Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

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Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

Postby Dallisetria on April 21st, 2012, 1:46 am

On the 49th of spring, Dallisetria had decided to go to the zoo, during the afternoon hours. She was outside of the ocelot cages. Despite the fact that there were other interesting animals there, she found herself to her beast's kind's cage. She watched them, and at times, they looked back and watched her. She tried to meow, but she was in human form, and it really did not work as planned. She sighed, her hands gripping the bars so hard her hand was red, and her knuckles were white. She rested her forehead on the bars, too, and she whispered, "Sorry you're all in here." even though she knew that animals lasted longer in captivity. It's just with the food being thrown to them, did they even know what it was like to be in the wild- to hunt for themselves? To feel the freedom? She leaned back, but at the same moment, an ocelot walked up, put it's paw up to her hand, and then raked down. "Ow!" she squealed, pulling her hands back, favoring the one that was scratched. The blood came out slowly, it was a minor wound along her knuckles. She looked back, and it blinked. She smiled. "I'm sorry," she imagined it saying. She was sure that's what it meant. She shrugged. She looked around, and knew she was near the rest of the feline's cages, too. She just didn't bother to go look. She could hear growling from the tiger cages...
Last edited by Dallisetria on April 21st, 2012, 3:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

Postby Daemon on April 21st, 2012, 2:11 am


Daemon did not know, why he had come here. The Monstrous Menagerie. Even the name sounded scary. But he had to. He had heard, that there infact where other tigers here. But not any whites. He did not mind. It was the same animal, just smaller than the usual tigers and - well - white.

The sun was shining. He liked that. While looking at all the animals in their cages, he felt a bit sad. It must be hard to be in captivity all your life. Then again, these animals were not like him. He shook his head, driving those negative thoughts away. A roar from a tiger suddenly made him aware, that he was at the feline cages. The tiger has a paralyzing roar – The tiger’s roar can be heard up to 2 miles away and has the ability to rattle and paralyze its prey due to the very low sound frequencies produced.
He was almost at the tiger exhibit, and his stomach with filled with butterflies. He turned a corner and saw them. Big, majestic animals.

He loved the looks. The tiger has distinct fur. The stripes serve to camouflage the tiger in long grass and weeds, keeping it hidden from its prey until the final pounce. These stripes are also similar to the human fingerprint – each tiger has a distinct pattern of stripes that allows conservationists to distinguish one tiger from another. He could easily see how different one tiger was from another though. He went up to the bars and grapped them with his pale, small child hands. One of the bengals spotted him and was mocing towards him with a specific look in its eyes.

Daemon stepped away from the bars and let go. He knew that look. It did not warn of something good. Each predator has it own look. He was gazing into the tigers eyes, knowing this was a fierce male tiger.

It was time to go and look at the others. He couldn't linger here all day. Even though the male tigers eyes was hypnotizing. He pulled away from its glare and started walking away. He saw a girl standing at the ocelet cage. Her hand was bleeding. She was pale - as him. He could not resist the urge to go and help her, and slowly he moved towards the ginger.

" Are you okay? " His tiny voice carried a deep secret within, the secret of another kelvic.


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Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

Postby Dallisetria on April 21st, 2012, 2:28 am

Dallisetria looked down at the boy. He looked much younger, and his hair... His hair, his skin, his eyes... captivating. His lashes, his swift movements.. "I'm fine," she breathed, her golden eyes looking into his blue ones. She didn't think, before she held out her hand, the bleeding one. "I'm Dallisetria. I was just..." how did she say, wanting to communicate with the ocelots, but she can't because someone might file a report somewhere because of nudity in a public place? "Looking at the ocelots." well, now she sounded stupid. Who would be looking at a less interesting animal when there were other animals? Monstrous ones? Only a Kelvic would look at a less interesting animal, if only it was their beast. This boy... he felt like he was... no, that would sound silly. She still felt related, though. She was going to go out on a limb, and ask a very stupid sounding, very off question, that if he answered no, she would be so embarrassed... "Are you a Kelvic?" she asked. His features were too different than a human's features, that she just had to ask. She had to know. Honestly, she'd always been so excited to change, herself, because she'd never met another Kelvic before. Never, ever, ever. "Are you really a Kelvic, too? Or am I just imagining it?"
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Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

Postby Daemon on April 21st, 2012, 10:16 pm


Daemon was well aware of the way the girl looked at him. Almost sucking his hole apperance in, as if she had never seen anything like it. Usually he would feel uncomfortable by such inspection. But instead he looked at her. Her skin was so white. He wasn't sure if he or she was the most pale. Which was very interesting for him, he had never met someone as pale as himself.

His glance wandered. She was not very tall, and thin too. But not too thin. Her hair was stunning. thick and wild. He looked her in the eyes. She had very spectacular eyes. Almost all dark, they had a certain dark gold color. The pupils were big and as "normal" humans, she was missing a lot of the whites. Almost it all.

He wanted to shake her hand, but he noticed the blood. In his eyes a quick flash of hunger appeared. Then they were normal again. He reached out and took her hand between his and looked at the wound.

" It is not a deep cut, I think, that you are going to survive " He smiled to her, liking her instantly. He then noticed her teeth. Sharp. Immediately he wondered. He looked to the side and at the ocelots. One of them turned around and looked at him. The eyes. He quickly looked at the girl again.

She was indeed a ocelot kelvic. No doubt about it. How had he not seen this right away. Her laidback posture and the I-am-sorry look on her pretty face. Definately a kelvic.

" Its nice to meet you, Dallestria.. " He cleared his throat and tried again ".. Dallis " This was easier. he couldn't pronounce the hole name. Was. Uncomfortable for his mouth. " My name is Daemon " First then, he realized that he was still holding her hand. He let it go.

He looked puzzled at her, when she asked if he was a kelvic. How did she know? Well, how did he know. It could be some sort of a kelvic matter. He had not met enough kelvics to decide yet. Then she asked him again, this time admitting, that she was a kelvic herself. Daemon couldn't stop the smile splattering out on his young face. She acted as if she had never seen another kelvic.

" Yes, I am. As youare an ocelot, I am a white tiger. Its really nice to meet you " His eyes glowed with eagerness, he was happy. The ocelot close to the bars decided to yawn and complain a bit of getting no attention.

But Daemon kept looking at the girls eyes, dazzled.


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Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

Postby Dallisetria on April 21st, 2012, 10:47 pm

"Oh my gosh!" Dallisetria screamed. She was obviously less mature than the what to appeared to be, younger, Kelvic. She reached forward, grabbed his small shoulders, and kissed his small, youthful-looking head. Then she backed away, eyes glowing happily. She licked all the blood from her knuckles, and then rubbed the slobber-covered hand against her shorts. She blinked at him, then looked at the ocelot. She shushed it, kissed her finger, placed it to the bar, grabbed Daemon's little wrist gently, and then ran to the tiger cages. She grabbed the top of the bar, pulled herself up, leaned over, and went, "Roaaaaarrr!" She grinned, and looked down at Daemon.

"Am I doing it right?" she joked, and laughed. She looked back down at the tigers. Although, they didn't think it was funny. Actually, they looked hungry. She blinked, suddenly scared, and dropped from the bars. A tiger had just made it to the bars, and looked... angry. Her pupils seem to grow bigger, and she had to stop herself from whining.

She looked over at Daemon. "I don't think they've been fed recently," she breathed.
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Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

Postby Daemon on April 22nd, 2012, 12:22 am


Daemon got startled when Dallis screamed and he took a step back in a cit of a chok. Why scream? He hated screaming! Except when it was him stalking scared prey, screaming for their life. When she grabbed him, he froze. Then she kissed his forehead. He could feel the blushing come from deep within, but he had no more time to react to it. Dallis grabbed his wrist, and he was about to open his mouth to complain, when he got dragged. He had no choice. Even though she was not that big, she had more power than he had and his tiny body was pulled towards the tiger cages.

Why here? This was his animal. She was weird. But in a good way. Unpredictable! He liked it. Even though he wasn't sure what to do. He saw her getting to the top of the bar and he got nervous.

" Watch out! They could easily get you! " He yelled at her when she grinned down toards him. He couldn't resist a smile. She was doing it very good. But not as a tiger, at all. When she jumped down he clapped his puny hands together.

" You're so funny! " He let out a short laugh, and then looked at the tiger infront of the bars. It did look hungry. But not starving hungry. Just. Predator-prey, hungry. It was the same big male tiger he had seen before he met Dallis.

" I just think he wants to eat you! " He grinned and pointed at her while showing his teeth in a comic biting position.



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Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

Postby Dallisetria on April 22nd, 2012, 12:41 am

She looked over at him, and watched as he gave a short, and not exactly large demonstration. All the same, it made her laugh. "Rrrr," she pretended to growl at him, and covered her mouth when she laughed. "Just wants to eat me?!" she squealed. "I don't think that's a 'just'. If I looked so yummy, I think he already would have me behind those bars and torn up. Aye?" she looked at the tiger, and then into it's eyes. It was captivating, and the way it hungrily looked at her... it made her mad, a little bit. She had always been defensive. Well, most of the time she was.

Her eyes narrowed, and she gritted her teeth. A gurgling sound came from her throat, that was her growl, in human form.- and it was obvious that it was, too. It's sound was slightly like one that she would make as an ocelot. She stopped herself, and mentally pulled herself away from her usual mood- which was, well, moody. She didn't want to loose her high, especially around Daemon. So she pretended as if she had been kidding about being angry. "Do I really look that good to you?" she licked her lips. "Do I look like a good meal?" it looked mad, now, and so she just backed up a step, then waved her hand at it as she looked to Dae, as if what it thought didn't matter.

She giggled, and then tilted her head slightly. In the same manner she did in ocelot form. "What do you want to see?" she asked, as if she was just assuming they were going to stay together while they both visited the zoo.
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Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

Postby Daemon on April 22nd, 2012, 4:46 am


Daemon grinned, he was having so much fun! The girl was so funny, he had not enjoyed himself like this for so long! He couldn't stop looking at her, mainly because she just did somethign without thinking about it. He got surprised when she growled. Even though it was in human form, it was actually really good. He couldn't imitate his animal, mainly because he just growled by nature. He didn't know how he did it. He just did.

He saw her mood change. And her incredible ability to maintain it and stay sparkling and high of joy. His forehead frowned, why did she do that? He wouldn't mind if she got mad, angry or even sad. The mood were a natural thing of life. Ones emotions were not to be put away.

" I wouldn't eat you. I dislike predators. " He smiled but had a hard time getting all happy again. Why was she sad? He felt sad for her. He wanted to help if he could. " I dunno what I want to see! I came here for the tigers. Uhm.. Maybe we should get something to eat? "

He looked around for somewhere to eat.


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Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

Postby Dallisetria on April 22nd, 2012, 6:38 pm

She shrugged. He wouldn't eat a predator? she thought. She thought about it, and found that, she wouldn't either. Like to eat a predator, that is. Although, it depends on the predator... "Daemon, what's your last name?" she asked, looking around. "Mine is Alcatraz." she said aloud. She was looking for a place to eat, too, but... she couldn't really find any place. "I can't find any place to eat," she sighed.

"I'm sorry," she paused for a little bit, and then looked back down at the younger-looking boy. "How old are you? You look really young. At least, really young, to me," she nearly mumbled, but she tried to be loud and clear. She was just thinking aloud, which meant, she was going to be asking a lot of questions. And stating random things. "I'm two years old. But I look eighteen, as a human. Right? At least, that's what I think I'm supposed to look like. I think that's how old I'm suppose to look in this form..." she trailed off, and then grinned sheepishly. "Bahah, sorrryy."
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Kelvics At The Zoo[Daemon]

Postby Daemon on April 29th, 2012, 10:21 am


He was puzzled. Last name? Why would he have a last name? His father had called him a demon, so his brother had decided to call him Daemon. He had no other name. He had not been giving any other name. " I don't have a last name. " He looked at her. That was a pretty name. Suddenly he wanted a last name. " Who gave you that name? " Maybe you got the last name of the one you decided to bond with. That woould make sense to him. No place to eat? He put his hand in his pocket and withdrew a small piece of dry bread. He split it on two and handed Dallis one of the pieces. " We can share this, even though its not much " He took a bite and looked around while chewing. He did not like bread very much. But it was food and he had learned to eat it, as it filled his stomach.

" I'm two seasons old." He replied proudly. He was growing up fast, and soon he would be mature. " I guess I look like I'm nine years old in human. I age pretty fast. Well, compared to you. Ocelots live long? Tigers don't." He shook his head, didn't wanted to think about it.

A way ahead there was an empty bench. Daemon looked at Dallis and nodded towards it. " Wanna sit down? " He smiled to her, what was it about her that made him feel to comfortable? He liked it. Maybe because her childish side was so strong. He did not know. He had never been much of a child. Even though he was considering one at the moment, he felt. Older. It was only when he was in his tiger form, he felt playful and wanted to fool around. Something about this made him sad. He started to walk towards to bench, deeply away in his own thoughts.


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