by Kennen on April 22nd, 2012, 11:27 pm
Kennen simply watched daemon for a second. This kid was adorable, and his eye's seemed to see a lot more than a kid his age should. Perhaps it was his resemblance to himself that Kennen was drawn to. But, well, Daemon wasn't anything like Kennen. First off, if the roles were reversed, Kennen would have been all over the book. Perhaps even stealing it. But this kid seemed to dismiss it as trivial. But, perhaps that was simply the youth in him. "Oh, I've seen a lot. First, i saw some amazing birds I've never seen before. And then i met a couple strangers, but the most amazing part is that I'm talking to a uniquely amazing boy here." He'd say the comment with a slight smirk.
Kennen gives a low chuckle as Daemon questions what a university is. He seemed to understand it perfectly, but the way he stated it seemed adorable to Kennen. "Yes, it's where you learn smart stuff. Such as math, and reading. And hunting, and how to play some games. Anything you can think of, can be learnt there."
Daemon was turning away the food? But that went against what the books said about kids. They were supposed to be bottomless pits for food, "It's no problem at all. Eat till your full, i have plenty. Besides, if we run out i can always buy you more and I'm not hungry myself."
He would smile slightly as Daemon looks back into his eye's. Oh, this boy had made such a long journey, and dangerous one at that, with just his brother? That must have been a wonderful tale. "Aye i bet it was a pretty long journey. Did you travel by boat or overland?"
Kennen would give a small boyish giggle as Daemon commented on the blue men. Patting Daemon on the shoulder Kennen would smile, "Aye. There are a lot more muscled blue men. Though, there are other sights as well. Though...the blue men did capture my attention for quite a while" He'd say the last with a wistful sigh before looking back to Daemon with a smile. "Why did you and your brother come here?"