Spotting an unused wooden bowl atop a nearby table Adavi took it, a slight frown of annoyance creasing his face. Why wouldn't Veldrys except his blood? It was the only thing he could think of to help Nessuna, and he so desperately wanted to help her, needed to help her. He'd done this to her, it was his responsibility to make it right. Taking her to the Place of Purging was a good start, and finding a doctor willing to treat her had been lucky, but he wanted to do more. He wanted assurance that he could do more, that by finding more ways to assist her Adavi could somehow undo what had been done. He didn't know much about medicine but, Symenestra drank blood all the time, surly a little bit mixed in wouldn't worsen Nessuna's condition. Unless... unless there was poison in his blood to.
Adavi's eyes widened in minor horror as he stared into the bowl. Could it be true? There was poison in the fang, but within the blood as well? He'd never heard of such a thing and while there were many things the boy didn't know surly someone would've told him this. Adavi's brow furrowed as another disturbing concept entered his mind on the winds of philosophical fancy. If Symenestra blood was indeed poisoned then what of all the rituals? All the many times his people offered blood pryers to Viratas. What if the god found their blood polluted and insulting? What if this entire time the Symenestra had been ignorant to the desires of their god and instead of blessings they were receiving punishments? What if this was the reason each birth was coupled with death? Could it be Symenestra had brought such a fate upon themselves?
If the boy had been of a sounder and calmer mind he would've instantly dismissed such a nonsensical theory, but at this moment he was neither of these things. All he wanted was to save his pet, and the dread he felt towards her delicate state caused his mind to race, grabbing frantically at even the most unlikely of thoughts. Anything that might threaten her chances at existence Adavi wished not to invoke, and if there was indeed a chance offering his blood to Viratas would anger the god instead of pleasing him then the boy would do no such thing.
Adavi started from his thoughts at the doter's words; his eyes flicking from the bowl's empty basin towards the back of Veldrys' head. Relieved to have been given an alternative method of assistance Adavi went to procure the requested items, but his movements were jerky in hast; the bowl tumbling from his hand to thunk loudly against the stone floor. Muttering an embarrassed apology he held the mortar and pestle out for his elder to take at his leaser.
The boy watched as Veldrys checked his pets breathing, his face again becoming sullen. A moment passed and then Adavi noticed the slightest of changes within Nessuna almost more of a shift in perspective then any observable change. It was like a shimmer, small and fragile; a little haze of reflected water which rose over her feathered body. Then it was gone, and Adavi knew with absolute certainty that his pet lived no more.
The boy felt tears begin to sting his eyes as reaching out he gently stroked the feathers of her right wing. He'd tried so hard to save her, had wanted her to live so badly. It wasn't fair that this should happen, it wasn't fair....