The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria] [Done]

The three people are walking in the park. What will they be? Friends or enemies?

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria] [Done]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 20th, 2012, 10:37 pm

Spring 512. Day 48. 07:00 AM Knirin Gardens.

It was an extremely cold morning, the mist in the park was just beginning to lift and give way to the sunshine that shone through the dark leaves of the rather large trees that made up the park. Mish was strolling around her favorite park, looking for something nice, like new flowers.

A gentle crunch of the gravel got llower, as the gentle footfalls became slower and suddenly stopped. Mishani's skinny shadow appeared on the ground in front of her. Her knee length dress gently flowing in the air. She didn't wear shoes, again. Her black vest was closed all the way to her throat. I was cold, indeed.

"Why am I here again?" She asked openly, even if she was alone in the park. Or so she thought.

Mishani sighed as she prepared herself for another chilly day in Riverfall. Honestly, if it was up to her, she would already be south. In the land of warmth and sand. "I could finally sing now when no one is around..." She said out loud, feeling so happy that she just stood there and smiled for a little while. She opened her mouth, exhaled, took a deep breath and closed her mouth. No words. She didn't find no words to her song.

She was confused. She started to walk again. The gravel crunching gently as she walked. Her feet didn't hurt. She was used to walk barefoot, so her feet were used to it already.

Morning light, shine so bright. Wake up us all here in this world. We don't thank, we don't say, we don't think about our life when we live our happiest days. One day we will fight our way to the light. Saying 'What we did was right' and you can't blame them! Because they are just human. Just like me. She got her lyrics. Now she started to skip a little. This would be the best day in her life.
Last edited by Mishani Vita on April 23rd, 2012, 4:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria]

Postby Kennen on April 20th, 2012, 10:50 pm

He had missed it, he was sure. He had been told that visiting the park at sunrise and sunset were something that everyone should see at least once. But, all he saw was mist shrouded statue's and beautiful flowers. This wasn't so bad, if he hadn't been told to watch for something even better. Taking a deep breath he would look around, making sure no one was following him on the path. Closing his eye's after he had done that he'd take a breath to calm down.

"Even if i missed it this morning, i'll see it some other time. It'll be ok, might as well enjoy this morning." With that in mind he'd open his eye's again and look back around. It really was a peaceful place, and so lovely. It was a wonder that more people weren't around. Perhaps it was simply to early for most visitors.

Turning about he'd cant his head slightly to the side, he heard singing. Who would be singing here at this time? Well, maybe it wasn't so strange. Perhaps it was his idea of peaceful that was strange here. And, the words seemed random. As if, simply a collection of thoughts. With a shrug he turned and started walking up the path towards the source of the sound.
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The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria]

Postby Dallisetria on April 20th, 2012, 11:06 pm

She was awakened from her nap by a voice trailing closer and closer to her general area. She blinked, rubbing her eyes. She hadn't fallen asleep as an ocelot, this time. She didn't find it fit, to. She knew it would probably wear her out and make her hungrier than she already was. She didn't need that. Her golden eyes searched the misty area become clearer, and a pretty looking figure appeared to her, nearby. It was the singing- the source of it. The lyrics met her ears as quickly as they were spoken, and although she didn't want to stand up, she did. She looked down at her feet, at the longbow and it's friends- the arrows- that sat there, waiting to be used. She was tired, and she didn't feel like doing anything unexpected. She sighed, and looked back at the female human that was... skipping? She forced a laugh. She wanted to seem happy when she called out. She shook herself, made a weird clicking noise with her tongue, grazing her sharp teeth, and then she waved as she called, "Hello?" in her happiest voice.

She waited a moment, then picked up her longbow and arrows, put them around her shoulder and waist, tightened the leather straps, and then jogged towards the female. Since some humans got shocked by her teeth- not very many, but a few- she hid them at first, as not to scare her away. She looked down as she spoke, at first. "Hello, there. Your singing is..." she paused a moment. She did not want to seem mean, or too nice, so she said, "Adequately loud," with a smile.
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The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 20th, 2012, 11:20 pm

Mishani stopped skipping and looked at the other person talking to her. The woman had really special eyes. Like... dark gold? Mishani spun on her place a few times and stopped, smiling at the person. The gravel was cold at that spot, and she moved back a little, straightening her dress and shoving her hair over her shoulder.

"Sorry if i disturbed you. I didn't mean to be a trouble to anyone. I just got a bad habit to sing out loud" She said with a smile. The sunlight was shining trough the thick leaves and left a ray of light in the park. It was beautiful. This park was always so amazing.

"I didn't think i would meet people here this time of the morning. But you seem nice enough to not be scared of." She said. She really liked meeting new kind of people. Most of all if they didn't call her a 'gypsy' immediately. These were one of the rare days again.

She couldn't resist humming a little again, and then she looked more closely at the other woman. She was almost as tall as she was, but she got shorter and thicker hair. She was really nice, too. Who was she really?
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The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria]

Postby Kennen on April 20th, 2012, 11:31 pm

Kennen stopped as he heard the song stop. It was replaced by voices talking. Maybe the singer had met up with a friend? This would be an interesting opportunity to see how those who lived here behaved. Social interaction between anyone would be interesting at this point, he had to admit. He had been stuck on a boat for weeks as he sailed here and he was glad to be stretching his legs.

As he walked around a bend in the path he stopped as he noticed the pair of women. Perhaps they were having a confidential discussion, perhaps they were old friends. Or new friends. He had no idea how to tell such things, and so he simply stood there staring at the pair. How was he supposed to go and introduce himself? At the library this was never a problem. Everyone already knew everyone else.

Perhaps if he observed the women long enough, he'd figure out this puzzle. After all, there was no puzzle he had come across he couldn't solve. And so, he stood there a little down the path from the pair, staring at the two silently.
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The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria]

Postby Dallisetria on April 20th, 2012, 11:44 pm

Dallisetria smiled at her, teeth now showing, head up confidently. "I'm Dallisetria. You don't have to worry, I wasn't bothered. Not at all. It's nice." she was grinning, at the human's humming. Her white teeth were a bright, bright white actually, and when she realized they were probably the most noticeable thing about her features at the moment, she closed her mouth. "What's your name?" as she said this, she heard footsteps nearby. Footsteps that abruptly stopped. She cocked her head back, and then looked to her side. It was a male, just staring at them. A growl threatened to escape her throat, but she mentally scolded herself. No, no. No, no, Dallisetria. But despite all of her scolding, and negative thoughts toward the action, she did anyway. She growled, low, and loud. She cut herself off, and looked at the female. "Sorry." she mumbled. She looked back to the male, and then shook her head, but waved anyway. "Sorry!" she called, and then waved for him to come closer. "I didn't mean to growl. It was just-" she waited a second, thinking of a word to use. She did this often, when she did not think too far ahead. "natural!"
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The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 20th, 2012, 11:55 pm

Mish was a little surprised, but looked at the guy too. She smiled at him. She felt like today was really going to be an amazing day. She already got to see two new people. Then she looked back at Dallisetria. That was a really nice name. And a special one too. But all people in Mizahar had different names. And the teeth? She didn't know what to say. But she knew Kelvics, she studied them at the library many years ago. So she wasn't so surprised of that. "My name is Mishani, but most of the people call me Mish or Misha. " She said cheerfully. Then she looked at the guy again."Hey, you! Don't worry, come over here if you want to!" She smiled, hoping to not freak the guy out, like she usually did.

She looked left. Then right and then back. "Aha" she suddenly said. She skipped to a small lonely flower and picked it up, placing it in her hair so it was visible from the front and side. The flower was turquoise and dark blue. Misha loved those colors. She walked back to Dallisetria and grinned. She knew she looked like some kind of weird flower woman right now, but she didn't really care. If the new friend could accept her, so would anyone.
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The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria]

Postby Kennen on April 21st, 2012, 12:02 am

Huh? They were welcoming him? That's not usual is it? Normally women would ignore his presence or tell him to go away. Perhaps it was different outside Zeltiva. He certainly wouldn't know. Was he supposed to take up there offer and join them? Or perhaps it was a test. He was supposed to politely refuse, surely. What if he was breaking some custom he hadn't heard about by talking?

Well, he wouldn't find out by being rude and not replying. Walking closer to the pair at there beckoning he would smile shyly, "Umm. No problem ma'am. If it's your custom to growl, i can't complain. And um..Perhaps" He would stutter for a second before taking a deep breath and bowing his head slightly, shyly, "My name is Kennen." It would come out in a rush, Kennen clearly having no social skills whatsoever.
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The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria]

Postby Dallisetria on April 21st, 2012, 12:21 am

Dallisetria was shocked, and couldn't help from giggling. She shook her head, and then bent down in a crouch, and looked up at the poor boy. "Well Kennen, I'm Dallisetria, and I have no idea what you're so nervous for. I know you can't tell from just looking at me, but I'm just passing through. And I don't know about MIsh, but she doesn't really seem to care either." she laughed. Oh, boy. She was reaching her high. Thank goodness she wasn't going to be rude all day. "And nah, growling isn't really a custom for Kelvics. I'm just a bitch." she grinned, and then stood up again, and stepped back a foot. She put out her hand, and with one finger, carefully but firmly pushed his head back to where it was up, and he was looking up at them, not at his shoes. She had to press carefully- her fingernails were long, sharply cut. She couldn't cut him. How rude would that be? She sighed, and put most of her weight onto her left leg. She liked these two, but she couldn't get too attached. Just passing through meant, she would leave soon. She forced a smile on her face and her downed mood. And yet she was still standing here. "So, now that we're all introduced, how about we do something other than just sitting her like ducks?" she offered, to 'break the ice' as some said. She had watched as Mish collected her flower, and so she came up with an idea. "One second," she mumbled. She liked Mish, and when she left she wanted to be remembered as a nice friend. Long-distance friend. She fell to the ground, the only thing keeping her from slamming into it, being her swift movement that was her hands moving from her sides, to the ground to catch her. She peered across the ground, out in front, until she saw not far ahead, many flowers like the ones Mish had collected to her hair. She jumped up, and ran for the flowers. It was approximately ten seconds by the time she'd come back, five flowers neatly picked from the ground, in her hand, held out to Mish. "I think you like these. Don't you? You appeared to be looking for them, earlier."
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The meeting of three people. [Kennen. Dallisetria]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 21st, 2012, 12:39 am

Mishani left a laughter escape from her lips, and heal-toe some times, puttin her hands behind her back. She was glad she made two friends in one morning. "Nice to meet you, Kennan. My name is Mishani, but friends call me Mish or Misha." She smiled widely, and you could almost hear her happiness. Then she spun around a little, and hummed. The day was getting warmer, and Mish opened her vest a little. Mornings were cold and the days were warm. With whose permission? She sighed and looked at Dalli's going. She wondered what she was going to do, until she came back with five of her most favorite flowers.

"T-These are for me? Thank you!" She took the flowers and put them nicely in her light, ruffly hair and put on her softest smile. "Now that we really do know each others names, what could we do? I would like to know more about you two. You seem really nice, too. And you're a little like travelers too." She paused for a second. Thinking of what to say next. "And I'm sure we have much in common!" She looked first at Kennen, then at Dallisetria, They were so different, but still... Just like her.
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