language, or her best.

“Thank you.” Her head lowered for a moment before rising.

“I, am Zaira.” The woman looked uncomfortable for a moment shifting beneath her blanket. Perhaps it was the company, perhaps it was talking, or even still being naked.

“Forgive my foolishness and many thanks for your help. I can offer you food and a bit of shelter if you are far from you own, all with my thanks.”
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Re: Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 22nd, 2009, 9:40 pm

Vor just looked at her, a small smile on his lips as she spoke, her voice was soft and gentle giving the feeling she was young yet not naive. He was careful not to show his spider like fangs as he smiled, overall not even showing one tooth due to he did not want to scare her. He knew humans were very fragile when it came to his kind.

"Yes....I did save you from the water, I should be sorry that I had to undress you however I could not let you get sick by being in wet cloths..."

His voice was soft, caring almost one could say as he kept his red eyes on her. He was unsure of her request for she would see just how far from human he was yet he could not just leave her alone in this weak shape and he was alone and could use the friendship even if just for one meal.

"All right, I will join you wish me to turn around and let you get dress..." He asked a bit unsure of how to go about that, he knew she would know that he saw her naked yet it was different when the person was aware of the fact while it was taking place.

From her reactions it felt like she had no idea what he was which was a good thing for him. He was not evil but people saw him and what he was and just told others he was evil without knowing him. He could say a human was evil but it did not mean every human was evil and it was the same with his race.

"You can call me V or Vor..." He said at last, giving her a bit of his name as he knew most could not say his full name.
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Re: Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

Postby Zaira on August 23rd, 2009, 5:40 am

It was perhaps strange. The smile was not comforting. It was bare, and tight lipped, but it was possible the stranger was uncomfortable as much as she was. After all he had came along in time to see her in need and to help save her, then been put in the very compromising position of seeing her naked, then waiting for her to come to.

Still, it was not a comforting smile, even as she echoed the soft curve of lips with her own. His voice was soft and seemed to make up for the lack of warmth in his smile. His eyes did not stray from her, even as indecision for a moment was evident upon his face.

The moment past before her savior accepted her offer. Then made one of his own.

Zaira chuckled, and for a moment, seemed confidant and something…else. Her lips curved softly as her body rose from the ground to its feet. The blanket around her body as she moved, with far more graceful motions upon the land than she had within the water. Moving until she disappeared within the darken tent.

Dinner consisted mostly of the food within Zaira's pack which was mostly apples and carrots. There were dried fruits, sticky and sweet, nuts, and a small treat, three remaining apricots unspoiled or deeply bruised. Vor as her guest, was given the first picks of his meal before Zaira chose for herself.

The night grew deeper, and dressed, warmed, and fed, blue eyes lowered as lashes began to fall before quickly widening. Only to lower again. Her body and mind were exhausted from the day, and sleep called her. Yet as Zaira stood, she looked to her guest. Hospitality would say to give the guest her place, yet, there was plenty of space for the pair to lay within her tent that they could surely share and not be improper.

Oddly at some point no thought came to mind that the male at this point would attack her, or mean her harm after she laid bare and at his mercy the hours before.

"You, may share my tent, if you do not mind."
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Re: Simple Waters (Closed, Voreasos Alisier)

Postby Voreasos Alisier on August 25th, 2009, 1:14 am

It was strange on how they were. They did not know each other yet that night they did seem to bond somewhat. Vor just ate soft fruits that he tore in small bit sizes eating slowly eating it. It would had been faster to use his fangs yet he did not want to scare her away yet. Humans were such fragile beings in there ways.

They did not share many words and he did not blame her for he was not helping any by staying quiet. He had no idea what to say as there. He kept to himself as he kept his hands in his lap watching the wildlife around him. Slowly the day turned into night and he found himself in the tent. She wore a simple green tunic that floated just enough to cover her upper thigh. He found it a cute outfit and noted that she most likely slept alone for awhile as he just took off his bone like amour showing white cloth warping from chest down to his legs.

That night once she slept he just moved close, warping his arm around her. A part of him was smelling her and seeing how she dealt with him when she was sleeping, her body just moving warping around his as he tried to pull away which he failed at and just stayed laying beside her. Soon sleep filled his mind as he stayed there with her in his arms.

His dreams were thankfully empty, just a dark abyss as he let his claws run along her skin as he nuzzled her neck in his sleep. A feeling of safety warped around him.
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