A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Spring 512, Day 50, Just Outside Riverfall Gates

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Postby Dallisetria on April 22nd, 2012, 1:10 am

Dallisetria leaned back against the gates, a living mouse scratching at the palm of her hand, but unable to bite her because she was holding the body, not the head. She looked at it, and then thought, I'm kind of sorry. Not entirely sorry, just... kind of sorry. She laughed as it squeaked, trying to get away. "Nah, sorry. Can't do that. If you're scared of being dead, then don't worry, lil' thing. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead." sadly, it couldn't understand her, so it did not stop moving. Instead, just because she had started talking, it started squirming even more. She sighed, put her hand to the ground, and let it open. Without any hesitation, like any mouse with a brain would do, it ran like there was a wildfire. Perhaps her holding it gave it the same scare as a wildfire would.

Dallisetria looked up, and around. She was waiting for Mishani, who was- from the fact that it was getting brighter- late. They had agreed to meet each other at dawn, the same time period that they had first met, two days earlier. She sighed, her attention going back to where the mouse had ran. But now, it was already gone, out of sight. All that remained of it's trail was a few little red marks, from tiny little bits of blood it had taken from Dallisetria's palm. "Ugh, come on, Mishani," she groaned, her head leaning back.
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A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 22nd, 2012, 1:24 am

Misha woke up feeling a little weird. She had forgot something. She looked around the corner of her sleeping spot, and looked for a clock. When she saw one, she had to rub her eyes. Then she looked again. Msiha slowly stood up and swiped the dust away from her vest. The clock was... later than she had expected. Her eyes widened. The meeting with Dallisetria! "Oh snap!" She said out kind of loud. She looked around. Nope, she hadn't dropped anything. then she started to run to the gates. How could she sleep for so long? Must remember that place. The Aklaks looked at her like she would be a stupid, running like that. But she ran. The morning was a little cold, and her arms were freezing. When she finally came around the corner and tried to survive the curve with style, she tripped. She stood on one feet for a second, but fell on the ground with a thump.

Of course she was embarrassed. Fall in the middle of the crowd like that. When the dust leveled off, she stood up. Her hair was all over her face, and her clothes were covered in mud. She sighed and shove her hair away from the face. Then she walked to Dallis. The morning was really nice. But she was a little late for their meeting.

"I'm soooo sorry! I found a nice cozy place to sleep and then i didn't wake up too early then i tripped and..." Misha stopped in the middle of a sentence. She looked at Dalisetria and grinned. "Sorry."
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A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Postby Dallisetria on April 22nd, 2012, 1:49 am

She looked up at the girl, who was late for their meeting. But hell with it, she had just slept in late. Dallisetria stood up, and brushed Mishani's shoulder, sighing. "Smooth move back there," she laughed in a monotone way, wondering if Mishani would catch the fact Dallisetria could see that far, with her ocelot eyes, and then backed up to observe her friend. She shook her head, mentally face-palmed, and then stepped forward again to fix Mishani's hair.

"You love this Earth, huh," she said, winking. "Bahah, I'm just playing with you, bhoo." she backed away, then looked at the little red marks on the ground again. "You missed it," she said, still looking at the marks. "I was playing with a mouse. It did not seem very happy to be in my grasp, or in my sight. Played with it a little while, just a little bit before you face-dived. And then I let it go. It did not take any second guesses about whether or not to run," Dal laughed. She shrugged her shoulders. "I guess I'm not a very friendly looking person, yeah." and at that moment, she didn't look nice. More like demented, in an evil, or insane way. Like she had enjoyed torturing the mouse.
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A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 22nd, 2012, 1:59 am

Mishani laughed awkwardly. She didn't remember that ocelots had a good vision, so Dall actually saw her awesome flip. She smiled. " Well the earth here is quite exquisite." She joked and poked Dalli's arm. They were going outside the gates for the first time together. So maybe they'd find something to hunt. Not that Misha was much of an hunter, but she knew the area pretty well.
"I believe that mouses are scared of everything, and even if you don't do anything." She looked at the small bloodstains on the ground.The mouse was pretty confident in getting away. She thought about the fact that she had always wanted to study healing magics...

"So where are we heading?" She finally asked. Looking at Dalli. Still couldn't believe that she actually was her friend. Misha kicked some stoned and stretched. This was gonna be an awesome day.
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A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Postby Dallisetria on April 22nd, 2012, 3:00 am

Dallisetria just shrugged. "I don't really know. I was hoping you would decide, when you got here." she emphasized, the "when you got here", implying she had started hoping that while she was waiting. "So, you, decide. Now. I can't do that. I can't decide. I never could just do that." she shook her hair out. She watched the rock fly, watched Mishani stretch. Her head tilted in a curious fashion, and then sighed, as if bored. She kicked another rock, as if trying a rock-kicking contest with Mishani. She looked around, and then walked out the gates.

"Let's just wing it," she said, pulling out her shortbow. "Hell with this, I just wanna do something." she turned, and pretended to shoot Mishani with her bow. She pulled it down, and grinned. "You think that would hurt?" she joked. She hadn't ever been severely harmed, so she wouldn't know, either.

(short post is short.)
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A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 22nd, 2012, 3:17 am

Mishani looked at the shortbow and lift her hands up. "You like to shoot birds? Because i know a great place! It's always full of birds, but they are fast. Are you up for the challenge?" She grinned and tilted her head, putting her hands down and looking at Dal. She was sure that she would like the shooting place, but there were also much canines there. She started to think about the first time she went outside the gates. Mishani shrugged and slided her hand over her scars. Unplesant memories. She shook her head and put weight on her right leg. Some of the people passing by talked about her and her muddy clothes and she rolled her eyes. Ignorant people are so boring.

"But canines are usually around that field, so we should be careful." She wanted to warn Dal, so she wouldn't take the same damage as she did two years ago. It truly was horrible moment back then. Stupid canine.
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A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Postby Dallisetria on April 22nd, 2012, 3:39 am

Dallisetria's eyes widened, and her grip loosened to where she nearly dropped her bow. "C-canines?" she mumbled, taking a step towards Mishani. And then, a moment later, she was behind her, as if hiding. "I don't want to go," she whispered. It was only natural for Dallisetria to have a fear of canines- she was an ocelot Kelvic. A feline Kelvic. She was already shaking. She was usually firm, "not scared of anything" as she put it. But... canines. They just got to her- even if it was just mentioning them. She sighed. She stepped out from behind Mishani, and seemed to be brushing the embarrassment off.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. "It's just..." she looked off, past the gates, and shuddered. It wasn't a voluntary movement. It was almost like a muscle spasm. She looked back to Mishani, and put her bow on her back once again, adjusting the latches. "Let's do it."
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A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 22nd, 2012, 3:50 am

Mishani clapped her hands. Dalli really was as brave as she always thought. Happily, the canine that had made her scars was dead, so there shouldn't be dogs with rabies anymore. "Great! Let's go! I'll lead so we find the right place." She was awfully happy. She hummed something, walked past Dalli and skipped outside. SHe hummed happily, and smiled at Dalli. "Don't be nervous. They usually don't attack right away, and you got a bow. That's good reason for them to stay away." she said. Hoping to relieve her feline friends fright. And Mish could always hit the dogs with a stick. That's how she survived.

[Short is always short]
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A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Postby Dallisetria on April 22nd, 2012, 1:07 pm

She followed Mishani slowly, but she still followed. It wasn't easy for her, hearing about the canines. Every time Mishani brought them up, her feet just seemed to drag even more. It was sad how scared she could at just hearing it. She sighed, "Let's not think about them, yeah?" she said, trying to convince herself, there won't be any canines. They'll be scared of you. You'll be absolutely fine. But for some reason, it just didn't work. She couldn't stop thinking that they were going to attack her.

She wiped her now sweaty hands on her thighs, and on her shorts, her shirt. "How do you know about the dogs so well, Mishani?" she asked, knowing she had just disobeyed herself... by talking about it. "Why would you know about what they might be scared at?" although, it could just be common sense- people have that, Dallisetria- she couldn't help being cautious.
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A Meeting Just Two Days After the First[Mishani]

Postby Mishani Vita on April 22nd, 2012, 6:39 pm

Mishani bit her lip. She hadn't thought about the incident in years, but it still made her pale and nervous.

How do you know so much about the dogs?

The question echoed in her head, and made the scar hurt. It brought back memories. Painful memories, that Mishani wanted to forget. People say that if you talk to someone about your problems, you start to feel better. Misha thought about it. Maybe... She was sure that Dall wouldn't go around the city screaming it out loud. "You see..." She stopped talking and took a deep breath, this was not an easy task for her. "Many years ago i fled to these woods. I was something around 17 back then. I found the 'bird lagoon' as i call it, and i sat there for awhile. you should see all those birds..." The lagoon of birds really was magnificent, if you had seen it. thousands and thousands of birds in a small area. Blue and white and red. It was so colorful. "When i started to go back to the city, it was dark. And thats the time the dogs come out to hunt. Of course i was a good prey, but they left me alone. But the leader..." this was the toughest part. Tell her best friend about how she almost got killed by a dog, or just be quiet. To not fright her up more than she was.

Mish struggled with herself to not tell and tell. Then she calmed down, took a few deep breaths and talked slowly."The leader of the pack had got rabies from a animal somewhere. It... attacked me, straight from the front and tried to bite me." Misha's eyes were glossy, and she tried to keep away her tears. "That's the reason for this scar too." She pointed at the three scars going down from her temple to her cheek.

"I managed to push it away, grabbed a wooden stick and stabber it to death. The other dogs ran away, and after that i haven't seen them." Misha almost cried the last two words, but she managed to keep a hold of herself and smiled. "That's why they fright humans and pointy things." She looked at Dall, waiting for the expression or action. Hopefully it didn't really scare her too much...
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